path: root/XMonad/Actions/FloatSnap.hs
blob: ffa84023b232daf71317ab12aa037ed5ce60af57 (plain) (tree)

-- |
-- Module      :  XMonad.Layout.FloatSnap
-- Copyright   :  (c) 2009 Anders Engstrom <ankaan@gmail.com>
-- License     :  BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  none
-- Stability   :  unstable
-- Portability :  unportable
-- Move and resize floating windows using other windows and the edge of the
-- screen as guidelines.

module XMonad.Actions.FloatSnap (
                -- * Usage
                -- $usage
                snapMagicResize) where

import XMonad
import Data.List (sort)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe,fromJust,isNothing)
import qualified XMonad.StackSet as W

import XMonad.Hooks.ManageDocks (Direction(..))

-- $usage
-- You can use this module with the following in your @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@:
-- >    import XMonad.Actions.FloatSnap
-- Then add appropriate key bindings, for example:
-- >        , ((modMask x,               xK_Left),  withFocused $ snapMove L Nothing)
-- >        , ((modMask x,               xK_Right), withFocused $ snapMove R Nothing)
-- >        , ((modMask x,               xK_Up),    withFocused $ snapMove U Nothing)
-- >        , ((modMask x,               xK_Down),  withFocused $ snapMove D Nothing)
-- >        , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Left),  withFocused $ snapShrink R Nothing)
-- >        , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Right), withFocused $ snapGrow R Nothing)
-- >        , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Up),    withFocused $ snapShrink D Nothing)
-- >        , ((modMask x .|. shiftMask, xK_Down),  withFocused $ snapGrow D Nothing)
-- For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_key_bindings".
-- And possibly add an appropriate mouse binding, for example:
-- >        , ((modMask x, button1), (\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w >> snapMagicMove (Just 50) (Just 50) w))
-- >        , ((modMask x, button3), (\w -> focus w >> mouseResizeWindow w >> snapMagicResize (Just 50) (Just 50) w))
-- For detailed instructions on editing your mouse bindings, see
-- "XMonad.Doc.Extending#Editing_mouse_bindings".
-- Using these mouse bindings, it will not snap while moving, but allow you to click the window once after it has been moved or resized to snap it into place.
-- Note that the order in which the commands are applied in the mouse bindings are important.
-- Interesting values for the distance to look for window in the orthogonal axis are Nothing (to snap against every window), Just 0 (to only snap
-- against windows that we should collide with geometrically while moving) and Just 1 (to also snap against windows we brush against).
-- For 'snapMagicMove' and 'snapMagicResize', try instead setting it to the same as the maximum snapping distance.
-- When a value is specified it can be geometrically conceived as adding a border with the specified width around the window and then checking which
-- windows it should collide with.

-- | Resize the window by each edge independently to snap against the closest part of other windows or the edge of the screen.
snapMagicResize ::
       Maybe Int -- ^ The distance in the orthogonal axis to look for windows to snap against. Use Nothing to snap against every window.
    -> Maybe Int -- ^ The maximum distance to snap. Use Nothing to not impose any boundary.
    -> Window    -- ^ The window to move and resize.
    -> X ()
snapMagicResize collidedist snapdist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
    io $ raiseWindow d w
    wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w

    (nx,nw) <- handleAxis True d wa
    (ny,nh) <- handleAxis False d wa

    io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral nx) (fromIntegral ny)
    io $ resizeWindow d w (fromIntegral nw) (fromIntegral nh)
    float w
        handleAxis horiz d wa = do
            ((mbl,mbr,bs),(mfl,mfr,fs)) <- getSnap horiz collidedist d w
            let begin = if bs
                        then wpos wa
                        else case (mbl,mbr) of
                            (Just bl,Just br) -> if wpos wa - bl < br - wpos wa then bl else br
                            (Just bl,Nothing) -> bl
                            (Nothing,Just br) -> br
                            (Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa
                end = if fs
                      then wpos wa + wdim wa
                      else case (if mfl==(Just begin) then Nothing else mfl,mfr) of
                          (Just fl,Just fr) -> if wpos wa + wdim wa - fl < fr - wpos wa - wdim wa then fl else fr
                          (Just fl,Nothing) -> fl
                          (Nothing,Just fr) -> fr
                          (Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa + wdim wa
                begin' = if isNothing snapdist || abs (begin - wpos wa) <= fromJust snapdist then begin else (wpos wa)
                end' = if isNothing snapdist || abs (end - wpos wa - wdim wa) <= fromJust snapdist then end else (wpos wa + wdim wa)
            return (begin',end'-begin')
                (wpos, wdim, _, _) = constructors horiz

