diff options
authorAdam Vogt <vogt.adam@gmail.com>2009-01-25 05:12:29 +0100
committerAdam Vogt <vogt.adam@gmail.com>2009-01-25 05:12:29 +0100
commit4b198ab617e59633d3d5fd7d84eee3fabdb114cc (patch)
parent9f40428e1dc974c0e797fe11123c73526351576c (diff)
X.L.Mosaic add documentation, update interface and aspect ratio behavior
Ignore-this: e78027707fc844b3307ea87f28efed73 darcs-hash:20090125041229-1499c-f9f2693dfe9bee7378bcb6c926edc4aff18dc15b.gz
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/XMonad/Layout/Mosaic.hs b/XMonad/Layout/Mosaic.hs
index b15e0c9..9f4d4ec 100644
--- a/XMonad/Layout/Mosaic.hs
+++ b/XMonad/Layout/Mosaic.hs
@@ -9,22 +9,25 @@
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
--- Based on MosaicAlt, but aspect ratio messages allways change the aspect
+-- Based on MosaicAlt, but aspect ratio messages always change the aspect
-- ratios, and rearranging the window stack changes the window sizes.
module XMonad.Layout.Mosaic (
+ -- * Usage
-- $usage
- Mosaic(..)
+ Mosaic(Mosaic)
+ ,shallower
+ ,steeper
import Prelude hiding (sum)
import XMonad(Typeable,
- LayoutClass(pureLayout, pureMessage, description), Message,
+ LayoutClass(doLayout , pureMessage, description), Message,
fromMessage, splitHorizontallyBy, splitVerticallyBy, Rectangle)
import XMonad.StackSet(integrate)
import Data.Foldable(Foldable(foldMap), sum)
@@ -37,23 +40,24 @@ import Data.Monoid(Monoid(mappend, mempty))
-- Then edit your @layoutHook@ by adding the Mosaic layout:
--- > myLayouts = Mosaic 0 [1..10] ||| Full ||| etc..
+-- > myLayouts = Mosaic [4..12] ||| Full ||| etc..
-- > main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = myLayouts }
--- The numbers are directly proportional to the area given, with the
--- master window getting the most if you have an ascending list.
+-- Adding windows tends to result in an excessively tall ratio, but
+-- approximately square ratios can be quickly had by sending a reset to the
+-- layout (alt-shift space), or sending the Reset message.
--- Unfortunately, infinite lists break serialization, so
--- don't use them
+-- Unfortunately, infinite lists break serialization, so don't use them.
--- The position of a window in the stack determines its size.
--- To change the choice in aspect ratio, add to your keybindings:
+-- To change the choice in aspect ratio and the relative sizes of windows, add
+-- to your keybindings:
-- > , ((modMask, xK_a), sendMessage Taller)
-- > , ((modMask, xK_z), sendMessage Wider)
--- > , ((modMask, xK_s), sendMessage (SlopeMod (zipWith (*) [1..])))
--- > , ((modMask, xK_d), sendMessage (SlopeMod (zipWith (flip (/)) [1..])))
+-- > , ((modMask, xK_h), sendMessage Shrink >> sendMessage (SlopeMod shallower))
+-- > , ((modMask, xK_l), sendMessage Expand >> sendMessage (SlopeMod steeper))
+-- > , ((modMask, xK_r), sendMessage Reset)
-- For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see:
@@ -69,27 +73,61 @@ data Aspect
instance Message Aspect
data Mosaic a
- = Mosaic Int [Rational]
+ {- | The relative magnitudes of the positive rational numbers provided
+ determine the relative sizes of the windows. If the numbers are all
+ the same, then the layout looks like Grid. An increasing list results
+ in the master window being the largest. Only as many windows are
+ displayed as there are elements in that list
+ -}
+ = Mosaic [Rational]
+ -- the current index, and the maximum index are carried along
+ | MosaicSt Rational Int [Rational]
deriving (Read, Show)
instance LayoutClass Mosaic a where
description = const "Mosaic"
- pureMessage (Mosaic i ss) msg = ixMod $ fromMessage msg
- where ixMod (Just Wider) = Just $ Mosaic (succ i) ss
- ixMod (Just Taller) = if i <= 1 then Nothing else Just $ Mosaic (pred i) ss
- ixMod (Just Reset) = Just $ Mosaic 0 ss
- ixMod (Just (SlopeMod f)) = Just $ Mosaic i (f ss)
- ixMod _ = Nothing
+ pureMessage (Mosaic _ss) _ms = Nothing
+ pureMessage (MosaicSt ix mix ss) ms = fromMessage ms >>= ixMod
+ where ixMod Taller | rix >= mix = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ MosaicSt (succ ix) mix ss
+ ixMod Wider | rix <= 0 = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ MosaicSt (pred ix) mix ss
+ ixMod Reset = Just $ Mosaic ss
+ ixMod (SlopeMod f) = Just $ MosaicSt ix mix (f ss)
+ rix = round ix
+ doLayout (Mosaic ss) r st = return (zip (integrate st) rect, newLayout)
+ where rects = splits (length $ integrate st) r ss
+ lrects = length rects
+ rect = rects !! (lrects `div` 2)
+ newLayout = Just $ MosaicSt (fromIntegral lrects / 2) (pred lrects) ss
- pureLayout (Mosaic i ss) r st = zip (integrate st) (rect i)
+ doLayout (MosaicSt ix mix ss) r st
+ = return (zip (integrate st) rect, newLayout)
where rects = splits (length $ integrate st) r ss
- rect 0 = rects !! (length rects `div` 2)
- rect n = if length rects < n then last rects else rects !! pred n
+ lrects = length rects
+ nix = if mix == 0 || ix `elem` [0,1] then fromIntegral $ lrects `div` 2
+ else max 0 $ min (fromIntegral $ pred lrects) $ fromIntegral (pred lrects) * ix / fromIntegral mix
+ rect = rects !! round nix
+ newLayout = Just $ MosaicSt nix (pred lrects) ss
+-- | These sample functions scale the ratios of successive windows, other
+-- variations could also be useful.
+-- The windows in each position of the stack should correspond to a specific
+-- element of the list, so it should be possible to resize individual windows,
+-- though it is not yet provided.
+steeper :: [Rational] -> [Rational]
+steeper [] = []
+steeper (x:xs) = map (subtract (x*0.8)) (x:xs)
+shallower :: [Rational] -> [Rational]
+shallower [] = []
+shallower (x:xs) = map (+(x/0.8)) (x:xs)
splits :: Int -> Rectangle -> [Rational] -> [[Rectangle]]
splits num rect sz = splitsL rect $ makeTree $ normalize $ take num sz
--- where --fas = normalize $ map (fromIntegral (sum fas')/) $ map fromIntegral fas'
normalize :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a]
normalize x = let s = sum x
@@ -101,7 +139,7 @@ splitsL _rect Empty = []
splitsL rect (Leaf _) = [[rect]]
splitsL rect (Branch l r) = do
let mkSplit f = f (sum l / (sum l + sum r)) rect
- (rl,rr) <- map mkSplit [splitHorizontallyBy,splitVerticallyBy]
+ (rl,rr) <- map mkSplit [splitVerticallyBy,splitHorizontallyBy]
splitsL rl l `interleave` splitsL rr r
interleave :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]