path: root/XMonad/Prompt.hs
blob: 7679b95c4c13f553ce40a109aae086c3d9d69629 (plain) (tree)












































































































































































{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  XMonad.Prompt
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2007 Andrea Rossato
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Spencer Janssen <spencerjanssen@gmail.com>
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- A module for writing graphical prompts for XMonad

module XMonad.Prompt
    ( -- * Usage
      -- $usage
    , mkXPromptWithReturn
    , amberXPConfig
    , defaultXPConfig
    , emacsLikeXPKeymap
    , greenXPConfig
    , XPType (..)
    , XPPosition (..)
    , XPConfig (..)
    , XPrompt (..)
    , XP
    , defaultXPKeymap
    , quit
    , killBefore, killAfter, startOfLine, endOfLine
    , pasteString, moveCursor
    , setInput, getInput
    , moveWord, killWord, deleteString
    , moveHistory, setSuccess, setDone
    , Direction1D(..)
    , ComplFunction
    -- * X Utilities
    -- $xutils
    , mkUnmanagedWindow
    , fillDrawable
    -- * Other Utilities
    -- $utils
    , mkComplFunFromList
    , mkComplFunFromList'
    -- * @nextCompletion@ implementations
    , getNextOfLastWord
    , getNextCompletion
    -- * List utilities
    , getLastWord
    , skipLastWord
    , splitInSubListsAt
    , breakAtSpace
    , uniqSort
    , historyCompletion
    , historyCompletionP
    -- * History filters
    , deleteAllDuplicates
    , deleteConsecutive
    , HistoryMatches
    , initMatches
    , historyUpMatching
    , historyDownMatching
    -- * Types
    , XPState
    ) where

import Prelude hiding (catch)

import XMonad  hiding (config, cleanMask)
import qualified XMonad as X (numberlockMask)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Util.Font
import XMonad.Util.Types
import XMonad.Util.XSelection (getSelection)

import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (decodeString)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Arrow ((&&&),first)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Control.Exception.Extensible hiding (handle)
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Set (fromList, toList)
import System.Directory (getAppUserDataDirectory)
import System.IO
import System.Posix.Files
import qualified Data.Map as M

-- $usage
-- For usage examples see "XMonad.Prompt.Shell",
-- "XMonad.Prompt.XMonad" or "XMonad.Prompt.Ssh"
-- TODO:
-- * scrolling the completions that don't fit in the window (?)

type XP = StateT XPState IO

data XPState =
    XPS { dpy                :: Display
        , rootw              :: !Window
        , win                :: !Window
        , screen             :: !Rectangle
        , complWin           :: Maybe Window
        , complWinDim        :: Maybe ComplWindowDim
        , completionFunction :: String -> IO [String]
        , showComplWin       :: Bool
        , gcon               :: !GC
        , fontS              :: !XMonadFont
        , xptype             :: !XPType
        , commandHistory     :: W.Stack String
        , offset             :: !Int
        , config             :: XPConfig
        , successful         :: Bool
        , numlockMask        :: KeyMask
        , done               :: Bool

data XPConfig =
    XPC { font              :: String     -- ^ Font
        , bgColor           :: String     -- ^ Background color
        , fgColor           :: String     -- ^ Font color
        , fgHLight          :: String     -- ^ Font color of a highlighted completion entry
        , bgHLight          :: String     -- ^ Background color of a highlighted completion entry
        , borderColor       :: String     -- ^ Border color
        , promptBorderWidth :: !Dimension -- ^ Border width
        , position          :: XPPosition -- ^ Position: 'Top' or 'Bottom'
        , height            :: !Dimension -- ^ Window height
        , historySize       :: !Int       -- ^ The number of history entries to be saved
        , historyFilter     :: [String] -> [String]
                                         -- ^ a filter to determine which
                                         -- history entries to remember
        , promptKeymap      :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ())
                                         -- ^ Mapping from key combinations to actions
        , completionKey     :: KeySym     -- ^ Key that should trigger completion
        , defaultText       :: String     -- ^ The text by default in the prompt line
        , autoComplete      :: Maybe Int  -- ^ Just x: if only one completion remains, auto-select it,
        , showCompletionOnTab :: Bool     -- ^ Only show list of completions when Tab was pressed
                                          --   and delay by x microseconds
        , searchPredicate   :: String -> String -> Bool
                                          -- ^ Given the typed string and a possible
                                          --   completion, is the completion valid?

