path: root/tests/Properties
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16 files changed, 1045 insertions, 1182 deletions
diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index ae3f2e7..70d7e18 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -1,1191 +1,147 @@
-{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts -w #-}
-module Properties where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+-- Our QC instances and properties.
+import Instances
+import Properties.Delete
+import Properties.Failure
+import Properties.Floating
+import Properties.Focus
+import Properties.GreedyView
+import Properties.Insert
+import Properties.Screen
+import Properties.Shift
+import Properties.Stack
+import Properties.StackSet
+import Properties.Swap
+import Properties.View
+import Properties.Workspace
+import Properties.Layout.Full
+import Properties.Layout.Tall
-import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
-import XMonad.Layout
-import XMonad.Core hiding (workspaces,trace)
-import XMonad.Operations ( applyResizeIncHint, applyMaxSizeHint )
-import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S (filter)
-import Debug.Trace
-import Data.Word
-import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types (Rectangle(..),Position,Dimension)
-import Data.Ratio
-import Data.Maybe
import System.Environment
-import Control.Exception (assert)
-import qualified Control.Exception.Extensible as C
-import Control.Monad
-import Test.QuickCheck hiding (promote)
-import System.IO.Unsafe
-import System.IO
-import System.Random hiding (next)
import Text.Printf
-import Data.List (nub,sort,sortBy,group,sort,intersperse,genericLength)
-import qualified Data.List as L
-import Data.Char (ord)
-import Data.Map (keys,elems)
-import qualified Data.Map as M
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- QuickCheck properties for the StackSet
--- Some general hints for creating StackSet properties:
--- * ops that mutate the StackSet are usually local
--- * most ops on StackSet should either be trivially reversible, or
--- idempotent, or both.
--- The all important Arbitrary instance for StackSet.
-instance (Integral i, Integral s, Eq a, Arbitrary a, Arbitrary l, Arbitrary sd)
- => Arbitrary (StackSet i l a s sd) where
- arbitrary = do
- sz <- choose (1,10) -- number of workspaces
- n <- choose (0,sz-1) -- pick one to be in focus
- sc <- choose (1,sz) -- a number of physical screens
- lay <- arbitrary -- pick any layout
- sds <- replicateM sc arbitrary
- ls <- vector sz -- a vector of sz workspaces
- -- pick a random item in each stack to focus
- fs <- sequence [ if null s then return Nothing
- else liftM Just (choose ((-1),length s-1))
- | s <- ls ]
- return $ fromList (fromIntegral n, sds,fs,ls,lay)
--- | fromList. Build a new StackSet from a list of list of elements,
--- keeping track of the currently focused workspace, and the total
--- number of workspaces. If there are duplicates in the list, the last
--- occurence wins.
--- 'o' random workspace
--- 'm' number of physical screens
--- 'fs' random focused window on each workspace
--- 'xs' list of list of windows
-fromList :: (Integral i, Integral s, Eq a) => (i, [sd], [Maybe Int], [[a]], l) -> StackSet i l a s sd
-fromList (_,_,_,[],_) = error "Cannot build a StackSet from an empty list"
-fromList (o,m,fs,xs,l) =
- let s = view o $
- foldr (\(i,ys) s ->
- foldr insertUp (view i s) ys)
- (new l [0..genericLength xs-1] m) (zip [0..] xs)
- in foldr (\f t -> case f of
- Nothing -> t
- Just i -> foldr (const focusUp) t [0..i] ) s fs
--- Just generate StackSets with Char elements.
-type T = StackSet (NonNegative Int) Int Char Int Int
--- Useful operation, the non-local workspaces
-hidden_spaces x = map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
--- Basic data invariants of the StackSet
--- With the new zipper-based StackSet, tracking focus is no longer an
--- issue: the data structure enforces focus by construction.
--- But we still need to ensure there are no duplicates, and master/and
--- the xinerama mapping aren't checked by the data structure at all.
--- * no element should ever appear more than once in a StackSet
--- * the xinerama screen map should be:
--- -- keys should always index valid workspaces
--- -- monotonically ascending in the elements
--- * the current workspace should be a member of the xinerama screens
-invariant (s :: T) = and
- -- no duplicates
- [ noDuplicates
- -- all this xinerama stuff says we don't have the right structure
--- , validScreens
--- , validWorkspaces
--- , inBounds
- ]
- where
- ws = concat [ focus t : up t ++ down t
- | w <- workspace (current s) : map workspace (visible s) ++ hidden s
- , t <- maybeToList (stack w)] :: [Char]
- noDuplicates = nub ws == ws
--- validScreens = monotonic . sort . M. . (W.current s : W.visible : W$ s
--- validWorkspaces = and [ w `elem` allworkspaces | w <- (M.keys . screens) s ]
--- where allworkspaces = map tag $ current s : prev s ++ next s
--- inBounds = and [ w >=0 && w < size s | (w,sc) <- M.assocs (screens s) ]
-monotonic [] = True
-monotonic (x:[]) = True
-monotonic (x:y:zs) | x == y-1 = monotonic (y:zs)
- | otherwise = False
-prop_invariant = invariant
--- and check other ops preserve invariants
-prop_empty_I (n :: Positive Int) l = forAll (choose (1,fromIntegral n)) $ \m ->
- forAll (vector m) $ \ms ->
- invariant $ new l [0..fromIntegral n-1] ms
-prop_view_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- invariant $ view (fromIntegral n) x
-prop_greedyView_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- invariant $ greedyView (fromIntegral n) x
-prop_focusUp_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- invariant $ foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]
-prop_focusMaster_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- invariant $ foldr (const focusMaster) x [1..n]
-prop_focusDown_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- invariant $ foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]
-prop_focus_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just _ -> let w = focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current $ foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]
- in invariant $ focusWindow w x
-prop_insertUp_I n (x :: T) = invariant $ insertUp n x
-prop_delete_I (x :: T) = invariant $
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> x
- Just i -> delete i x
-prop_swap_master_I (x :: T) = invariant $ swapMaster x
-prop_swap_left_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- invariant $ foldr (const swapUp ) x [1..n]
-prop_swap_right_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- invariant $ foldr (const swapDown) x [1..n]
-prop_shift_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- n `tagMember` x ==> invariant $ shift (fromIntegral n) x
-prop_shift_win_I (n :: NonNegative Int) (w :: Char) (x :: T) =
- n `tagMember` x && w `member` x ==> invariant $ shiftWin (fromIntegral n) w x
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 'new'
--- empty StackSets have no windows in them
-prop_empty (EmptyStackSet x) =
- all (== Nothing) [ stack w | w <- workspace (current x)
- : map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x ]
--- empty StackSets always have focus on first workspace
-prop_empty_current (NonEmptyNubList ns) (NonEmptyNubList sds) l =
- -- TODO, this is ugly
- length sds <= length ns ==>
- tag (workspace $ current x) == head ns
- where x = new l ns sds :: T
--- no windows will be a member of an empty workspace
-prop_member_empty i (EmptyStackSet x)
- = member i x == False
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- viewing workspaces
--- view sets the current workspace to 'n'
-prop_view_current (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
- tag (workspace $ current (view i x)) == i
- where
- i = fromIntegral n
--- view *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
--- no workspace contents will be changed.
-prop_view_local (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
- workspaces x == workspaces (view i x)
- where
- workspaces a = sortBy (\s t -> tag s `compare` tag t) $
- workspace (current a)
- : map workspace (visible a) ++ hidden a
- i = fromIntegral n
--- view should result in a visible xinerama screen
--- prop_view_xinerama (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
--- M.member i (screens (view i x))
--- where
--- i = fromIntegral n
--- view is idempotent
-prop_view_idem (x :: T) (i :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==> view i (view i x) == (view i x)
--- view is reversible, though shuffles the order of hidden/visible
-prop_view_reversible (i :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x ==> normal (view n (view i x)) == normal x
- where n = tag (workspace $ current x)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- greedyViewing workspaces
--- greedyView sets the current workspace to 'n'
-prop_greedyView_current (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
- tag (workspace $ current (greedyView i x)) == i
- where
- i = fromIntegral n
--- greedyView leaves things unchanged for invalid workspaces
-prop_greedyView_current_id (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = not (i `tagMember` x) ==>
- tag (workspace $ current (greedyView i x)) == j
- where
- i = fromIntegral n
- j = tag (workspace (current x))
--- greedyView *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
--- no workspace contents will be changed.
-prop_greedyView_local (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
- workspaces x == workspaces (greedyView i x)
- where
- workspaces a = sortBy (\s t -> tag s `compare` tag t) $
- workspace (current a)
- : map workspace (visible a) ++ hidden a
- i = fromIntegral n
--- greedyView is idempotent
-prop_greedyView_idem (x :: T) (i :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==> greedyView i (greedyView i x) == (greedyView i x)
--- greedyView is reversible, though shuffles the order of hidden/visible
-prop_greedyView_reversible (i :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x ==> normal (greedyView n (greedyView i x)) == normal x
- where n = tag (workspace $ current x)
--- normalise workspace list
-normal s = s { hidden = sortBy g (hidden s), visible = sortBy f (visible s) }
- where
- f = \a b -> tag (workspace a) `compare` tag (workspace b)
- g = \a b -> tag a `compare` tag b
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Xinerama
--- every screen should yield a valid workspace
--- prop_lookupWorkspace (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
--- s < M.size (screens x) ==>
--- fromJust (lookupWorkspace s x) `elem` (map tag $ current x : prev x ++ next x)
--- where
--- s = fromIntegral n
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- peek/index
--- peek either yields nothing on the Empty workspace, or Just a valid window
-prop_member_peek (x :: T) =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True {- then we don't know anything -}
- Just i -> member i x
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- index
--- the list returned by index should be the same length as the actual
--- windows kept in the zipper
-prop_index_length (x :: T) =
- case stack . workspace . current $ x of
- Nothing -> length (index x) == 0
- Just it -> length (index x) == length (focus it : up it ++ down it)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- rotating focus
--- master/focus
--- The tiling order, and master window, of a stack is unaffected by focus changes.
