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diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index 36f82e9..eed426c 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@ kill = withDisplay $ \d -> withFocused $ \w -> do
-- Managing windows
data LayoutMessages = Hide | ReleaseResources deriving ( Typeable, Eq )
-instance Message LayoutMessages
+instance Message LayoutMessages
-- | windows. Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
windows :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
@@ -327,6 +327,7 @@ broadcastMessage a = runOnWorkspaces modw
where modw w = do ml' <- handleMessage (W.layout w) (SomeMessage a) `catchX` return Nothing
return $ w { W.layout = maybe (W.layout w) id ml' }
+-- | XXX comment me
runOnWorkspaces :: (WindowSpace -> X WindowSpace) -> X ()
runOnWorkspaces job = do ws <- gets windowset
h <- mapM job $ W.hidden ws
@@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ setLayout l = do
data ChangeLayout = NextLayout | PrevLayout | JumpToLayout String
deriving ( Eq, Show, Typeable )
instance Message ChangeLayout
instance ReadableLayout Window where
@@ -407,18 +409,22 @@ instance ReadableLayout a => LayoutClass LayoutSelection a where
data Resize = Shrink | Expand deriving Typeable
-data IncMasterN = IncMasterN Int deriving Typeable
+data IncMasterN = IncMasterN Int deriving Typeable
instance Message Resize
instance Message IncMasterN
-- simple fullscreen mode, just render all windows fullscreen.
-- a plea for tuple sections: map . (,sc)
data Full a = Full deriving ( Show, Read )
instance LayoutClass Full a
-- The tiling mode of xmonad, and its operations.
data Tall a = Tall Int Rational Rational deriving ( Show, Read )
instance LayoutClass Tall a where
doLayout (Tall nmaster _ frac) r =
return . (\x->(x,Nothing)) .
@@ -480,6 +486,7 @@ splitHorizontallyBy f (Rectangle sx sy sw sh) =
, Rectangle (sx + fromIntegral leftw) sy (sw-fromIntegral leftw) sh)
where leftw = floor $ fromIntegral sw * f
+-- | XXX comment me
splitVerticallyBy f = (mirrorRect *** mirrorRect) . splitHorizontallyBy f . mirrorRect
@@ -521,6 +528,7 @@ floatLocation w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
ws <- gets windowset
wa <- io $ getWindowAttributes d w
+ -- | XXX horrible
let sc = fromMaybe (W.current ws) $ find (pointWithin (fi $ wa_x wa) (fi $ wa_y wa) . screenRect . W.screenDetail) $ W.screens ws
sr = screenRect . W.screenDetail $ sc
bw = fi . wa_border_width $ wa
@@ -571,6 +579,7 @@ mouseDrag f done = do
clearEvents pointerMotionMask
return z
+-- | XXX comment me
mouseMoveWindow :: Window -> X ()
mouseMoveWindow w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d w
@@ -582,6 +591,7 @@ mouseMoveWindow w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
(fromIntegral (fromIntegral (wa_y wa) + (ey - oy))))
(float w)
+-- | XXX comment me
mouseResizeWindow :: Window -> X ()
mouseResizeWindow w = whenX (isClient w) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
io $ raiseWindow d w
@@ -604,6 +614,7 @@ applySizeHints :: Integral a => SizeHints -> (a,a) -> D
applySizeHints sh (w,h) = applySizeHints' sh (fromIntegral $ max 1 w,
fromIntegral $ max 1 h)
+-- | XXX comment me
applySizeHints' :: SizeHints -> D -> D
applySizeHints' sh =
maybe id applyMaxSizeHint (sh_max_size sh)