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diff --git a/StackSet.hs b/StackSet.hs
index 7607fb3..375a096 100644
--- a/StackSet.hs
+++ b/StackSet.hs
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ data StackSet i j a =
, screen2ws:: !(M.Map j i) -- ^ screen -> workspace
, ws2screen:: !(M.Map i j) -- ^ workspace -> screen map
, stacks :: !(M.Map i ([a], [a])) -- ^ screen -> (floating, normal)
- , focus :: !(M.Map i a) -- ^ the window focused in each stack
+ , focus :: !(M.Map i [a]) -- ^ the stack of window focus in each stack
, cache :: !(M.Map a i) -- ^ a cache of windows back to their stacks
} deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
@@ -97,7 +97,19 @@ peek w = peekStack (current w) w
-- | /O(log s)/. Extract the element on the top of the given stack. If no such
-- element exists, Nothing is returned.
peekStack :: Integral i => i -> StackSet i j a -> Maybe a
-peekStack i w = M.lookup i (focus w)
+peekStack i w = M.lookup i (focus w) >>= maybeHead
+maybeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a
+maybeHead (x:_) = Just x
+maybeHead [] = Nothing
+-- | /O(log s)/. Set the focus for the given stack to the given element.
+pushFocus :: (Eq a, Integral i) => i -> a -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a
+pushFocus i a w = w { focus = M.insert i ((a:) $ L.delete a $ M.findWithDefault [] i $ focus w) (focus w) }
+popFocus :: (Eq a, Integral i) => i -> a -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a
+popFocus i a w = w { focus = M.update upd i (focus w) }
+ where upd xs = case L.delete a xs of [] -> Nothing; xs' -> Just xs'
-- | /O(log s)/. Index. Extract the stack at workspace 'n'.
-- If the index is invalid, returns Nothing.
@@ -143,11 +155,11 @@ visibleWorkspaces = M.keys . ws2screen
rotate :: (Integral i, Eq a) => Ordering -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a
rotate o w = maybe w id $ do
- f <- M.lookup (current w) (focus w)
+ f <- peekStack (current w) w
s <- fmap (uncurry (++)) $ M.lookup (current w) (stacks w)
ea <- case o of EQ -> Nothing
_ -> elemAfter f (if o == GT then s else reverse s)
- return $ w { focus = M.insert (current w) ea (focus w) }
+ return $ pushFocus (current w) ea w
-- | /O(log n)/. shift. move the client on top of the current stack to
-- the top of stack 'n'. If the stack to move to is not valid, and
@@ -162,9 +174,9 @@ shift n w = maybe w (\k -> insert k n w) (peek w)
-- If the index is wrong an exception is thrown.
insert :: (Integral i, Ord a) => a -> i -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a
-insert k n old = new { cache = M.insert k n (cache new)
- , stacks = M.adjust (\(f, ks) -> (f, k:ks)) n (stacks new)
- , focus = M.insert n k (focus new) }
+insert k n old = pushFocus n k $
+ new { cache = M.insert k n (cache new)
+ , stacks = M.adjust (\(f, ks) -> (f, k:ks)) n (stacks new) }
where new = delete k old
-- | /O(log n)/. Delete an element entirely from from the StackSet.
@@ -172,18 +184,14 @@ insert k n old = new { cache = M.insert k n (cache new)
-- If the element doesn't exist, the original StackSet is returned unmodified.
delete :: (Integral i, Ord a) => a -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a
delete k w = maybe w del (M.lookup k (cache w))
- where
- del i = w { cache = M.delete k (cache w)
- , stacks = M.adjust (\(xs, ys) -> (L.delete k xs, L.delete k ys)) i (stacks w)
- , focus = M.update (\k' -> if k == k' then elemAfter k =<< index i w
- else Just k') i (focus w) }
+ where del i = popFocus i k $
+ w { cache = M.delete k (cache w)
+ , stacks = M.adjust (\(xs, ys) -> (L.delete k xs, L.delete k ys)) i (stacks w) }
-- | /O(log n)/. If the given window is contained in a workspace, make it the
-- focused window of that workspace, and make that workspace the current one.
raiseFocus :: (Integral i, Integral j, Ord a) => a -> StackSet i j a -> StackSet i j a
-raiseFocus k w = case M.lookup k (cache w) of
- Nothing -> w
- Just i -> (view i w) { focus = M.insert i k (focus w) }
+raiseFocus k w = maybe w (\i -> pushFocus i k $ view i w) $ M.lookup k (cache w)
-- | Swap the currently focused window with the master window (the
-- window on top of the stack). Focus moves to the master.
diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index d3f0e3a..b97423f 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ prop_delete_push i x = not (member i x) ==> delete i (push i x) == x
where _ = x :: T
+prop_delete_push i x = not (member i x) ==> delete i (push i x) == x
+ where _ = x :: T
prop_delete2 i x =
delete i x == delete i (delete i x)
where _ = x :: T
@@ -168,13 +171,16 @@ prop_focus1 i x = member i x ==> peek (raiseFocus i x) == Just i
where _ = x :: T
-- rotation is reversible in two directions
-prop_rotaterotate1 (x :: T) = rotate LT (rotate GT x) == x
-prop_rotaterotate2 (x :: T) = rotate GT (rotate LT x) == x
+prop_rotaterotate1 (x :: T) = rotate LT (rotate GT x') == x'
+ where x' = rotate LT x
+prop_rotaterotate2 (x :: T) = rotate GT (rotate LT x') == x'
+ where x' = rotate GT x
-- rotation through the height of a stack gets us back to the start
-prop_rotate_all (x :: T) = foldr (\_ y -> rotate GT y) x [1..n] == x
+prop_rotate_all (x :: T) = f (f x) == f x
n = height (current x) x
+ f x' = foldr (\_ y -> rotate GT y) x' [1..n]
prop_viewview r x =
@@ -244,12 +250,9 @@ prop_promotescreen n x = screen n (promote x) == screen n x
where _ = x :: T
-- promote doesn't mess with other windows
-prop_promote_raise_id x b = (not . null . fromMaybe [] . flip index x . current $ x) ==>
- (raiseFocus y . promote . raiseFocus z . promote) x == x
+prop_promote_raise_id x = (not . null . fromMaybe [] . flip index x . current $ x) ==>
+ (promote . promote . promote) x == promote x
where _ = x :: T
- dir = if b then LT else GT
- (Just y) = peek x
- (Just (z:_)) = flip index x . current $ x
-- push shouldn't change anything but the current workspace
prop_push_local (x :: T) i = not (member i x) ==> hidden x == hidden (push i x)
@@ -372,7 +375,7 @@ main = do
,("delete/not.member", mytest prop_delete_uniq)
,("delete idempotent", mytest prop_delete2)
- -- disabled, for now ,("delete.push identity" , mytest prop_delete_push)
+ ,("delete.push identity" , mytest prop_delete_push)
,("focus", mytest prop_focus1)