path: root/scripts/xmonad-dynamic-workspaces.hs
blob: b2c8feaad3a79c77f336d34c509952b10f27d1f2 (plain) (tree)








{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
-- |
-- Module      : xmonad-status.hs
-- Copyright   : (c) Don Stewart 2007
-- License     : BSD3-style
-- Maintainer  : dons@cse.unsw.edu.au
-- An external statusbar-client for xmonad.
-- Prints the workspaces in a simple form, read from the logging output
-- of xmonad.
-- An example use:
--  #!/bin/sh
--   #
--   # launch xmonad, with a couple of dzens to run the status bar
--   # send xmonad state over a named pipe
--   #
--  FG='#a8a3f7' 
--  BG='#3f3c6d' 
--  FONT="-xos4-terminus-medium-r-normal--16-160-72-72-c-80-iso8859-1"
--  PATH=/home/dons/bin:$PATH
--  # clean up and old status bar pipe
--  rm -f ~/.xmonad.pipe
--  # create a new one
--  /sbin/mkfifo -m 600 ~/.xmonad.pipe
--  xmonad-status < ~/.xmonad.pipe | dzen2 -ta l -fg $FG -bg $BG -fn $FONT &
--  exec xmonad > ~/.xmonad.pipe
-- Creates a workspace table on the left side of the screen.
-- A version that perfectly emulates wmii or dwm could be distributed.

import Data.List
import StackSet
import XMonad
import System.IO
import Text.PrettyPrint

-- parse the StackSet output, and print it in the form:
--      *[1] 2 *3 *4 5 6 7 8
-- It's an example of how to write a Haskell script to hack
-- the structure defined in StackSet.hs

main = forever $ getLine >>= readIO >>= draw
    forever a = a >> forever a

-- All the magic is in the 'ppr' instances, below.
draw :: WS -> IO ()
draw s = do putStrLn . render . ppr $ s
            hFlush stdout

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- A simple recursive descent pretty printer for the StackSet type.
class Pretty a where
    ppr :: a -> Doc

-- And instances for the StackSet layers
instance Pretty WS where
    ppr (StackSet { current = cws   -- the different workspaces
                  , visible = vws
                  , hidden  = hws }) = ppr (sortBy tags workspaces)
        -- tag each workspace with its flavour
        workspaces = C (workspace cws) : map (V . workspace) vws ++ map H hws

        -- sort them by their tags
        tags a b = (tag.unWrap) a `compare` (tag.unWrap) b

-- How to print each workspace kind
instance Pretty TaggedW where
    ppr (C w) = brackets (int (1 + fromIntegral (tag w)))                    -- [1]
    ppr (V w) = parens   (ppr w)                    -- <2>
    ppr (H w) = ppr w

-- tags are printed as integers (or map them to strings)
instance Pretty W where
-- Just print int tags:
    ppr (Workspace i s) =
        case s of
            Empty -> empty
            _     -> char ' ' <> int (1 + fromIntegral i) <> char ' '

instance Pretty a => Pretty [a] where
    ppr []     = empty
    ppr (x:xs) = ppr x <> ppr xs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Some type information for the pretty printer

-- We have a fixed workspace type
type W  = Workspace WorkspaceId Int
type WS = StackSet  WorkspaceId Int ScreenId

-- Introduce a newtype to distinguish different workspace flavours
data TaggedW = C W  -- current 
             | V W  -- visible
             | H W  -- hidden

-- And the ability to unwrap tagged workspaces
unWrap :: TaggedW -> W
unWrap (C w) = w
unWrap (V w) = w
unWrap (H w) = w