-- | Move a window by both axises in any direction to snap against the closest part of other windows or the edge of the screen.
snapMagicMove ::
       Maybe Int -- ^ The distance in the orthogonal axis to look for windows to snap against. Use Nothing to snap against every window.
    -> Maybe Int -- ^ The maximum distance to snap. Use Nothing to not impose any boundary.
    -> Window    -- ^ The window to move.
    -> X ()
snapMagicMove collidedist snapdist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
    io $ raiseWindow d w
    wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w

    nx <- handleAxis True d wa
    ny <- handleAxis False d wa

    io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral nx) (fromIntegral ny)
    float w
        handleAxis horiz d wa = do
            ((mbl,mbr,bs),(mfl,mfr,fs)) <- getSnap horiz collidedist d w
            return $ if bs || fs
                     then wpos wa
                     else let b = case (mbl,mbr) of
                                    (Just bl,Just br) -> if wpos wa - bl < br - wpos wa then bl else br
                                    (Just bl,Nothing) -> bl
                                    (Nothing,Just br) -> br
                                    (Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa
                              f = case (mfl,mfr) of
                                    (Just fl,Just fr) -> if wpos wa + wdim wa - fl < fr - wpos wa - wdim wa then fl else fr
                                    (Just fl,Nothing) -> fl
                                    (Nothing,Just fr) -> fr
                                    (Nothing,Nothing) -> wpos wa
                              newpos = if abs (b - wpos wa) <= abs (f - wpos wa - wdim wa) then b else (f - wdim wa)
                          in if isNothing snapdist || abs (newpos - wpos wa) <= fromJust snapdist then newpos else (wpos wa)
                (wpos, wdim, _, _) = constructors horiz

-- | Move a window in the specified direction until it snaps against another window or the edge of the screen.
snapMove ::
       Direction -- ^ What direction to move the window in.
    -> Maybe Int -- ^ The distance in the orthogonal axis to look for windows to snap against. Use Nothing to snap against every window.
    -> Window    -- ^ The window to move.
    -> X ()
snapMove L = doSnapMove True True
snapMove R = doSnapMove True False
snapMove U = doSnapMove False True
snapMove D = doSnapMove False False

doSnapMove :: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe Int -> Window -> X ()
doSnapMove horiz rev collidedist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
    io $ raiseWindow d w
    wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
    ((bl,br,_),(fl,fr,_)) <- getSnap horiz collidedist d w

    let (mb,mf) = if rev then (bl,fl)
                         else (br,fr)

        newpos = fromIntegral $ case (mb,mf) of
                                    (Just b,Nothing) -> b
                                    (Nothing,Just f) -> f - wdim wa
                                    (Just b,Just f) -> if rev /= (b < f - wdim wa)
                                                       then b
                                                       else f - wdim wa
                                    _ -> wpos wa

    if horiz then io $ moveWindow d w newpos (fromIntegral $ wa_y wa)
             else io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral $ wa_x wa) newpos
    float w

        (wpos, wdim, _, _) = constructors horiz

-- | Grow the specified edge of a window until it snaps against another window or the edge of the screen.
snapGrow ::
       Direction -- ^ What edge of the window to grow.
    -> Maybe Int -- ^ The distance in the orthogonal axis to look for windows to snap against. Use Nothing to snap against every window.
    -> Window    -- ^ The window to grow.
    -> X ()
snapGrow = snapResize True

