path: root/XMonad/Util/DebugWindow.hs
blob: 413f7009d546b2166039fb9e9f3aee00d510fd0b (plain) (tree)

-- |
-- Module      :  XMonad.Util.DebugWindow
-- Copyright   :  (c) Brandon S Allbery KF8NH, 2012
-- License     :  BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  allbery.b@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  not portable
-- Module to dump window information for diagnostic/debugging purposes.  See 
-- "XMonad.Hooks.DebugEvents" and "XMonad.Hooks.DebugStack" for practical uses.

module XMonad.Util.DebugWindow (debugWindow) where

import           Prelude                  hiding (catch)

import           XMonad

import           Codec.Binary.UTF8.String        (decodeString)
import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad                   (when)
import           Data.List                       (unfoldr
import           Foreign
import           Foreign.C.String
import           Numeric                         (showHex)
import           System.Exit

-- | Output a window by ID in hex, decimal, its ICCCM resource name and class,
--   and its title if available.  Also indicate override_redirect with an
--   exclamation mark, and wrap in brackets if it is unmapped or withdrawn.
debugWindow   :: Window -> X String
debugWindow 0 =  return "None"
debugWindow w =  do
  let wx = pad 8 '0' $ showHex w ""
  w' <- withDisplay $ \d -> io (safeGetWindowAttributes d w)
  case w' of
    Nothing                                   ->
      return $ "(deleted window " ++ wx ++ ")"
    Just (WindowAttributes x y wid ht bw m o) -> do
      c' <- withDisplay $ \d ->
            io (getWindowProperty8 d wM_CLASS w)
      let c = case c' of
                Nothing -> ""
                Just c''  -> intercalate "/" $
                             flip unfoldr (map (toEnum . fromEnum) c'') $
                             \s -> if null s
                                     then Nothing
                                     else let (w'',s'') = break (== '\NUL') s
                                              s'      = if null s''
                                                          then s''
                                                          else tail s''
                                          in Just (w'',s')
      t <- catchX' (wrap `fmap` getEWMHTitle  "VISIBLE" w) $
           catchX' (wrap `fmap` getEWMHTitle  ""        w) $
           catchX' (wrap `fmap` getICCCMTitle           w) $
           return ""
      let (lb,rb) = case () of
                      () | m == waIsViewable -> ("","")
                         | otherwise         -> ("[","]")
          o'      = if o then "!" else ""
      return $ concat [lb
                      ,"window "
                      ," ("
                      ,show wid
                      ,',':show ht
                      ,')':if bw == 0 then "" else '+':show bw
                      ,show x
                      ,',':show y
                      ,')':if null c then "" else ' ':c

getEWMHTitle       :: String -> Window -> X String
getEWMHTitle sub w =  do
  a <- getAtom $ "_NET_WM_" ++ (if null sub then "" else '_':sub) ++ "_NAME"
  (Just t) <- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ getWindowProperty32 d a w
  return $ map (toEnum . fromEnum) t

getICCCMTitle   :: Window -> X String
getICCCMTitle w =  do
  t@(TextProperty t' _ 8 _) <- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ getTextProperty d w wM_NAME
  [s] <- catchX' (tryUTF8     t) $
         catchX' (tryCompound t) $
         io ((:[]) `fmap` peekCString t')
  return s

tryUTF8                          :: TextProperty -> X [String]
tryUTF8 (TextProperty s enc _ _) =  do
  uTF8_STRING <- getAtom "UTF8_STRING"
  when (enc == uTF8_STRING) $ error "String is not UTF8_STRING"
  (map decodeString . splitNul) `fmap` io (peekCString s)

tryCompound                            :: TextProperty -> X [String]
tryCompound t@(TextProperty _ enc _ _) =  do
  when (enc == cOMPOUND_TEXT) $ error "String is not COMPOUND_TEXT"
  withDisplay $ \d -> io $ wcTextPropertyToTextList d t

splitNul    :: String -> [String]
splitNul "" =  []
splitNul s  =  let (s',ss') = break (== '\NUL') s in s' : splitNul ss'

pad       :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
pad w c s =  replicate (w - length s) c ++ s

-- modified 'catchX' without the print to 'stderr'
catchX' :: X a -> X a -> X a
catchX' job errcase = do
  st <- get
  c <- ask
  (a, s') <- io $ runX c st job `catch` \e -> case fromException e of
    Just x -> throw e `const` (x `asTypeOf` ExitSuccess)
    _ -> runX c st errcase
  put s'
  return a

wrap   :: String -> String
wrap s =  ' ' : '"' : wrap' s ++ "\""
    wrap' (s':ss) | s' == '"'  = '\\' : s' : wrap' ss
                  | s' == '\\' = '\\' : s' : wrap' ss
                  | otherwise  =        s' : wrap' ss
    wrap' ""                   =             ""

-- Graphics.X11.Extras.getWindowAttributes is bugggggggy
safeGetWindowAttributes     :: Display -> Window -> IO (Maybe WindowAttributes)
safeGetWindowAttributes d w =  alloca $ \p -> do
  s <- xGetWindowAttributes d w p
  case s of
    0 -> return Nothing
    _ -> Just `fmap` peek p