{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module : XMonad.Hooks.FadeWindows
-- Copyright : Brandon S Allbery KF8NH <allbery.b@gmail.com>
-- License : BSD
-- Maintainer : Brandon S Allbery KF8NH
-- Stability : unstable
-- Portability : unportable
-- A more flexible and general compositing interface than FadeInactive.
-- Windows can be selected and opacity specified by means of FadeHooks,
-- which are very similar to ManageHooks and use the same machinery.
module XMonad.Hooks.FadeWindows (-- * Usage
-- $usage
-- * The 'logHook' for window fading
-- * The 'FadeHook'
-- * Predefined 'FadeHook's
-- * 'handleEventHook' for mapped/unmapped windows
-- * 'doF' for simple hooks
-- * Useful 'Query's for 'FadeHook's
) where
import XMonad.Core
import XMonad.ManageHook (liftX)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W
import XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive (setOpacity
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ask
import Control.Monad.State (gets)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Monoid
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras (Event(..))
-- $usage
-- To use this module, make sure your @xmonad@ core supports generalized
-- 'ManageHook's (check the type of 'idHook'; if it's @ManageHook@ then
-- your @xmonad@ is too old) and then add @fadeWindowsLogHook@ to your
-- 'logHook' and @fadeWindowsEventHook@ to your 'handleEventHook':
-- > , logHook = fadeWindowsLogHook myFadeHook
-- > , handleEventHook = fadeWindowsEventHook
-- > {- ... -}
-- >
-- > myFadeHook = composeAll [isUnfocused --> transparency 0.2
-- > , opaque
-- > ]
-- The above is like FadeInactive with a fade value of 0.2.
-- FadeHooks do not accumulate; instead, they compose from right to
-- left like 'ManageHook's, so the above example @myFadeHook@ will
-- render unfocused windows at 4/5 opacity and the focused window
-- as opaque. The 'opaque' hook above is optional, by the way, as any
-- unmatched window will be opaque by default.
-- This module is best used with "XMonad.Hooks.MoreManageHelpers", which
-- exports a number of Queries that can be used in either @ManageHook@
-- or @FadeHook@.
-- Note that you need a compositing manager such as @xcompmgr@,
-- @dcompmgr@, or @cairo-compmgr@ for window fading to work. If you
-- aren't running a compositing manager, the opacity will be recorded
-- but won't take effect until a compositing manager is started.
-- For more detailed instructions on editing the 'logHook' see:
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#The_log_hook_and_external_status_bars"
-- For more detailed instructions on editing the 'handleEventHook',
-- see:
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_the_event_hook"
-- (which sadly doesnt exist at the time of writing...)
-- /WARNING:/ This module is very good at triggering bugs in
-- compositing managers. Symptoms range from windows not being
-- repainted until the compositing manager is restarted or the
-- window is unmapped and remapped, to the machine becoming sluggish
-- until the compositing manager is restarted (at which point a
-- popup/dialog will suddenly appear; apparently it's getting into
-- a tight loop trying to fade the popup in). I find it useful to
-- have a key binding to restart the compositing manager; for example,
-- main = xmonad $ def {
-- {- ... -}
-- }
-- `additionalKeysP`
-- [("M-S-4",spawn "killall xcompmgr; sleep 1; xcompmgr -cCfF &")]
-- {- ... -}
-- ]
-- (See "XMonad.Util.EZConfig" for 'additionalKeysP'.)
-- a window opacity to be carried in a Query. OEmpty is sort of a hack
-- to make it obay the monoid laws
data Opacity = Opacity Rational | OEmpty
instance Monoid Opacity where
mempty = OEmpty
r `mappend` OEmpty = r
_ `mappend` r = r
-- | A FadeHook is similar to a ManageHook, but records window opacity.
type FadeHook = Query Opacity
-- | Render a window fully opaque.
opaque :: FadeHook
opaque = doS (Opacity 1)
-- | Render a window fully transparent.
transparent :: FadeHook
transparent = doS (Opacity 0)
-- | Specify a window's transparency.
transparency :: Rational -- ^ The window's transparency as a fraction.
-- @transparency 1@ is the same as 'transparent',
-- whereas @transparency 0@ is the same as 'opaque'.
-> FadeHook
transparency = doS . Opacity . (1-) . clampRatio
-- | Specify a window's opacity; this is the inverse of 'transparency'.
opacity :: Rational -- ^ The opacity of a window as a fraction.
-- @opacity 1@ is the same as 'opaque',
-- whereas @opacity 0@ is the same as 'transparent'.
-> FadeHook
opacity = doS . Opacity . clampRatio
fadeTo, translucence, fadeBy :: Rational -> FadeHook
-- ^ An alias for 'transparency'.
fadeTo = transparency
-- ^ An alias for 'transparency'.
translucence = transparency
-- ^ An alias for 'transparency'.
fadeBy = opacity
invisible, solid :: FadeHook
-- ^ An alias for 'transparent'.
invisible = transparent
-- ^ An alias for 'opaque'.
solid = opaque
-- | Like 'doF', but usable with 'ManageHook'-like hooks that
-- aren't 'Query' wrapped around transforming functions ('Endo').
doS :: Monoid m => m -> Query m
doS = return
-- | The identity 'FadeHook', which renders windows 'opaque'.
idFadeHook :: FadeHook
idFadeHook = opaque
-- | A Query to determine if a window is floating.
isFloating :: Query Bool
isFloating = ask >>= \w -> liftX . gets $ M.member w . W.floating . windowset
-- boring windows can't be seen outside of a layout, so we watch messages with
-- a dummy LayoutModifier and stow them in a persistent bucket. this is not
-- entirely reliable given that boringAuto still isn't observable; we just hope
-- those aren't visible and won;t be affected anyway
-- @@@ punted for now, will be a separate module. it's still slimy, though
-- | A 'logHook' to fade windows under control of a 'FadeHook', which is
-- similar to but not identical to 'ManageHook'.
fadeWindowsLogHook :: FadeHook -> X ()
fadeWindowsLogHook h = withWindowSet $ \s -> do
let visibleWins = (W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace . W.current $ s) ++
concatMap (W.integrate' . W.stack . W.workspace) (W.visible s)
forM_ visibleWins $ \w -> do
o <- userCodeDef (Opacity 1) (runQuery h w)
setOpacity w $ case o of
OEmpty -> 0.93
Opacity r -> r
-- | A 'handleEventHook' to handle fading and unfading of newly mapped
-- or unmapped windows; this avoids problems with layouts such as
-- "XMonad.Layout.Full" or "XMonad.Layout.Tabbed". This hook may
-- also be useful with "XMonad.Hooks.FadeInactive".
fadeWindowsEventHook :: Event -> X All
fadeWindowsEventHook (MapNotifyEvent {}) =
-- we need to run the fadeWindowsLogHook. only one way...
asks config >>= logHook >> return (All True)
fadeWindowsEventHook _ = return (All True)
-- A utility to clamp opacity fractions to the range (0,1)
clampRatio :: Rational -> Rational
clampRatio r | r >= 0 && r <= 1 = r
| r < 0 = 0
| otherwise = 1