path: root/EwmhDesktops.hs
diff options
authorSpencer Janssen <sjanssen@cse.unl.edu>2007-11-01 21:10:59 +0100
committerSpencer Janssen <sjanssen@cse.unl.edu>2007-11-01 21:10:59 +0100
commit4866f2e367dfcf22a9591231ba40948826a1b438 (patch)
tree7a245caee3f146826b267d773b7eaa80386a818e /EwmhDesktops.hs
parent47589e1913fb9530481caedb543978a30d4323ea (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'EwmhDesktops.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/EwmhDesktops.hs b/EwmhDesktops.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e2d754..0000000
--- a/EwmhDesktops.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : XMonadContrib.EwmhDesktops
--- Copyright : (c) Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de>
--- License : BSD
--- Maintainer : Joachim Breitner <mail@joachim-breitner.de>
--- Stability : unstable
--- Portability : unportable
--- Makes xmonad use the EWMH hints to tell panel applications about its
--- workspaces and the windows therein.
-module XMonadContrib.EwmhDesktops (
- -- * Usage
- -- $usage
- ewmhDesktopsLogHook
- ) where
-import Data.List (elemIndex, sortBy)
-import Data.Ord (comparing)
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Control.Monad.Reader
-import XMonad
-import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-import Graphics.X11.Xlib
-import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
-import XMonadContrib.SetWMName
--- $usage
--- Add the imports to your configuration file and add the logHook:
--- > import XMonadContrib.EwmhDesktops
--- > logHook :: X()
--- > logHook = do ewmhDesktopsLogHook
--- > return ()
--- %import XMonadContrib.EwmhDesktops
--- %def -- comment out default logHook definition above if you uncomment this:
--- %def logHook = ewmhDesktopsLogHook
--- |
--- Notifies pagers and window lists, such as those in the gnome-panel
--- of the current state of workspaces and windows.
-ewmhDesktopsLogHook :: X ()
-ewmhDesktopsLogHook = withWindowSet $ \s -> do
- -- Bad hack because xmonad forgets the original order of things, it seems
- -- see http://code.google.com/p/xmonad/issues/detail?id=53
- let ws = sortBy (comparing W.tag) $ W.workspaces s
- let wins = W.allWindows s
- setSupported
- -- Number of Workspaces
- setNumberOfDesktops (length ws)
- -- Names thereof
- setDesktopNames (map W.tag ws)
- -- Current desktop
- fromMaybe (return ()) $ do
- n <- W.lookupWorkspace 0 s
- i <- elemIndex n $ map W.tag ws
- return $ setCurrentDesktop i
- setClientList wins
- -- Per window Desktop
- forM (zip ws [(0::Int)..]) $ \(w, wn) ->
- forM (W.integrate' (W.stack w)) $ \win -> do
- setWindowDesktop win wn
- return ()
-setNumberOfDesktops :: (Integral a) => a -> X ()
-setNumberOfDesktops n = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- a <- getAtom "_NET_NUMBER_OF_DESKTOPS"
- c <- getAtom "CARDINAL"
- r <- asks theRoot
- io $ changeProperty32 dpy r a c propModeReplace [fromIntegral n]
-setCurrentDesktop :: (Integral a) => a -> X ()
-setCurrentDesktop i = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- a <- getAtom "_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP"
- c <- getAtom "CARDINAL"
- r <- asks theRoot
- io $ changeProperty32 dpy r a c propModeReplace [fromIntegral i]
-setDesktopNames :: [String] -> X ()
-setDesktopNames names = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- -- Names thereof
- r <- asks theRoot
- a <- getAtom "_NET_DESKTOP_NAMES"
- c <- getAtom "UTF8_STRING"
- let names' = map (fromIntegral.fromEnum) $
- concatMap (("Workspace "++) . (++['\0'])) names
- io $ changeProperty8 dpy r a c propModeReplace names'
-setClientList :: [Window] -> X ()
-setClientList wins = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- -- (What order do we really need? Something about age and stacking)
- r <- asks theRoot
- c <- getAtom "WINDOW"
- a <- getAtom "_NET_CLIENT_LIST"
- io $ changeProperty32 dpy r a c propModeReplace (fmap fromIntegral wins)
- io $ changeProperty32 dpy r a' c propModeReplace (fmap fromIntegral wins)
-setWindowDesktop :: (Integral a) => Window -> a -> X ()
-setWindowDesktop win i = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- a <- getAtom "_NET_WM_DESKTOP"
- c <- getAtom "CARDINAL"
- io $ changeProperty32 dpy win a c propModeReplace [fromIntegral i]
-setSupported :: X ()
-setSupported = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- r <- asks theRoot
- a <- getAtom "_NET_SUPPORTED"
- c <- getAtom "ATOM"
- supp <- mapM getAtom ["_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN"]
- io $ changeProperty32 dpy r a c propModeReplace (fmap fromIntegral supp)
- setWMName "xmonad"