path: root/DragPane.hs
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authorAndrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>2007-10-08 09:47:02 +0200
committerAndrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>2007-10-08 09:47:02 +0200
commitd81a458bc8ab12f4829c5563a5dfd120395592a3 (patch)
tree7df6171650ec863f0f9e9bf6a6d7c33a92b795b9 /DragPane.hs
parent796d9cb6ba58700c1d98582e5cd5125c78048d58 (diff)
DragPane must handle ExposeEvent too
Diffstat (limited to 'DragPane.hs')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/DragPane.hs b/DragPane.hs
index f90a5be..fa73c0b 100644
--- a/DragPane.hs
+++ b/DragPane.hs
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ dragPane :: DragType -> Double -> Double -> DragPane a
dragPane t x y = DragPane (I Nothing) t x y
data DragPane a =
- DragPane (Invisible Maybe (Window,Rectangle,Int)) DragType Double Double
+ DragPane (Invisible Maybe (Window,Rectangle,Rectangle,Int)) DragType Double Double
deriving ( Show, Read )
data DragType = Horizontal | Vertical deriving ( Show, Read )
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ data SetFrac = SetFrac Int Double deriving ( Show, Read, Eq, Typeable )
instance Message SetFrac
handleMess :: DragPane Window -> SomeMessage -> X (Maybe (DragPane Window))
-handleMess d@(DragPane mb@(I (Just (win,_,ident))) ty delta split) x
+handleMess d@(DragPane mb@(I (Just (win,_,_,ident))) ty delta split) x
| Just e <- fromMessage x :: Maybe Event = do handleEvent d e
return Nothing
| Just Hide <- fromMessage x = do hideWindow win
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ handleMess d@(DragPane mb@(I (Just (win,_,ident))) ty delta split) x
handleMess _ _ = return Nothing
handleEvent :: DragPane Window -> Event -> X ()
-handleEvent (DragPane (I (Just (win,r,ident))) ty _ _)
+handleEvent (DragPane (I (Just (win,_,r,ident))) ty _ _)
(ButtonEvent {ev_window = thisw, ev_subwindow = thisbw, ev_event_type = t })
| t == buttonPress && thisw == win || thisbw == win = do
mouseDrag (\ex ey -> do
@@ -96,7 +96,12 @@ handleEvent (DragPane (I (Just (win,r,ident))) ty _ _)
Horizontal -> (fromIntegral ey - (fromIntegral $ rect_y r))/(fromIntegral $ rect_height r)
sendMessage (SetFrac ident frac))
(return ())
-handleEvent _ _ = return ()
+handleEvent (DragPane (I (Just (win,oret,_,_))) _ _ _)
+ (ExposeEvent {ev_window = thisw })
+ | thisw == win = do
+ updateDragWin win oret
+ return ()
+handleEvent _ _ = return ()
doLay :: (Rectangle -> Rectangle) -> DragPane Window -> Rectangle -> W.Stack a -> X ([(a, Rectangle)], Maybe (DragPane a))
doLay mirror (DragPane mw ty delta split) r s = do
@@ -117,13 +122,13 @@ doLay mirror (DragPane mw ty delta split) r s = do
[] -> [(W.focus s, r)]
if length wrs > 1
then case mw of
- I (Just (w,_,ident)) -> do
+ I (Just (w,_,_,ident)) -> do
w' <- deleteWindow w >> newDragWin handr
- return (wrs, Just $ DragPane (I $ Just (w',r',ident)) ty delta split)
+ return (wrs, Just $ DragPane (I $ Just (w',r,r',ident)) ty delta split)
I Nothing -> do
w <- newDragWin handr
i <- io $ newUnique
- return (wrs, Just $ DragPane (I $ Just (w,r',hashUnique i)) ty delta split)
+ return (wrs, Just $ DragPane (I $ Just (w,r,r',hashUnique i)) ty delta split)
else return (wrs, Nothing)
@@ -131,6 +136,10 @@ newDragWin :: Rectangle -> X Window
newDragWin r@(Rectangle _ _ wh ht) = do
let mask = Just $ exposureMask .|. buttonPressMask
w <- createNewWindow r mask
- paintWindow w wh ht 0 handleColor handleColor
showWindow w
+ paintWindow w wh ht 0 handleColor handleColor
return w
+updateDragWin :: Window -> Rectangle -> X ()
+updateDragWin w (Rectangle _ _ wh ht) = do
+ paintWindow w wh ht 0 handleColor handleColor