path: root/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_control.js
diff options
authorAlexander Sulfrian <alexander@sulfrian.net>2010-06-08 08:22:05 +0200
committerAlexander Sulfrian <alexander@sulfrian.net>2010-06-08 08:22:05 +0200
commitd7c5ad7d6263fd1baf9bfdbaa4c50b70ef2fbdb2 (patch)
treeae0b65da6432f4c26c8d5a7319efbda5d172846c /trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_control.js
parentfa61221dcd89fcd72cba2c97971626f456c86e5d (diff)
reverted folder structure change for better mergeing with upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_control.js')
1 files changed, 780 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_control.js b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_control.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c32202
--- /dev/null
+++ b/trunk/etherpad/src/etherpad/control/pad/pad_control.js
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+ * Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+function onStartup() {
+ sqlbase.createJSONTable("PAD_DIAGNOSTIC");
+function onRequest() {
+ // TODO: take a hard look at /ep/pad/FOO/BAR/ dispatching.
+ // Perhaps standardize on /ep/pad/<pad-id>/foo
+ if (request.path.indexOf('/ep/pad/auth/') == 0) {
+ if (request.isGet) {
+ return render_auth_get();
+ }
+ if (request.isPost) {
+ return render_auth_post();
+ }
+ }
+ if (pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) {
+ pro_quotas.perRequestBillingCheck();
+ }
+ var disp = new Dispatcher();
+ disp.addLocations([
+ [PrefixMatcher('/ep/pad/view/'), forward(pad_view_control)],
+ [PrefixMatcher('/ep/pad/changes/'), forward(pad_changeset_control)],
+ [PrefixMatcher('/ep/pad/impexp/'), forward(pad_importexport_control)],
+ [PrefixMatcher('/ep/pad/export/'), pad_importexport_control.renderExport]
+ ]);
+ return disp.dispatch();
+// utils
+function getDefaultPadText() {
+ if (pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) {
+ return pro_config.getConfig().defaultPadText;
+ }
+ return renderTemplateAsString("misc/pad_default.ejs", {padUrl: request.url.split("?", 1)[0]});
+function assignName(pad, userId) {
+ if (padusers.isGuest(userId)) {
+ // use pad-specific name if possible
+ var userData = pad.getAuthorData(userId);
+ var nm = (userData && userData.name) || padusers.getUserName() || null;
+ // don't let name guest typed in last once we've assigned a name
+ // for this pad, so the user can change it
+ delete getSession().guestDisplayName;
+ return nm;
+ }
+ else {
+ return padusers.getUserName();
+ }
+function assignColorId(pad, userId) {
+ // use pad-specific color if possible
+ var userData = pad.getAuthorData(userId);
+ if (userData && ('colorId' in userData)) {
+ return userData.colorId;
+ }
+ // assign random unique color
+ function r(n) {
+ return Math.floor(Math.random() * n);
+ }
+ var colorsUsed = {};
+ var users = collab_server.getConnectedUsers(pad);
+ var availableColors = [];
+ users.forEach(function(u) {
+ colorsUsed[u.colorId] = true;
+ });
+ for (var i = 0; i < COLOR_PALETTE.length; i++) {
+ if (!colorsUsed[i]) {
+ availableColors.push(i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (availableColors.length > 0) {
+ return availableColors[r(availableColors.length)];
+ } else {
+ return r(COLOR_PALETTE.length);
+ }
+function _getPrivs() {
+ return {
+ maxRevisions: quotas.getMaxSavedRevisionsPerPad()
+ };
+// linkfile (a file that users can save that redirects them to
+// a particular pad; auto-download)
+function render_linkfile() {
+ var padId = request.params.padId;
+ renderHtml("pad/pad_download_link.ejs", {
+ padId: padId
+ });
+ response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+padId+".html\"");
+// newpad
+function render_newpad() {
+ var session = getSession();
+ var padId;
+ if (pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) {
+ padId = pro_pad_db.getNextPadId();
+ } else {
+ padId = randomUniquePadId();
+ }
+ session.instantCreate = padId;
+ response.redirect("/"+padId);
+// Tokbox
+function render_newpad_xml_post() {
+ var localPadId;
+ if (pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) {
+ localPadId = pro_pad_db.getNextPadId();
+ } else {
+ localPadId = randomUniquePadId();
+ }
+ // <RAFTER>
+ if (! pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) {
+ utils.render500();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // </RAFTER>
+ padutils.accessPadLocal(localPadId, function(pad) {
+ if (!pad.exists()) {
+ pad.create(getDefaultPadText());
+ }
+ });
+ response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ response.write([
+ '<newpad>',
+ '<url>http://'+request.host+'/'+localPadId+'</url>',
+ '</newpad>'
+ ].join('\n'));
+// pad
+function _createIfNecessary(localPadId, pad) {
+ if (pad.exists()) {
+ delete getSession().instantCreate;
+ return;
+ }
+ // make sure localPadId is valid.
