path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing')
3 files changed, 1441 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/billing.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/billing.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..444c233
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/billing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,800 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+function clearKeys(obj, keys) {
+ var newObj = {};
+ eachProperty(obj, function(k, v) {
+ var isCopied = false;
+ keys.forEach(function(key) {
+ if (k == key.name &&
+ key.valueTest(v)) {
+ newObj[k] = key.valueReplace(v);
+ isCopied = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (! isCopied) {
+ if (typeof(obj[k]) == 'object') {
+ newObj[k] = clearKeys(v, keys);
+ } else {
+ newObj[k] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return newObj;
+function replaceWithX(s) {
+ return repeat("X", s.length);
+function log(obj) {
+ eplog('billing', clearKeys(obj, [
+ {name: "ACCT",
+ valueTest: function(s) { return /^\d{15,16}$/.test(s) },
+ valueReplace: replaceWithX},
+ {name: "CVV2",
+ valueTest: function(s) { return /^\d{3,4}$/.test(s) },
+ valueReplace: replaceWithX}]));
+var _USER = function() { return appjet.config['etherpad.paypal.user'] || "zamfir_1239051855_biz_api1.gmail.com"; }
+var _PWD = function() { return appjet.config['etherpad.paypal.pwd'] || "1239051867"; }
+var _SIGNATURE = function() { return appjet.config['etherpad.paypal.signature'] || "AQU0e5vuZCvSg-XJploSa.sGUDlpAwAy5fz.FhtfOQ25Qa9sFLDt7Bmp"; }
+var _RECEIVER = function() { return appjet.config['etherpad.paypal.receiver'] || "zamfir_1239051855_biz@gmail.com"; }
+var _paypalApiUrl = function() { return appjet.config['etherpad.paypal.apiUrl'] || "https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp"; }
+var _paypalWebUrl = function() { return appjet.config['etherpad.paypal.webUrl'] || "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr"; }
+function paypalPurchaseUrl(token) {
+ return (appjet.config['etherpad.paypal.purchaseUrl'] || "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=")+token;
+function getPurchase(id) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_purchase', {id: id});
+function getPurchaseForCustomer(customerId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_purchase', {customer: customerId});
+function updatePurchase(id, fields) {
+ sqlobj.updateSingle('billing_purchase', {id: id}, fields);
+function getInvoicesForPurchase(purchaseId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_invoice', {purchase: purchaseId});
+function getInvoice(id) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_invoice', {id: id});
+function createInvoice() {
+ return _newInvoice();
+function updateInvoice(id, fields) {
+ sqlobj.updateSingle('billing_invoice', {id: id}, fields)
+function getTransaction(id) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_transaction', {id: id});
+function getTransactionByExternalId(txnId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_transaction', {txnId: txnId});
+function getTransactionsForCustomer(customerId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_transaction', {customer: customerId});
+function getPendingTransactionsForCustomer(customerId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_transaction', {customer: customerId, status: 'pending'});
+function _updateTransaction(id, fields) {
+ return sqlobj.updateSingle('billing_transaction', {id: id}, fields);
+function getAdjustments(invoiceId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_adjustment', {invoice: invoiceId});
+function createSubscription(customer, product, dollars, couponCode) {
+ var purchaseId = _newPurchase(customer, product, dollarsToCents(dollars), couponCode);
+ _purchaseActive(purchaseId);
+ updatePurchase(purchaseId, {type: 'subscription', paidThrough: nextMonth(noon(new Date))});
+ return purchaseId;
+function _newPurchase(customer, product, cents, couponCode) {
+ var purchaseId = sqlobj.insert('billing_purchase', {
+ customer: customer,
+ product: product,
+ cost: cents,
+ coupon: couponCode,
+ status: 'inactive'
+ });
+ return purchaseId;
+function _newInvoice() {
+ var invoiceId = sqlobj.insert('billing_invoice', {
+ time: new Date(),
+ purchase: -1,
+ amt: 0,
+ status: 'pending'
+ });
+ return invoiceId;
+function _newTransaction(customer, cents) {
+ var transactionId = sqlobj.insert('billing_transaction', {
+ customer: customer,
+ time: new Date(),
+ amt: cents,
+ status: 'new'
+ });
+ return transactionId;
+function _newAdjustment(transaction, invoice, cents) {
+ sqlobj.insert('billing_adjustment', {
+ transaction: transaction,
+ invoice: invoice,
+ time: new Date(),
+ amt: cents
+ });
+function _transactionSuccess(transaction, txnId, payInfo) {
+ _updateTransaction(transaction, {
+ status: 'success', txnId: txnId, time: new Date(), payInfo: payInfo
+ });
+function _transactionFailure(transaction, txnId) {
+ _updateTransaction(transaction, {
+ status: 'failure', txnId: txnId, time: new Date()
+ });
+function _transactionPending(transaction, txnId) {
+ _updateTransaction(transaction, {
+ status: 'pending', txnId: txnId, time: new Date()
+ });
+function _invoicePaid(invoice) {
+ updateInvoice(invoice, {status: 'paid'});
+function _purchaseActive(purchase) {
+ updatePurchase(purchase, {status: 'active'});
+function _purchaseExtend(purchase, monthCount) {
+ var expiration = getPurchase(purchase).paidThrough;
+ for (var i = monthCount; i > 0; i--) {
+ expiration = nextMonth(expiration);
+ }
+ // paying your invoice always makes you current.
+ if (expiration < new Date) {
+ expiration = nextMonth(new Date);
+ }
+ updatePurchase(purchase, {paidThrough: expiration});
+function _doPost(url, body) {
+ try {
+ var ret = urlPost(url, body);
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e.javaException) {
+ net.appjet.oui.exceptionlog.apply(e.javaException);
+ }
+ return { error: e };
+ }
+ return { value: ret };
+function _doPaypalNvpPost(properties0) {
+ return {
+ status: 'failure',
+ errorMessage: "Billing has been discontinued. No new services may be purchased."