-prop_focus_left_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T) =
- index (foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]) == index x
-prop_focus_right_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T) =
- index (foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]) == index x
-prop_focus_master_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T) =
- index (foldr (const focusMaster) x [1..n]) == index x
-prop_focusWindow_master (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just _ -> let s = index x
- i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
- in index (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == index x
--- shifting focus is trivially reversible
-prop_focus_left (x :: T) = (focusUp (focusDown x)) == x
-prop_focus_right (x :: T) = (focusDown (focusUp x)) == x
--- focus master is idempotent
-prop_focusMaster_idem (x :: T) = focusMaster x == focusMaster (focusMaster x)
--- focusWindow actually leaves the window focused...
-prop_focusWindow_works (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just _ -> let s = index x
- i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
- in (focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current) (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == (s !! i)
--- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
-prop_focus_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]) == x
- where n = length (index x)
-prop_focus_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]) == x
- where n = length (index x)
--- prop_rotate_all (x :: T) = f (f x) == f x
--- f x' = foldr (\_ y -> rotate GT y) x' [1..n]
--- focus is local to the current workspace
-prop_focus_down_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusDown x) == hidden_spaces x
-prop_focus_up_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusUp x) == hidden_spaces x
-prop_focus_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusMaster x) == hidden_spaces x
-prop_focusWindow_local (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T ) =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just _ -> let s = index x
- i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
- in hidden_spaces (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == hidden_spaces x
--- On an invalid window, the stackset is unmodified
-prop_focusWindow_identity (n :: Char) (x::T ) =
- not (n `member` x) ==> focusWindow n x == x
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- member/findTag
--- For all windows in the stackSet, findTag should identify the
--- correct workspace
-prop_findIndex (x :: T) =
- and [ tag w == fromJust (findTag i x)
- | w <- workspace (current x) : map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
- , t <- maybeToList (stack w)
- , i <- focus t : up t ++ down t
- ]
-prop_allWindowsMember w (x :: T) = (w `elem` allWindows x) ==> member w x
-prop_currentTag (x :: T) =
- currentTag x == tag (workspace (current x))
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 'insert'
--- inserting a item into an empty stackset means that item is now a member
-prop_insert_empty i (EmptyStackSet x)= member i (insertUp i x)
--- insert should be idempotent
-prop_insert_idem i (x :: T) = insertUp i x == insertUp i (insertUp i x)
--- insert when an item is a member should leave the stackset unchanged
-prop_insert_duplicate i (x :: T) = member i x ==> insertUp i x == x
--- push shouldn't change anything but the current workspace
-prop_insert_local (x :: T) i = not (member i x) ==> hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (insertUp i x)
--- Inserting a (unique) list of items into an empty stackset should
--- result in the last inserted element having focus.
-prop_insert_peek (EmptyStackSet x) (NonEmptyNubList is) =
- peek (foldr insertUp x is) == Just (head is)
--- insert >> delete is the identity, when i `notElem` .
--- Except for the 'master', which is reset on insert and delete.
-prop_insert_delete n x = not (member n x) ==> delete n (insertUp n y) == (y :: T)
- where
- y = swapMaster x -- sets the master window to the current focus.
- -- otherwise, we don't have a rule for where master goes.
--- inserting n elements increases current stack size by n
-prop_size_insert is (EmptyStackSet x) =
- size (foldr insertUp x ws ) == (length ws)
- where
- ws = nub is
- size = length . index
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- 'delete'
--- deleting the current item removes it.
-prop_delete x =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just i -> not (member i (delete i x))
- where _ = x :: T
--- delete is reversible with 'insert'.
--- It is the identiy, except for the 'master', which is reset on insert and delete.
-prop_delete_insert (x :: T) =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just n -> insertUp n (delete n y) == y
- where
- y = swapMaster x
--- delete should be local
-prop_delete_local (x :: T) =
- case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just i -> hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (delete i x)
--- delete should not affect focus unless the focused element is what is being deleted
-prop_delete_focus n (x :: T) = member n x && Just n /= peek x ==> peek (delete n x) == peek x
--- focus movement in the presence of delete:
--- when the last window in the stack set is focused, focus moves `up'.
--- usual case is that it moves 'down'.
-prop_delete_focus_end (x :: T) =
- length (index x) > 1
- ==>
- peek (delete n y) == peek (focusUp y)
- where
- n = last (index x)
- y = focusWindow n x -- focus last window in stack
--- focus movement in the presence of delete:
--- when not in the last item in the stack, focus moves down
-prop_delete_focus_not_end (x :: T) =
- length (index x) > 1 &&
- n /= last (index x)
- ==>
- peek (delete n x) == peek (focusDown x)
- where
- Just n = peek x
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- filter
--- preserve order
-prop_filter_order (x :: T) =
- case stack $ workspace $ current x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just s@(Stack i _ _) -> integrate' (S.filter (/= i) s) == filter (/= i) (integrate' (Just s))
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- swapUp, swapDown, swapMaster: reordiring windows
--- swap is trivially reversible
-prop_swap_left (x :: T) = (swapUp (swapDown x)) == x
-prop_swap_right (x :: T) = (swapDown (swapUp x)) == x
--- TODO swap is reversible
--- swap is reversible, but involves moving focus back the window with
--- master on it. easy to do with a mouse...
-prop_promote_reversible x b = (not . null . fromMaybe [] . flip index x . current $ x) ==>
- (raiseFocus y . promote . raiseFocus z . promote) x == x
- where _ = x :: T
- dir = if b then LT else GT
- (Just y) = peek x
- (Just (z:_)) = flip index x . current $ x
--- swap doesn't change focus
-prop_swap_master_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapMaster x)
--- = case peek x of
--- Nothing -> True
--- Just f -> focus (stack (workspace $ current (swap x))) == f
-prop_swap_left_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapUp x)
-prop_swap_right_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapDown x)
--- swap is local
-prop_swap_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapMaster x)
-prop_swap_left_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapUp x)
-prop_swap_right_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapDown x)
--- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
-prop_swap_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapUp) x [1..n]) == x
- where n = length (index x)
-prop_swap_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapDown) x [1..n]) == x
- where n = length (index x)
-prop_swap_master_idempotent (x :: T) = swapMaster (swapMaster x) == swapMaster x
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- shift
--- shift is fully reversible on current window, when focus and master
--- are the same. otherwise, master may move.
-prop_shift_reversible i (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x ==> case peek y of
- Nothing -> True
- Just _ -> normal ((view n . shift n . view i . shift i) y) == normal y
- where
- y = swapMaster x
- n = tag (workspace $ current y)
--- shiftMaster
--- focus/local/idempotent same as swapMaster:
-prop_shift_master_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ shiftMaster x)
-prop_shift_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (shiftMaster x)
-prop_shift_master_idempotent (x :: T) = shiftMaster (shiftMaster x) == shiftMaster x
--- ordering is constant modulo the focused window:
-prop_shift_master_ordering (x :: T) = case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just m -> L.delete m (index x) == L.delete m (index $ shiftMaster x)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- shiftWin
--- shiftWin on current window is the same as shift
-prop_shift_win_focus i (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x ==> case peek x of
- Nothing -> True
- Just w -> shiftWin i w x == shift i x
--- shiftWin on a non-existant window is identity
-prop_shift_win_indentity i w (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x && not (w `member` x) ==> shiftWin i w x == x
--- shiftWin leaves the current screen as it is, if neither i is the tag
--- of the current workspace nor w on the current workspace
-prop_shift_win_fix_current i w (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x && w `member` x && i /= n && findTag w x /= Just n
- ==> (current $ x) == (current $ shiftWin i w x)
- where
- n = tag (workspace $ current x)
--- properties for the floating layer:
-prop_float_reversible n (x :: T) =
- n `member` x ==> sink n (float n geom x) == x
- where
- geom = RationalRect 100 100 100 100
-prop_float_geometry n (x :: T) =
- n `member` x ==> let s = float n geom x
- in M.lookup n (floating s) == Just geom
- where
- geom = RationalRect 100 100 100 100
-prop_float_delete n (x :: T) =
- n `member` x ==> let s = float n geom x
- t = delete n s
- in not (n `member` t)
- where
- geom = RationalRect 100 100 100 100
-prop_screens (x :: T) = n `elem` screens x
- where
- n = current x
-prop_differentiate xs =
- if null xs then differentiate xs == Nothing
- else (differentiate xs) == Just (Stack (head xs) [] (tail xs))
- where _ = xs :: [Int]
--- looking up the tag of the current workspace should always produce a tag.
