----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : W.hs -- Copyright : (c) Spencer Janssen 2007 -- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE) -- -- Maintainer : sjanssen@cse.unl.edu -- Stability : unstable -- Portability : not portable, uses cunning newtype deriving -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- The W monad, a state monad transformer over IO, for the window -- manager state, and support routines. -- module WMonad where import StackSet import Control.Monad.State import System.IO import System.Process (runCommand) import Graphics.X11.Xlib (Display,Window) -- | WState, the window manager state. -- Just the display, width, height and a window list data WState = WState { display :: Display , screenWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int , screenHeight :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int , workspace :: {-# UNPACK #-} !WorkSpace -- ^ workspace list } type WorkSpace = StackSet Window -- | The W monad, a StateT transformer over IO encapuslating the window -- manager state newtype W a = W { unW :: StateT WState IO a } deriving (Functor, Monad, MonadIO, MonadState WState) -- | Run the W monad, given a chunk of W monad code, and an initial state -- Return the result, and final state runW :: WState -> W a -> IO (a, WState) runW st a = runStateT (unW a) st -- | Lift an IO action into the W monad io :: IO a -> W a io = liftIO -- | Lift an IO action into the W monad, discarding any result io_ :: IO a -> W () io_ f = liftIO f >> return () -- | Run an action forever forever :: (Monad m) => m a -> m b forever a = a >> forever a -- | spawn. Launch an external application spawn :: String -> W () spawn = io_ . runCommand -- | A 'trace' for the W monad. Logs a string to stderr. The result may -- be found in your .xsession-errors file trace :: String -> W () trace msg = io $ do hPutStrLn stderr msg hFlush stderr -- | Modify the workspace list modifyWorkspace :: (WorkSpace -> WorkSpace) -> W () modifyWorkspace f = do modify $ \s -> s { workspace = f (workspace s) } ws <- gets workspace trace (show $ ws) -- | Like 'when' but for (WorkSpace -> Maybe a) whenJust :: (WorkSpace -> Maybe a) -> (a -> W ()) -> W () whenJust mg f = do ws <- gets workspace case mg ws of Nothing -> return () Just w -> f w