+ }
+ // var properties = {
+ // USER: _USER(),
+ // PWD: _PWD(),
+ // VERSION: "56.0"
+ // }
+ // eachProperty(properties0, function(k, v) {
+ // if (v !== undefined) {
+ // properties[k] = v;
+ // }
+ // })
+ // log({'type': 'api call', 'value': properties});
+ // var ret = _doPost(_paypalApiUrl(), properties);
+ // if (ret.error) {
+ // return {
+ // status: 'failure',
+ // exception: ret.error.javaException || ret.error,
+ // errorMessage: ret.error.message
+ // }
+ // }
+ // ret = ret.value;
+ // var paypalResponse = {};
+ // ret.content.split("&").forEach(function(x) {
+ // var parts = x.split("=");
+ // paypalResponse[decodeURIComponent(parts[0])] =
+ // decodeURIComponent(parts[1]);
+ // })
+ //
+ // var res = paypalResponse;
+ // log(res)
+ // if (res.ACK == "Success" || res.ACK == "SuccessWithWarning") {
+ // return {
+ // status: 'success',
+ // response: res
+ // }
+ // } else {
+ // errors = [];
+ // for (var i = 0; res['L_LONGMESSAGE'+i]; ++i) {
+ // errors.push(res['L_LONGMESSAGE'+i]);
+ // }
+ // return {
+ // status: 'failure',
+ // errorMessage: errors.join(", "),
+ // errorMessages: errors,
+ // response: res
+ // }
+ // }
+// status -> 'completion', 'bad', 'redundant', 'possible_fraud'
+function handlePaypalNotification() {
+ var content = (typeof(request.content) == 'string' ? request.content : undefined);
+ if (! content) {
+ return new BillingResult('bad', "no content");
+ }
+ log({'type': 'paypal-notification', 'content': content});
+ var params = {};
+ content.split("&").forEach(function(x) {
+ var parts = x.split("=");
+ params[decodeURIComponent(parts[0])] = decodeURIComponent(parts[1]);
+ });
+ var txnId = params.txn_id;
+ var properties = [];
+ for(var i in params) {
+ properties.push(i+" -> "+params[i]);
+ }
+ var debugString = properties.join(", ");
+ log({'type': 'parsed-paypal-notification', 'value': debugString});
+ var transaction = getTransactionByExternalId(txnId);
+ log({'type': 'notification-transaction', 'value': (transaction || {})});
+ if (_RECEIVER() != params.receiver_email) {
+ return new BillingResult('possible_fraud', debugString);
+ }
+ if (params.payment_status == "Completed" && transaction &&
+ (transaction.status == 'pending' || transaction.status == 'new')) {
+ var ret = _doPost(_paypalWebUrl(), "cmd=_notify-validate&"+content);
+ if (ret.error || ret.value.content != "VERIFIED") {
+ return new BillingResult('possible_fraud', debugString);
+ }
+ var invoice = getInvoice(params.invoice);
+ if (invoice.amt != dollarsToCents(params.mc_gross)) {
+ return new BillingResult('possible_fraud', debugString);
+ }
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function () {
+ _transactionSuccess(transaction.id, txnId, "via eCheck");
+ _invoicePaid(invoice.id);
+ _purchaseActive(invoice.purchase);
+ });
+ var purchase = getPurchase(invoice.purchase);
+ return new BillingResult('completion', debugString, null,
+ new PurchaseInfo(params.custom,
+ invoice.id,
+ transaction.id,
+ params.txn_id,
+ purchase.id,
+ centsToDollars(invoice.amt),
+ purchase.couponCode,
+ purchase.time,
+ undefined));
+ } else {
+ return new BillingResult('redundant', debugString);
+ }
+function _expressCheckoutCustom(invoiceId, transactionId) {
+ return md5("zimki_sucks"+invoiceId+transactionId);
+function PurchaseInfo(custom, invoiceId, transactionId, paypalId, purchaseId, dollars, couponCode, time, token, description) {
+ this.__defineGetter__("custom", function() { return custom });
+ this.__defineGetter__("invoiceId", function() { return invoiceId });
+ this.__defineGetter__("transactionId", function() { return transactionId });
+ this.__defineGetter__("paypalId", function() { return paypalId });
+ this.__defineGetter__("purchaseId", function() { return purchaseId });
+ this.__defineGetter__("cost", function() { return dollars });
+ this.__defineGetter__("couponCode", function() { return couponCode });
+ this.__defineGetter__("time", function() { return time });
+ this.__defineGetter__("token", function() { return token });
+ this.__defineGetter__("description", function() { return description });
+function PayerInfo(paypalResult) {
+ this.__defineGetter__("payerId", function() { return paypalResult.response.PAYERID });
+ this.__defineGetter__("email", function() { return paypalResult.response.EMAIL });
+ this.__defineGetter__("businessName", function() { return paypalResult.response.BUSINESS });
+ this.__defineGetter__("nameSalutation", function() { return paypalResult.response.SALUTATION });
+ this.__defineGetter__("nameFirst", function() { return paypalResult.response.FIRSTNAME });
+ this.__defineGetter__("nameMiddle", function() { return paypalResult.response.MIDDLENAME });
+ this.__defineGetter__("nameLast", function() { return paypalResult.response.LASTNAME });
+function BillingResult(status, debug, errorField, purchaseInfo, payerInfo) {
+ this.__defineGetter__("status", function() { return status });
+ this.__defineGetter__("debug", function() { return debug });
