path: root/XMonad/Actions/RotSlaves.hs
blob: f6a978d6821101ce43018ca8001f0dd612a966cb (plain) (tree)












-- |
-- Module       : XMonad.Actions.RotSlaves
-- Copyright    : (c) Hans Philipp Annen <haphi@gmx.net>, Mischa Dieterle <der_m@freenet.de>
-- License      : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer   : Hans Philipp Annen <haphi@gmx.net>
-- Stability    : unstable
-- Portability  : unportable
-- Rotate all windows except the master window and keep the focus in
-- place.
module XMonad.Actions.RotSlaves (
        -- $usage
        rotSlaves', rotSlavesUp, rotSlavesDown,
        rotAll', rotAllUp, rotAllDown
        ) where

import XMonad.StackSet
import XMonad

-- $usage
-- To use this module, import it with:
-- > import XMonad.Actions.RotSlaves
-- and add whatever keybindings you would like, for example:
-- > , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Tab   ), rotSlavesUp)
-- This operation will rotate all windows except the master window,
-- while the focus stays where it is. It is useful together with the
-- TwoPane layout (see "XMonad.Layout.TwoPane").
-- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings".

-- | Rotate the windows in the current stack, excluding the first one
--   (master).
rotSlavesUp,rotSlavesDown :: X ()
rotSlavesUp   = windows $ modify' (rotSlaves' (\l -> (tail l)++[head l]))
rotSlavesDown = windows $ modify' (rotSlaves' (\l -> [last l]++(init l)))

-- | The actual rotation, as a pure function on the window stack.
rotSlaves' :: ([a] -> [a]) -> Stack a -> Stack a
rotSlaves' _ s@(Stack _ [] []) = s
rotSlaves' f   (Stack t [] rs) = Stack t [] (f rs)                -- Master has focus
rotSlaves' f s@(Stack _ ls _ ) = Stack t' (reverse revls') rs'    -- otherwise
    where  (master:ws)     = integrate s
           (revls',t':rs') = splitAt (length ls) (master:(f ws))

-- | Rotate all the windows in the current stack.
rotAllUp,rotAllDown :: X ()
rotAllUp   = windows $ modify' (rotAll' (\l -> (tail l)++[head l]))
rotAllDown = windows $ modify' (rotAll' (\l -> [last l]++(init l)))

-- | The actual rotation, as a pure function on the window stack.
rotAll' :: ([a] -> [a]) -> Stack a -> Stack a
rotAll' f s = Stack r (reverse revls) rs
    where (revls,r:rs) = splitAt (length (up s)) (f (integrate s))