-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Util.Themes
-- Copyright : (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato
-- License : BSD3
-- Maintainer : andrea.rossato@unibz.it
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A (hopefully) growing collection of themes for decorated layouts.
module XMonad.Util.Themes
( -- * Usage
-- $usage
, ppThemeInfo
, xmonadTheme
, smallClean
, robertTheme
, deiflTheme
, oxymor00nTheme
, donaldTheme
, wfarrTheme
, kavonForestTheme
, kavonLakeTheme
, kavonPeacockTheme
, kavonVioGreenTheme
, kavonBluesTheme
, kavonAutumnTheme
, kavonFireTheme
, kavonChristmasTheme
, ThemeInfo (..)
) where
import XMonad.Layout.Decoration
-- $usage
-- This module stores some user contributed themes which can be used
-- with decorated layouts (such as Tabbed). (Note that these themes
-- only apply to decorated layouts, such as those found in
-- "XMonad.Layout.Tabbed" and "XMonad.Layout.DecorationMadness"; they
-- do not apply to xmonad as a whole.)
-- If you want to use one of them with one of your decorated layouts,
-- you need to substitute def with, for instance, (theme smallClean).
-- Here is an example:
-- > import XMonad
-- > import XMonad.Util.Themes
-- > import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed
-- >
-- > myLayout = tabbed shrinkText (theme smallClean)
-- >
-- > main = xmonad def {layoutHook = myLayout}
-- If you have a theme you would like to share, adding it to this
-- module is very easy.
-- You can use 'xmonadTheme' or 'smallClean' as a template.
-- At the present time only the 'themeName' field is used. But please
-- provide all the other information, which will be used at a later
-- time.
-- Please, remember to add your theme to the list of exported
-- functions, and to the 'listOfThemes'.
-- Thanks for your contribution!
data ThemeInfo =
TI { themeName :: String
, themeAuthor :: String
, themeDescription :: String
, theme :: Theme
newTheme :: ThemeInfo
newTheme = TI "" "" "" def
ppThemeInfo :: ThemeInfo -> String
ppThemeInfo t = themeName t <> themeDescription t <> "by" <> themeAuthor t
where "" <> x = x
x <> y = x ++ " - " ++ y
listOfThemes :: [ThemeInfo]
listOfThemes = [ xmonadTheme
, smallClean
, deiflTheme
, oxymor00nTheme
, robertTheme
, donaldTheme
, wfarrTheme
, kavonForestTheme
, kavonLakeTheme
, kavonPeacockTheme
, kavonVioGreenTheme
, kavonBluesTheme
, kavonAutumnTheme
, kavonFireTheme
, kavonChristmasTheme
-- | The default xmonad theme, by David Roundy.
xmonadTheme :: ThemeInfo
xmonadTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "xmonadTheme"
, themeAuthor = "David Roundy"
, themeDescription = "The default xmonad theme"
, theme = def
-- | Small decorations with a Ion3 remembrance, by Andrea Rossato.
smallClean :: ThemeInfo
smallClean =
newTheme { themeName = "smallClean"
, themeAuthor = "Andrea Rossato"
, themeDescription = "Small decorations with a Ion3 remembrance"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#8a999e"
, inactiveColor = "#545d75"
, activeBorderColor = "white"
, inactiveBorderColor = "grey"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveTextColor = "grey"
, decoHeight = 14
-- | Don's preferred colors - from DynamicLog...;)
donaldTheme :: ThemeInfo
donaldTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "donaldTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Andrea Rossato"
, themeDescription = "Don's preferred colors - from DynamicLog...;)"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#2b4f98"
, inactiveColor = "#cccccc"
, activeBorderColor = "#2b4f98"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#cccccc"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveTextColor = "black"
, decoHeight = 16
-- | Ffrom Robert Manea's prompt theme.