+ this.__defineGetter__("errorField", function() { return errorField });
+ this.__defineGetter__("purchaseInfo", function() { return purchaseInfo });
+ this.__defineGetter__("payerInfo", function() { return payerInfo });
+function dollarsToCents(dollars) {
+ return Math.round(Number(dollars)*100);
+function centsToDollars(cents) {
+ return Math.round(Number(cents)) / 100;
+function verifyDollars(dollars) {
+ return Math.round(Number(dollars)*100)/100;
+function beginExpressPurchase(invoiceId, customerId, productId, dollars, couponCode, successUrl, failureUrl, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly) {
+ var cents = dollarsToCents(dollars);
+ var time = new Date();
+ var purchaseId;
+ var transactionid;
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ try {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ purchaseId = _newPurchase(customerId, productId, cents, couponCode);
+ updateInvoice(invoiceId, {purchase: purchaseId, amt: cents});
+ transactionId = _newTransaction(customerId, cents);
+ _newAdjustment(transactionId, invoiceId, cents);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof BillingResult) { return e; }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ var paypalResult =
+ _setExpressCheckout(invoiceId, transactionId, cents,
+ successUrl, failureUrl, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly);
+ if (paypalResult.status == 'success') {
+ var token = paypalResult.response.TOKEN;
+ return new BillingResult('success', paypalResult, null, new PurchaseInfo(
+ _expressCheckoutCustom(invoiceId, transactionId),
+ invoiceId,
+ transactionId,
+ undefined,
+ purchaseId,
+ verifyDollars(dollars),
+ couponCode,
+ time,
+ token));
+ } else {
+ return new BillingResult('failure', paypalResult);
+ }
+function _setExpressCheckout(invoiceId, transactionId, cents, successUrl, failureUrl, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly) {
+ var properties = {
+ INVNUM: invoiceId,
+ METHOD: 'SetExpressCheckout',
+ _expressCheckoutCustom(invoiceId, transactionId),
+ MAXAMT: centsToDollars(cents),
+ RETURNURL: successUrl,
+ CANCELURL: failureUrl,
+ NOTIFYURL: notifyUrl,
+ PAYMENTACTION: (authorizeOnly ? 'Authorization' : 'Sale'),
+ AMT: centsToDollars(cents)
+ }
+ return _doPaypalNvpPost(properties);
+function continueExpressPurchase(purchaseInfo, authorizeOnly) {
+ var paypalResult = _getExpressCheckoutDetails(purchaseInfo.token, authorizeOnly)
+ if (paypalResult.status == 'success') {
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ if (paypalResult.response.INVNUM != purchaseInfo.invoiceId) {
+ return new BillingResult('failure', "invoice id mismatch");
+ }
+ }
+ if (paypalResult.response.CUSTOM !=
+ _expressCheckoutCustom(purchaseInfo.invoiceId, purchaseInfo.transactionId)) {
+ return new BillingResult('failure', "custom mismatch");
+ }
+ return new BillingResult('success', paypalResult, null, null, new PayerInfo(paypalResult));
+ } else {
+ return new BillingResult('failure', paypalResult);
+ }
+function _getExpressCheckoutDetails(token, authorizeOnly) {
+ var properties = {
+ METHOD: 'GetExpresscheckoutDetails',
+ TOKEN: token,
+ }
+ return _doPaypalNvpPost(properties);
+function completeExpressPurchase(purchaseInfo, payerInfo, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly) {
+ var paypalResult = _doExpressCheckoutPayment(purchaseInfo, payerInfo, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly);
+ if (paypalResult.status == 'success') {
+ if (paypalResult.response.PAYMENTSTATUS == 'Completed') {
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ _transactionSuccess(purchaseInfo.transactionId,
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID, "via PayPal");
+ _invoicePaid(purchaseInfo.invoiceId);
+ _purchaseActive(purchaseInfo.purchaseId);
+ });
+ }
+ return new BillingResult('success', paypalResult);
+ } else if (paypalResult.response.PAYMENTSTATUS == 'Pending') {
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ _transactionPending(purchaseInfo.transactionId,
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID);
+ });
+ }
+ return new BillingResult('pending', paypalResult);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ _transactionFailure(purchaseInfo.transactionId,
+ (paypalResult.response ?
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID || "" :
+ ""));
+ });
+ }
+ return new BillingResult('failure', paypalResult);
+ }
+function _doExpressCheckoutPayment(purchaseInfo, payerInfo, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly) {
+ var properties = {
+ METHOD: 'DoExpressCheckoutPayment',
+ TOKEN: purchaseInfo.token,
+ PAYMENTACTION: (authorizeOnly ? 'Authorization' : 'Sale'),
+ NOTIFYURL: notifyUrl,
+ PAYERID: payerInfo.payerId,
+ AMT: verifyDollars(purchaseInfo.cost), // dollars
+ INVNUM: purchaseInfo.invoiceId,
+ _expressCheckoutCustom(purchaseInfo.invoiceId, purchaseInfo.transactionId)
+ }
+ return _doPaypalNvpPost(properties);
+// which field has error? and, is it not user-correctable?