data XPType = forall p . XPrompt p => XPT p

instance Show XPType where
    show (XPT p) = showXPrompt p

instance XPrompt XPType where
    showXPrompt                 = show
    nextCompletion      (XPT t) = nextCompletion      t
    commandToComplete   (XPT t) = commandToComplete   t
    completionToCommand (XPT t) = completionToCommand t

-- | The class prompt types must be an instance of. In order to
-- create a prompt you need to create a data type, without parameters,
-- and make it an instance of this class, by implementing a simple
-- method, 'showXPrompt', which will be used to print the string to be
-- displayed in the command line window.
-- This is an example of a XPrompt instance definition:
-- >     instance XPrompt Shell where
-- >          showXPrompt Shell = "Run: "
class XPrompt t where

    -- | This method is used to print the string to be
    -- displayed in the command line window.
    showXPrompt :: t -> String

    -- | This method is used to generate the next completion to be
    -- printed in the command line when tab is pressed, given the
    -- string presently in the command line and the list of
    -- completion.
    nextCompletion :: t -> String -> [String] -> String
    nextCompletion = getNextOfLastWord

    -- | This method is used to generate the string to be passed to
    -- the completion function.
    commandToComplete :: t -> String -> String
    commandToComplete _ = getLastWord

    -- | This method is used to process each completion in order to
    -- generate the string that will be compared with the command
    -- presently displayed in the command line. If the prompt is using
    -- 'getNextOfLastWord' for implementing 'nextCompletion' (the
    -- default implementation), this method is also used to generate,
    -- from the returned completion, the string that will form the
    -- next command line when tab is pressed.
    completionToCommand :: t -> String -> String
    completionToCommand _ c = c

data XPPosition = Top
                | Bottom
                  deriving (Show,Read)

amberXPConfig, defaultXPConfig, greenXPConfig :: XPConfig

defaultXPConfig =
    XPC { font              = "-misc-fixed-*-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"
        , bgColor           = "grey22"
        , fgColor           = "grey80"
        , fgHLight          = "black"
        , bgHLight          = "grey"
        , borderColor       = "white"
        , promptBorderWidth = 1
        , promptKeymap      = defaultXPKeymap
        , completionKey     = xK_Tab
        , position          = Bottom
        , height            = 18
        , historySize       = 256
        , historyFilter     = id
        , defaultText       = []
        , autoComplete      = Nothing
        , showCompletionOnTab = False
        , searchPredicate   = isPrefixOf
greenXPConfig = defaultXPConfig { fgColor = "green", bgColor = "black", promptBorderWidth = 0 }
amberXPConfig = defaultXPConfig { fgColor = "#ca8f2d", bgColor = "black", fgHLight = "#eaaf4c" }

type ComplFunction = String -> IO [String]

initState :: XPrompt p => Display -> Window -> Window -> Rectangle -> ComplFunction
          -> GC -> XMonadFont -> p -> [String] -> XPConfig -> KeyMask -> XPState
initState d rw w s compl gc fonts pt h c nm =
    XPS { dpy                = d
        , rootw              = rw
        , win                = w
        , screen             = s
        , complWin           = Nothing
        , complWinDim        = Nothing
        , completionFunction = compl
        , showComplWin       = not (showCompletionOnTab c)
        , gcon               = gc
        , fontS              = fonts
        , xptype             = XPT pt
        , commandHistory     = W.Stack { W.focus = defaultText c
                                       , W.up    = []
                                       , W.down  = h }
        , offset             = length (defaultText c)
        , config             = c
        , successful         = False
        , done               = False
        , numlockMask        = nm

-- this would be much easier with functional references
command :: XPState -> String
command = W.focus . commandHistory

setCommand :: String -> XPState -> XPState
setCommand xs s = s { commandHistory = (commandHistory s) { W.focus = xs }}

-- | Sets the input string to the given value.
setInput :: String -> XP ()
setInput = modify . setCommand

-- | Returns the current input string. Intented for use in custom keymaps
-- where the 'get' or similar can't be used to retrieve it.
getInput :: XP String
getInput = gets command