+ var validPadId = padutils.makeValidLocalPadId(localPadId);
+ if (localPadId != validPadId) {
+ response.redirect('/'+validPadId);
+ }
+ // <RAFTER>
+ if (! pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) {
+ response.redirect("/ep/pad/create?padId="+encodeURIComponent(localPadId));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // </RAFTER>
+ // tokbox may use createImmediately
+ if (request.params.createImmediately || getSession().instantCreate == localPadId) {
+ pad.create(getDefaultPadText());
+ delete getSession().instantCreate;
+ return;
+ }
+ response.redirect("/ep/pad/create?padId="+encodeURIComponent(localPadId));
+function _promptForMobileDevices(pad) {
+ // TODO: also work with blackbery and windows mobile and others
+ if (request.userAgent.isIPhone() && (!request.params.skipIphoneCheck)) {
+ renderHtml("pad/pad_iphone_body.ejs", {padId: pad.getLocalId()});
+ response.stop();
+ }
+function _checkPadQuota(pad) {
+ var numConnectedUsers = collab_server.getNumConnections(pad);
+ var maxUsersPerPad = quotas.getMaxSimultaneousPadEditors(pad.getId());
+ if (numConnectedUsers >= maxUsersPerPad) {
+ log.info("rendered-padfull");
+ renderFramed('pad/padfull_body.ejs',
+ {maxUsersPerPad: maxUsersPerPad, padId: pad.getLocalId()});
+ response.stop();
+ }
+ if (pne_utils.isPNE()) {
+ if (!licensing.canSessionUserJoin()) {
+ renderFramed('pad/total_users_exceeded.ejs', {
+ userQuota: licensing.getActiveUserQuota(),
+ activeUserWindowHours: licensing.getActiveUserWindowHours()
+ });
+ response.stop();
+ }
+ }
+function _checkIfDeleted(pad) {
+ // TODO: move to access control check on access?