+var _directErrorCodes = {
+ '10502': ['cardExpiration'],
+ '10504': ['cardCvv'],
+ '10505': ['addressStreet', true],
+ '10508': ['cardExpiration'],
+ '10510': ['cardType'],
+ '10512': ['nameFirst'],
+ '10513': ['nameLast'],
+ '10519': ['cardNumber'],
+ '10521': ['cardNumber'],
+ '10527': ['cardNumber'],
+ '10534': ['cardNumber', true],
+ '10535': ['cardNumber'],
+ '10536': ['invoiceId', true],
+ '10537': ['addressCountry', true],
+ '10540': ['addressStreet', true],
+ '10541': ['cardNumber', true],
+ '10554': ['address', true],
+ '10555': ['address', true],
+ '10556': ['address', true],
+ '10561': ['address'],
+ '10562': ['cardExpiration'],
+ '10563': ['cardExpiration'],
+ '10565': ['addressCountry'],
+ '10566': ['cardType'],
+ '10571': ['cardCvv'],
+ '10701': ['address'],
+ '10702': ['addressStreet'],
+ '10703': ['addressStreet2'],
+ '10704': ['addressCity'],
+ '10705': ['addressState'],
+ '10706': ['addressZip'],
+ '10707': ['addressCountry'],
+ '10708': ['address'],
+ '10709': ['addressStreet'],
+ '10710': ['addressCity'],
+ '10711': ['addressState'],
+ '10712': ['addressZip'],
+ '10713': ['addressCountry'],
+ '10714': ['address'],
+ '10715': ['addressState'],
+ '10716': ['addressZip'],
+ '10717': ['addressZip'],
+ '10718': ['addressCity,addressState'],
+ '10748': ['cardCvv'],
+ '10752': ['card'],
+ '10756': ['address,card'],
+ '10759': ['cardNumber'],
+ '10762': ['cardCvv'],
+ '11611': function(response) {
+ var avsCode = response.AVSCODE;
+ var cvv2Match = response.CVV2MATCH;
+ var errorFields = [];
+ switch (avsCode) {
+ case 'N': case 'C': case 'A': case 'B':
+ case 'R': case 'S': case 'U': case 'G':
+ case 'I': case 'E':
+ errorFields.push('address');
+ }
+ switch (cvv2Match) {
+ case 'N':
+ errorFields.push('cardCvv');
+ }
+ return [errorFields.join(",")];
+ },
+ '15004': ['cardCvv'],
+ '15005': ['cardNumber'],
+ '15006': ['cardNumber'],
+ '15007': ['cardNumber']
+function authorizePurchase(payinfo, notifyUrl) {
+ return directPurchase(undefined, undefined, undefined, 1, undefined, payinfo, notifyUrl, true);
+function directPurchase(invoiceId, customerId, productId, dollars, couponCode, payinfo, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly) {
+ var time = new Date();
+ var cents = dollarsToCents(dollars);
+ var purchaseId, transactionId;
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ try {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ purchaseId = _newPurchase(customerId, productId, cents, couponCode);
+ updateInvoice(invoiceId, {purchase: purchaseId, amt: cents});
+ transactionId = _newTransaction(customerId, cents);
+ _newAdjustment(transactionId, invoiceId, cents);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof BillingResult) { return e; }
+ if (e.javaException || e.rhinoException) {
+ throw e.javaException || e.rhinoException;
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ var paypalResult = _doDirectPurchase(invoiceId, cents, payinfo, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly);
+ if (paypalResult.status == 'success') {
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ _transactionSuccess(transactionId,
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID,
+ payinfo.cardType+" ending in "+payinfo.cardNumber.substr(-4));
+ _invoicePaid(invoiceId);
+ _purchaseActive(purchaseId);
+ });
+ }
+ return new BillingResult('success', paypalResult, null, new PurchaseInfo(
+ undefined,
+ invoiceId,
+ transactionId,
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID,
+ purchaseId,
+ verifyDollars(dollars),
+ couponCode,
+ time,
+ undefined));
+ } else {
+ if (! authorizeOnly) {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ _transactionFailure(transactionId,
+ (paypalResult.response ?
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID || "":
+ ""));
+ });
+ }
+ return new BillingResult('failure', paypalResult, _getErrorCodes(paypalResult.response));
+ }
+function _getErrorCodes(paypalResponse) {
+ var errorCodes = {userErrors: [], permanentErrors: []};
+ if (! paypalResponse) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; paypalResponse['L_ERRORCODE'+i]; ++i) {
+ var code = paypalResponse['L_ERRORCODE'+i];
+ var errorField = _directErrorCodes[code];
+ if (typeof(errorField) == 'function') {
+ errorField = errorField(paypalResponse);
+ }
+ if (errorField && errorField[1]) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(errorCodes.permanentErrors, errorField[0].split(","));
+ } else if (errorField) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(errorCodes.userErrors, errorField[0].split(","));
+ }
+ }
+ return errorCodes;
+function _doDirectPurchase(invoiceId, cents, payinfo, notifyUrl, authorizeOnly) {
+ var properties = {
+ INVNUM: invoiceId,
+ METHOD: 'DoDirectPayment',
+ PAYMENTACTION: (authorizeOnly ? 'Authorization' : 'Sale'),
+ IPADDRESS: request.clientAddr,
+ NOTIFYURL: notifyUrl,
+ CREDITCARDTYPE: payinfo.cardType,
+ ACCT: payinfo.cardNumber,
+ EXPDATE: payinfo.cardExpiration,
+ CVV2: payinfo.cardCvv,
+ SALUTATION: payinfo.nameSalutation,
+ FIRSTNAME: payinfo.nameFirst,
+ MIDDLENAME: payinfo.nameMiddle,
+ LASTNAME: payinfo.nameLast,
+ SUFFIX: payinfo.nameSuffix,
+ STREET: payinfo.addressStreet,
+ STREET2: payinfo.addressStreet2,
+ CITY: payinfo.addressCity,
+ STATE: payinfo.addressState,
+ COUNTRYCODE: payinfo.addressCountry,
+ ZIP: payinfo.addressZip,
+ AMT: centsToDollars(cents)
+ }
+ return _doPaypalNvpPost(properties);
+// function directAuthorization(payInfo, dollars, notifyUrl) {
+// var paypalResult = _doDirectPurchase(undefined, dollarsToCents(dollars), payInfo, notifyUrl, true);
+// if (paypalResult.status == 'success') {
+// return new BillingResult('success', paypalResult, null, new PurchaseInfo(
+// undefined,
+// undefined,
+// paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID,
+// undefined,
+// verifyDollars(dollars),
+// undefined,
+// undefined,
+// undefined));
+// } else {
+// return new BillingResult('failure', paypalResult, _getErrorCodes(paypalResult.response));
+// }
+// }
+function asyncRecurringPurchase(invoiceId, purchaseId, oldTransactionId, paymentInfo, dollars, monthCount, notifyUrl) {
+ var time = new Date();
+ var cents = dollarsToCents(dollars);
+ var purchase, transactionId;
+ try {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ // purchaseId = _newPurchase(customerId, productId, cents, couponCode);
+ purchase = getPurchase(purchaseId);
+ updateInvoice(invoiceId, {purchase: purchaseId, amt: cents});
+ transactionId = _newTransaction(purchase.customer, cents);
+ _newAdjustment(transactionId, invoiceId, cents);
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (e instanceof BillingResult) { return e; }
+ if (e.rhinoException) {
+ throw e.rhinoException;
+ }
+ throw e;
+ }
+ // do transaction using previous transaction as template
+ var paypalResult;
+ if (cents == 0) {
+ // can't actually charge nothing, so fake it.
