path: root/XMonad/Layout/Mosaic.hs
blob: aec23393b3ec2ab2434d4b6d1e01e2487fbbdf66 (plain) (tree)
































{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  XMonad.Layout.Mosaic
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009 Adam Vogt, 2007 James Webb
-- License     :  BSD-style (see xmonad/LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  vogt.adam<at>gmail.com
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- Based on MosaicAlt, but aspect ratio messages always change the aspect
-- ratios, and rearranging the window stack changes the window sizes.

module XMonad.Layout.Mosaic (
    -- * Usage
    -- $usage

import Prelude hiding (sum)

import XMonad(Typeable,
              LayoutClass(doLayout , pureMessage, description), Message,
              fromMessage, splitHorizontallyBy, splitVerticallyBy, Rectangle)
import XMonad.StackSet(integrate)
import Data.Foldable(Foldable(foldMap), sum)
import Data.Monoid(Monoid(mappend, mempty))

-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- > import XMonad.Layout.Mosaic
-- Then edit your @layoutHook@ by adding the Mosaic layout:
-- > myLayouts = Mosaic (take 5 $ iterate (*0.7) 1 ||| Mosaic [3,1,1,1,1,1] ||| Full ||| etc..
-- > main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = myLayouts }
-- Unfortunately, infinite lists break serialization, so don't use them.
-- To change the choice in aspect ratio and the relative sizes of windows, add
-- to your keybindings:
--  > , ((modMask, xK_a), sendMessage Taller)
--  > , ((modMask, xK_z), sendMessage Wider)
--  > , ((modMask, xK_h), sendMessage Shrink >> sendMessage (SlopeMod shallower))
--  > , ((modMask, xK_l), sendMessage Expand >> sendMessage (SlopeMod steeper))
--  > , ((modMask, xK_r), sendMessage Reset)
-- For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see:
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_layout_hook"

data Aspect
    = Taller
    | Wider
    | Reset
    | SlopeMod ([Rational] -> [Rational])
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Message Aspect

data Mosaic a
    {- | The relative magnitudes (the sign is ignored) of the rational numbers
     - provided determine the relative areas that the windows receive. The
     - first number represents the size of the master window, the second is for
     - the next window in the stack, and so on. Windows without a list element
     - are hidden.
    = Mosaic [Rational]
    -- override the aspect? current index, maximum index
    | MosaicSt Bool Rational Int [Rational]
    deriving (Read, Show)

instance LayoutClass Mosaic a where
    description = const "Mosaic"

    pureMessage (Mosaic _ss) _ms = Nothing
    pureMessage (MosaicSt _ ix mix ss) ms = fromMessage ms >>= ixMod
        where ixMod Taller | rix >= mix = Nothing
                           | otherwise = Just $ MosaicSt False (succ ix) mix ss
              ixMod Wider  | rix <= 0   = Nothing
                           | otherwise = Just $ MosaicSt False (pred ix) mix ss
              ixMod Reset              = Just $ Mosaic ss
              ixMod (SlopeMod f)       = Just $ MosaicSt False ix mix (f ss)
              rix = round ix

    doLayout (Mosaic ss) r st = return (zip (integrate st) rect, newLayout)
        where rects = splits (length $ integrate st) r ss
              lrects = length rects
              rect = rects !! (lrects `div` 2)
              newLayout = Just $ MosaicSt True (fromIntegral lrects / 2) (pred lrects) ss

    doLayout (MosaicSt override ix mix ss) r st
                                = return (zip (integrate st) rect, newLayout)
        where rects = splits (length $ integrate st) r ss
              lrects = length rects
              nix = if mix == 0 || override then fromIntegral $ lrects `div` 2
                        else max 0 $ min (fromIntegral $ pred lrects)
                            $ fromIntegral (pred lrects) * ix / fromIntegral mix
              rect = rects !! round nix
              newLayout = Just $ MosaicSt override nix (pred lrects) ss

-- | These sample functions are meant to be applied to the list of window sizes
-- through the 'SlopeMod' message.
-- Steeper and shallower scale the ratios of successive windows.
-- growMaster and shrinkMaster just increase and decrease the size of the first
-- element, and thus they change the layout very similarily to the standard
-- 'Expand' or 'Shrink' for the 'Tall' layout.
-- It may be possible to resize the specific focused window; however the same
-- result could probably be achieved by promoting it, or moving it to a higher
-- place in the list of windows; when you have a decreasing list of window
-- sizes, the change in position will also result in a change in size.

steeper :: [Rational] -> [Rational]
steeper [] = []
steeper xs = map (subtract (minimum xs*0.8)) xs

shallower :: [Rational] -> [Rational]
shallower [] = []
shallower xs = map (+(minimum xs*2)) xs

growMaster :: [Rational] -> [Rational]
growMaster [] = []
growMaster (x:xs) = 2*x:xs

shrinkMaster :: [Rational] -> [Rational]
shrinkMaster [] = []
shrinkMaster (x:xs) = x/2:xs

splits :: Int -> Rectangle -> [Rational] -> [[Rectangle]]
splits num rect = splitsL rect . makeTree . normalize
                            . map abs . reverse . take num

-- recursively enumerate splits
splitsL :: Rectangle -> Tree Rational -> [[Rectangle]]
splitsL _rect Empty = []
splitsL rect (Leaf _) = [[rect]]
splitsL rect (Branch l r) = do
    let mkSplit f = f (sum l / (sum l + sum r)) rect
    (rl,rr) <- map mkSplit [splitVerticallyBy,splitHorizontallyBy]
    splitsL rl l `interleave` splitsL rr r

-- like zipWith (++), but when one list is shorter, its elements are duplicated
-- so that they match
interleave :: [[a]] -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
interleave xs ys | lx > ly = zc xs (extend lx ys)
                 | otherwise = zc (extend ly xs) ys
    where lx = length xs
          ly = length ys
          zc = zipWith (++)

extend :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
extend n pat = do
    (p,e) <- zip pat $ replicate m True ++ repeat False
    [p | e] ++ replicate d p
    where (d,m) = n `divMod` length pat

normalize :: Fractional a => [a] -> [a]
normalize x = let s = sum x
    in map (/s) x

data Tree a = Branch (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a | Empty
    deriving (Show)

instance Foldable Tree where
   foldMap _f Empty = mempty
   foldMap f (Leaf x) = f x
   foldMap f (Branch l r) = foldMap f l `mappend` foldMap f r

instance Monoid (Tree a) where
    mempty = Empty
    mappend Empty x = x
    mappend x Empty = x
    mappend x y = Branch x y

makeTree :: [Rational] -> Tree Rational
makeTree [] = Empty
makeTree [x] = Leaf x
makeTree xs = Branch (makeTree a) (makeTree b)
    where ((a,b),_) = foldr w (([],[]),(0,0)) xs
          w n ((ls,rs),(l,r)) = if l > r then ((ls,n:rs),(l,n+r))
                                        else ((n:ls,rs),(n+l,r))