-- | Same as 'mkXPrompt', except that the action function can have
--   type @String -> X a@, for any @a@, and the final action returned
--   by 'mkXPromptWithReturn' will have type @X (Maybe a)@.  @Nothing@
--   is yielded if the user cancels the prompt (by e.g. hitting Esc or
--   Ctrl-G).  For an example of use, see the 'XMonad.Prompt.Input'
--   module.
mkXPromptWithReturn :: XPrompt p => p -> XPConfig -> ComplFunction -> (String -> X a)  -> X (Maybe a)
mkXPromptWithReturn t conf compl action = do
  XConf { display = d, theRoot = rw } <- ask
  s    <- gets $ screenRect . W.screenDetail . W.current . windowset
  hist <- io readHistory
  w    <- io $ createWin d rw conf s
  io $ selectInput d w $ exposureMask .|. keyPressMask
  gc <- io $ createGC d w
  io $ setGraphicsExposures d gc False
  fs <- initXMF (font conf)
  numlock <- gets $ X.numberlockMask
  let hs = fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup (showXPrompt t) hist
      st = initState d rw w s compl gc fs (XPT t) hs conf numlock
  st' <- io $ execStateT runXP st

  releaseXMF fs
  io $ freeGC d gc
  if successful st'
    then do
      let prune = take (historySize conf)
      io $ writeHistory $ M.insertWith
                                (\xs ys -> prune . historyFilter conf $ xs ++ ys)
                                (showXPrompt t)
                                (prune $ historyFilter conf [command st'])
                                -- we need to apply historyFilter before as well, since
                                -- otherwise the filter would not be applied if
                                -- there is no history
      Just <$> action (command st')
    else return Nothing

-- | Creates a prompt given:
-- * a prompt type, instance of the 'XPrompt' class.
-- * a prompt configuration ('defaultXPConfig' can be used as a
-- starting point)
-- * a completion function ('mkComplFunFromList' can be used to
-- create a completions function given a list of possible completions)
-- * an action to be run: the action must take a string and return 'XMonad.X' ()
mkXPrompt :: XPrompt p => p -> XPConfig -> ComplFunction -> (String -> X ()) -> X ()
mkXPrompt t conf compl action = mkXPromptWithReturn t conf compl action >> return ()

runXP :: XP ()
runXP = do
  (d,w) <- gets (dpy &&& win)
  status <- io $ grabKeyboard d w True grabModeAsync grabModeAsync currentTime
  when (status == grabSuccess) $ do
          eventLoop handle
          io $ ungrabKeyboard d currentTime
  io $ destroyWindow d w
  io $ sync d False

type KeyStroke = (KeySym, String)

eventLoop :: (KeyStroke -> Event -> XP ()) -> XP ()
eventLoop action = do
  d <- gets dpy
  (keysym,string,event) <- io $
            allocaXEvent $ \e -> do
              maskEvent d (exposureMask .|. keyPressMask) e
              ev <- getEvent e
              (ks,s) <- if ev_event_type ev == keyPress
                        then lookupString $ asKeyEvent e
                        else return (Nothing, "")
              return (ks,s,ev)
  action (fromMaybe xK_VoidSymbol keysym,string) event
  gets done >>= flip unless (eventLoop handle)

-- | Removes numlock and capslock from a keymask.
-- Duplicate of cleanMask from core, but in the
-- XP monad instead of X.
cleanMask :: KeyMask -> XP KeyMask
cleanMask msk = do
  numlock <- gets numlockMask
  let highMasks = 1 `shiftL` 12 - 1
  return (complement (numlock .|. lockMask) .&. msk .&. highMasks)

-- Main event handler
handle :: KeyStroke -> Event -> XP ()
handle ks@(sym,_) e@(KeyEvent {ev_event_type = t, ev_state = m}) = do
  complKey <- gets $ completionKey . config
  c <- getCompletions
  when (length c > 1) $ modify (\s -> s { showComplWin = True })
  if complKey == sym
     then completionHandle c ks e
     else when (t == keyPress) $ keyPressHandle m ks
handle _ (ExposeEvent {ev_window = w}) = do
  st <- get
  when (win st == w) updateWindows
handle _  _ = return ()

-- completion event handler
completionHandle ::  [String] -> KeyStroke -> Event -> XP ()
completionHandle c ks@(sym,_) (KeyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_state = m }) = do
  complKey <- gets $ completionKey . config
  case () of
    () | t == keyPress && sym == complKey ->
            st <- get
            let updateState l =
                    let new_command = nextCompletion (xptype st) (command st) l
                    in modify $ \s -> setCommand new_command $ s { offset = length new_command }
                updateWins  l = redrawWindows l >>
                                eventLoop (completionHandle l)
            case c of
              []  -> updateWindows   >> eventLoop handle
              [x] -> updateState [x] >> getCompletions >>= updateWins
              l   -> updateState l   >> updateWins l
      | t == keyRelease && sym == complKey -> eventLoop (completionHandle c)
      | otherwise -> keyPressHandle m ks -- some other key, handle it normally
-- some other event: go back to main loop
completionHandle _ k e = handle k e