+ paypalResult = { status: 'success', response: { TRANSACTIONID: null }}
+ } else {
+ paypalResult = _doReferenceTransaction(invoiceId, cents, oldTransactionId, notifyUrl);
+ }
+ if (paypalResult.status == 'success') {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ _transactionSuccess(transactionId,
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID,
+ paymentInfo);
+ _invoicePaid(invoiceId);
+ _purchaseActive(purchaseId);
+ _purchaseExtend(purchaseId, monthCount);
+ });
+ return new BillingResult('success', paypalResult, null, new PurchaseInfo(
+ undefined,
+ invoiceId,
+ transactionId,
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID,
+ purchaseId,
+ verifyDollars(dollars),
+ undefined,
+ time,
+ undefined));
+ } else {
+ sqlcommon.inTransaction(function() {
+ _transactionFailure(transactionId,
+ (paypalResult.response ?
+ paypalResult.response.TRANSACTIONID || "":
+ ""));
+ });
+ return new BillingResult('failure', paypalResult, _getErrorCodes(paypalResult.response));
+ }
+function _doReferenceTransaction(invoiceId, cents, transactionId, notifyUrl) {
+ var properties = {
+ METHOD: 'DoReferenceTransaction',
+ REFERENCEID: transactionId,
+ AMT: centsToDollars(cents),
+ INVNUM: invoiceId
+ }
+ return _doPaypalNvpPost(properties);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/fields.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/fields.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a307ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/fields.js
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Taken from paypal's form
+var countryList = [
+ ["US", "United States"],
+ ["AL", "Albania"],
+ ["DZ", "Algeria"],
+ ["AD", "Andorra"],
+ ["AO", "Angola"],
+ ["AI", "Anguilla"],
+ ["AG", "Antigua and Barbuda"],
+ ["AR", "Argentina"],
+ ["AM", "Armenia"],
+ ["AW", "Aruba"],
+ ["AU", "Australia"],
+ ["AT", "Austria"],
+ ["AZ", "Azerbaijan Republic"],
+ ["BS", "Bahamas"],
+ ["BH", "Bahrain"],
+ ["BB", "Barbados"],
+ ["BE", "Belgium"],
+ ["BZ", "Belize"],
+ ["BJ", "Benin"],
+ ["BM", "Bermuda"],
+ ["BT", "Bhutan"],
+ ["BO", "Bolivia"],
+ ["BA", "Bosnia and Herzegovina"],
+ ["BW", "Botswana"],
+ ["BR", "Brazil"],
+ ["VG", "British Virgin Islands"],
+ ["BN", "Brunei"],
+ ["BG", "Bulgaria"],
+ ["BF", "Burkina Faso"],
+ ["BI", "Burundi"],
+ ["KH", "Cambodia"],
+ ["CA", "Canada"],
+ ["CV", "Cape Verde"],
+ ["KY", "Cayman Islands"],
+ ["TD", "Chad"],
+ ["CL", "Chile"],
+ ["C2", "China"],
+ ["CO", "Colombia"],
+ ["KM", "Comoros"],
+ ["CK", "Cook Islands"],
+ ["CR", "Costa Rica"],
+ ["HR", "Croatia"],
+ ["CY", "Cyprus"],
+ ["CZ", "Czech Republic"],
+ ["CD", "Democratic Republic of the Congo"],
+ ["DK", "Denmark"],
+ ["DJ", "Djibouti"],
+ ["DM", "Dominica"],
+ ["DO", "Dominican Republic"],
+ ["EC", "Ecuador"],
+ ["SV", "El Salvador"],
+ ["ER", "Eritrea"],
+ ["EE", "Estonia"],
+ ["ET", "Ethiopia"],
+ ["FK", "Falkland Islands"],
+ ["FO", "Faroe Islands"],
+ ["FM", "Federated States of Micronesia"],
+ ["FJ", "Fiji"],
+ ["FI", "Finland"],
+ ["FR", "France"],
+ ["GF", "French Guiana"],
+ ["PF", "French Polynesia"],
+ ["GA", "Gabon Republic"],
+ ["GM", "Gambia"],
+ ["DE", "Germany"],
+ ["GI", "Gibraltar"],
+ ["GR", "Greece"],
+ ["GL", "Greenland"],
+ ["GD", "Grenada"],
+ ["GP", "Guadeloupe"],
+ ["GT", "Guatemala"],
+ ["GN", "Guinea"],
+ ["GW", "Guinea Bissau"],
+ ["GY", "Guyana"],
+ ["HN", "Honduras"],
+ ["HK", "Hong Kong"],
+ ["HU", "Hungary"],
+ ["IS", "Iceland"],
+ ["IN", "India"],
+ ["ID", "Indonesia"],
+ ["IE", "Ireland"],
+ ["IL", "Israel"],
+ ["IT", "Italy"],
+ ["JM", "Jamaica"],
+ ["JP", "Japan"],
+ ["JO", "Jordan"],
+ ["KZ", "Kazakhstan"],
+ ["KE", "Kenya"],
+ ["KI", "Kiribati"],
+ ["KW", "Kuwait"],
+ ["KG", "Kyrgyzstan"],
+ ["LA", "Laos"],
+ ["LV", "Latvia"],
+ ["LS", "Lesotho"],
+ ["LI", "Liechtenstein"],
+ ["LT", "Lithuania"],
+ ["LU", "Luxembourg"],
+ ["MG", "Madagascar"],
+ ["MW", "Malawi"],
+ ["MY", "Malaysia"],
+ ["MV", "Maldives"],
+ ["ML", "Mali"],
+ ["MT", "Malta"],
+ ["MH", "Marshall Islands"],
+ ["MQ", "Martinique"],
+ ["MR", "Mauritania"],
+ ["MU", "Mauritius"],
+ ["YT", "Mayotte"],
+ ["MX", "Mexico"],
+ ["MN", "Mongolia"],
+ ["MS", "Montserrat"],
+ ["MA", "Morocco"],
+ ["MZ", "Mozambique"],
+ ["NA", "Namibia"],
+ ["NR", "Nauru"],
+ ["NP", "Nepal"],