+ if (pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) {
+ pro_padmeta.accessProPad(pad.getId(), function(propad) {
+ if (propad.exists() && propad.isDeleted()) {
+ renderNoticeString("This pad has been deleted.");
+ response.stop();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+function render_pad(localPadId) {
+ var proTitle = null, documentBarTitle, initialPassword = null;
+ var isPro = isProDomainRequest();
+ var userId = padusers.getUserId();
+ var opts = {};
+ var globalPadId;
+ if (isPro) {
+ pro_quotas.perRequestBillingCheck();
+ }
+ padutils.accessPadLocal(localPadId, function(pad) {
+ globalPadId = pad.getId();
+ request.cache.globalPadId = globalPadId;
+ _createIfNecessary(localPadId, pad);
+ _promptForMobileDevices(pad);
+ _checkPadQuota(pad);
+ _checkIfDeleted(pad);
+ if (request.params.inviteTo) {
+ getSession().nameGuess = request.params.inviteTo;
+ response.redirect('/'+localPadId);
+ }
+ var displayName;
+ if (request.params.displayName) { // tokbox
+ displayName = String(request.params.displayName);
+ }
+ else {
+ displayName = assignName(pad, userId);
+ }
+ if (isProDomainRequest()) {
+ pro_padmeta.accessProPadLocal(localPadId, function(propad) {
+ proTitle = propad.getDisplayTitle();
+ initialPassword = propad.getPassword();
+ });
+ }
+ documentBarTitle = (proTitle || "Public Pad");
+ var specialKey = request.params.specialKey ||
+ (sessions.isAnEtherpadAdmin() ? collab_server.getSpecialKey('invisible') :
+ null);
+ if (request.params.fullScreen) { // tokbox, embedding
+ opts.fullScreen = true;
+ }
+ if (request.params.tokbox) {
+ opts.tokbox = true;
+ }
+ if (request.params.sidebar) {
+ opts.sidebar = Boolean(Number(request.params.sidebar));
+ }
+ helpers.addClientVars({
+ padId: localPadId,
+ globalPadId: globalPadId,
+ userAgent: request.headers["User-Agent"],
+ collab_client_vars: collab_server.getCollabClientVars(pad),
+ debugEnabled: request.params.djs,
+ clientIp: request.clientAddr,
+ colorPalette: COLOR_PALETTE,
+ nameGuess: (getSession().nameGuess || null),
+ initialRevisionList: revisions.getRevisionList(pad),
+ serverTimestamp: +(new Date),
+ accountPrivs: _getPrivs(),
+ chatHistory: chatarchive.getRecentChatBlock(pad, 30),
+ numConnectedUsers: collab_server.getNumConnections(pad),
+ isProPad: isPro,
+ initialTitle: documentBarTitle,
+ initialPassword: initialPassword,
+ initialOptions: pad.getPadOptionsObj(),
+ userIsGuest: padusers.isGuest(userId),
+ userId: userId,
+ userName: displayName,
+ userColor: assignColorId(pad, userId),
+ specialKey: specialKey,
+ specialKeyTranslation: collab_server.translateSpecialKey(specialKey),
+ opts: opts
+ });
+ });
+ var isProUser = (isPro && ! padusers.isGuest(userId));
+ var isFullWidth = false;
+ var hideSidebar = false;
+ var cookiePrefs = padutils.getPrefsCookieData();
+ if (cookiePrefs) {
+ isFullWidth = !! cookiePrefs.fullWidth;
+ hideSidebar = !! cookiePrefs.hideSidebar;
+ }
+ if (opts.fullScreen) {
+ isFullWidth = true;
+ if (opts.tokbox) {
+ hideSidebar = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if ('sidebar' in opts) {
+ hideSidebar = ! opts.sidebar;
+ }
+ var bodyClass = (isFullWidth ? "fullwidth" : "limwidth")+
+ " "+(isPro ? "propad" : "nonpropad")+" "+
+ (isProUser ? "prouser" : "nonprouser");
+ var cookiePrefsToSet = {fullWidth:isFullWidth, hideSidebar:hideSidebar};
+ helpers.addClientVars({cookiePrefsToSet: cookiePrefsToSet});
+ renderHtml("pad/pad_body2.ejs",
+ {localPadId:localPadId,
+ pageTitle:toHTML(proTitle || localPadId),
+ initialTitle:toHTML(documentBarTitle),
+ bodyClass: bodyClass,
+ hasOffice: hasOffice(),
+ isPro: isPro,
+ isProAccountHolder: isProUser,
+ account: getSessionProAccount(), // may be falsy
+ toHTML: toHTML,
+ prefs: {isFullWidth:isFullWidth, hideSidebar:hideSidebar},
+ signinUrl: '/ep/account/sign-in?cont='+
+ encodeURIComponent(request.url),
+ fullSuperdomain: pro_utils.getFullSuperdomainHost()
+ });
+ return true;
+function render_create_get() {
+ var padId = request.params.padId;
+ // <RAFTER>
+ var template = (DISABLE_PAD_CREATION && ! pro_utils.isProDomainRequest()) ?