-prop_lookup_current (x :: T) = lookupWorkspace scr x == Just tg
- where
- (Screen (Workspace tg _ _) scr _) = current x
--- looking at a visible tag
-prop_lookup_visible (x :: T) =
- visible x /= [] ==>
- fromJust (lookupWorkspace scr x) `elem` tags
- where
- tags = [ tag (workspace y) | y <- visible x ]
- scr = last [ screen y | y <- visible x ]
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- testing for failure
--- and help out hpc
-prop_abort x = unsafePerformIO $ C.catch (abort "fail")
- (\(C.SomeException e) -> return $ show e == "xmonad: StackSet: fail" )
- where
- _ = x :: Int
--- new should fail with an abort
-prop_new_abort x = unsafePerformIO $ C.catch f
- (\(C.SomeException e) -> return $ show e == "xmonad: StackSet: non-positive argument to StackSet.new" )
- where
- f = new undefined{-layout-} [] [] `seq` return False
- _ = x :: Int
--- prop_view_should_fail = view {- with some bogus data -}
--- screens makes sense
-prop_screens_works (x :: T) = screens x == current x : visible x
--- renaming tags
--- | Rename a given tag if present in the StackSet.
--- 408 renameTag :: Eq i => i -> i -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
-prop_rename1 (x::T) o n = o `tagMember` x && not (n `tagMember` x) ==>
- let y = renameTag o n x
- in n `tagMember` y
--- |
--- Ensure that a given set of workspace tags is present by renaming
--- existing workspaces and\/or creating new hidden workspaces as
--- necessary.
-prop_ensure (x :: T) l xs = let y = ensureTags l xs x
- in and [ n `tagMember` y | n <- xs ]
--- adding a tag should create a new hidden workspace
-prop_ensure_append (x :: T) l n =
- not (n `tagMember` x)
- ==>
- (hidden y /= hidden x -- doesn't append, renames
- &&
- and [ isNothing (stack z) && layout z == l | z <- hidden y, tag z == n ]
- )
- where
- y = ensureTags l (n:ts) x
- ts = [ tag z | z <- workspaces x ]
-prop_mapWorkspaceId (x::T) = x == mapWorkspace id x
-prop_mapWorkspaceInverse (x::T) = x == mapWorkspace predTag (mapWorkspace succTag x)
- where predTag w = w { tag = pred $ tag w }
- succTag w = w { tag = succ $ tag w }
-prop_mapLayoutId (x::T) = x == mapLayout id x
-prop_mapLayoutInverse (x::T) = x == mapLayout pred (mapLayout succ x)
--- The Tall layout
--- 1 window should always be tiled fullscreen
-prop_tile_fullscreen rect = tile pct rect 1 1 == [rect]
- where pct = 1/2
--- multiple windows
-prop_tile_non_overlap rect windows nmaster = noOverlaps (tile pct rect nmaster windows)
- where _ = rect :: Rectangle
- pct = 3 % 100
--- splitting horizontally yields sensible results
-prop_split_hoziontal (NonNegative n) x =
- trace (show (rect_x x
- ,rect_width x
- ,rect_x x + fromIntegral (rect_width x)
- ,map rect_x xs))
- $
- sum (map rect_width xs) == rect_width x
- &&
- all (== rect_height x) (map rect_height xs)
- &&
- (map rect_x xs) == (sort $ map rect_x xs)
- where
- xs = splitHorizontally n x
--- splitting horizontally yields sensible results
-prop_splitVertically (r :: Rational) x =
- rect_x x == rect_x a && rect_x x == rect_x b
- &&
- rect_width x == rect_width a && rect_width x == rect_width b
- trace (show (rect_x x
- ,rect_width x
- ,rect_x x + fromIntegral (rect_width x)
- ,map rect_x xs))
- $
- where
- (a,b) = splitVerticallyBy r x
--- pureLayout works.
-prop_purelayout_tall n r1 r2 rect (t :: T) =
- isJust (peek t) ==>
- length ts == length (index t)
- &&
- noOverlaps (map snd ts)
- &&
- description layoot == "Tall"
- where layoot = Tall n r1 r2
- st = fromJust . stack . workspace . current $ t
- ts = pureLayout layoot rect st
--- Test message handling of Tall
--- what happens when we send a Shrink message to Tall
-prop_shrink_tall (NonNegative n) (NonZero (NonNegative delta)) (NonNegative frac) =
- n == n' && delta == delta' -- these state components are unchanged
- && frac' <= frac && (if frac' < frac then frac' == 0 || frac' == frac - delta
- else frac == 0 )
- -- remaining fraction should shrink
- where
- l1 = Tall n delta frac
- Just l2@(Tall n' delta' frac') = l1 `pureMessage` (SomeMessage Shrink)
- -- pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
--- what happens when we send a Shrink message to Tall
-prop_expand_tall (NonNegative n)
- (NonZero (NonNegative delta))
- (NonNegative n1)
- (NonZero (NonNegative d1)) =
- n == n'
- && delta == delta' -- these state components are unchanged
- && frac' >= frac
- && (if frac' > frac
- then frac' == 1 || frac' == frac + delta
- else frac == 1 )
- -- remaining fraction should shrink
- where
- frac = min 1 (n1 % d1)
- l1 = Tall n delta frac
- Just l2@(Tall n' delta' frac') = l1 `pureMessage` (SomeMessage Expand)
- -- pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
--- what happens when we send an IncMaster message to Tall
-prop_incmaster_tall (NonNegative n) (NonZero (NonNegative delta)) (NonNegative frac)
- (NonNegative k) =
- delta == delta' && frac == frac' && n' == n + k
- where
- l1 = Tall n delta frac
- Just l2@(Tall n' delta' frac') = l1 `pureMessage` (SomeMessage (IncMasterN k))
- -- pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
- -- toMessage LT = SomeMessage Shrink
- -- toMessage EQ = SomeMessage Expand
- -- toMessage GT = SomeMessage (IncMasterN 1)
--- Full layout
--- pureLayout works for Full
-prop_purelayout_full rect (t :: T) =
- isJust (peek t) ==>
- length ts == 1 -- only one window to view
- &&
- snd (head ts) == rect -- and sets fullscreen
- &&
- fst (head ts) == fromJust (peek t) -- and the focused window is shown
- where layoot = Full
- st = fromJust . stack . workspace . current $ t
- ts = pureLayout layoot rect st
--- what happens when we send an IncMaster message to Full --- Nothing
-prop_sendmsg_full (NonNegative k) =
- isNothing (Full `pureMessage` (SomeMessage (IncMasterN k)))
-prop_desc_full = description Full == show Full
-prop_desc_mirror n r1 r2 = description (Mirror $! t) == "Mirror Tall"
- where t = Tall n r1 r2
-noOverlaps [] = True
-noOverlaps [_] = True
-noOverlaps xs = and [ verts a `notOverlap` verts b
- | a <- xs
- , b <- filter (a /=) xs
- ]
- where
- verts (Rectangle a b w h) = (a,b,a + fromIntegral w - 1, b + fromIntegral h - 1)
- notOverlap (left1,bottom1,right1,top1)
- (left2,bottom2,right2,top2)
- = (top1 < bottom2 || top2 < bottom1)
- || (right1 < left2 || right2 < left1)
--- Aspect ratios
-prop_resize_inc (NonZero (NonNegative inc_w),NonZero (NonNegative inc_h)) b@(w,h) =
- w' `mod` inc_w == 0 && h' `mod` inc_h == 0
- where (w',h') = applyResizeIncHint a b
- a = (inc_w,inc_h)
-prop_resize_inc_extra ((NonNegative inc_w)) b@(w,h) =
- (w,h) == (w',h')
- where (w',h') = applyResizeIncHint a b
- a = (-inc_w,0::Dimension)-- inc_h)
-prop_resize_max (NonZero (NonNegative inc_w),NonZero (NonNegative inc_h)) b@(w,h) =
- w' <= inc_w && h' <= inc_h
- where (w',h') = applyMaxSizeHint a b
- a = (inc_w,inc_h)
-prop_resize_max_extra ((NonNegative inc_w)) b@(w,h) =
- (w,h) == (w',h')
- where (w',h') = applyMaxSizeHint a b
- a = (-inc_w,0::Dimension)-- inc_h)
main :: IO ()
main = do
- args <- fmap (drop 1) getArgs
- let n = if null args then 100 else read (head args)
- (results, passed) <- liftM unzip $ mapM (\(s,a) -> printf "%-40s: " s >> a n) tests
- printf "Passed %d tests!\n" (sum passed)
- when (not . and $ results) $ fail "Not all tests passed!"
