diff options
authorAndrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>2007-06-17 12:42:19 +0200
committerAndrea Rossato <andrea.rossato@unibz.it>2007-06-17 12:42:19 +0200
commitec3e73600701273ef5f377dcd7cf4171aceb565e (patch)
parenta2a38d2897f8324d024d1f73e277133edfa00b91 (diff)
Tabbed.hs: fixed centerText issues and some binding shadowing warnings
This patch fixes the centerText issue due to the inappropriate use of textExtends and textWidth. Those functions need a FontStruct id to operate, and this cannot be retrieved with queryFont (see comments in Graphics.X11.Xlib.Font). So we now get the FontStruct with loadQueryFont, we set the default Xorg fonts and we calculate things for (vertical and horizontal) centering. It also removes some binding shadows compiler warnings darcs-hash:20070617104219-32816-1dec65118dfaca35b41f9eb2ebcaa5b02e77e0c0.gz
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/Tabbed.hs b/Tabbed.hs
index 6a6a16a..f98fb0b 100644
--- a/Tabbed.hs
+++ b/Tabbed.hs
@@ -44,32 +44,30 @@ tabbed = Layout { doLayout = dolay, modifyLayout = const (return Nothing) }
dolay :: Rectangle -> W.Stack Window -> X [(Window, Rectangle)]
dolay sc (W.Stack w [] []) = return [(w,sc)]
-dolay sc@(Rectangle x y wid _) s@(W.Stack w _ _) = withDisplay $ \d ->
- do activecolor <- io $ initColor d "#BBBBBB"
- inactivecolor <- io $ initColor d "#888888"
- textcolor <- io $ initColor d "#000000"
- bgcolor <- io $ initColor d "#000000"
+dolay sc@(Rectangle x y wid _) s@(W.Stack w _ _) = withDisplay $ \dpy ->
+ do activecolor <- io $ initColor dpy "#BBBBBB"
+ inactivecolor <- io $ initColor dpy "#888888"
+ textcolor <- io $ initColor dpy "#000000"
+ bgcolor <- io $ initColor dpy "#000000"
let ws = W.integrate s
ts = gentabs x y wid (length ws)
tws = zip ts ws
- maketab (t,w) = newDecoration w t 1 bgcolor activecolor (drawtab t w) (focus w)
- drawtab r@(Rectangle _ _ wt ht) w d w' gc =
- do nw <- getName w
- tabcolor <- (maybe inactivecolor (\focusw -> if focusw == w then activecolor else inactivecolor) . W.peek) `liftM` gets windowset
+ maketab (t,ow) = newDecoration ow t 1 bgcolor activecolor (drawtab t ow) (focus ow)
+ drawtab r@(Rectangle _ _ wt ht) ow d w' gc =
+ do nw <- getName ow
+ tabcolor <- (maybe inactivecolor (\focusw -> if focusw == ow then activecolor else inactivecolor) . W.peek) `liftM` gets windowset
io $ setForeground d gc tabcolor
io $ fillRectangles d w' gc [Rectangle 0 0 wt ht]
io $ setForeground d gc textcolor
centerText d w' gc r (show nw)
centerText d w' gc (Rectangle _ _ wt ht) name =
- do font <- io (fontFromGC d gc >>= queryFont d)
- -- let (_,namew,nameh,_) = textExtents font name -- textExtents causes a crash!
- -- let nameh = ht `div` 2
- -- namew = textWidth font name -- textWidth also causes a crash!
- let nameh = ht - 6
- namew = wt - 10
+ do fontst <- io $ loadQueryFont d "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
+ io $ setFont d gc (fontFromFontStruct fontst)
+ let (_,asc,_,_) = textExtents fontst name
+ width = textWidth fontst name
io $ drawString d w' gc
- (fromIntegral (wt `div` 2) - fromIntegral (namew `div` 2))
- (fromIntegral (ht `div` 2) + fromIntegral (nameh `div` 2)) name
+ (fromIntegral (wt `div` 2) - fromIntegral (width `div` 2))
+ (fromIntegral ht - fromIntegral (asc `div` 2)) name
forM tws maketab
return [ (w,shrink sc) ]