path: root/tests
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authorKarsten Schoelzel <kuser@gmx.de>2007-09-10 11:03:29 +0200
committerKarsten Schoelzel <kuser@gmx.de>2007-09-10 11:03:29 +0200
commitdf9292b3d2ccb071af89b4576ebddc5f97db71ab (patch)
treef08c616430400f3d96aa120825da4e27eac8c004 /tests
parent0ddfabc605c890cda31fe7104cedaa6b6684ed25 (diff)
Fix float behaviour, add shiftWin.
First, if float is called with window which is on a hidden workspace, then the window will remain on that hidden workspace. Now the focus should change more as expected: float w darcs-hash:20070910090329-eb3a1-ae150bf783b36fb4811e92d81b4917066c8733b7.gz
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 23 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index e11b448..3207f95 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -167,6 +167,9 @@ prop_swap_right_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
prop_shift_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
n `tagMember` x ==> invariant $ shift (fromIntegral n) x
+prop_shift_win_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (w :: Char) (x :: T) =
+ n `tagMember` x && w `member` x ==> invariant $ shiftWin (fromIntegral n) w x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- 'new'
@@ -493,6 +496,23 @@ prop_shift_reversible i (x :: T) =
y = swapMaster x
n = tag (workspace $ current y)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- shiftWin
+-- shiftWin on current window is the same as shift
+prop_shift_win_focus i (x :: T) =
+ i `tagMember` x ==> case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just w -> shiftWin i w x == shift i x
+-- shiftWin leaves the current screen as it is, if neither i is the tag
+-- of the current workspace nor w on the current workspace
+prop_shift_win_fix_current i w (x :: T) =
+ i `tagMember` x && w `member` x && i /= n && findIndex w x /= Just n
+ ==> (current $ x) == (current $ shiftWin i w x)
+ where
+ n = tag (workspace $ current x)
-- some properties for layouts:
@@ -611,6 +631,9 @@ main = do
,("shift: invariant" , mytest prop_shift_I)
,("shift is reversible" , mytest prop_shift_reversible)
+ ,("shiftWin: invariant" , mytest prop_shift_win_I)
+ ,("shiftWin is shift on focus" , mytest prop_shift_win_focus)
+ ,("shiftWin fix current" , mytest prop_shift_win_fix_current)
,("tile 1 window fullsize", mytest prop_tile_fullscreen)