+ "pad/create_body_rafter.ejs" :
+ "pad/create_body.ejs";
+ // </RAFTER>
+ renderFramed(template, {padId: padId,
+ fullSuperdomain: pro_utils.getFullSuperdomainHost()});
+function render_create_post() {
+ var padId = request.params.padId;
+ getSession().instantCreate = padId;
+ response.redirect("/"+padId);
+// saverevision
+function render_saverevision_post() {
+ var padId = request.params.padId;
+ var savedBy = request.params.savedBy;
+ var savedById = request.params.savedById;
+ var revNum = request.params.revNum;
+ var privs = _getPrivs();
+ padutils.accessPadLocal(padId, function(pad) {
+ if (! pad.exists()) { response.notFound(); }
+ var currentRevs = revisions.getRevisionList(pad);
+ if (currentRevs.length >= privs.maxRevisions) {
+ response.forbid();
+ }
+ var savedRev = revisions.saveNewRevision(pad, savedBy, savedById,
+ revNum);
+ readonly_server.broadcastNewRevision(pad, savedRev);
+ response.setContentType('text/x-json');
+ response.write(fastJSON.stringify(revisions.getRevisionList(pad)));
+ });
+function render_saverevisionlabel_post() {
+ var userId = request.params.userId;
+ var padId = request.params.padId;
+ var revId = request.params.revId;
+ var newLabel = request.params.newLabel;
+ padutils.accessPadLocal(padId, function(pad) {
+ revisions.setLabel(pad, revId, userId, newLabel);
+ response.setContentType('text/x-json');
+ response.write(fastJSON.stringify(revisions.getRevisionList(pad)));
+ });
+function render_getrevisionatext_get() {
+ var padId = request.params.padId;
+ var revId = request.params.revId;
+ var result = null;
+ var rev = padutils.accessPadLocal(padId, function(pad) {
+ var r = revisions.getStoredRevision(pad, revId);
+ var forWire = collab_server.getATextForWire(pad, r.revNum);
+ result = {atext:forWire.atext, apool:forWire.apool,
+ historicalAuthorData:forWire.historicalAuthorData};
+ return r;
+ }, "r");
+ response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ response.write(fastJSON.stringify(result));
+// reconnect
+function _recordDiagnosticInfo(padId, diagnosticInfoJson) {
+ var diagnosticInfo = {};
+ try {
+ diagnosticInfo = fastJSON.parse(diagnosticInfoJson);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ log.warn("Error parsing diagnosticInfoJson: "+ex);
+ diagnosticInfo = {error: "error parsing JSON"};
+ }
+ // ignore userdups, unauth
+ if (diagnosticInfo.disconnectedMessage == "userdup" ||
+ diagnosticInfo.disconnectedMessage == "unauth") {
+ return;
+ }
+ var d = new Date();
+ diagnosticInfo.date = +d;
+ diagnosticInfo.strDate = String(d);
+ diagnosticInfo.clientAddr = request.clientAddr;
+ diagnosticInfo.padId = padId;
+ diagnosticInfo.headers = {};
+ eachProperty(request.headers, function(k,v) {
+ diagnosticInfo.headers[k] = v;
+ });
+ var uid = diagnosticInfo.uniqueId;
+ sqlbase.putJSON("PAD_DIAGNOSTIC", (diagnosticInfo.date)+"-"+uid, diagnosticInfo);
+function recordMigratedDiagnosticInfo(objArray) {
+ objArray.forEach(function(obj) {
+ sqlbase.putJSON("PAD_DIAGNOSTIC", (obj.date)+"-"+obj.uniqueId, obj);
+ });
+function render_reconnect() {
+ var localPadId = request.params.padId;
+ var globalPadId = padutils.getGlobalPadId(localPadId);
+ var userId = (padutils.getPrefsCookieUserId() || undefined);
+ var hasClientErrors = false;
+ var uniqueId;
+ try {
+ var obj = fastJSON.parse(request.params.diagnosticInfo);
+ uniqueId = obj.uniqueId;
+ errorMessage = obj.disconnectedMessage;
+ hasClientErrors = obj.collabDiagnosticInfo.errors.length > 0;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // guess it doesn't have errors.
