path: root/tests
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authorSpencer Janssen <sjanssen@cse.unl.edu>2007-10-15 04:27:57 +0200
committerSpencer Janssen <sjanssen@cse.unl.edu>2007-10-15 04:27:57 +0200
commit4eb174c5599f1c05504da3c68377bda39aa026a6 (patch)
treec437fdf53f43466a7a7ed7c669f169f8204b8d22 /tests
parent457bb06797570d303089b48e579eba91ddb3f10f (diff)
Whitespace fixes for Properties.hs
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index a7ce18f..77a16cb 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ import qualified Data.Map as M
-- Some general hints for creating StackSet properties:
-- * ops that mutate the StackSet are usually local
--- * most ops on StackSet should either be trivially reversible, or
+-- * most ops on StackSet should either be trivially reversible, or
-- idempotent, or both.
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ hidden_spaces x = map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
-- Basic data invariants of the StackSet
-- With the new zipper-based StackSet, tracking focus is no longer an
--- issue: the data structure enforces focus by construction.
+-- issue: the data structure enforces focus by construction.
-- But we still need to ensure there are no duplicates, and master/and
-- the xinerama mapping aren't checked by the data structure at all.
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ prop_shift_win_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (w :: Char) (x :: T) =
-- 'new'
-- empty StackSets have no windows in them
-prop_empty (EmptyStackSet x) =
+prop_empty (EmptyStackSet x) =
all (== Nothing) [ stack w | w <- workspace (current x)
: map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x ]
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ prop_view_current (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
i = fromIntegral n
--- view *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
+-- view *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
-- no workspace contents will be changed.
prop_view_local (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
workspaces x == workspaces (view i x)
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ prop_greedyView_current (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
i = fromIntegral n
--- greedyView *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
+-- greedyView *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
-- no workspace contents will be changed.
prop_greedyView_local (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
workspaces x == workspaces (greedyView i x)
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ prop_index_length (x :: T) =
-- master/focus
-- The tiling order, and master window, of a stack is unaffected by focus changes.
prop_focus_left_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T) =
@@ -458,7 +458,7 @@ prop_delete_focus_not_end (x :: T) =
-- preserve order
prop_filter_order (x :: T) =
case stack $ workspace $ current x of
- Nothing -> True
+ Nothing -> True
Just s@(Stack i _ _) -> integrate' (S.filter (/= i) s) == filter (/= i) (integrate' (Just s))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ prop_shift_win_indentity i w (x :: T) =
-- shiftWin leaves the current screen as it is, if neither i is the tag
-- of the current workspace nor w on the current workspace
prop_shift_win_fix_current i w (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x && w `member` x && i /= n && findIndex w x /= Just n
+ i `tagMember` x && w `member` x && i /= n && findIndex w x /= Just n
==> (current $ x) == (current $ shiftWin i w x)
n = tag (workspace $ current x)
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ prop_lookup_current (x :: T) = lookupWorkspace scr x == Just tg
(Screen (Workspace tg _ _) scr _) = current x
-- looking at a visible tag
-prop_lookup_visible (x :: T) =
+prop_lookup_visible (x :: T) =
visible x /= [] ==>
fromJust (lookupWorkspace scr x) `elem` tags
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ prop_mapLayoutInverse (x::T) = x == mapLayout pred (mapLayout succ x)
prop_tile_fullscreen rect = tile pct rect 1 1 == [rect]
--- multiple windows
+-- multiple windows
prop_tile_non_overlap rect windows nmaster = noOverlaps (tile pct rect nmaster windows)
where _ = rect :: Rectangle
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@ main = do
,("focus up is local" , mytest prop_focus_up_local)
,("focus master is local" , mytest prop_focus_master_local)
,("focus master idemp" , mytest prop_focusMaster_idem)
,("focusWindow is local", mytest prop_focusWindow_local)
,("focusWindow works" , mytest prop_focusWindow_works)