+ ["NL", "Netherlands"],
+ ["AN", "Netherlands Antilles"],
+ ["NC", "New Caledonia"],
+ ["NZ", "New Zealand"],
+ ["NI", "Nicaragua"],
+ ["NE", "Niger"],
+ ["NU", "Niue"],
+ ["NF", "Norfolk Island"],
+ ["NO", "Norway"],
+ ["OM", "Oman"],
+ ["PW", "Palau"],
+ ["PA", "Panama"],
+ ["PG", "Papua New Guinea"],
+ ["PE", "Peru"],
+ ["PN", "Pitcairn Islands"],
+ ["PL", "Poland"],
+ ["PT", "Portugal"],
+ ["QA", "Qatar"],
+ ["CG", "Republic of the Congo"],
+ ["RE", "Reunion"],
+ ["RO", "Romania"],
+ ["RU", "Russia"],
+ ["VC", "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"],
+ ["WS", "Samoa"],
+ ["SM", "San Marino"],
+ ["ST", "São Tomé and Príncipe"],
+ ["SA", "Saudi Arabia"],
+ ["SN", "Senegal"],
+ ["SC", "Seychelles"],
+ ["SL", "Sierra Leone"],
+ ["SG", "Singapore"],
+ ["SK", "Slovakia"],
+ ["SI", "Slovenia"],
+ ["SB", "Solomon Islands"],
+ ["SO", "Somalia"],
+ ["ZA", "South Africa"],
+ ["KR", "South Korea"],
+ ["ES", "Spain"],
+ ["LK", "Sri Lanka"],
+ ["SH", "St. Helena"],
+ ["KN", "St. Kitts and Nevis"],
+ ["LC", "St. Lucia"],
+ ["PM", "St. Pierre and Miquelon"],
+ ["SR", "Suriname"],
+ ["SJ", "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands"],
+ ["SZ", "Swaziland"],
+ ["SE", "Sweden"],
+ ["CH", "Switzerland"],
+ ["TW", "Taiwan"],
+ ["TJ", "Tajikistan"],
+ ["TZ", "Tanzania"],
+ ["TH", "Thailand"],
+ ["TG", "Togo"],
+ ["TO", "Tonga"],
+ ["TT", "Trinidad and Tobago"],
+ ["TN", "Tunisia"],
+ ["TR", "Turkey"],
+ ["TM", "Turkmenistan"],
+ ["TC", "Turks and Caicos Islands"],
+ ["TV", "Tuvalu"],
+ ["UG", "Uganda"],
+ ["UA", "Ukraine"],
+ ["AE", "United Arab Emirates"],
+ ["GB", "United Kingdom"],
+ ["UY", "Uruguay"],
+ ["VU", "Vanuatu"],
+ ["VA", "Vatican City State"],
+ ["VE", "Venezuela"],
+ ["VN", "Vietnam"],
+ ["WF", "Wallis and Futuna Islands"],
+ ["YE", "Yemen"],
+ ["ZM", "Zambia"],
+var usaStateList = [
+ "", "AK", "AL", "AR", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC", "DE",
+ "FL", "GA", "HI", "IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KS", "KY", "LA",
+ "MA", "MD", "ME", "MI", "MN", "MO", "MS", "MT", "NC", "ND",
+ "NE", "NH", "NJ", "NM", "NV", "NY", "OH", "OK", "OR", "PA",
+ "RI", "SC", "SD", "TN", "TX", "UT", "VA", "VT", "WA", "WI",
+ "WV", "WY", "AA", "AE", "AP", "AS", "FM", "GU", "MH", "MP",
+ "PR", "PW", "VI"
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/team_billing.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/team_billing.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae8ae8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/billing/team_billing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+function recurringBillingNotifyUrl() {
+ return "";
+function _billing() {
+ if (! appjet.cache.billing) {
+ appjet.cache.billing = {};
+ }
+ return appjet.cache.billing;
+function _lpad(str, width, padDigit) {
+ str = String(str);
+ padDigit = (padDigit === undefined ? ' ' : padDigit);
+ var count = width - str.length;
+ var prepend = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
+ prepend.push(padDigit);
+ }
+ return prepend.join("")+str;
+// utility functions
+function _dayToDateTime(date) {
+ return [date.getFullYear(), _lpad(date.getMonth()+1, 2, '0'), _lpad(date.getDate(), 2, '0')].join("-");
+function _createInvoice(subscription) {
+ var maxUsers = getMaxUsers(subscription.customer);
+ var invoice = inTransaction(function() {
+ var invoiceId = billing.createInvoice();
+ billing.updateInvoice(
+ invoiceId,
+ {purchase: subscription.id,
+ amt: billing.dollarsToCents(calculateSubscriptionCost(maxUsers, subscription.coupon)),
+ users: maxUsers});
+ return billing.getInvoice(invoiceId);
+ });
+ if (invoice) {
+ resetMaxUsers(subscription.customer)
+ }
+ return invoice;
+function getExpiredSubscriptions(date) {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_purchase',
+ {type: 'subscription',
+ status: 'active',
+ paidThrough: ['<', _dayToDateTime(date)]});
+function getAllSubscriptions() {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_purchase', {type: 'subscription', status: 'active'});
+function getSubscriptionForCustomer(customerId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_purchase',
+ {type: 'subscription',
+ customer: customerId});
+function getOrCreateInvoice(subscription) {