- where
- tests =
- [("StackSet invariants" , mytest prop_invariant)
- ,("empty: invariant" , mytest prop_empty_I)
- ,("empty is empty" , mytest prop_empty)
- ,("empty / current" , mytest prop_empty_current)
- ,("empty / member" , mytest prop_member_empty)
- ,("view : invariant" , mytest prop_view_I)
- ,("view sets current" , mytest prop_view_current)
- ,("view idempotent" , mytest prop_view_idem)
- ,("view reversible" , mytest prop_view_reversible)
--- ,("view / xinerama" , mytest prop_view_xinerama)
- ,("view is local" , mytest prop_view_local)
- ,("greedyView : invariant" , mytest prop_greedyView_I)
- ,("greedyView sets current" , mytest prop_greedyView_current)
- ,("greedyView is safe " , mytest prop_greedyView_current_id)
- ,("greedyView idempotent" , mytest prop_greedyView_idem)
- ,("greedyView reversible" , mytest prop_greedyView_reversible)
- ,("greedyView is local" , mytest prop_greedyView_local)
--- ,("valid workspace xinerama", mytest prop_lookupWorkspace)
- ,("peek/member " , mytest prop_member_peek)
- ,("index/length" , mytest prop_index_length)
- ,("focus left : invariant", mytest prop_focusUp_I)
- ,("focus master : invariant", mytest prop_focusMaster_I)
- ,("focus right: invariant", mytest prop_focusDown_I)
- ,("focusWindow: invariant", mytest prop_focus_I)
- ,("focus left/master" , mytest prop_focus_left_master)
- ,("focus right/master" , mytest prop_focus_right_master)
- ,("focus master/master" , mytest prop_focus_master_master)
- ,("focusWindow master" , mytest prop_focusWindow_master)
- ,("focus left/right" , mytest prop_focus_left)
- ,("focus right/left" , mytest prop_focus_right)
- ,("focus all left " , mytest prop_focus_all_l)
- ,("focus all right " , mytest prop_focus_all_r)
- ,("focus down is local" , mytest prop_focus_down_local)
- ,("focus up is local" , mytest prop_focus_up_local)
- ,("focus master is local" , mytest prop_focus_master_local)
- ,("focus master idemp" , mytest prop_focusMaster_idem)
- ,("focusWindow is local", mytest prop_focusWindow_local)
- ,("focusWindow works" , mytest prop_focusWindow_works)
- ,("focusWindow identity", mytest prop_focusWindow_identity)
- ,("findTag" , mytest prop_findIndex)
- ,("allWindows/member" , mytest prop_allWindowsMember)
- ,("currentTag" , mytest prop_currentTag)
- ,("insert: invariant" , mytest prop_insertUp_I)
- ,("insert/new" , mytest prop_insert_empty)
- ,("insert is idempotent", mytest prop_insert_idem)
- ,("insert is reversible", mytest prop_insert_delete)
- ,("insert is local" , mytest prop_insert_local)
- ,("insert duplicates" , mytest prop_insert_duplicate)
- ,("insert/peek " , mytest prop_insert_peek)
- ,("insert/size" , mytest prop_size_insert)
- ,("delete: invariant" , mytest prop_delete_I)
- ,("delete/empty" , mytest prop_empty)
- ,("delete/member" , mytest prop_delete)
- ,("delete is reversible", mytest prop_delete_insert)
- ,("delete is local" , mytest prop_delete_local)
- ,("delete/focus" , mytest prop_delete_focus)
- ,("delete last/focus up", mytest prop_delete_focus_end)
- ,("delete ~last/focus down", mytest prop_delete_focus_not_end)
- ,("filter preserves order", mytest prop_filter_order)
- ,("swapMaster: invariant", mytest prop_swap_master_I)
- ,("swapUp: invariant" , mytest prop_swap_left_I)
- ,("swapDown: invariant", mytest prop_swap_right_I)
- ,("swapMaster id on focus", mytest prop_swap_master_focus)
- ,("swapUp id on focus", mytest prop_swap_left_focus)
- ,("swapDown id on focus", mytest prop_swap_right_focus)
- ,("swapMaster is idempotent", mytest prop_swap_master_idempotent)
- ,("swap all left " , mytest prop_swap_all_l)
- ,("swap all right " , mytest prop_swap_all_r)
- ,("swapMaster is local" , mytest prop_swap_master_local)
- ,("swapUp is local" , mytest prop_swap_left_local)
- ,("swapDown is local" , mytest prop_swap_right_local)
- ,("shiftMaster id on focus", mytest prop_shift_master_focus)
- ,("shiftMaster is local", mytest prop_shift_master_local)
- ,("shiftMaster is idempotent", mytest prop_shift_master_idempotent)
- ,("shiftMaster preserves ordering", mytest prop_shift_master_ordering)
- ,("shift: invariant" , mytest prop_shift_I)
- ,("shift is reversible" , mytest prop_shift_reversible)
- ,("shiftWin: invariant" , mytest prop_shift_win_I)
- ,("shiftWin is shift on focus" , mytest prop_shift_win_focus)
- ,("shiftWin fix current" , mytest prop_shift_win_fix_current)
- ,("floating is reversible" , mytest prop_float_reversible)
- ,("floating sets geometry" , mytest prop_float_geometry)
- ,("floats can be deleted", mytest prop_float_delete)
- ,("screens includes current", mytest prop_screens)
- ,("differentiate works", mytest prop_differentiate)
- ,("lookupTagOnScreen", mytest prop_lookup_current)
- ,("lookupTagOnVisbleScreen", mytest prop_lookup_visible)
- ,("screens works", mytest prop_screens_works)
- ,("renaming works", mytest prop_rename1)
- ,("ensure works", mytest prop_ensure)
- ,("ensure hidden semantics", mytest prop_ensure_append)
- ,("mapWorkspace id", mytest prop_mapWorkspaceId)
- ,("mapWorkspace inverse", mytest prop_mapWorkspaceInverse)
- ,("mapLayout id", mytest prop_mapLayoutId)
- ,("mapLayout inverse", mytest prop_mapLayoutInverse)
- -- testing for failure:
- ,("abort fails", mytest prop_abort)
- ,("new fails with abort", mytest prop_new_abort)
- ,("shiftWin identity", mytest prop_shift_win_indentity)
- -- tall layout
- ,("tile 1 window fullsize", mytest prop_tile_fullscreen)
- ,("tiles never overlap", mytest prop_tile_non_overlap)
- ,("split hozizontally", mytest prop_split_hoziontal)
- ,("split verticalBy", mytest prop_splitVertically)
- ,("pure layout tall", mytest prop_purelayout_tall)
- ,("send shrink tall", mytest prop_shrink_tall)
- ,("send expand tall", mytest prop_expand_tall)
- ,("send incmaster tall", mytest prop_incmaster_tall)
- -- full layout
- ,("pure layout full", mytest prop_purelayout_full)
- ,("send message full", mytest prop_sendmsg_full)
- ,("describe full", mytest prop_desc_full)
- ,("describe mirror", mytest prop_desc_mirror)
- -- resize hints
- ,("window hints: inc", mytest prop_resize_inc)
- ,("window hints: inc all", mytest prop_resize_inc_extra)
- ,("window hints: max", mytest prop_resize_max)
- ,("window hints: max all ", mytest prop_resize_max_extra)
- ]
--- QC driver
-debug = False
-mytest :: Testable a => a -> Int -> IO (Bool, Int)
-mytest a n = mycheck defaultConfig
- { configMaxTest=n
- , configEvery = \n args -> let s = show n in s ++ [ '\b' | _ <- s ] } a
- -- , configEvery= \n args -> if debug then show n ++ ":\n" ++ unlines args else [] } a
-mycheck :: Testable a => Config -> a -> IO (Bool, Int)
-mycheck config a = do
- rnd <- newStdGen
- mytests config (evaluate a) rnd 0 0 []
-mytests :: Config -> Gen Result -> StdGen -> Int -> Int -> [[String]] -> IO (Bool, Int)
-mytests config gen rnd0 ntest nfail stamps
- | ntest == configMaxTest config = done "OK," ntest stamps >> return (True, ntest)
- | nfail == configMaxFail config = done "Arguments exhausted after" ntest stamps >> return (True, ntest)
- | otherwise =
- do putStr (configEvery config ntest (arguments result)) >> hFlush stdout
- case ok result of
- Nothing ->
- mytests config gen rnd1 ntest (nfail+1) stamps
- Just True ->
- mytests config gen rnd1 (ntest+1) nfail (stamp result:stamps)
- Just False ->
- putStr ( "Falsifiable after "
- ++ show ntest
- ++ " tests:\n"
- ++ unlines (arguments result)
- ) >> hFlush stdout >> return (False, ntest)
- where
- result = generate (configSize config ntest) rnd2 gen
- (rnd1,rnd2) = split rnd0
-done :: String -> Int -> [[String]] -> IO ()
-done mesg ntest stamps = putStr ( mesg ++ " " ++ show ntest ++ " tests" ++ table )
- where
- table = display
- . map entry
- . reverse
- . sort
- . map pairLength
- . group
- . sort
- . filter (not . null)
- $ stamps
- display [] = ".\n"
- display [x] = " (" ++ x ++ ").\n"
- display xs = ".\n" ++ unlines (map (++ ".") xs)
- pairLength xss@(xs:_) = (length xss, xs)
- entry (n, xs) = percentage n ntest
- ++ " "
- ++ concat (intersperse ", " xs)
- percentage n m = show ((100 * n) `div` m) ++ "%"
-instance Arbitrary Char where
- arbitrary = choose ('a','z')
- coarbitrary n = coarbitrary (ord n)
-instance Random Word8 where
- randomR = integralRandomR
- random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
-instance Arbitrary Word8 where
- arbitrary = choose (minBound,maxBound)
- coarbitrary n = variant (fromIntegral ((fromIntegral n) `rem` 4))
-instance Random Word64 where
- randomR = integralRandomR
- random = randomR (minBound,maxBound)
-instance Arbitrary Word64 where
- arbitrary = choose (minBound,maxBound)
- coarbitrary n = variant (fromIntegral ((fromIntegral n) `rem` 4))
-integralRandomR :: (Integral a, RandomGen g) => (a,a) -> g -> (a,g)
-integralRandomR (a,b) g = case randomR (fromIntegral a :: Integer,
- fromIntegral b :: Integer) g of
- (x,g) -> (fromIntegral x, g)
-instance Arbitrary Position where
- arbitrary = do n <- arbitrary :: Gen Word8
- return (fromIntegral n)
- coarbitrary = undefined
-instance Arbitrary Dimension where
- arbitrary = do n <- arbitrary :: Gen Word8
- return (fromIntegral n)
- coarbitrary = undefined
-instance Arbitrary Rectangle where
- arbitrary = do
- sx <- arbitrary
- sy <- arbitrary
- sw <- arbitrary
- sh <- arbitrary
- return $ Rectangle sx sy sw sh
- coarbitrary = undefined
-instance Arbitrary Rational where
- arbitrary = do
- n <- arbitrary
- d' <- arbitrary
- let d = if d' == 0 then 1 else d'
- return (n % d)
- coarbitrary = undefined
--- QC 2
--- from QC2
--- | NonEmpty xs: guarantees that xs is non-empty.
