blob: bcc38d92ebaab14403d21daf371a718eb0750bef (
plain) (
module XMonadContrib.LayoutHints ( layoutHints ) where
-- to use:
-- defaultLayouts = [ layoutHints tiled, layoutHints $ mirror tiled , full ]
import Operations ( applySizeHints, D )
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras ( getWMNormalHints )
import {-#SOURCE#-} Config (borderWidth)
import XMonad hiding ( trace )
-- | Expand a size by the given multiple of the border width. The
-- multiple is most commonly 1 or -1.
adjBorders :: Dimension -> D -> D
adjBorders mult (w,h) = (w+2*mult*borderWidth, h+2*mult*borderWidth)
layoutHints :: Layout -> Layout
layoutHints l = l { doLayout = \r x -> doLayout l r x >>= applyHints
, modifyLayout = \x -> fmap layoutHints `fmap` modifyLayout l x }
applyHints :: [(Window, Rectangle)] -> X [(Window, Rectangle)]
applyHints xs = mapM applyHint xs
where applyHint (w,Rectangle a b c d) =
withDisplay $ \disp ->
do sh <- io $ getWMNormalHints disp w
let (c',d') = adjBorders 1 . applySizeHints sh . adjBorders (-1) $ (c,d)
return (w, Rectangle a b c' d')