blob: ffdb97163828cb3cb5e35222e1d5994693c4b009 (
plain) (
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, FlexibleInstances #-}
import XMonad.Layout.Selective
import XMonad.StackSet hiding (focusUp, focusDown)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Arrow (second)
instance Arbitrary (Stack Int) where
arbitrary = do
xs <- arbNat
ys <- arbNat
return $ Stack { up=[xs-1,xs-2..0], focus=xs, down=[xs+1..xs+ys] }
coarbitrary = undefined
instance Arbitrary Selection where
arbitrary = do
nm <- arbNat
st <- arbNat
nr <- arbPos
return $ Sel nm (st+nm) nr
coarbitrary = undefined
arbNat = abs <$> arbitrary
arbPos = (+1) . abs <$> arbitrary
-- as many windows as possible should be selected
-- (when the selection is normalized)
prop_select_length sel (stk :: Stack Int) =
(length . integrate $ select sel' stk) == ((nMaster sel' + nRest sel') `min` length (integrate stk))
sel' = updateSel sel stk
-- update normalizes selections (is idempotent)
prop_update_idem sel (stk :: Stack Int) = sel' == updateSel sel' stk
sel' = updateSel sel stk
-- select selects the master pane
prop_select_master sel (stk :: Stack Int) =
take (nMaster sel) (integrate stk) == take (nMaster sel) (integrate $ select sel stk)
-- the focus should always be selected in normalized selections
prop_select_focus sel (stk :: Stack Int) = focus stk == (focus $ select sel' stk)
sel' = updateSel sel stk
-- select doesn't change order (or duplicate elements)
-- relies on the Arbitrary instance for Stack Int generating increasing stacks
prop_select_increasing sel (stk :: Stack Int) =
let res = integrate $ select sel stk
in and . zipWith (<) res $ tail res
-- moving the focus to a window that's already selected doesn't change the selection
prop_update_focus_up sel (stk :: Stack Int) x' =
(length (up stk) >= x) && ((up stk !! (x-1)) `elem` integrate stk') ==>
sel' == updateSel sel' (iterate focusUp stk !! x)
x = 1 + abs x'
sel' = updateSel sel stk
stk' = select sel' stk
prop_update_focus_down sel (stk :: Stack Int) x' =
(length (down stk) >= x) && ((down stk !! (x-1)) `elem` integrate stk') ==>
sel' == updateSel sel' (iterate focusDown stk !! x)
x = 1 + abs x'
sel' = updateSel sel stk
stk' = select sel' stk
upSel sel stk = let sel' = updateSel sel stk in (sel', select sel' stk)
focusUp stk = stk { up=tail (up stk), focus=head (up stk), down=focus stk:down stk }
focusDown stk = stk { down=tail (down stk), focus=head (down stk), up=focus stk:up stk }