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authorDevin Mullins <me@twifkak.com>2008-05-12 04:48:22 +0200
committerDevin Mullins <me@twifkak.com>2008-05-12 04:48:22 +0200
commit9c0dc283ef58e3cc51268212fea46e2dd35f33c5 (patch)
parentaff075e22fba55a405b3a0ed2b1b095615077150 (diff)
make UrgencyHook an EventHook
This gets rid of the stupid bug that led to a need for the clearBit hack, and allowed me to simplify the types (since EventHooks aren't required to parameterize on the window type). Config files need not change, unless they declare instances of UrgencyHook, in which case, they should remove "Window" as is seen in this patch. darcs-hash:20080512024822-78224-a40955a5860155950928422fe71192e044f4af27.gz
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs b/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs
index 1902f03..516f234 100644
--- a/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Hooks/UrgencyHook.hs
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ module XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook (
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
-import XMonad.Layout.LayoutModifier hiding (hook)
+import XMonad.Hooks.EventHook
import XMonad.Util.Dzen (dzenWithArgs, seconds)
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows (getName)
import Control.Monad (when)
-import Data.Bits (testBit, clearBit)
+import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List ((\\), delete)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
@@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ import Foreign (unsafePerformIO)
-- | This is the preferred method of enabling an urgency hook. It will prepend
-- an action to your logHook that removes visible windows from the list of urgent
-- windows. If you don't like that behavior, you may use 'urgencyLayoutHook' instead.
-withUrgencyHook :: (LayoutClass l Window, UrgencyHook h Window) =>
- h -> XConfig l -> XConfig (ModifiedLayout (WithUrgencyHook h) l)
+withUrgencyHook :: (LayoutClass l Window, UrgencyHook h) =>
+ h -> XConfig l -> XConfig (HandleEvent (WithUrgencyHook h) l)
withUrgencyHook hook conf = conf { layoutHook = urgencyLayoutHook hook $ layoutHook conf
, logHook = removeVisiblesFromUrgents >> logHook conf
@@ -103,73 +103,67 @@ readUrgents = io $ readIORef urgents
withUrgents :: ([Window] -> X a) -> X a
withUrgents f = readUrgents >>= f
-data WithUrgencyHook h a = WithUrgencyHook h deriving (Read, Show)
+data WithUrgencyHook h = WithUrgencyHook h deriving (Read, Show)
-- The Non-ICCCM Manifesto:
-- Note: Some non-standard choices have been made in this implementation to
-- account for the fact that things are different in a tiling window manager:
--- 1. Several clients (e.g. Xchat2, rxvt-unicode) set the urgency flag
--- 9 or 10 times in a row. This would, in turn, trigger urgencyHook repeatedly.
--- so in order to prevent that, we immediately clear the urgency flag.
--- 2. In normal window managers, windows may overlap, so clients wait for focus to
+-- 1. In normal window managers, windows may overlap, so clients wait for focus to
-- be set before urgency is cleared. In a tiling WM, it's sufficient to be able
-- see the window, since we know that means you can see it completely.
--- 3. The urgentOnBell setting in rxvt-unicode sets urgency even when the window
+-- 2. The urgentOnBell setting in rxvt-unicode sets urgency even when the window
-- has focus, and won't clear until it loses and regains focus. This is stupid.
--- In order to account for these quirks, we clear the urgency bit immediately upon
--- receiving notification (thus suppressing the repeated notifications) and track
--- the list of urgent windows ourselves, allowing us to clear urgency when a window
--- is visible, and not to set urgency if a window is visible.
--- If you have a better idea, please, let us know!
--- Update: I'm a doofus. Thanks to arossato's EventHook I see that the "9-10
--- times" thing was an Urgencyhook bug. If you fix it, and make UrgencyHook
--- ICCCM-compliant, you will win a prize.
-instance UrgencyHook h Window => LayoutModifier (WithUrgencyHook h) Window where
- handleMess (WithUrgencyHook hook) mess
- | Just PropertyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_atom = a, ev_window = w } <- fromMessage mess = do
+-- In order to account for these quirks, we track the list of urgent windows
+-- ourselves, allowing us to clear urgency when a window is visible, and not to
+-- set urgency if a window is visible. If you have a better idea, please, let us
+-- know!
+instance UrgencyHook h => EventHook (WithUrgencyHook h) where
+ handleEvent (WithUrgencyHook hook) event =
+ case event of
+ PropertyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_atom = a, ev_window = w } -> do
when (t == propertyNotify && a == wM_HINTS) $ withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- wmh@WMHints { wmh_flags = flags } <- io $ getWMHints dpy w
- when (testBit flags urgencyHintBit) $ do
+ WMHints { wmh_flags = flags } <- io $ getWMHints dpy w
+ if (testBit flags urgencyHintBit) then do
-- Call the urgencyHook.
userCode $ urgencyHook hook w
- -- Clear the bit to prevent repeated notifications, as described above.
- io $ setWMHints dpy w wmh { wmh_flags = clearBit flags urgencyHintBit }
-- Add to list of urgents.
adjustUrgents (\ws -> if elem w ws then ws else w : ws)
-- Call logHook after IORef has been modified.
userCode =<< asks (logHook . config)
- return Nothing
- | Just DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w} <- fromMessage mess = do
+ else do
+ -- Remove from list of urgents.
+ adjustUrgents (delete w)
+ -- Call logHook after IORef has been modified.
+ userCode =<< asks (logHook . config)
+ DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w} -> do
adjustUrgents (delete w)
- return Nothing
- | otherwise =
- return Nothing
+ _ ->
+ return ()
adjustUrgents :: ([Window] -> [Window]) -> X ()
adjustUrgents f = io $ modifyIORef urgents f
-urgencyLayoutHook :: (UrgencyHook h Window, LayoutClass l Window) =>
- h -> l Window -> ModifiedLayout (WithUrgencyHook h) l Window
-urgencyLayoutHook hook = ModifiedLayout $ WithUrgencyHook hook
+urgencyLayoutHook :: (UrgencyHook h, LayoutClass l Window) =>
+ h -> l Window -> HandleEvent (WithUrgencyHook h) l Window
+urgencyLayoutHook hook = eventHook $ WithUrgencyHook hook
-- Urgency Hooks
-- | The class definition, and some pre-defined instances.
-class (Read h, Show h) => UrgencyHook h a where
- urgencyHook :: h -> a -> X ()
+class (Read h, Show h) => UrgencyHook h where
+ urgencyHook :: h -> Window -> X ()
data NoUrgencyHook = NoUrgencyHook deriving (Read, Show)
-instance UrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook Window where
+instance UrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook where
urgencyHook _ _ = return ()
data DzenUrgencyHook = DzenUrgencyHook { duration :: Int, args :: [String] }
deriving (Read, Show)
-instance UrgencyHook DzenUrgencyHook Window where
+instance UrgencyHook DzenUrgencyHook where
urgencyHook DzenUrgencyHook { duration = d, args = a } w = do
visibles <- gets mapped
name <- getName w
@@ -187,5 +181,5 @@ dzenUrgencyHook = DzenUrgencyHook { duration = (5 `seconds`), args = [] }
-- For debugging purposes, really.
data StdoutUrgencyHook = StdoutUrgencyHook deriving (Read, Show)
-instance UrgencyHook StdoutUrgencyHook Window where
+instance UrgencyHook StdoutUrgencyHook where
urgencyHook _ w = io $ putStrLn $ "Urgent: " ++ show w