robertTheme :: ThemeInfo
robertTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "robertTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Andrea Rossato"
, themeDescription = "From Robert Manea's prompt theme"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#aecf96"
, inactiveColor = "#111111"
, activeBorderColor = "#aecf96"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#111111"
, activeTextColor = "black"
, inactiveTextColor = "#d5d3a7"
, fontName = "-*-profont-*-*-*-*-11-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859"
, decoHeight = 16
-- | deifl\'s Theme, by deifl.
deiflTheme :: ThemeInfo
deiflTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "deiflTheme"
, themeAuthor = "deifl"
, themeDescription = "deifl's Theme"
, theme = def { inactiveBorderColor = "#708090"
, activeBorderColor = "#5f9ea0"
, activeColor = "#000000"
, inactiveColor = "#333333"
, inactiveTextColor = "#888888"
, activeTextColor = "#87cefa"
, fontName = "-xos4-terminus-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, decoHeight = 15
-- | oxymor00n\'s theme, by Tom Rauchenwald.
oxymor00nTheme :: ThemeInfo
oxymor00nTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "oxymor00nTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Tom Rauchenwald"
, themeDescription = "oxymor00n's theme"
, theme = def { inactiveBorderColor = "#000"
, activeBorderColor = "aquamarine3"
, activeColor = "aquamarine3"
, inactiveColor = "DarkSlateGray4"
, inactiveTextColor = "#222"
, activeTextColor = "#222"
-- This font can be found in the package ttf-alee
-- on debian-systems
, fontName = "-*-Bandal-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
, decoHeight = 15
, urgentColor = "#000"
, urgentTextColor = "#63b8ff"
wfarrTheme :: ThemeInfo
wfarrTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "wfarrTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Will Farrington"
, themeDescription = "A nice blue/black theme."
, theme = def { activeColor = "#4c7899"
, inactiveColor = "#333333"
, activeBorderColor = "#285577"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#222222"
, activeTextColor = "#ffffff"
, inactiveTextColor = "#888888"
, fontName = "-*-fixed-medium-r-*--10-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1"
, decoHeight = 12
-- | Forest colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonForestTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonForestTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonForestTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Forest colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#115422"
, activeBorderColor = "#1a8033"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#543211"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#804c19"
, inactiveTextColor = "#ffcc33"
-- | Lake (blue/green) colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonLakeTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonLakeTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonLakeTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Lake (blue/green) colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#001166"
, activeBorderColor = "#1f3999"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#09592a"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#198044"
, inactiveTextColor = "#73e6a3"
-- | Peacock colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonPeacockTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonPeacockTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonPeacockTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Peacock colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#190f4c"
, activeBorderColor = "#2b1980"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#225173"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#2a638c"
, inactiveTextColor = "#8fb2cc"
-- | Violet-Green colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonVioGreenTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonVioGreenTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonVioGreenTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Violet-Green colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#37174c"
, activeBorderColor = "#333399"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#174c17"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#336633"
, inactiveTextColor = "#aaccaa"
-- | Blue colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonBluesTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonBluesTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonBluesTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Blue colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#000066"
, activeBorderColor = "#111199"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#9999ee"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#6666cc"
, inactiveTextColor = "black"
-- | Christmas colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonChristmasTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonChristmasTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonChristmasTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Christmas (green + red) colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#660000"
, activeBorderColor = "#990000"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#006600"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#003300"
, inactiveTextColor = "#99bb99"
-- | Autumn colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonAutumnTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonAutumnTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonAutumnTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Autumn (brown + red) colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#660000"
, activeBorderColor = "#990000"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#542d11"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#804d1A"
, inactiveTextColor = "#ffcc33"
-- | Fire colours, by Kathryn Andersen
kavonFireTheme :: ThemeInfo
kavonFireTheme =
newTheme { themeName = "kavonFireTheme"
, themeAuthor = "Kathryn Andersen"
, themeDescription = "Fire (orange + red) colours"
, theme = def { activeColor = "#660000"
, activeBorderColor = "#990000"
, activeTextColor = "white"
, inactiveColor = "#ff8000"
, inactiveBorderColor = "#d9b162"
, inactiveTextColor = "black"