tryAutoComplete :: XP Bool
tryAutoComplete = do
    ac <- gets (autoComplete . config)
    case ac of
        Just d -> do cs <- getCompletions
                     case cs of
                         [c] -> runCompleted c d >> return True
                         _   -> return False
        Nothing    -> return False
  where runCompleted cmd delay = do
            st <- get
            let new_command = nextCompletion (xptype st) (command st) [cmd]
            modify $ setCommand "autocompleting..."
            io $ threadDelay delay
            modify $ setCommand new_command
            return True

-- KeyPresses

defaultXPKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ())
defaultXPKeymap = M.fromList $
  map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + <key>
  [ (xK_u, killBefore)
  , (xK_k, killAfter)
  , (xK_a, startOfLine)
  , (xK_e, endOfLine)
  , (xK_y, pasteString)
  , (xK_Right, moveWord Next)
  , (xK_Left, moveWord Prev)
  , (xK_Delete, killWord Next)
  , (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev)
  , (xK_w, killWord Prev)
  , (xK_g, quit)
  , (xK_bracketleft, quit)
  ] ++
  map (first $ (,) 0)
  [ (xK_Return, setSuccess True >> setDone True)
  , (xK_KP_Enter, setSuccess True >> setDone True)
  , (xK_BackSpace, deleteString Prev)
  , (xK_Delete, deleteString Next)
  , (xK_Left, moveCursor Prev)
  , (xK_Right, moveCursor Next)
  , (xK_Home, startOfLine)
  , (xK_End, endOfLine)
  , (xK_Down, moveHistory W.focusUp')
  , (xK_Up, moveHistory W.focusDown')
  , (xK_Escape, quit)

emacsLikeXPKeymap :: M.Map (KeyMask,KeySym) (XP ())
emacsLikeXPKeymap = M.fromList $
  map (first $ (,) controlMask) -- control + <key>
  [ (xK_z, killBefore) --kill line backwards
  , (xK_k, killAfter) -- kill line fowards
  , (xK_a, startOfLine) --move to the beginning of the line
  , (xK_e, endOfLine) -- move to the end of the line
  , (xK_d, deleteString Next) -- delete a character foward
  , (xK_b, moveCursor Prev) -- move cursor forward
  , (xK_f, moveCursor Next) -- move cursor backward
  , (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev) -- kill the previous word
  , (xK_y, pasteString)  
  , (xK_g, quit)
  , (xK_bracketleft, quit)
  ] ++
  map (first $ (,) mod1Mask) -- meta key + <key>
  [ (xK_BackSpace, killWord Prev)
  , (xK_f, moveWord Next) -- move a word forward
  , (xK_b, moveWord Prev) -- move a word backward
  , (xK_d, killWord Next) -- kill the next word
  map (first $ (,) 0) -- <key>
  [ (xK_Return, setSuccess True >> setDone True)
  , (xK_KP_Enter, setSuccess True >> setDone True)
  , (xK_BackSpace, deleteString Prev)
  , (xK_Delete, deleteString Next)
  , (xK_Left, moveCursor Prev)
  , (xK_Right, moveCursor Next)
  , (xK_Home, startOfLine)
  , (xK_End, endOfLine)
  , (xK_Down, moveHistory W.focusUp')
  , (xK_Up, moveHistory W.focusDown')
  , (xK_Escape, quit)

keyPressHandle :: KeyMask -> KeyStroke -> XP ()
keyPressHandle m (ks,str) = do
  km <- gets (promptKeymap . config)
  kmask <- cleanMask m -- mask is defined in ghc7
  case M.lookup (kmask,ks) km of
    Just action -> action >> updateWindows
    Nothing -> case str of
                 "" -> eventLoop handle
                 _ -> when (kmask .&. controlMask == 0) $ do
                                 insertString (decodeString str)
                                 completed <- tryAutoComplete
                                 when completed $ setSuccess True >> setDone True

setSuccess :: Bool -> XP ()
setSuccess b = modify $ \s -> s { successful = b }

setDone :: Bool -> XP ()
setDone b = modify $ \s -> s { done = b }

-- KeyPress and State

-- | Quit.
quit :: XP ()
quit = flushString >> setSuccess False >> setDone True

-- | Kill the portion of the command before the cursor
killBefore :: XP ()
killBefore =
  modify $ \s -> setCommand (drop (offset s) (command s)) $ s { offset  = 0 }

