{- |
Module : XMonad.Actions.Launcher
Copyright : (C) 2012 Carlos López-Camey
License : None; public domain
Maintainer : <c.lopez@kmels.net>
Stability : unstable
A set of prompts for XMonad
module XMonad.Actions.Launcher(
-- * Description and use
-- $description
, ExtensionActions
, LauncherConfig(..)
, launcherPrompt
) where
import Data.List (find, findIndex, isPrefixOf, tails)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import XMonad hiding (config)
import XMonad.Prompt
import XMonad.Util.Run
{- $description
This module exemplifies usage of `XMonad.Prompt.mkXPromptWithModes`. It includes two modes:
* Hoogle mode: Search for functions using hoogle, choosing a function leads you to documentation in Haddock.
* Calc: Uses the program calc to do calculations.
To test it, modify your local .xmonad:
> import XMonad.Prompt(defaultXPConfig)
> import XMonad.Actions.Launcher
> ((modm .|. controlMask, xK_l), launcherPrompt defaultXPConfig $ defaultLauncherModes launcherConfig)
A LauncherConfig contains settings for the default modes, modify them accordingly.
> launcherConfig = LauncherConfig { pathToHoogle = "/home/YOU/.cabal/bin/hoogle" , browser = "firefox"}
Restart xmonad. Press Ctrl + Your_Modkey + L and the first prompt should pop up.
If you used 'defaultXPConfig', you can change mode with 'xK_grave'. If you are using your own 'XPConfig', define the value for 'changeModeKey'.
data HoogleMode = HMode FilePath String --path to hoogle and browser
data CalculatorMode = CalcMode
data LauncherConfig = LauncherConfig {
browser :: String
, pathToHoogle :: String
type ExtensionActions = M.Map String (String -> X())
-- | Uses the command `calc` to compute arithmetic expressions
instance XPrompt CalculatorMode where
showXPrompt CalcMode = "calc %s> "
commandToComplete CalcMode = id --send the whole string to `calc`
completionFunction CalcMode = \s -> if (length s == 0) then return [] else do
fmap lines $ runProcessWithInput "calc" [s] ""
modeAction CalcMode _ _ = return () -- do nothing; this might copy the result to the clipboard
-- | Uses the program `hoogle` to search for functions
instance XPrompt HoogleMode where
showXPrompt _ = "hoogle %s> "
commandToComplete _ = id
completionFunction (HMode pathToHoogleBin' _) = \s -> completionFunctionWith pathToHoogleBin' ["--count","8",s]
-- This action calls hoogle again to find the URL corresponding to the autocompleted item
modeAction (HMode pathToHoogleBin'' browser') query result = do
completionsWithLink <- liftIO $ completionFunctionWith pathToHoogleBin'' ["--count","5","--link",query]
let link = do
s <- find (isJust . \complStr -> findSeqIndex complStr result) completionsWithLink
i <- findSeqIndex s "http://"
return $ drop i s
case link of
Just l -> spawn $ browser' ++ " " ++ l
_ -> return ()
-- | Receives a sublist and a list. It returns the index where the sublist appears in the list.
findSeqIndex :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe Int
findSeqIndex xs xss = findIndex (isPrefixOf xss) $ tails xs
-- | Creates an autocompletion function for a programm given the program's name and a list of args to send to the command.
completionFunctionWith :: String -> [String] -> IO [String]
completionFunctionWith cmd args = do fmap lines $ runProcessWithInput cmd args ""
-- | Creates a prompt with the given modes
launcherPrompt :: XPConfig -> [XPMode] -> X()
launcherPrompt config modes = mkXPromptWithModes modes config
-- | Create a list of modes based on :
-- a list of extensions mapped to actions
-- the path to hoogle
defaultLauncherModes :: LauncherConfig -> [XPMode]
defaultLauncherModes cnf = let
ph = pathToHoogle cnf
in [ hoogleMode ph $ browser cnf
, calcMode]
hoogleMode :: FilePath -> String -> XPMode
hoogleMode pathToHoogleBin browser' = XPT $ HMode pathToHoogleBin browser'
calcMode :: XPMode
calcMode = XPT CalcMode
-- ideas for XMonad.Prompt running on mode XPMultipleModes
* Switch to mode by name of the prompt, 1. ':' at an empty(?) buffer, 2. autocomplete name in buffer should happen, 3. switch to mode with enter (cancel switch with C-g)
* Support for actions of type String -> X a
-- ideas for this module
* Hoogle mode: add a setting in the action to either go to documentation or to the source code (needs hoogle change?)
* Hoogle mode: add setting to query hoogle at haskell.org instead (with &mode=json)