-- | Shrink the specified edge of a window until it snaps against another window or the edge of the screen.
snapShrink ::
       Direction -- ^ What edge of the window to shrink.
    -> Maybe Int -- ^ The distance in the orthogonal axis to look for windows to snap against. Use Nothing to snap against every window.
    -> Window    -- ^ The window to grow.
    -> X ()
snapShrink = snapResize False

snapResize :: Bool -> Direction -> Maybe Int -> Window -> X ()
snapResize grow dir collidedist w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
    io $ raiseWindow d w
    wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
    mr <- case dir of
              L -> do ((mg,ms,_),(_,_,_)) <- getSnap True collidedist d w
                      return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
                                   Just v -> Just (v, wy wa, ww wa + wx wa - v, wh wa)
                                   _ -> Nothing
              R -> do ((_,_,_),(ms,mg,_)) <- getSnap True collidedist d w
                      return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
                                   Just v -> Just (wx wa, wy wa, v - wx wa, wh wa)
                                   _ -> Nothing
              U -> do ((mg,ms,_),(_,_,_)) <- getSnap False collidedist d w
                      return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
                                   Just v -> Just (wx wa, v, ww wa, wh wa + wy wa - v)
                                   _ -> Nothing
              D -> do ((_,_,_),(ms,mg,_)) <- getSnap False collidedist d w
                      return $ case (if grow then mg else ms) of
                                   Just v -> Just (wx wa, wy wa, ww wa, v - wy wa)
                                   _ -> Nothing

    case mr of
        Nothing -> return ()
        Just (nx,ny,nw,nh) -> if nw>0 && nh>0 then do io $ moveWindow d w (fromIntegral nx) (fromIntegral ny)
                                                      io $ resizeWindow d w (fromIntegral nw) (fromIntegral nh)
                                              else return ()
    float w
        wx = fromIntegral.wa_x
        wy = fromIntegral.wa_y
        ww = fromIntegral.wa_width
        wh = fromIntegral.wa_height

getSnap :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Display -> Window -> X ((Maybe Int,Maybe Int,Bool),(Maybe Int,Maybe Int,Bool))
getSnap horiz collidedist d w = do
    wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
    screen <- W.current `fmap` gets windowset
    let sr = screenRect $ W.screenDetail screen
        wl = W.integrate' $ W.stack $ W.workspace screen
    wla <- filter (collides wa) `fmap` (io $ mapM (getWindowAttributes d) $ filter (/=w) wl)

    return ( neighbours (back wa sr wla) (wpos wa)
           , neighbours (front wa sr wla) (wpos wa + wdim wa)

        wborder = fromIntegral.wa_border_width

        (wpos, wdim, rpos, rdim) = constructors horiz
        (refwpos, refwdim, _, _) = constructors $ not horiz

        back wa sr wla = dropWhile (< rpos sr) $
                         takeWhile (< rpos sr + rdim sr) $
                         sort $ (rpos sr):foldr (\a as -> (wpos a):(wpos a + wdim a + wborder a + wborder wa):as) [] wla

        front wa sr wla = dropWhile (<= rpos sr) $
                          takeWhile (<= rpos sr + rdim sr) $
                          sort $ (rpos sr + rdim sr - 2*(wborder wa)):foldr (\a as -> (wpos a - wborder a - wborder wa):(wpos a + wdim a):as) [] wla

        neighbours l v = ( listToMaybe $ reverse $ takeWhile (< v) l
                         , listToMaybe $ dropWhile (<= v) l
                         , v `elem` l

        collides wa oa = case collidedist of
                             Nothing -> True
                             Just dist -> (  refwpos oa - wborder oa < refwpos wa + refwdim wa + wborder wa + dist
                                          && refwpos wa - wborder wa - dist < refwpos oa + refwdim oa + wborder oa )

constructors :: Bool -> (WindowAttributes -> Int, WindowAttributes -> Int, Rectangle -> Int, Rectangle -> Int)
constructors True = ( fromIntegral.wa_x
                    , fromIntegral.wa_width
                    , fromIntegral.rect_x
                    , fromIntegral.rect_width
constructors False = ( fromIntegral.wa_y
                     , fromIntegral.wa_height
                     , fromIntegral.rect_y
                     , fromIntegral.rect_height