-newtype NonEmptyList a = NonEmpty [a]
- deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )
-instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (NonEmptyList a) where
- arbitrary = NonEmpty `fmap` (arbitrary `suchThat` (not . null))
- coarbitrary = undefined
-newtype NonEmptyNubList a = NonEmptyNubList [a]
- deriving ( Eq, Ord, Show, Read )
-instance (Eq a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonEmptyNubList a) where
- arbitrary = NonEmptyNubList `fmap` ((liftM nub arbitrary) `suchThat` (not . null))
- coarbitrary = undefined
-type Positive a = NonZero (NonNegative a)
-newtype NonZero a = NonZero a
- deriving ( Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Show, Read )
-instance (Num a, Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonZero a) where
- arbitrary = fmap NonZero $ arbitrary `suchThat` (/= 0)
- coarbitrary = undefined
-newtype NonNegative a = NonNegative a
- deriving ( Eq, Ord, Num, Integral, Real, Enum, Show, Read )
-instance (Num a, Ord a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (NonNegative a) where
- arbitrary =
- frequency
- [ (5, (NonNegative . abs) `fmap` arbitrary)
- , (1, return 0)
- ]
- coarbitrary = undefined
-newtype EmptyStackSet = EmptyStackSet T deriving Show
-instance Arbitrary EmptyStackSet where
- arbitrary = do
- (NonEmptyNubList ns) <- arbitrary
- (NonEmptyNubList sds) <- arbitrary
- l <- arbitrary
- -- there cannot be more screens than workspaces:
- return . EmptyStackSet . new l ns $ take (min (length ns) (length sds)) sds
- coarbitrary = error "coarbitrary EmptyStackSet"
+ arg <- fmap (drop 1) getArgs
+ let n = if null arg then 100 else read $ head arg
+ args = stdArgs { maxSuccess = n, maxSize = 100 }
+ qc = quickCheckWithResult args
+ perform (s, t) = printf "%-35s: " s >> qc t
+ mapM_ perform tests
+tests =
+ [("StackSet invariants", property prop_invariant)
+ ,("empty: invariant", property prop_empty_I)
+ ,("empty is empty", property prop_empty)
+ ,("empty / current", property prop_empty_current)
+ ,("empty / member", property prop_member_empty)
+ ,("view : invariant", property prop_view_I)
+ ,("view sets current", property prop_view_current)
+ ,("view idempotent", property prop_view_idem)
+ ,("view reversible", property prop_view_reversible)
+ ,("view is local", property prop_view_local)
+ ,("greedyView : invariant", property prop_greedyView_I)
+ ,("greedyView sets current", property prop_greedyView_current)
+ ,("greedyView is safe", property prop_greedyView_current_id)
+ ,("greedyView idempotent", property prop_greedyView_idem)
+ ,("greedyView reversible", property prop_greedyView_reversible)
+ ,("greedyView is local", property prop_greedyView_local)
+ ,("peek/member", property prop_member_peek)
+ ,("index/length", property prop_index_length)
+ ,("focus left : invariant", property prop_focusUp_I)
+ ,("focus master : invariant", property prop_focusMaster_I)
+ ,("focus right: invariant", property prop_focusDown_I)
+ ,("focusWindow: invariant", property prop_focus_I)
+ ,("focus left/master", property prop_focus_left_master)
+ ,("focus right/master", property prop_focus_right_master)
+ ,("focus master/master", property prop_focus_master_master)
+ ,("focusWindow master", property prop_focusWindow_master)
+ ,("focus left/right", property prop_focus_left)
+ ,("focus right/left", property prop_focus_right)
+ ,("focus all left", property prop_focus_all_l)
+ ,("focus all right", property prop_focus_all_r)
+ ,("focus down is local", property prop_focus_down_local)
+ ,("focus up is local", property prop_focus_up_local)
+ ,("focus master is local", property prop_focus_master_local)
+ ,("focus master idemp", property prop_focusMaster_idem)
+ ,("focusWindow is local", property prop_focusWindow_local)
+ ,("focusWindow works" , property prop_focusWindow_works)
+ ,("focusWindow identity", property prop_focusWindow_identity)
+ ,("findTag", property prop_findIndex)
+ ,("allWindows/member", property prop_allWindowsMember)
+ ,("currentTag", property prop_currentTag)
+ ,("insert: invariant", property prop_insertUp_I)
+ ,("insert/new", property prop_insert_empty)
+ ,("insert is idempotent", property prop_insert_idem)
+ ,("insert is reversible", property prop_insert_delete)
+ ,("insert is local", property prop_insert_local)
+ ,("insert duplicates", property prop_insert_duplicate)
+ ,("insert/peek", property prop_insert_peek)
+ ,("insert/size", property prop_size_insert)
+ ,("delete: invariant", property prop_delete_I)
+ ,("delete/empty", property prop_empty)
+ ,("delete/member", property prop_delete)
+ ,("delete is reversible", property prop_delete_insert)
+ ,("delete is local", property prop_delete_local)
+ ,("delete/focus", property prop_delete_focus)
+ ,("delete last/focus up", property prop_delete_focus_end)
+ ,("delete ~last/focus down", property prop_delete_focus_not_end)
+ ,("filter preserves order", property prop_filter_order)
+ ,("swapMaster: invariant", property prop_swap_master_I)
+ ,("swapUp: invariant" , property prop_swap_left_I)
+ ,("swapDown: invariant", property prop_swap_right_I)
+ ,("swapMaster id on focus", property prop_swap_master_focus)
+ ,("swapUp id on focus", property prop_swap_left_focus)
+ ,("swapDown id on focus", property prop_swap_right_focus)
+ ,("swapMaster is idempotent", property prop_swap_master_idempotent)
+ ,("swap all left", property prop_swap_all_l)
+ ,("swap all right", property prop_swap_all_r)
+ ,("swapMaster is local", property prop_swap_master_local)
+ ,("swapUp is local", property prop_swap_left_local)
+ ,("swapDown is local", property prop_swap_right_local)
+ ,("shiftMaster id on focus", property prop_shift_master_focus)
+ ,("shiftMaster is local", property prop_shift_master_local)
+ ,("shiftMaster is idempotent", property prop_shift_master_idempotent)
+ ,("shiftMaster preserves ordering", property prop_shift_master_ordering)
+ ,("shift: invariant" , property prop_shift_I)
+ ,("shift is reversible" , property prop_shift_reversible)
+ ,("shiftWin: invariant" , property prop_shift_win_I)
+ ,("shiftWin is shift on focus", property prop_shift_win_focus)
+ ,("shiftWin fix current" , property prop_shift_win_fix_current)
+ ,("floating is reversible" , property prop_float_reversible)
+ ,("floating sets geometry" , property prop_float_geometry)
+ ,("floats can be deleted", property prop_float_delete)
+ ,("screens includes current", property prop_screens)
+ ,("differentiate works", property prop_differentiate)
+ ,("lookupTagOnScreen", property prop_lookup_current)
+ ,("lookupTagOnVisbleScreen", property prop_lookup_visible)
+ ,("screens works", property prop_screens_works)
+ ,("renaming works", property prop_rename1)
+ ,("ensure works", property prop_ensure)
+ ,("ensure hidden semantics", property prop_ensure_append)
+ ,("mapWorkspace id", property prop_mapWorkspaceId)
+ ,("mapWorkspace inverse", property prop_mapWorkspaceInverse)
+ ]
--- | Generates a value that satisfies a predicate.
-suchThat :: Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> Gen a
-gen `suchThat` p =
- do mx <- gen `suchThatMaybe` p
- case mx of
- Just x -> return x
- Nothing -> sized (\n -> resize (n+1) (gen `suchThat` p))
--- | Tries to generate a value that satisfies a predicate.
-suchThatMaybe :: Gen a -> (a -> Bool) -> Gen (Maybe a)
-gen `suchThatMaybe` p = sized (try 0 . max 1)
- where
- try _ 0 = return Nothing
- try k n = do x <- resize (2*k+n) gen
- if p x then return (Just x) else try (k+1) (n-1)
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Delete.hs b/tests/Properties/Delete.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb7566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Delete.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Delete where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- 'delete'
+-- deleting the current item removes it.
