diff options
authorNils Schweinsberg <mail@n-sch.de>2009-12-07 16:50:50 +0100
committerNils Schweinsberg <mail@n-sch.de>2009-12-07 16:50:50 +0100
commit736744c0ff00d47b45fb0aa4a2dbf0622d7ec622 (patch)
parentbf33a8c33c2bf83076cd6d520560e047b0456ac1 (diff)
Change of X.A.OnScreen, more simple and predictable behaviour of onScreen, new functions: toggle(Greedy)OnScreen
Ignore-this: c375250778758e401217bcad83567d3b darcs-hash:20091207155050-1f2e3-a14155ae12764e3c998439cd7e06ebcf6b767985.gz
1 files changed, 101 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Actions/OnScreen.hs b/XMonad/Actions/OnScreen.hs
index 384ec19..e5ff502 100644
--- a/XMonad/Actions/OnScreen.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Actions/OnScreen.hs
@@ -15,17 +15,113 @@
module XMonad.Actions.OnScreen (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
- onScreen
+ onScreen
+ , Focus(..)
, viewOnScreen
, greedyViewOnScreen
, onlyOnScreen
+ , toggleOnScreen
+ , toggleGreedyOnScreen
) where
+import XMonad.Core
import XMonad.StackSet
-import Control.Monad(guard)
-import Data.List
+import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe)
-import Data.Function(on)
+-- | Focus data definitions
+data Focus = FocusNew -- ^ always focus the new screen
+ | FocusCurrent -- ^ always keep the focus on the current screen
+ | FocusTag WorkspaceId -- ^ always focus tag i on the new stack
+ | FocusTagVisible WorkspaceId -- ^ focus tag i only if workspace with tag i is visible on the old stack
+-- | Run any function that modifies the stack on a given screen. This function
+-- will also need to know which Screen to focus after the function has been
+-- run.
+onScreen :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -- ^ function to run
+ -> Focus -- ^ what to do with the focus
+ -> ScreenId -- ^ screen id
+ -> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
+ -> WindowSet
+onScreen f foc sc st = fromMaybe st $ do
+ ws <- lookupWorkspace sc st
+ let fStack = f $ view ws st
+ curScreen = screen $ current st
+ focusCur = lookupWorkspace curScreen fStack >>= return . flip view fStack
+ isVisible = (`elem` map (tag.workspace) (visible st))
+ -- set focus for new stack
+ setFocus FocusNew = return $ fStack
+ setFocus FocusCurrent = focusCur
+ setFocus (FocusTag i) = return $ view i fStack
+ setFocus (FocusTagVisible i) =
+ if isVisible i
+ then setFocus (FocusTag i)
+ else setFocus FocusCurrent
+ setFocus foc
+-- | Switch to workspace @i@ on screen @sc@. If @i@ is visible use @view@ to
+-- switch focus to the workspace @i@.
+viewOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
+ -> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
+ -> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
+ -> WindowSet
+viewOnScreen sid i =
+ onScreen (view i) (FocusTag i) sid
+-- | Switch to workspace @i@ on screen @sc@. If @i@ is visible use @greedyView@
+-- to switch the current workspace with workspace @i@.
+greedyViewOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
+ -> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
+ -> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
+ -> WindowSet
+greedyViewOnScreen sid i =
+ onScreen (greedyView i) (FocusTagVisible i) sid
+-- | Switch to workspace @i@ on screen @sc@. If @i@ is visible do nothing.
+onlyOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
+ -> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
+ -> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
+ -> WindowSet
+onlyOnScreen sid i =
+ onScreen (view i) FocusCurrent sid
+-- | @toggleOrView@ as in "XMonad.Actions.CycleWS" for @onScreen@ with view
+toggleOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
+ -> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
+ -> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
+ -> WindowSet
+toggleOnScreen sid i =
+ onScreen (toggleOrView' view i) FocusCurrent sid
+-- | @toggleOrView@ from "XMonad.Actions.CycleWS" for @onScreen@ with greedyView
+toggleGreedyOnScreen :: ScreenId -- ^ screen id
+ -> WorkspaceId -- ^ index of the workspace
+ -> WindowSet -- ^ current stack
+ -> WindowSet
+toggleGreedyOnScreen sid i =
+ onScreen (toggleOrView' greedyView i) FocusCurrent sid
+-- a \"pure\" version of X.A.CycleWS.toggleOrDoSkip
+toggleOrView' :: (WorkspaceId -> WindowSet -> WindowSet) -- ^ function to run
+ -> WorkspaceId -- ^ tag to look for
+ -> WindowSet -- ^ current stackset
+ -> WindowSet
+toggleOrView' f i st = fromMaybe (f i st) $ do
+ let st' = hidden st
+ -- make sure we actually have to do something
+ guard $ i == (tag . workspace $ current st)
+ guard $ not (null st')
+ -- finally, toggle!
+ return $ f (tag . head $ st') st
-- $usage
@@ -62,54 +158,7 @@ import Data.Function(on)
-- > , ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_1) windows (viewOnScreen 0 "1"))
--- where 0 is the first screen and "1" the workspace with the tag "1".
+-- where 0 is the first screen and \"1\" the workspace with the tag \"1\".
-- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings".
--- | Switch to the (hidden) workspace with index 'i' on the screen 'sc'.
--- A default function (for example 'view' or 'greedyView') will be run if 'sc' is
--- the current screen, no valid screen id or workspace 'i' is already visible.
-onScreen :: (Eq sid, Eq i)
- => (i -> StackSet i l a sid sd -> StackSet i l a sid sd) -- ^ default action
- -> sid -- ^ screen id
- -> i -- ^ index of the workspace
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd -- ^ current stack
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd
-onScreen defFunc sc i st = fromMaybe (defFunc i st) $ do
- -- on unfocused current screen
- guard $ screen (current st) /= sc
- x <- find ((i==) . tag ) (hidden st)
- s <- find ((sc==) . screen) (screens st)
- o <- find ((sc==) . screen) (visible st)
- let newScreen = s { workspace = x }
- return st { visible = newScreen : deleteBy ((==) `on` screen) newScreen (visible st)
- , hidden = workspace o : deleteBy ((==) `on` tag) x (hidden st)
- }
--- | Switch to workspace 'i' on screen 'sc'. If 'i' is visible use 'greedyView'
--- to switch the current workspace with workspace 'i'.
-greedyViewOnScreen :: (Eq sid, Eq i)
- => sid -- ^ screen id
- -> i -- ^ index of the workspace
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd -- ^ current stack
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd
-greedyViewOnScreen = onScreen greedyView
--- | Switch to workspace 'i' on screen 'sc'. If 'i' is visible use 'view' to
--- switch focus to the workspace 'i'.
-viewOnScreen :: (Eq sid, Eq i)
- => sid -- ^ screen id
- -> i -- ^ index of the workspace
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd -- ^ current stack
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd
-viewOnScreen = onScreen view
--- | Switch to workspace 'i' on screen 'sc'. If 'i' is visible do nothing.
-onlyOnScreen :: (Eq sid, Eq i)
- => sid -- ^ screen id
- -> i -- ^ index of the workspace
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd -- ^ current stack
- -> StackSet i l a sid sd
-onlyOnScreen = onScreen doNothing
- where doNothing _ st = st