-- | Kill the portion of the command including and after the cursor
killAfter :: XP ()
killAfter =
  modify $ \s -> setCommand (take (offset s) (command s)) s

-- | Kill the next\/previous word
killWord :: Direction1D -> XP ()
killWord d = do
  o <- gets offset
  c <- gets command
  let (f,ss)        = splitAt o c
      delNextWord w =
          case w of
            ' ':x -> x
            word  -> snd . break isSpace $ word
      delPrevWord   = reverse . delNextWord . reverse
      (ncom,noff)   =
          case d of
            Next -> (f ++ delNextWord ss, o)
            Prev -> (delPrevWord f ++ ss, length $ delPrevWord f) -- laziness!!
  modify $ \s -> setCommand ncom $ s { offset = noff}

-- | Put the cursor at the end of line
endOfLine :: XP ()
endOfLine  =
    modify $ \s -> s { offset = length (command s)}

-- | Put the cursor at the start of line
startOfLine :: XP ()
startOfLine  =
    modify $ \s -> s { offset = 0 }

-- |  Flush the command string and reset the offset
flushString :: XP ()
flushString = modify $ \s -> setCommand "" $ s { offset = 0}

-- | Insert a character at the cursor position
insertString :: String -> XP ()
insertString str =
  modify $ \s -> setCommand (c (command s) (offset s)) $ s { offset = o (offset s)}
  where o oo = oo + length str
        c oc oo | oo >= length oc = oc ++ str
                | otherwise = f ++ str ++ ss
                where (f,ss) = splitAt oo oc

-- | Insert the current X selection string at the cursor position.
pasteString :: XP ()
pasteString = join $ io $ liftM insertString getSelection

-- | Remove a character at the cursor position
deleteString :: Direction1D -> XP ()
deleteString d =
  modify $ \s -> setCommand (c (command s) (offset s)) $ s { offset = o (offset s)}
  where o oo = if d == Prev then max 0 (oo - 1) else oo
        c oc oo
            | oo >= length oc && d == Prev = take (oo - 1) oc
            | oo <  length oc && d == Prev = take (oo - 1) f ++ ss
            | oo <  length oc && d == Next = f ++ tail ss
            | otherwise = oc
            where (f,ss) = splitAt oo oc

-- | move the cursor one position
moveCursor :: Direction1D -> XP ()
moveCursor d =
  modify $ \s -> s { offset = o (offset s) (command s)}
  where o oo c = if d == Prev then max 0 (oo - 1) else min (length c) (oo + 1)

-- | move the cursor one word
moveWord :: Direction1D -> XP ()
moveWord d = do
  c <- gets command
  o <- gets offset
  let (f,ss) = splitAt o c
      lenToS = length . fst . break isSpace
      ln p s = case p s of
                 ' ':x -> 1 + lenToS x
                 x     -> lenToS x
      newoff = case d of
                 Prev -> o - ln reverse f
                 Next -> o + ln id ss
  modify $ \s -> s { offset = newoff }

moveHistory :: (W.Stack String -> W.Stack String) -> XP ()
moveHistory f = modify $ \s -> let ch = f $ commandHistory s
                               in s { commandHistory = ch
                                    , offset         = length $ W.focus ch }

-- X Stuff

updateWindows :: XP ()
updateWindows = do
  d <- gets dpy
  c <- getCompletions
  case c  of
    [] -> destroyComplWin >> return ()
    l  -> redrawComplWin l
  io $ sync d False

redrawWindows :: [String] -> XP ()
redrawWindows c = do
  d <- gets dpy
  case c of
    [] -> return ()
    l  -> redrawComplWin l
  io $ sync d False

createWin :: Display -> Window -> XPConfig -> Rectangle -> IO Window
createWin d rw c s = do
  let (x,y) = case position c of
                Top -> (0,0)
                Bottom -> (0, rect_height s - height c)
  w <- mkUnmanagedWindow d (defaultScreenOfDisplay d) rw
                      (rect_x s + x) (rect_y s + fi y) (rect_width s) (height c)
  mapWindow d w
  return w

drawWin :: XP ()
drawWin = do
  st <- get
  let (c,(d,(w,gc))) = (config &&& dpy &&& win &&& gcon) st
      scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d
      wh = widthOfScreen scr
      ht = height c
      bw = promptBorderWidth c
  Just bgcolor <- io $ initColor d (bgColor c)
  Just border  <- io $ initColor d (borderColor c)
  p <- io $ createPixmap d w wh ht
                         (defaultDepthOfScreen scr)
  io $ fillDrawable d p gc border bgcolor (fi bw) wh ht
  printPrompt p
  io $ copyArea d p w gc 0 0 wh ht 0 0
  io $ freePixmap d p