+prop_delete x =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just i -> not (member i (delete i x))
+ where _ = x :: T
+-- delete is reversible with 'insert'.
+-- It is the identiy, except for the 'master', which is reset on insert and delete.
+prop_delete_insert (x :: T) =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just n -> insertUp n (delete n y) == y
+ where
+ y = swapMaster x
+-- delete should be local
+prop_delete_local (x :: T) =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just i -> hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (delete i x)
+-- delete should not affect focus unless the focused element is what is being deleted
+prop_delete_focus = do
+ -- There should be at least two windows. One in focus, and some to try and
+ -- delete (doesn't have to be windows on the current workspace). We generate
+ -- our own, since we can't rely on NonEmptyWindowsStackSet returning one in
+ -- the argument with at least two windows.
+ x <- arbitrary `suchThat` \x' -> length (allWindows x') >= 2
+ w <- arbitraryWindow (NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x)
+ -- Make sure we pick a window that is NOT the currently focused
+ `suchThat` \w' -> Just w' /= peek x
+ return $ peek (delete w x) == peek x
+-- focus movement in the presence of delete:
+-- when the last window in the stack set is focused, focus moves `up'.
+-- usual case is that it moves 'down'.
+prop_delete_focus_end = do
+ -- Generate a StackSet with at least two windows on the current workspace.
+ x <- arbitrary `suchThat` \(x' :: T) -> length (index x') >= 2
+ let w = last (index x)
+ y = focusWindow w x -- focus last window in stack
+ return $ peek (delete w y) == peek (focusUp y)
+-- focus movement in the presence of delete:
+-- when not in the last item in the stack, focus moves down
+prop_delete_focus_not_end = do
+ x <- arbitrary
+ -- There must be at least two windows and the current focused is not the
+ -- last one in the stack.
+ `suchThat` \(x' :: T) ->
+ let currWins = index x'
+ in length (currWins) >= 2 && peek x' /= Just (last currWins)
+ -- This is safe, as we know there are >= 2 windows
+ let Just n = peek x
+ return $ peek (delete n x) == peek (focusDown x)
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Failure.hs b/tests/Properties/Failure.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc7a359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Failure.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module Properties.Failure where
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import qualified Control.Exception.Extensible as C
+import System.IO.Unsafe
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- testing for failure
+-- and help out hpc
+prop_abort x = unsafePerformIO $ C.catch (abort "fail")
+ (\(C.SomeException e) -> return $ show e == "xmonad: StackSet: fail" )
+ where
+ _ = x :: Int
+-- new should fail with an abort
+prop_new_abort x = unsafePerformIO $ C.catch f
+ (\(C.SomeException e) -> return $ show e == "xmonad: StackSet: non-positive argument to StackSet.new" )
+ where
+ f = new undefined{-layout-} [] [] `seq` return False
+ _ = x :: Int
+-- TODO: Fix this?
+-- prop_view_should_fail = view {- with some bogus data -}
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Floating.hs b/tests/Properties/Floating.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9afad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Floating.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Floating where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+-- properties for the floating layer:
+prop_float_reversible (nex :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet) = do
+ let NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x = nex
+ w <- arbitraryWindow nex
+ return $ sink w (float w geom x) == x
+ where
+ geom = RationalRect 100 100 100 100
+prop_float_geometry (nex :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet) = do
+ let NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x = nex
+ w <- arbitraryWindow nex
+ let s = float w geom x
+ return $ M.lookup w (floating s) == Just geom
+ where
+ geom = RationalRect 100 100 100 100
+prop_float_delete (nex :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet) = do
+ let NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x = nex
+ w <- arbitraryWindow nex
+ let s = float w geom x
+ t = delete w s
+ return $ not (w `member` t)
+ where
+ geom = RationalRect 100 100 100 100
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Focus.hs b/tests/Properties/Focus.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..865dc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Focus.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Focus where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- rotating focus
+-- master/focus
+-- The tiling order, and master window, of a stack is unaffected by focus changes.
+prop_focus_left_master (SizedPositive n) (x::T) =
+ index (applyN (Just n) focusUp x) == index x
+prop_focus_right_master (SizedPositive n) (x::T) =
+ index (applyN (Just n) focusDown x) == index x
+prop_focus_master_master (SizedPositive n) (x::T) =
+ index (applyN (Just n) focusMaster x) == index x
+prop_focusWindow_master (NonNegative n) (x :: T) =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just _ -> let s = index x
+ i = n `mod` length s
+ in index (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == index x
+-- shifting focus is trivially reversible
+prop_focus_left (x :: T) = (focusUp (focusDown x)) == x
+prop_focus_right (x :: T) = (focusDown (focusUp x)) == x
+-- focus master is idempotent
+prop_focusMaster_idem (x :: T) = focusMaster x == focusMaster (focusMaster x)
+-- focusWindow actually leaves the window focused...
+prop_focusWindow_works (n :: NonNegative Int) (x :: T) =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just _ -> let s = index x
+ i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
+ in (focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current) (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == (s !! i)
+-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
+prop_focus_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusUp) x [1..n]) == x
+ where n = length (index x)
+prop_focus_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const focusDown) x [1..n]) == x
+ where n = length (index x)
+-- prop_rotate_all (x :: T) = f (f x) == f x
+-- f x' = foldr (\_ y -> rotate GT y) x' [1..n]
+-- focus is local to the current workspace
+prop_focus_down_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusDown x) == hidden_spaces x
+prop_focus_up_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusUp x) == hidden_spaces x
+prop_focus_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces (focusMaster x) == hidden_spaces x
+prop_focusWindow_local (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T ) =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just _ -> let s = index x
+ i = fromIntegral n `mod` length s
+ in hidden_spaces (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == hidden_spaces x
+-- On an invalid window, the stackset is unmodified
+prop_focusWindow_identity (x::T ) = do
+ n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n' -> not $ n' `member` x
+ return $ focusWindow n x == x
diff --git a/tests/Properties/GreedyView.hs b/tests/Properties/GreedyView.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f2eb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/GreedyView.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.GreedyView where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- greedyViewing workspaces
+-- greedyView sets the current workspace to 'n'
+prop_greedyView_current (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ currentTag (greedyView n x) == n
+-- greedyView leaves things unchanged for invalid workspaces
+prop_greedyView_current_id (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n' -> not $ n' `tagMember` x
+ return $ currentTag (greedyView n x) == currentTag x
+-- greedyView *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
+-- no workspace contents will be changed.
+prop_greedyView_local (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ workspaces x == workspaces (greedyView n x)
+ where
+ workspaces a = sortBy (\s t -> tag s `compare` tag t) $
+ workspace (current a)
+ : map workspace (visible a) ++ hidden a
+-- greedyView is idempotent
+prop_greedyView_idem (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ greedyView n (greedyView n x) == (greedyView n x)
+-- greedyView is reversible, though shuffles the order of hidden/visible
+prop_greedyView_reversible (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ normal (greedyView n' (greedyView n x)) == normal x
+ where n' = currentTag x
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Insert.hs b/tests/Properties/Insert.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c277795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Insert.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Insert where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import Data.List (nub)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- 'insert'
+-- inserting a item into an empty stackset means that item is now a member
+prop_insert_empty i (EmptyStackSet x)= member i (insertUp i x)
+-- insert should be idempotent
+prop_insert_idem i (x :: T) = insertUp i x == insertUp i (insertUp i x)
+-- insert when an item is a member should leave the stackset unchanged
+prop_insert_duplicate (nex :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet) = do
+ let NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x = nex
+ w <- arbitraryWindow nex
+ return $ insertUp w x == x
+-- push shouldn't change anything but the current workspace
+prop_insert_local (x :: T) = do
+ i <- arbitrary `suchThat` \i' -> not $ i' `member` x
+ return $ hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (insertUp i x)
+-- Inserting a (unique) list of items into an empty stackset should
+-- result in the last inserted element having focus.
+prop_insert_peek (EmptyStackSet x) (NonEmptyNubList is) =
+ peek (foldr insertUp x is) == Just (head is)
+-- insert >> delete is the identity, when i `notElem` .
+-- Except for the 'master', which is reset on insert and delete.
+prop_insert_delete x = do
+ n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n -> not $ n `member` x
+ return $ delete n (insertUp n y) == (y :: T)
+ where
+ y = swapMaster x -- sets the master window to the current focus.
+ -- otherwise, we don't have a rule for where master goes.
+-- inserting n elements increases current stack size by n
+prop_size_insert is (EmptyStackSet x) =
+ size (foldr insertUp x ws ) == (length ws)
+ where
+ ws = nub is
+ size = length . index
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Layout/Full.hs b/tests/Properties/Layout/Full.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eca6ec3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Layout/Full.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Layout.Full where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import XMonad.Core
+import XMonad.Layout
+import Data.Maybe
+-- Full layout
+-- pureLayout works for Full
+prop_purelayout_full rect = do
+ x <- (arbitrary :: Gen T) `suchThat` (isJust . peek)
+ let layout = Full
+ st = fromJust . stack . workspace . current $ x
+ ts = pureLayout layout rect st
+ return $
+ length ts == 1 -- only one window to view
+ &&
+ snd (head ts) == rect -- and sets fullscreen
+ &&
+ fst (head ts) == fromJust (peek x) -- and the focused window is shown
+-- what happens when we send an IncMaster message to Full --- Nothing
+prop_sendmsg_full (NonNegative k) =
+ isNothing (Full `pureMessage` (SomeMessage (IncMasterN k)))
+prop_desc_full = description Full == show Full
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Layout/Tall.hs b/tests/Properties/Layout/Tall.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7464184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Layout/Tall.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Layout.Tall where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import XMonad.Core
+import XMonad.Layout
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types (Rectangle(..))
