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Diffstat (limited to '')
4 files changed, 63 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/Config.hs b/Config.hs
index d6e5ab8..eacb59c 100644
--- a/Config.hs
+++ b/Config.hs
@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ workspaces = 9
modMask :: KeyMask
modMask = mod1Mask
--- The default size for the left pane.
-defaultLeftWidth :: Rational
-defaultLeftWidth = 1%2
-- How much to change the size of the windows on the left by default.
defaultDelta :: Rational
defaultDelta = 3%100
@@ -61,16 +57,25 @@ defaultDelta = 3%100
numlockMask :: KeySym
numlockMask = lockMask
--- What layout to start in. See the definition of Layout in XMonad.hs for options.
-defaultLayout :: Layout
-defaultLayout = Full
+-- What layout to start in, and what the default proportion for the
+-- left pane should be in the tiled layout. See LayoutDesc and
+-- friends in XMonad.hs for options.
+startingLayoutDesc :: LayoutDesc
+startingLayoutDesc = LayoutDesc { layoutType = Full
+ , tileFraction = 1%2
+ }
-- The keys list.
keys :: M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (X ())
keys = M.fromList $
[ ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Return), spawn "xterm")
, ((modMask, xK_p ), spawn "exe=`dmenu_path | dmenu` && exec $exe")
- , ((controlMask, xK_space ), spawn "gmrun")
+-- Stealing Ctrl + Space is evil.
+-- , ((controlMask, xK_space ), spawn "gmrun")
, ((modMask, xK_Tab ), raise GT)
, ((modMask, xK_j ), raise GT)
, ((modMask, xK_k ), raise LT)
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
index b1cdd4c..c3cc33a 100644
--- a/Main.hs
+++ b/Main.hs
@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ main = do
xinesc <- getScreenInfo dpy
let st = XState
- { display = dpy
- , screen = dflt
- , xineScreens = xinesc
- , wsOnScreen = M.fromList $ map (\n -> (n,n)) [0..((length xinesc)-1)]
- , theRoot = rootw
- , wmdelete = wmdelt
- , wmprotocols = wmprot
- , dimensions = (displayWidth dpy dflt, displayHeight dpy dflt)
- , workspace = W.empty workspaces
- , layout = defaultLayout
- , leftWidth = defaultLeftWidth
+ { display = dpy
+ , screen = dflt
+ , xineScreens = xinesc
+ , wsOnScreen = M.fromList $ map (\n -> (n,n)) [0..((length xinesc)-1)]
+ , theRoot = rootw
+ , wmdelete = wmdelt
+ , wmprotocols = wmprot
+ , dimensions = (displayWidth dpy dflt, displayHeight dpy dflt)
+ , workspace = W.empty workspaces
+ , defaultLayoutDesc = startingLayoutDesc
+ , layoutDescs = M.empty
xSetErrorHandler -- in C, I'm too lazy to write the binding
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index 70f6530..d4fd329 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import XMonad
import qualified StackSet as W
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Managing windows
@@ -28,8 +29,10 @@ refresh = do
ws2sc <- gets wsOnScreen
xinesc <- gets xineScreens
d <- gets display
- l <- gets layout
- ratio <- gets leftWidth
+ fls <- gets layoutDescs
+ dfltfl <- gets defaultLayoutDesc
+ -- l <- gets layout
+ -- ratio <- gets leftWidth
let move w a b c e = io $ moveResizeWindow d w a b c e
flip mapM_ (M.assocs ws2sc) $ \(n, scn) -> do
let sc = xinesc !! scn
@@ -37,6 +40,9 @@ refresh = do
sy = rect_y sc
sw = rect_width sc
sh = rect_height sc
+ fl = M.findWithDefault dfltfl n fls
+ l = layoutType fl
+ ratio = tileFraction fl
case l of
Full -> whenJust (W.peekStack n ws) $ \w -> do
move w sx sy sw sh
@@ -53,20 +59,25 @@ refresh = do
whenJust (W.peek ws) (io . raiseWindow d) -- this is always Just
whenJust (W.peek ws) setFocus
--- | switchLayout. Switch to another layout scheme.
+-- | switchLayout. Switch to another layout scheme. Switches the current workspace.
switchLayout :: X ()
-switchLayout = do
- modify (\s -> s {layout = case layout s of
- Full -> Tile
- Tile -> Full })
- refresh
+switchLayout = layout $ \fl -> fl { layoutType = case layoutType fl of
+ Full -> Tile
+ Tile -> Full }
-- | changeWidth. Change the width of the main window in tiling mode.
changeWidth :: Rational -> X ()
changeWidth delta = do
- -- the min/max stuff is to make sure that 0 <= leftWidth <= 1
- modify (\s -> s {leftWidth = min 1 $ max 0 $ leftWidth s + delta})
- refresh
+ layout $ \fl -> fl { tileFraction = min 1 $ max 0 $ tileFraction fl + delta }
+-- | layout. Modify the current workspace's layout with a pure function and refresh.
+layout :: (LayoutDesc -> LayoutDesc) -> X ()
+layout f = do modify $ \s -> let fls = layoutDescs s
+ n = W.current . workspace $ s
+ fl = M.findWithDefault (defaultLayoutDesc s) n fls
+ in s { layoutDescs = M.insert n (f fl) fls }
+ refresh
-- | windows. Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
windows :: (WorkSpace -> WorkSpace) -> X ()
@@ -208,3 +219,5 @@ restart :: IO ()
restart = do prog <- getProgName
args <- getArgs
executeFile prog True args Nothing
diff --git a/XMonad.hs b/XMonad.hs
index ee23739..32c0c23 100644
--- a/XMonad.hs
+++ b/XMonad.hs
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
module XMonad (
- X, WorkSpace, XState(..), Layout(..),
+ X, WorkSpace, XState(..), Layout(..), LayoutDesc(..),
runX, io, withDisplay, isRoot,
spawn, trace, whenJust
) where
@@ -43,9 +43,13 @@ data XState = XState
, wmprotocols :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Atom
, dimensions :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Int,Int)
, workspace :: {-# UNPACK #-} !WorkSpace -- ^ workspace list
- , layout :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Layout
+ , defaultLayoutDesc :: {-# UNPACK #-} !LayoutDesc
+ , layoutDescs :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(M.Map Int LayoutDesc)
+ -- ^ mapping of workspaces to descriptions of their layouts
+ -- , layout :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Layout
-- how much of the screen the main window should take
- , leftWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Rational
+ -- , leftWidth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Rational
type WorkSpace = StackSet Window
@@ -53,6 +57,14 @@ type WorkSpace = StackSet Window
-- | The different layout modes
data Layout = Full | Tile
+-- | A full description of a particular workspace's layout parameters.
+data LayoutDesc = LayoutDesc { layoutType :: !Layout
+ , tileFraction :: !Rational
+ }
-- | The X monad, a StateT transformer over IO encapuslating the window
-- manager state
newtype X a = X (StateT XState IO a)