printPrompt :: Drawable -> XP ()
printPrompt drw = do
  st <- get
  let (gc,(c,(d,fs))) = (gcon &&& config &&& dpy &&& fontS) st
      (prt,(com,off)) = (show . xptype &&& command &&& offset) st
      str = prt ++ com
      -- break the string in 3 parts: till the cursor, the cursor and the rest
      (f,p,ss) = if off >= length com
                 then (str, " ","") -- add a space: it will be our cursor ;-)
                 else let (a,b) = (splitAt off com)
                      in (prt ++ a, [head b], tail b)
      ht = height c
  fsl <- io $ textWidthXMF (dpy st) fs f
  psl <- io $ textWidthXMF (dpy st) fs p
  (asc,desc) <- io $ textExtentsXMF fs str
  let y = fi $ ((ht - fi (asc + desc)) `div` 2) + fi asc
      x = (asc + desc) `div` 2

  let draw = printStringXMF d drw fs gc
  -- print the first part
  draw (fgColor c) (bgColor c) x y f
  -- reverse the colors and print the "cursor" ;-)
  draw (bgColor c) (fgColor c) (x + fromIntegral fsl) y p
  -- reverse the colors and print the rest of the string
  draw (fgColor c) (bgColor c) (x + fromIntegral (fsl + psl)) y ss

-- Completions

getCompletions :: XP [String]
getCompletions = do
  s <- get
  io $ completionFunction s (commandToComplete (xptype s) (command s))
       `catch` \(SomeException _) -> return []

setComplWin :: Window -> ComplWindowDim -> XP ()
setComplWin w wi =
  modify (\s -> s { complWin = Just w, complWinDim = Just wi })

destroyComplWin :: XP ()
destroyComplWin = do
  d  <- gets dpy
  cw <- gets complWin
  case cw of
    Just w -> do io $ destroyWindow d w
                 modify (\s -> s { complWin = Nothing, complWinDim = Nothing })
    Nothing -> return ()

type ComplWindowDim = (Position,Position,Dimension,Dimension,Columns,Rows)
type Rows = [Position]
type Columns = [Position]

createComplWin :: ComplWindowDim -> XP Window
createComplWin wi@(x,y,wh,ht,_,_) = do
  st <- get
  let d = dpy st
      scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d
  w <- io $ mkUnmanagedWindow d scr (rootw st)
                      x y wh ht
  io $ mapWindow d w
  setComplWin w wi
  return w

getComplWinDim :: [String] -> XP ComplWindowDim
getComplWinDim compl = do
  st <- get
  let (c,(scr,fs)) = (config &&& screen &&& fontS) st
      wh = rect_width scr
      ht = height c

  tws <- mapM (textWidthXMF (dpy st) fs) compl
  let max_compl_len =  fromIntegral ((fi ht `div` 2) + maximum tws)
      columns = max 1 $ wh `div` fi max_compl_len
      rem_height =  rect_height scr - ht
      (rows,r) = length compl `divMod` fi columns
      needed_rows = max 1 (rows + if r == 0 then 0 else 1)
      actual_max_number_of_rows = rem_height `div` ht
      actual_rows = min actual_max_number_of_rows (fi needed_rows)
      actual_height = actual_rows * ht
      (x,y) = case position c of
                Top -> (0,ht)
                Bottom -> (0, (0 + rem_height - actual_height))
  (asc,desc) <- io $ textExtentsXMF fs $ head compl
  let yp = fi $ (ht + fi (asc - desc)) `div` 2
      xp = (asc + desc) `div` 2
      yy = map fi . take (fi actual_rows) $ [yp,(yp + ht)..]
      xx = take (fi columns) [xp,(xp + max_compl_len)..]

  return (rect_x scr + x, rect_y scr + fi y, wh, actual_height, xx, yy)

drawComplWin :: Window -> [String] -> XP ()
drawComplWin w compl = do
  st <- get
  let c   = config st
      d   = dpy st
      scr = defaultScreenOfDisplay d
      bw  = promptBorderWidth c
      gc  = gcon st
  Just bgcolor <- io $ initColor d (bgColor c)
  Just border  <- io $ initColor d (borderColor c)