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List (sort)
+import Data.Ratio
+-- The Tall layout
+-- 1 window should always be tiled fullscreen
+prop_tile_fullscreen rect = tile pct rect 1 1 == [rect]
+ where pct = 1/2
+-- multiple windows
+prop_tile_non_overlap rect windows nmaster = noOverlaps (tile pct rect nmaster windows)
+ where _ = rect :: Rectangle
+ pct = 3 % 100
+-- splitting horizontally yields sensible results
+prop_split_hoziontal (NonNegative n) x =
+ sum (map rect_width xs) == rect_width x
+ &&
+ all (== rect_height x) (map rect_height xs)
+ &&
+ (map rect_x xs) == (sort $ map rect_x xs)
+ where
+ xs = splitHorizontally n x
+-- splitting horizontally yields sensible results
+prop_splitVertically (r :: Rational) x =
+ rect_x x == rect_x a && rect_x x == rect_x b
+ &&
+ rect_width x == rect_width a && rect_width x == rect_width b
+ where
+ (a,b) = splitVerticallyBy r x
+-- pureLayout works.
+prop_purelayout_tall n r1 r2 rect = do
+ x <- (arbitrary :: Gen T) `suchThat` (isJust . peek)
+ let layout = Tall n r1 r2
+ st = fromJust . stack . workspace . current $ x
+ ts = pureLayout layout rect st
+ return $
+ length ts == length (index x)
+ &&
+ noOverlaps (map snd ts)
+ &&
+ description layout == "Tall"
+-- Test message handling of Tall
+-- what happens when we send a Shrink message to Tall
+prop_shrink_tall (NonNegative n) (NonZero (NonNegative delta)) (NonNegative frac) =
+ n == n' && delta == delta' -- these state components are unchanged
+ && frac' <= frac && (if frac' < frac then frac' == 0 || frac' == frac - delta
+ else frac == 0 )
+ -- remaining fraction should shrink
+ where
+ l1 = Tall n delta frac
+ Just l2@(Tall n' delta' frac') = l1 `pureMessage` (SomeMessage Shrink)
+ -- pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
+-- what happens when we send a Shrink message to Tall
+prop_expand_tall (NonNegative n)
+ (NonZero (NonNegative delta))
+ (NonNegative n1)
+ (NonZero (NonNegative d1)) =
+ n == n'
+ && delta == delta' -- these state components are unchanged
+ && frac' >= frac
+ && (if frac' > frac
+ then frac' == 1 || frac' == frac + delta
+ else frac == 1 )
+ -- remaining fraction should shrink
+ where
+ frac = min 1 (n1 % d1)
+ l1 = Tall n delta frac
+ Just l2@(Tall n' delta' frac') = l1 `pureMessage` (SomeMessage Expand)
+ -- pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
+-- what happens when we send an IncMaster message to Tall
+prop_incmaster_tall (NonNegative n) (NonZero (NonNegative delta)) (NonNegative frac)
+ (NonNegative k) =
+ delta == delta' && frac == frac' && n' == n + k
+ where
+ l1 = Tall n delta frac
+ Just l2@(Tall n' delta' frac') = l1 `pureMessage` (SomeMessage (IncMasterN k))
+ -- pureMessage :: layout a -> SomeMessage -> Maybe (layout a)
+ -- toMessage LT = SomeMessage Shrink
+ -- toMessage EQ = SomeMessage Expand
+ -- toMessage GT = SomeMessage (IncMasterN 1)
+prop_desc_mirror n r1 r2 = description (Mirror $! t) == "Mirror Tall"
+ where t = Tall n r1 r2
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Screen.hs b/tests/Properties/Screen.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a08af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Screen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Screen where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import XMonad.Operations (applyResizeIncHint, applyMaxSizeHint )
+import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types (Dimension)
+prop_screens (x :: T) = n `elem` screens x
+ where
+ n = current x
+-- screens makes sense
+prop_screens_works (x :: T) = screens x == current x : visible x
+-- Aspect ratios
+prop_resize_inc (NonZero (NonNegative inc_w),NonZero (NonNegative inc_h)) b@(w,h) =
+ w' `mod` inc_w == 0 && h' `mod` inc_h == 0
+ where (w',h') = applyResizeIncHint a b
+ a = (inc_w,inc_h)
+prop_resize_inc_extra ((NonNegative inc_w)) b@(w,h) =
+ (w,h) == (w',h')
+ where (w',h') = applyResizeIncHint a b
+ a = (-inc_w,0::Dimension)-- inc_h)
+prop_resize_max (NonZero (NonNegative inc_w),NonZero (NonNegative inc_h)) b@(w,h) =
+ w' <= inc_w && h' <= inc_h
+ where (w',h') = applyMaxSizeHint a b
+ a = (inc_w,inc_h)
+prop_resize_max_extra ((NonNegative inc_w)) b@(w,h) =
+ (w,h) == (w',h')
+ where (w',h') = applyMaxSizeHint a b
+ a = (-inc_w,0::Dimension)-- inc_h)
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Shift.hs b/tests/Properties/Shift.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2150cbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Shift.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Shift where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import qualified Data.List as L
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- shift
+-- shift is fully reversible on current window, when focus and master
+-- are the same. otherwise, master may move.
+prop_shift_reversible (x :: T) = do
+ i <- arbitraryTag x
+ case peek y of
+ Nothing -> return True
+ Just _ -> return $ normal ((view n . shift n . view i . shift i) y) == normal y
+ where
+ y = swapMaster x
+ n = currentTag y
+-- shiftMaster
+-- focus/local/idempotent same as swapMaster:
+prop_shift_master_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ shiftMaster x)
+prop_shift_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (shiftMaster x)
+prop_shift_master_idempotent (x :: T) = shiftMaster (shiftMaster x) == shiftMaster x
+-- ordering is constant modulo the focused window:
+prop_shift_master_ordering (x :: T) = case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just m -> L.delete m (index x) == L.delete m (index $ shiftMaster x)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- shiftWin
+-- shiftWin on current window is the same as shift
+prop_shift_win_focus (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> return True
+ Just w -> return $ shiftWin n w x == shift n x
+-- shiftWin on a non-existant window is identity
+prop_shift_win_indentity (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ w <- arbitrary `suchThat` \w' -> not (w' `member` x)
+ return $ shiftWin n w x == x
+-- shiftWin leaves the current screen as it is, if neither n is the tag
+-- of the current workspace nor w on the current workspace
+prop_shift_win_fix_current = do
+ x <- arbitrary `suchThat` \(x' :: T) ->
+ -- Invariant, otherWindows are NOT in the current workspace.
+ let otherWindows = allWindows x' L.\\ index x'
+ in length(tags x') >= 2 && length(otherWindows) >= 1
+ -- Sadly we have to construct `otherWindows` again, for the actual StackSet
+ -- that got chosen.
+ let otherWindows = allWindows x L.\\ index x
+ -- We know such tag must exists, due to the precondition
+ n <- arbitraryTag x `suchThat` (/= currentTag x)
+ -- we know length is >= 1, from above precondition
+ idx <- choose(0, length(otherWindows) - 1)
+ let w = otherWindows !! idx
+ return $ (current $ x) == (current $ shiftWin n w x)
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Stack.hs b/tests/Properties/Stack.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586df1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Stack.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Stack where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import qualified XMonad.StackSet as S (filter)
+import Data.Maybe
+-- The list returned by index should be the same length as the actual
+-- windows kept in the zipper
+prop_index_length (x :: T) =
+ case stack . workspace . current $ x of
+ Nothing -> length (index x) == 0
+ Just it -> length (index x) == length (focus it : up it ++ down it)
+-- For all windows in the stackSet, findTag should identify the
+-- correct workspace
+prop_findIndex (x :: T) =
+ and [ tag w == fromJust (findTag i x)
+ | w <- workspace (current x) : map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
+ , t <- maybeToList (stack w)
+ , i <- focus t : up t ++ down t
+ ]
+prop_allWindowsMember (NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x) = do
+ -- Reimplementation of arbitraryWindow, but to make sure that
+ -- implementation doesn't change in the future, and stop using allWindows,
+ -- which is a key component in this test (together with member).
+ let ws = allWindows x
+ -- We know that there are at least 1 window in a NonEmptyWindowsStackSet.
+ idx <- choose(0, (length ws) - 1)
+ return $ member (ws!!idx) x
+-- preserve order
+prop_filter_order (x :: T) =
+ case stack $ workspace $ current x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just s@(Stack i _ _) -> integrate' (S.filter (/= i) s) == filter (/= i) (integrate' (Just s))
+-- differentiate should return Nothing if the list is empty or Just stack, with
+-- the first element of the list is current, and the rest of the list is down.