+ return inTransaction(function() {
+ var existingInvoice =
+ sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_invoice',
+ {purchase: subscription.id, status: 'pending'});
+ if (existingInvoice) {
+ return existingInvoice;
+ } else {
+ return _createInvoice(subscription);
+ }
+ });
+function getLatestPendingInvoice(subscriptionId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_invoice',
+ {purchase: subscriptionId, status: 'pending'},
+ {orderBy: '-time', limit: 1})[0];
+function getLatestPaidInvoice(subscriptionId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectMulti('billing_invoice',
+ {purchase: subscriptionId, status: 'paid'},
+ {orderBy: '-time', limit: 1})[0];
+function pendingTransactions(customer) {
+ return billing.getPendingTransactionsForCustomer(customer);
+function checkPendingTransactions(transactions) {
+ // XXX: do nothing for now.
+ return transactions.length > 0;
+function getRecurringBillingTransactionId(customerId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_payment_info', {customer: customerId}).transaction;
+function getRecurringBillingInfo(customerId) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_payment_info', {customer: customerId});
+function clearRecurringBillingInfo(customerId) {
+ return sqlobj.deleteRows('billing_payment_info', {customer: customerId});
+function setRecurringBillingInfo(customerId, fullName, email, paymentSummary, expiration, transactionId) {
+ var info = {
+ fullname: fullName,
+ email: email,
+ paymentsummary: paymentSummary,
+ expiration: expiration,
+ transaction: transactionId
+ }
+ inTransaction(function() {
+ if (sqlobj.selectSingle('billing_payment_info', {customer: customerId})) {
+ sqlobj.update('billing_payment_info', {customer: customerId}, info);
+ } else {
+ info.customer = customerId;
+ sqlobj.insert('billing_payment_info', info);
+ }
+ });
+function createSubscription(customerId, couponCode) {
+ domainCacheClear(customerId);
+ return inTransaction(function() {
+ return billing.createSubscription(customerId, 'ONDEMAND', 0, couponCode);
+ });
+function updateSubscriptionCouponCode(subscriptionId, couponCode) {
+ billing.updatePurchase(subscriptionId, {coupon: couponCode || ""});
+function subscriptionChargeFailure(subscription, invoice, failureMessage) {
+ billing.updatePurchase(subscription.id,
+ {error: failureMessage, status: 'inactive'});
+ sendFailureEmail(subscription, invoice);
+function subscriptionChargeSuccess(subscription, invoice) {
+ sendReceiptEmail(subscription, invoice);
+function errorFieldsToMessage(errorCodes) {
+ var prefix = "Your payment information was rejected. Please verify your ";
+ var errorList = (errorCodes.permanentErrors ? errorCodes.permanentErrors : errorCodes.userErrors);
+ return prefix +
+ errorList.map(function(field) {
+ return checkout.billingCartFieldMap[field].d;
+ }).join(", ")+
+ "."
+function getAllInvoices(customer) {
+ var purchase = getSubscriptionForCustomer(customer);
+ if (! purchase) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return billing.getInvoicesForPurchase(purchase.id);
+// scheduled charges
+function attemptCharge(invoice, subscription) {
+ var billingInfo = getRecurringBillingInfo(subscription.customer);
+ if (! billingInfo) {
+ subscriptionChargeFailure(subscription, invoice, "No billing information on file.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ var result =
+ billing.asyncRecurringPurchase(
+ invoice.id,
+ subscription.id,
+ billingInfo.transaction,
+ billingInfo.paymentsummary,
+ billing.centsToDollars(invoice.amt),
+ 1, // 1 month only for now
+ recurringBillingNotifyUrl);
+ if (result.status == 'success') {
+ subscriptionChargeSuccess(subscription, invoice);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ subscriptionChargeFailure(subscription, invoice, errorFieldsToMessage(result.errorField));
+ return false;
+ }
+function processSubscription(subscription) {
+ try {
+ var hasPendingTransactions = inTransaction(function() {
+ var transactions = pendingTransactions(subscription.customer);
+ if (checkPendingTransactions(transactions)) {
+ billing.log({type: 'pending-transactions-delay', subscription: subscription, transactions: transactions});
+ // there are actual pending transactions. wait until tomorrow.
