path: root/XMonad/Actions
diff options
authorc.lopez <c.lopez@kmels.net>2012-08-11 13:25:02 +0200
committerc.lopez <c.lopez@kmels.net>2012-08-11 13:25:02 +0200
commit299ab12790d16ad47f986fe2629a418033d13881 (patch)
tree9f00d7bb70110eec68d092bc91a422edc87ea0c4 /XMonad/Actions
parent8c764f7361104d8a5505d86be8421d060e645532 (diff)
Fixes typos in Actions.Launcher haddock documentation
Ignore-this: f8152c0ad59d2b0cc9a6c9061e83aaf0 darcs-hash:20120811112502-c3db2-9bc978530efdb06f908df37149eafb6c2dc61384.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'XMonad/Actions')
1 files changed, 22 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/Launcher.hs b/XMonad/Actions/Launcher.hs
index f2b76e1..5d76a68 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/Launcher.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/Launcher.hs
@@ -32,36 +32,37 @@ import XMonad.Util.Run
{- $description
This module lets you combine and switch between different types of prompts (XMonad.Prompt). It includes a set of default modes:
* Hoogle mode: Search for functions using hoogle, choosing a function leads you to documentation in Haddock.
* Locate mode: Search for files using locate, choosing a file opens it with a program you specify depending on the file's extension.
- * Locate regexp: Same as locate mode but autocomplete works with regular expressions.
+ * Locate regexp: Same as locate mode but autocomplete works with regular expressions.
* Calc: Uses the program calc to do calculations.
To use the default modes, modify your .xmonad:
> import XMonad.Prompt(defaultXPConfig)
> import XMonad.Actions.Launcher
- > ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_l), launcherPrompt kmelsXPConfig $ defaultLauncherModes launcherConfig)
- A LauncherConfig contains settings for the default modes, modify them accordingly.
+ > ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_l), launcherPrompt defaultXPConfig $ defaultLauncherModes launcherConfig)
+ A LauncherConfig contains settings for the default modes, modify them accordingly.
> launcherConfig = LauncherConfig { pathToHoogle = "/home/YOU/.cabal/bin/hoogle" , browser = "firefox" , actionsByExtension = extensionActions }
@extensionActions :: M.Map String (String -> X())
extensionActions = M.fromList $ [
(\".hs\", \p -> spawn $ \"emacs \" ++ p)
, (\".pdf\", \p -> spawn $ \"acroread \" ++ p)
+ , (\".mkv\", \p -> spawn $ \"vlc \" ++ p)
, (\".*\", \p -> spawn $ \"emacs \" ++ p) --match with any files
- , (\"/\", \p -> spawn $ \"nautilus \" ++ p) --match with directories
+ , (\"/\", \p -> spawn $ \"nautilus \" ++ p) --match with directories
- To try it, restart xmonad. Press Ctrl + Your_Modkey + L and the first prompt should pop up.
+ To try it, restart xmonad. Press Ctrl + Your_Modkey + L and the first prompt should pop up.
You can change mode with xK_grave if you used defaultXP or change the value of changeModeKey in your XPConfig-}
data LocateFileMode = LMode ExtensionActions
@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ data LocateFileRegexMode = LRMode ExtensionActions
data HoogleMode = HMode FilePath String --path to hoogle e.g. "/home/me/.cabal/bin/hoogle"
data CalculatorMode = CalcMode
-data LauncherConfig = LauncherConfig {
+data LauncherConfig = LauncherConfig {
browser :: String
, pathToHoogle :: String
, actionsByExtension :: ExtensionActions
@@ -166,12 +167,12 @@ spawnWithActions actions fp = do
spawnNoPatternMessage :: String -> String -> X ()
spawnNoPatternMessage fileExt _ = spawn $ "xmessage No action specified for file extension " ++ fileExt ++ ", add a default action by matching the extension \".*\" in the action map sent to launcherPrompt"
-{- $todo
+{- $todo
* Switch to mode by name of the prompt, 1. ':' at an empty(?) buffer, 2. autocomplete name in buffer should happen, 3. switch to mode with enter (cancel switch with C-g)
* Support for actions of type String -> X a
* Hoogle mode: add a setting in the action to either go to documentation or to the source code (needs hoogle change?)
* Hoogle mode: add setting to query hoogle at haskell.org instead (with &mode=json)
--} \ No newline at end of file