+prop_differentiate xs =
+ if null xs then differentiate xs == Nothing
+ else (differentiate xs) == Just (Stack (head xs) [] (tail xs))
+ where _ = xs :: [Int]
diff --git a/tests/Properties/StackSet.hs b/tests/Properties/StackSet.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fc5192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/StackSet.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.StackSet where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List (nub)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- QuickCheck properties for the StackSet
+-- Some general hints for creating StackSet properties:
+-- * ops that mutate the StackSet are usually local
+-- * most ops on StackSet should either be trivially reversible, or
+-- idempotent, or both.
+-- Basic data invariants of the StackSet
+-- With the new zipper-based StackSet, tracking focus is no longer an
+-- issue: the data structure enforces focus by construction.
+-- But we still need to ensure there are no duplicates, and master/and
+-- the xinerama mapping aren't checked by the data structure at all.
+-- * no element should ever appear more than once in a StackSet
+-- * the xinerama screen map should be:
+-- -- keys should always index valid workspaces
+-- -- monotonically ascending in the elements
+-- * the current workspace should be a member of the xinerama screens
+invariant (s :: T) = and
+ -- no duplicates
+ [ noDuplicates
+ -- TODO: Fix this.
+ -- all this xinerama stuff says we don't have the right structure
+-- , validScreens
+-- , validWorkspaces
+-- , inBounds
+ ]
+ where
+ ws = concat [ focus t : up t ++ down t
+ | w <- workspace (current s) : map workspace (visible s) ++ hidden s
+ , t <- maybeToList (stack w)] :: [Char]
+ noDuplicates = nub ws == ws
+-- validScreens = monotonic . sort . M. . (W.current s : W.visible : W$ s
+-- validWorkspaces = and [ w `elem` allworkspaces | w <- (M.keys . screens) s ]
+-- where allworkspaces = map tag $ current s : prev s ++ next s
+-- inBounds = and [ w >=0 && w < size s | (w,sc) <- M.assocs (screens s) ]
+monotonic [] = True
+monotonic (x:[]) = True
+monotonic (x:y:zs) | x == y-1 = monotonic (y:zs)
+ | otherwise = False
+prop_invariant = invariant
+-- and check other ops preserve invariants
+prop_empty_I (SizedPositive n) l = forAll (choose (1, fromIntegral n)) $ \m ->
+ forAll (vector m) $ \ms ->
+ invariant $ new l [0..fromIntegral n-1] ms
+prop_view_I n (x :: T) =
+ invariant $ view n x
+prop_greedyView_I n (x :: T) =
+ invariant $ greedyView n x
+prop_focusUp_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
+ invariant $ applyN (Just n) focusUp x
+prop_focusMaster_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
+ invariant $ applyN (Just n) focusMaster x
+prop_focusDown_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
+ invariant $ applyN (Just n) focusDown x
+prop_focus_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True
+ Just _ -> let w = focus . fromJust . stack . workspace . current $
+ applyN (Just n) focusUp x
+ in invariant $ focusWindow w x
+prop_insertUp_I n (x :: T) = invariant $ insertUp n x
+prop_delete_I (x :: T) = invariant $
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> x
+ Just i -> delete i x
+prop_swap_master_I (x :: T) = invariant $ swapMaster x
+prop_swap_left_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
+ invariant $ applyN (Just n) swapUp x
+prop_swap_right_I (SizedPositive n) (x :: T) =
+ invariant $ applyN (Just n) swapDown x
+prop_shift_I (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ invariant $ shift (fromIntegral n) x
+prop_shift_win_I (nex :: NonEmptyWindowsStackSet) = do
+ let NonEmptyWindowsStackSet x = nex
+ w <- arbitraryWindow nex
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ invariant $ shiftWin n w x
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- empty StackSets have no windows in them
+prop_empty (EmptyStackSet x) =
+ all (== Nothing) [ stack w | w <- workspace (current x)
+ : map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x ]
+-- empty StackSets always have focus on first workspace
+prop_empty_current (EmptyStackSet x) = currentTag x == head (tags x)
+-- no windows will be a member of an empty workspace
+prop_member_empty i (EmptyStackSet x) = member i x == False
+-- peek either yields nothing on the Empty workspace, or Just a valid window
+prop_member_peek (x :: T) =
+ case peek x of
+ Nothing -> True {- then we don't know anything -}
+ Just i -> member i x
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Swap.hs b/tests/Properties/Swap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a516f2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Swap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Swap where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- swapUp, swapDown, swapMaster: reordiring windows
+-- swap is trivially reversible
+prop_swap_left (x :: T) = (swapUp (swapDown x)) == x
+prop_swap_right (x :: T) = (swapDown (swapUp x)) == x
+-- TODO swap is reversible
+-- swap is reversible, but involves moving focus back the window with
+-- master on it. easy to do with a mouse...
+prop_promote_reversible x b = (not . null . fromMaybe [] . flip index x . current $ x) ==>
+ (raiseFocus y . promote . raiseFocus z . promote) x == x
+ where _ = x :: T
+ dir = if b then LT else GT
+ (Just y) = peek x
+ (Just (z:_)) = flip index x . current $ x
+-- swap doesn't change focus
+prop_swap_master_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapMaster x)
+-- = case peek x of
+-- Nothing -> True
+-- Just f -> focus (stack (workspace $ current (swap x))) == f
+prop_swap_left_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapUp x)
+prop_swap_right_focus (x :: T) = peek x == (peek $ swapDown x)
+-- swap is local
+prop_swap_master_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapMaster x)
+prop_swap_left_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapUp x)
+prop_swap_right_local (x :: T) = hidden_spaces x == hidden_spaces (swapDown x)
+-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
+prop_swap_all_l (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapUp) x [1..n]) == x
+ where n = length (index x)
+prop_swap_all_r (x :: T) = (foldr (const swapDown) x [1..n]) == x
+ where n = length (index x)
+prop_swap_master_idempotent (x :: T) = swapMaster (swapMaster x) == swapMaster x
diff --git a/tests/Properties/View.hs b/tests/Properties/View.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef9b58d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/View.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.View where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import Data.List (sortBy)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- viewing workspaces
+-- view sets the current workspace to 'n'
+prop_view_current (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ (tag . workspace . current . view n) x == n
+-- view *only* sets the current workspace, and touches Xinerama.
+-- no workspace contents will be changed.
+prop_view_local (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ workspaces x == workspaces (view n x)
+ where
+ workspaces a = sortBy (\s t -> tag s `compare` tag t) $
+ workspace (current a)
+ : map workspace (visible a) ++ hidden a
+-- TODO: Fix this
+-- view should result in a visible xinerama screen
+-- prop_view_xinerama (x :: T) (n :: NonNegative Int) = i `tagMember` x ==>
+-- M.member i (screens (view i x))
+-- where
+-- i = fromIntegral n
+-- view is idempotent
+prop_view_idem (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ view n (view n x) == (view n x)
+-- view is reversible, though shuffles the order of hidden/visible
+prop_view_reversible (x :: T) = do
+ n <- arbitraryTag x
+ return $ normal (view n' (view n x)) == normal x
+ where
+ n' = currentTag x
diff --git a/tests/Properties/Workspace.hs b/tests/Properties/Workspace.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..612cba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Properties/Workspace.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+module Properties.Workspace where
+import Test.QuickCheck
+import Instances
+import Utils
+import XMonad.StackSet hiding (filter)
+import Data.Maybe
+-- looking up the tag of the current workspace should always produce a tag.
+prop_lookup_current (x :: T) = lookupWorkspace scr x == Just tg
+ where
+ (Screen (Workspace tg _ _) scr _) = current x
+-- looking at a visible tag
+prop_lookup_visible = do
+ -- make sure we have some xinerama screens.
+ x <- arbitrary `suchThat` \(x' :: T) -> visible x' /= []
+ let tags = [ tag (workspace y) | y <- visible x ]
+ scr = last [ screen y | y <- visible x ]
+ return $ fromJust (lookupWorkspace scr x) `elem` tags
+prop_currentTag (x :: T) =
+ currentTag x == tag (workspace (current x))
+-- Rename a given tag if present in the StackSet.
+prop_rename1 (x::T) = do
+ o <- arbitraryTag x
+ n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n' -> not $ n' `tagMember` x
+ -- Rename o to n
+ let y = renameTag o n x
+ return $ n `tagMember` y
+-- Ensure that a given set of workspace tags is present by renaming
+-- existing workspaces and\/or creating new hidden workspaces as
+-- necessary.
+prop_ensure (x :: T) l xs = let y = ensureTags l xs x
+ in and [ n `tagMember` y | n <- xs ]
+-- adding a tag should create a new hidden workspace
+prop_ensure_append (x :: T) l = do
+ n <- arbitrary `suchThat` \n' -> not $ n' `tagMember` x
+ let ts = tags x
+ y = ensureTags l (n:ts) x
+ return $ hidden y /= hidden x -- doesn't append, renames
+ && and [ isNothing (stack z) && layout z == l | z <- hidden y, tag z == n ]
+prop_mapWorkspaceId (x::T) = x == mapWorkspace id x
+prop_mapWorkspaceInverse (x::T) = x == mapWorkspace predTag (mapWorkspace succTag x)
+ where predTag w = w { tag = pred $ tag w }
+ succTag w = w { tag = succ $ tag w }
+prop_mapLayoutId (x::T) = x == mapLayout id x
+prop_mapLayoutInverse (x::T) = x == mapLayout pred (mapLayout succ x)