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authorJason Creighton <jcreigh@gmail.com>2007-06-11 07:18:10 +0200
committerJason Creighton <jcreigh@gmail.com>2007-06-11 07:18:10 +0200
commitd14325cc7cae512e7c20c95e7643cb72df2115ce (patch)
parente6eb5e25a70b6be61f489d273ba58b144cd13f31 (diff)
added dynamicLogXinerama, a workspace logger that's nicer for Xinerama
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/DynamicLog.hs b/DynamicLog.hs
index cc49c34..a137454 100644
--- a/DynamicLog.hs
+++ b/DynamicLog.hs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
-- Don Stewart
-module XMonadContrib.DynamicLog where
+module XMonadContrib.DynamicLog (dynamicLog, dynamicLogXinerama) where
-- Useful imports
@@ -38,14 +38,34 @@ import qualified StackSet as S
dynamicLog :: X ()
dynamicLog = withWindowSet $ io . putStrLn . ppr
- ppr s = concatMap fmt $ sortBy tags
+ ppr s = concatMap fmt $ sortBy (compare `on` S.tag)
(map S.workspace (S.current s : S.visible s) ++ S.hidden s)
- where tags a b = S.tag a `compare` S.tag b
- this = S.tag (S.workspace (S.current s))
- pprTag = show . (+(1::Int)) . fromIntegral . S.tag
+ where this = S.tag (S.workspace (S.current s))
visibles = map (S.tag . S.workspace) (S.visible s)
fmt w | S.tag w == this = "[" ++ pprTag w ++ "]"
| S.tag w `elem` visibles = "<" ++ pprTag w ++ ">"
| S.stack w /= S.Empty = " " ++ pprTag w ++ " "
| otherwise = ""
+-- Workspace logger with a format designed for Xinerama:
+-- [1 9 3] 2 7
+-- where 1, 9, and 3 are the workspaces on screens 1, 2 and 3, respectively,
+-- and 2 and 7 are non-visible, non-empty workspaces
+dynamicLogXinerama :: X ()
+dynamicLogXinerama = withWindowSet $ io . putStrLn . ppr
+ where
+ ppr ws = "[" ++ unwords onscreen ++ "] " ++ unwords offscreen
+ where onscreen = map (pprTag . S.workspace) . sortBy (compare `on` S.screen) $ S.current ws : S.visible ws
+ offscreen = map pprTag . filter ((/= S.Empty) . S.stack) . sortBy (compare `on` S.tag) $ S.hidden ws
+-- util functions
+pprTag :: Integral i => S.Workspace i a -> String
+pprTag = show . (+(1::Int)) . fromIntegral . S.tag
+on :: (a -> a -> c) -> (b -> a) -> b -> b -> c
+on f g a b = (g a) `f` (g b)