+ }
+ log.custom("reconnect", {globalPadId: globalPadId, userId: userId,
+ uniqueId: uniqueId,
+ hasClientErrors: hasClientErrors,
+ errorMessage: errorMessage });
+ try {
+ _recordDiagnosticInfo(globalPadId, request.params.diagnosticInfo);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ log.warn("Error recording diagnostic info: "+ex+" / "+request.params.diagnosticInfo);
+ }
+ try {
+ _applyMissedChanges(localPadId, request.params.missedChanges);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ log.warn("Error applying missed changes: "+ex+" / "+request.params.missedChanges);
+ }
+ response.redirect('/'+localPadId);
+/* posted asynchronously by the client as soon as reconnect dialogue appears. */
+function render_connection_diagnostic_info_post() {
+ var localPadId = request.params.padId;
+ var globalPadId = padutils.getGlobalPadId(localPadId);
+ var userId = (padutils.getPrefsCookieUserId() || undefined);
+ var hasClientErrors = false;
+ var uniqueId;
+ var errorMessage;
+ try {
+ var obj = fastJSON.parse(request.params.diagnosticInfo);
+ uniqueId = obj.uniqueId;
+ errorMessage = obj.disconnectedMessage;
+ hasClientErrors = obj.collabDiagnosticInfo.errors.length > 0;
+ } catch (e) {
+ // guess it doesn't have errors.
+ }
+ log.custom("disconnected_autopost", {globalPadId: globalPadId, userId: userId,
+ uniqueId: uniqueId,
+ hasClientErrors: hasClientErrors,
+ errorMessage: errorMessage});
+ try {
+ _recordDiagnosticInfo(globalPadId, request.params.diagnosticInfo);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ log.warn("Error recording diagnostic info: "+ex+" / "+request.params.diagnosticInfo);
+ }
+ response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ response.write("OK");
+function _applyMissedChanges(localPadId, missedChangesJson) {
+ var missedChanges;
+ try {
+ missedChanges = fastJSON.parse(missedChangesJson);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ log.warn("Error parsing missedChangesJson: "+ex);
+ return;
+ }
+ padutils.accessPadLocal(localPadId, function(pad) {
+ if (pad.exists()) {
+ collab_server.applyMissedChanges(pad, missedChanges);
+ }
+ });
+// feedback
+function render_feedback_post() {
+ var feedback = request.params.feedback;
+ var localPadId = request.params.padId;
+ var globalPadId = padutils.getGlobalPadId(localPadId);
+ var username = request.params.username;
+ var email = request.params.email;
+ var subject = 'EtherPad Feedback from '+request.clientAddr+' / '+globalPadId+' / '+username;
+ if (feedback.indexOf("@") > 0) {
+ subject = "@ "+subject;
+ }
+ feedback += "\n\n--\n";
+ feedback += ("User Agent: "+request.headers['User-Agent'] + "\n");
+ feedback += ("Session Referer: "+getSession().initialReferer + "\n");
+ feedback += ("Email: "+email+"\n");
+ // log feedback
+ var userId = padutils.getPrefsCookieUserId();
+ log.custom("feedback", {
+ globalPadId: globalPadId,
+ userId: userId,
+ email: email,
+ username: username,
+ feedback: request.params.feedback});
+ sendEmail(
+ 'feedback@pad.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de',
+ 'feedback@pad.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de',
+ subject,
+ {},
+ feedback
+ );
+ response.write("OK");
+// emailinvite
+function render_emailinvite_post() {
+ var toEmails = String(request.params.toEmails).split(',');
+ var padId = String(request.params.padId);
+ var username = String(request.params.username);
