{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances, PatternGuards #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
-- Copyright : Devin Mullins <me@twifkak.com>
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : Devin Mullins <me@twifkak.com>
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- UrgencyHook lets you configure an action to occur when a window demands
-- your attention. (In traditional WMs, this takes the form of \"flashing\"
-- on your \"taskbar.\" Blech.)
module XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook (
-- * Usage
-- $usage
readUrgents, withUrgents,
NoUrgencyHook(..), StdoutUrgencyHook(..),
dzenUrgencyHook, DzenUrgencyHook(..),
whenShouldTrigger, seconds,
) where
import XMonad
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Hooks.EventHook
import XMonad.Util.Dzen (dzenWithArgs, seconds)
import XMonad.Util.NamedWindows (getName)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Bits (testBit)
import Data.IORef
import Data.List ((\\), delete)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Foreign (unsafePerformIO)
-- $usage
-- To wire this up, first add:
-- > import XMonad.Hooks.UrgencyHook
-- to your import list in your config file. Now, choose an urgency hook. If
-- you're just interested in displaying the urgency state in your custom
-- logHook, then choose NoUrgencyHook. Otherwise, you may use the provided
-- 'dzenUrgencyHook', or write your own.
-- Enable your urgency hook by wrapping your config record in a call to
-- 'withUrgencyHook'. For example:
-- > main = xmonad $ withUrgencyHook dzenUrgencyHook { args = ["-bg", "darkgreen", "-xs", "1"] }
-- > $ defaultConfig
-- If you want to modify your logHook to print out information about urgent windows,
-- the functions 'readUrgents' and 'withUrgents' are there to help you with that.
-- No example for you.
-- | This is the preferred method of enabling an urgency hook. It will prepend
-- an action to your logHook that removes visible windows from the list of urgent
-- windows. If you don't like that behavior, you may use 'urgencyLayoutHook' instead.
withUrgencyHook :: (LayoutClass l Window, UrgencyHook h) =>
h -> XConfig l -> XConfig (HandleEvent (WithUrgencyHook h) l)
withUrgencyHook hook conf = conf { layoutHook = urgencyLayoutHook hook $ layoutHook conf
, logHook = removeVisiblesFromUrgents >> logHook conf
-- | The logHook action used by 'withUrgencyHook'.
removeVisiblesFromUrgents :: X ()
removeVisiblesFromUrgents = do
visibles <- gets mapped
adjustUrgents (\\ (S.toList visibles))
-- | Focuses the most recently urgent window. Good for what ails ya -- I mean, your keybindings.
-- Example keybinding:
-- > , ((modMask , xK_BackSpace), focusUrgent)
focusUrgent :: X ()
focusUrgent = withUrgents $ flip whenJust (windows . W.focusWindow) . listToMaybe
-- | Stores the global set of all urgent windows, across workspaces. Not exported -- use
-- 'readUrgents' or 'withUrgents' instead.
{-# NOINLINE urgents #-}
urgents :: IORef [Window]
urgents = unsafePerformIO (newIORef [])
-- (Hey, I don't like it any more than you do.)
-- | X action that returns a list of currently urgent windows. You might use
-- it, or 'withUrgents', in your custom logHook, to display the workspaces that
-- contain urgent windows.
readUrgents :: X [Window]
readUrgents = io $ readIORef urgents
-- | An HOF version of 'readUrgents', for those who prefer that sort of thing.
withUrgents :: ([Window] -> X a) -> X a
withUrgents f = readUrgents >>= f
data WithUrgencyHook h = WithUrgencyHook h deriving (Read, Show)
-- The Non-ICCCM Manifesto:
-- Note: Some non-standard choices have been made in this implementation to
-- account for the fact that things are different in a tiling window manager:
-- 1. In normal window managers, windows may overlap, so clients wait for focus to
-- be set before urgency is cleared. In a tiling WM, it's sufficient to be able
-- see the window, since we know that means you can see it completely.
-- 2. The urgentOnBell setting in rxvt-unicode sets urgency even when the window
-- has focus, and won't clear until it loses and regains focus. This is stupid.