  (_,_,wh,ht,xx,yy) <- getComplWinDim compl

  p <- io $ createPixmap d w wh ht
                         (defaultDepthOfScreen scr)
  io $ fillDrawable d p gc border bgcolor (fi bw) wh ht
  let ac = splitInSubListsAt (length yy) (take (length xx * length yy) compl)
  printComplList d p gc (fgColor c) (bgColor c) xx yy ac
  io $ copyArea d p w gc 0 0 wh ht 0 0
  io $ freePixmap d p

redrawComplWin ::  [String] -> XP ()
redrawComplWin compl = do
  st <- get
  nwi <- getComplWinDim compl
  let recreate = do destroyComplWin
                    w <- createComplWin nwi
                    drawComplWin w compl
  if compl /= [] && showComplWin st
     then case complWin st of
            Just w -> case complWinDim st of
                        Just wi -> if nwi == wi -- complWinDim did not change
                                   then drawComplWin w compl -- so update
                                   else recreate
                        Nothing -> recreate
            Nothing -> recreate
     else destroyComplWin

printComplList :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> String -> String
               -> [Position] -> [Position] -> [[String]] -> XP ()
printComplList d drw gc fc bc xs ys sss =
    zipWithM_ (\x ss ->
        zipWithM_ (\y s -> do
            st <- get
            let (f,b) = if completionToCommand (xptype st) s == commandToComplete (xptype st) (command st)
                            then (fgHLight $ config st,bgHLight $ config st)
                            else (fc,bc)
            printStringXMF d drw (fontS st) gc f b x y s)
        ys ss) xs sss

-- History

type History = M.Map String [String]

emptyHistory :: History
emptyHistory = M.empty

getHistoryFile :: IO FilePath
getHistoryFile = fmap (++ "/history") $ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmonad"

readHistory :: IO History
readHistory = readHist `catch` \(SomeException _) -> return emptyHistory
    readHist = do
        path <- getHistoryFile
        xs <- bracket (openFile path ReadMode) hClose hGetLine
        readIO xs

writeHistory :: History -> IO ()
writeHistory hist = do
  path <- getHistoryFile
  let filtered = M.filter (not . null) hist
  writeFile path (show filtered) `catch` \(SomeException e) ->
                          hPutStrLn stderr ("error writing history: "++show e)
  setFileMode path mode
    where mode = ownerReadMode .|. ownerWriteMode

-- $xutils

-- | Fills a 'Drawable' with a rectangle and a border
fillDrawable :: Display -> Drawable -> GC -> Pixel -> Pixel
             -> Dimension -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO ()
fillDrawable d drw gc border bgcolor bw wh ht = do
  -- we start with the border
  setForeground d gc border
  fillRectangle d drw gc 0 0 wh ht
  -- here foreground means the background of the text
  setForeground d gc bgcolor
  fillRectangle d drw gc (fi bw) (fi bw) (wh - (bw * 2)) (ht - (bw * 2))

-- | Creates a window with the attribute override_redirect set to True.
-- Windows Managers should not touch this kind of windows.
mkUnmanagedWindow :: Display -> Screen -> Window -> Position
                  -> Position -> Dimension -> Dimension -> IO Window
mkUnmanagedWindow d s rw x y w h = do
  let visual = defaultVisualOfScreen s
      attrmask = cWOverrideRedirect
  allocaSetWindowAttributes $
         \attributes -> do
           set_override_redirect attributes True
           createWindow d rw x y w h 0 (defaultDepthOfScreen s)
                        inputOutput visual attrmask attributes

-- $utils

-- | This function takes a list of possible completions and returns a
-- completions function to be used with 'mkXPrompt'
mkComplFunFromList :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
mkComplFunFromList _ [] = return []
mkComplFunFromList l s =
  return $ filter (\x -> take (length s) x == s) l

-- | This function takes a list of possible completions and returns a
-- completions function to be used with 'mkXPrompt'. If the string is
-- null it will return all completions.
mkComplFunFromList' :: [String] -> String -> IO [String]
mkComplFunFromList' l [] = return l
mkComplFunFromList' l s =
  return $ filter (\x -> take (length s) x == s) l

-- | Given the prompt type, the command line and the completion list,
-- return the next completion in the list for the last word of the
-- command line. This is the default 'nextCompletion' implementation.
getNextOfLastWord :: XPrompt t => t -> String -> [String] -> String
getNextOfLastWord t c l = skipLastWord c ++ completionToCommand t (l !! ni)
    where ni = case commandToComplete t c `elemIndex` map (completionToCommand t) l of
                 Just i -> if i >= length l - 1 then 0 else i + 1
                 Nothing -> 0