+ var subject = String(request.params.subject);
+ var message = String(request.params.message);
+ log.custom("padinvite",
+ {toEmails: toEmails, padId: padId, username: username,
+ subject: subject, message: message});
+ var fromAddr = '"EtherPad" <noreply@pad.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de>';
+ // client enforces non-empty subject and message
+ var subj = '[EtherPad] '+subject;
+ var body = renderTemplateAsString('email/padinvite.ejs',
+ {body: message});
+ var headers = {};
+ var proAccount = getSessionProAccount();
+ if (proAccount) {
+ headers['Reply-To'] = proAccount.email;
+ }
+ response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ try {
+ sendEmail(toEmails, fromAddr, subj, headers, body);
+ response.write("OK");
+ } catch (e) {
+ logException(e);
+ response.setStatusCode(500);
+ response.write("Error");
+ }
+// time-slider
+function render_slider() {
+ var parts = request.path.split('/');
+ var padOpaqueRef = parts[4];
+ helpers.addClientVars({padOpaqueRef:padOpaqueRef});
+ renderHtml("pad/padslider_body.ejs", {
+ // properties go here
+ });
+ return true;
+// auth
+function render_auth_get() {
+ var parts = request.path.split('/');
+ var localPadId = parts[4];
+ var errDiv;
+ if (getSession().padPassErr) {
+ errDiv = DIV({style: "border: 1px solid #fcc; background: #ffeeee; padding: 1em; margin: 1em 0;"},
+ B(getSession().padPassErr));
+ delete getSession().padPassErr;
+ } else {
+ errDiv = DIV();
+ }
+ renderFramedHtml(function() {
+ return DIV({className: "fpcontent"},
+ DIV({style: "margin: 1em;"},
+ errDiv,
+ FORM({style: "border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 1em; background: #fff6cc;",
+ action: request.path+'?'+request.query,
+ method: "post"},
+ LABEL(B("Please enter the password required to access this pad:")),
+ BR(), BR(),
+ INPUT({type: "text", name: "password"}), INPUT({type: "submit", value: "Submit"})
+ /*DIV(BR(), "Or ", A({href: '/ep/account/sign-in'}, "sign in"), ".")*/
+ )),
+ DIV({style: "padding: 0 1em;"},
+ P({style: "color: #444;"},
+ "If you have forgotten a pad's password, contact your site administrator.",
+ " Site administrators can recover lost pad text through the \"Admin\" tab.")
+ )
+ );
+ });
+ return true;
+function render_auth_post() {
+ var parts = request.path.split('/');
+ var localPadId = parts[4];
+ var domainId = domains.getRequestDomainId();
+ if (!getSession().padPasswordAuth) {
+ getSession().padPasswordAuth = {};
+ }
+ var currentPassword = pro_padmeta.accessProPadLocal(localPadId, function(propad) {
+ return propad.getPassword();
+ });
+ if (request.params.password == currentPassword) {
+ var globalPadId = padutils.getGlobalPadId(localPadId);
+ getSession().padPasswordAuth[globalPadId] = true;
+ } else {
+ getSession().padPasswordAuth[globalPadId] = false;
+ getSession().padPassErr = "Incorrect password.";
+ }
+ var cont = request.params.cont;
+ if (!cont) {
+ cont = '/'+localPadId;
+ }
+ response.redirect(cont);
+// chathistory
+function render_chathistory_get() {
+ var padId = request.params.padId;
+ var start = Number(request.params.start || 0);
+ var end = Number(request.params.end || 0);
+ var result = null;
+ var rev = padutils.accessPadLocal(padId, function(pad) {
+ result = chatarchive.getChatBlock(pad, start, end);
+ }, "r");
+ response.setContentType('text/plain; charset=utf-8');
+ response.write(fastJSON.stringify(result));