-- In order to account for these quirks, we track the list of urgent windows
-- ourselves, allowing us to clear urgency when a window is visible, and not to
-- set urgency if a window is visible. If you have a better idea, please, let us
-- know!
instance UrgencyHook h => EventHook (WithUrgencyHook h) where
handleEvent (WithUrgencyHook hook) event =
case event of
PropertyEvent { ev_event_type = t, ev_atom = a, ev_window = w } -> do
when (t == propertyNotify && a == wM_HINTS) $ withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
WMHints { wmh_flags = flags } <- io $ getWMHints dpy w
if (testBit flags urgencyHintBit) then do
-- Call the urgencyHook.
userCode $ urgencyHook hook w
-- Add to list of urgents.
adjustUrgents (\ws -> if elem w ws then ws else w : ws)
-- Call logHook after IORef has been modified.
userCode =<< asks (logHook . config)
else do
-- Remove from list of urgents.
adjustUrgents (delete w)
-- Call logHook after IORef has been modified.
userCode =<< asks (logHook . config)
DestroyWindowEvent {ev_window = w} -> do
adjustUrgents (delete w)
_ ->
return ()
adjustUrgents :: ([Window] -> [Window]) -> X ()
adjustUrgents f = io $ modifyIORef urgents f
urgencyLayoutHook :: (UrgencyHook h, LayoutClass l Window) =>
h -> l Window -> HandleEvent (WithUrgencyHook h) l Window
urgencyLayoutHook hook = eventHook $ WithUrgencyHook hook
-- Urgency Hooks
-- | The class definition, and some pre-defined instances.
-- TODO: factor SuppressWhen stuff into WithUrgencyHook
data SuppressWhen = Visible | OnScreen | Focused | Never deriving (Read, Show)
shouldSuppress :: SuppressWhen -> Window -> X Bool
shouldSuppress Visible w = gets $ S.member w . mapped
shouldSuppress OnScreen w = gets $ elem w . W.index . windowset
shouldSuppress Focused w = gets $ maybe False (w ==) . W.peek . windowset
shouldSuppress Never _ = return False
-- | Convenience method for those writing UrgencyHooks.
whenShouldTrigger :: SuppressWhen -> Window -> X () -> X ()
whenShouldTrigger sw w = whenX (not `fmap` shouldSuppress sw w)
class (Read h, Show h) => UrgencyHook h where
urgencyHook :: h -> Window -> X ()
data NoUrgencyHook = NoUrgencyHook deriving (Read, Show)
instance UrgencyHook NoUrgencyHook where
urgencyHook _ _ = return ()
data DzenUrgencyHook = DzenUrgencyHook { duration :: Int,
args :: [String],
suppressWhen :: SuppressWhen }
deriving (Read, Show)
instance UrgencyHook DzenUrgencyHook where
urgencyHook DzenUrgencyHook { duration = d, args = a, suppressWhen = sw } w = do
name <- getName w
ws <- gets windowset
whenJust (W.findTag w ws) (flash name)
where flash name index =
whenShouldTrigger sw w $
dzenWithArgs (show name ++ " requests your attention on workspace " ++ index) a d
-- | Flashes when a window requests your attention and you can't see it. Configurable
-- duration and args to dzen, and when to suppress the urgency flash.
dzenUrgencyHook :: DzenUrgencyHook
dzenUrgencyHook = DzenUrgencyHook { duration = (5 `seconds`), args = [], suppressWhen = Visible }
-- | Spawn a commandline thing, appending the window id to the prefix string
-- you provide. (Make sure to add a space if you need it.) Do your crazy
-- xcompmgr thing.
newtype SpawnUrgencyHook = SpawnUrgencyHook String deriving (Read, Show)
instance UrgencyHook SpawnUrgencyHook where
urgencyHook (SpawnUrgencyHook prefix) w = spawn $ prefix ++ show w
-- For debugging purposes, really.
data StdoutUrgencyHook = StdoutUrgencyHook deriving (Read, Show)
instance UrgencyHook StdoutUrgencyHook where
urgencyHook _ w = io $ putStrLn $ "Urgent: " ++ show w