-- | An alternative 'nextCompletion' implementation: given a command
-- and a completion list, get the next completion in the list matching
-- the whole command line.
getNextCompletion :: String -> [String] -> String
getNextCompletion c l = l !! idx
    where idx = case c `elemIndex` l of
                  Just i  -> if i >= length l - 1 then 0 else i + 1
                  Nothing -> 0

-- | Given a maximum length, splits a list into sublists
splitInSubListsAt :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitInSubListsAt _ [] = []
splitInSubListsAt i x = f : splitInSubListsAt i rest
    where (f,rest) = splitAt i x

-- | Gets the last word of a string or the whole string if formed by
-- only one word
getLastWord :: String -> String
getLastWord = reverse . fst . breakAtSpace . reverse

-- | Skips the last word of the string, if the string is composed by
-- more then one word. Otherwise returns the string.
skipLastWord :: String -> String
skipLastWord = reverse . snd . breakAtSpace . reverse

breakAtSpace :: String -> (String, String)
breakAtSpace s
    | " \\" `isPrefixOf` s2 = (s1 ++ " " ++ s1', s2')
    | otherwise = (s1, s2)
      where (s1, s2 ) = break isSpace s
            (s1',s2') = breakAtSpace $ tail s2

-- | 'historyCompletion' provides a canned completion function much like
--   'getShellCompl'; you pass it to mkXPrompt, and it will make completions work
--   from the query history stored in ~\/.xmonad\/history.
historyCompletion :: ComplFunction
historyCompletion = historyCompletionP (const True)

-- | Like 'historyCompletion' but only uses history data from Prompts whose
-- name satisfies the given predicate.
historyCompletionP :: (String -> Bool) -> ComplFunction
historyCompletionP p x = fmap (toComplList . M.filterWithKey (const . p)) readHistory
    where toComplList = deleteConsecutive . filter (isInfixOf x) . M.fold (++) []

-- | Sort a list and remove duplicates. Like 'deleteAllDuplicates', but trades off
--   laziness and stability for efficiency.
uniqSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
uniqSort = toList . fromList

-- | Functions to be used with the 'historyFilter' setting.
-- 'deleteAllDuplicates' will remove all duplicate entries.
-- 'deleteConsecutive' will only remove duplicate elements
-- immediately next to each other.
deleteAllDuplicates, deleteConsecutive :: [String] -> [String]
deleteAllDuplicates = nub
deleteConsecutive = map head . group

newtype HistoryMatches = HistoryMatches (IORef ([String],Maybe (W.Stack String)))

-- | Initializes a new HistoryMatches structure to be passed
-- to historyUpMatching
initMatches :: (Functor m, MonadIO m) => m HistoryMatches
initMatches = HistoryMatches <$> liftIO (newIORef ([],Nothing))

historyNextMatching :: HistoryMatches -> (W.Stack String -> W.Stack String) -> XP ()
historyNextMatching hm@(HistoryMatches ref) next = do
  (completed,completions) <- io $ readIORef ref
  input <- getInput
  if input `elem` completed
     then case completions of
            Just cs -> do
                let cmd = W.focus cs
                modify $ setCommand cmd
                modify $ \s -> s { offset = length cmd }
                io $ writeIORef ref (cmd:completed,Just $ next cs)
            Nothing -> return ()
     else do -- the user typed something new, recompute completions
       io . writeIORef ref . ((,) [input]) . filterMatching input =<< gets commandHistory
       historyNextMatching hm next
    where filterMatching :: String -> W.Stack String -> Maybe (W.Stack String)
          filterMatching prefix = W.filter (prefix `isPrefixOf`) . next

-- | Retrieve the next history element that starts with
-- the current input. Pass it the result of initMatches
-- when creating the prompt. Example:
-- > ..
-- > ((modMask,xK_p), shellPrompt . myPrompt =<< initMatches)
-- > ..
-- > myPrompt ref = defaultPrompt
-- >   { promptKeymap = M.union [((0,xK_Up), historyUpMatching ref)
-- >                            ,((0,xK_Down), historyDownMatching ref)]
-- >                            (promptKeymap defaultPrompt)
-- >   , .. }
historyUpMatching, historyDownMatching :: HistoryMatches -> XP ()
historyUpMatching hm = historyNextMatching hm W.focusDown'
historyDownMatching hm = historyNextMatching hm W.focusUp'