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ if (hasPendingTransactions) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var invoice = getOrCreateInvoice(subscription);
+ return attemptCharge(invoice, subscription);
+ } catch (e) {
+ log.logException(e);
+ billing.log({message: "Thrown error",
+ exception: exceptionutils.getStackTracePlain(e),
+ subscription: subscription});
+ subscriptionChargeFailure(subscription, "Permanent failure. Please confirm your billing information.");
+ } finally {
+ domainCacheClear(subscription.customer);
+ }
+function processAllSubscriptions() {
+ var subs = getExpiredSubscriptions(new Date);
+ println("processing "+subs.length+" subscriptions.");
+ subs.forEach(processSubscription);
+function _scheduleNextDailyUpdate() {
+ // Run at 2:22am every day
+ var now = +(new Date);
+ var tomorrow = new Date(now + 1000*60*60*24);
+ tomorrow.setHours(2);
+ tomorrow.setMinutes(22);
+ tomorrow.setMilliseconds(222);
+ log.info("Scheduling next daily billing update for: "+tomorrow.toString());
+ var delay = +tomorrow - (+(new Date));
+ execution.scheduleTask('billing', "billingDailyUpdate", delay, []);
+serverhandlers.tasks.billingDailyUpdate = function() {
+ return; // do nothing, there's no more billing.
+ // if (! globals.isProduction()) { return; }
+ // try {
+ // processAllSubscriptions();
+ // } finally {
+ // _scheduleNextDailyUpdate();
+ // }
+function onStartup() {
+ execution.initTaskThreadPool("billing", 1);
+ _scheduleNextDailyUpdate();
+// pricing
+function getMaxUsers(customer) {
+ return pro_quotas.getAccountUsageCount(customer);
+function resetMaxUsers(customer) {
+ pro_quotas.resetAccountUsageCount(customer);
+var COST_PER_USER = 8;
+function getCouponValue(couponCode) {
+ if (couponCode && couponCode.length == 8) {
+ return sqlobj.selectSingle('checkout_pro_referral', {id: couponCode});
+ }
+function calculateSubscriptionCost(users, couponId) {
+ if (users <= globals.PRO_FREE_ACCOUNTS) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var coupon = getCouponValue(couponId);
+ var pctDiscount = (coupon ? coupon.pctDiscount : 0);
+ var freeUsers = (coupon ? coupon.freeUsers : 0);
+ var cost = (users - freeUsers) * COST_PER_USER;
+ cost = cost * (100-pctDiscount)/100;
+ return Math.max(0, cost);
+// currentDomainsCache
+function _cache() {
+ if (! appjet.cache.currentDomainsCache) {
+ appjet.cache.currentDomainsCache = {};
+ }
+ return appjet.cache.currentDomainsCache;
+function domainCacheClear(domain) {
+ delete _cache()[domain];
+function _domainCacheGetOrUpdate(domain, f) {
+ if (domain in _cache()) {
+ return _cache()[domain];
+ }
+ _cache()[domain] = f();
+ return _cache()[domain];
+// external API helpers
+function _getPaidThroughDate(domainId) {
+ return _domainCacheGetOrUpdate(domainId, function() {
+ var subscription = getSubscriptionForCustomer(domainId);
+ if (! subscription) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return subscription.paidThrough;
+ }
+ });
+// external API
+var CURRENT = 0;
+var PAST_DUE = 1;
+var SUSPENDED = 2;
+function getDomainStatus(domainId) {
+ var paidThrough = _getPaidThroughDate(domainId);
+ if (paidThrough == null) {
+ }
+ if (paidThrough.getTime() > new Date(Date.now()-86400*1000)) {
+ return CURRENT;
+ }
+ // less than GRACE_PERIOD_DAYS have passed since paidThrough date
+ if (paidThrough.getTime() > Date.now() - GRACE_PERIOD_DAYS*86400*1000) {
+ return PAST_DUE;
+ }
+ return SUSPENDED;
+function getDomainDueDate(domainId) {
+ return _getPaidThroughDate(domainId);
+function getDomainSuspensionDate(domainId) {
+ return new Date(_getPaidThroughDate(domainId).getTime() + GRACE_PERIOD_DAYS*86400*1000);
+// emails
+function sendReceiptEmail(subscription, invoice) {
+ var paymentInfo = getRecurringBillingInfo(subscription.customer);
+ var coupon = getCouponValue(subscription.coupon);
+ var emailText = renderTemplateAsString('email/pro_payment_receipt.ejs', {
+ fullName: paymentInfo.fullname,
+ paymentSummary: paymentInfo.paymentsummary,
+ expiration: checkout.formatExpiration(paymentInfo.expiration),
+ invoiceNumber: invoice.id,
+ numUsers: invoice.users,
+ cost: billing.centsToDollars(invoice.amt),
+ dollars: checkout.dollars,
+ coupon: coupon,
+ globals: globals
+ });
+ var address = paymentInfo.email;
+ checkout.salesEmail(address, "sales@pad.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de", "EtherPad: Receipt for "+paymentInfo.fullname,
+ {}, emailText);
+function sendFailureEmail(subscription, invoice, failureMessage) {
+ var domain = subscription.customer;
+ var subDomain = domains.getDomainRecord(domain).subDomain;
+ var paymentInfo = getRecurringBillingInfo(subscription.customer);
+ var emailText = renderTemplateAsString('email/pro_payment_failure.ejs', {
+ fullName: paymentInfo.fullname,
+ billingError: failureMessage,
+ balance: "US $"+checkout.dollars(billing.centsToDollars(invoice.amt)),
+ suspensionDate: checkout.formatDate(new Date(subscription.paidThrough.getTime()+GRACE_PERIOD_DAYS*86400*1000)),
+ billingAdminLink: "https://"+subDomain+".pad.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de/ep/admin/billing/"
+ });
+ var address = paymentInfo.email;
+ checkout.salesEmail(address, "sales@pad.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de", "EtherPad: Payment Failure for "+paymentInfo.fullname,
+ {}, emailText);
+} \ No newline at end of file