path: root/Operations.hs
diff options
authorDon Stewart <dons@cse.unsw.edu.au>2007-05-20 09:00:53 +0200
committerDon Stewart <dons@cse.unsw.edu.au>2007-05-20 09:00:53 +0200
commitabec4b5b485300b9af756ae4fc8036be8aac2be2 (patch)
tree717dc51c42ca4f997bce5009624991c68a5a04f7 /Operations.hs
parentfa6c92d575ea4d918af50669b5d9ba79a3cd5ed9 (diff)
HEADS UP: Rewrite StackSet as a Zipper
In order to give a better account of how focus and master interact, and how each operation affects focus, we reimplement the StackSet type as a two level nested 'Zipper'. To quote Oleg: A Zipper is essentially an `updateable' and yet pure functional cursor into a data structure. Zipper is also a delimited continuation reified as a data structure. That is, we use the Zipper as a cursor which encodes the window which is in focus. Thus our data structure tracks focus correctly by construction! We then get simple, obvious semantics for e.g. insert, in terms of how it affects focus/master. Our transient-messes-with-focus bug evaporates. 'swap' becomes trivial. By moving focus directly into the stackset, we can toss some QC properties about focus handling: it is simply impossible now for focus to go wrong. As a benefit, we get a dozen new QC properties for free, governing how master and focus operate. The encoding of focus in the data type also simplifies the focus handling in Operations: several operations affecting focus are now simply wrappers over StackSet. For the full story, please read the StackSet module, and the QC properties. Finally, we save ~40 lines with the simplified logic in Operations.hs For more info, see the blog post on the implementation, http://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/~dons/blog/2007/05/17#xmonad_part1b_zipper darcs-hash:20070520070053-9c5c1-241f7ee7793f5db2b9e33d375965cdc21b26cbd7.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index eb17c86..a67bbe1 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -6,65 +6,187 @@
-- License : BSD3-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer : dons@cse.unsw.edu.au
--- Stability : stable
--- Portability : portable
+-- Stability : unstable
+-- Portability : not portable, mtl, posix
module Operations where
-import Data.List
+import XMonad
+import qualified StackSet as W
+import {-# SOURCE #-} Config (borderWidth)
import Data.Maybe
-import Data.Bits
+import Data.List (genericIndex)
+import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import System.Mem
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
-import Control.Arrow (second)
-import System.Posix.Process
-import System.Environment
-import System.Directory
+import Control.Arrow
import Graphics.X11.Xlib
import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Extras
-import XMonad
-import {-# SOURCE #-} Config
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Window manager operations
-import qualified StackSet as W
+-- | manage. Add a new window to be managed in the current workspace.
+-- Bring it into focus. If the window is already managed, nothing happens.
+manage :: Window -> X ()
+manage w = do
+ withDisplay $ \d -> io $ do
+ selectInput d w $ structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
+ mapWindow d w
+ setWindowBorderWidth d w borderWidth
+ windows $ W.insertLeft w
+-- | unmanage. A window no longer exists, remove it from the window
+-- list, on whatever workspace it is.
+unmanage :: Window -> X ()
+unmanage = windows . W.delete
+-- | focus. focus window to the left or right.
+focusLeft, focusRight :: X ()
+focusLeft = windows W.focusLeft
+focusRight = windows W.focusRight
+-- | swap. Move the currently focused window into the master frame
+swap :: X ()
+swap = windows W.swap
+-- | shift. Move a window to a new workspace, 0 indexed.
+shift :: WorkspaceId -> X ()
+shift n = withFocused hide >> windows (W.shift n)
+ -- refresh will raise it if we didn't need to move it.
+-- | view. Change the current workspace to workspace at offset n (0 indexed).
+view :: WorkspaceId -> X ()
+view n = withWorkspace $ \w -> when (n /= (W.tag (W.current w))) $ do
+ windows $ W.view n -- move in new workspace first, to avoid flicker
+ mapM_ hide (W.index w) -- now just hide the old workspace
+ clearEnterEvents -- better clear any events from the old workspace
+-- | Kill the currently focused client. If we do kill it, we'll get a
+-- delete notify back from X.
+-- There are two ways to delete a window. Either just kill it, or if it
+-- supports the delete protocol, send a delete event (e.g. firefox)
+kill :: X ()
+kill = withDisplay $ \d -> withFocused $ \w -> do
+ XConf {wmdelete = wmdelt, wmprotocols = wmprot} <- ask
+ protocols <- io $ getWMProtocols d w
+ io $ if wmdelt `elem` protocols
+ then allocaXEvent $ \ev -> do
+ setEventType ev clientMessage
+ setClientMessageEvent ev w wmprot 32 wmdelt 0
+ sendEvent d w False noEventMask ev
+ else killClient d w >> return ()
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Managing windows
--- | refresh. Refresh the currently focused window. Resizes to full
--- screen and raises the window.
+-- | windows. Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
+windows :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
+windows f = modify (\s -> s { workspace = f (workspace s) }) >> refresh
+-- | hide. Hide a window by moving it off screen.
+hide :: Window -> X ()
+hide w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
+ (sw,sh) <- asks dimensions
+ io $ moveWindow d w (2*fromIntegral sw) (2*fromIntegral sh)
+-- | refresh. Render the currently visible workspaces, as determined by
+-- the StackSet. Also, set focus to the focused window.
+-- This is our 'view' operation (MVC), in that it pretty prints our model
+-- with X calls.
refresh :: X ()
refresh = do
- XState { workspace = ws, layouts = fls } <- get
- XConf { xineScreens = xinesc, display = d } <- ask -- neat, eh?
- flip mapM_ (M.assocs (W.screen2ws ws)) $ \(scn, n) -> do
- let sc = genericIndex xinesc scn -- temporary coercion!
- (Just l) = fmap fst $ M.lookup n fls
- whenJust (W.index n ws) $ \winds ->
- do wrects <- doLayout l sc winds :: X [(Window,Rectangle)]
- mapM_ (\(w, rect) -> io $ moveWindowInside d w rect) wrects
- whenJust (W.peekStack n ws) (io . raiseWindow d)
- whenJust (W.peek ws) setFocus
+ XState { workspace = ws, layouts = fls } <- get
+ XConf { xineScreens = xinesc, display = d } <- ask
+ -- for each workspace, layout the currently visible workspaces
+ flip mapM_ (M.assocs (W.screens ws)) $ \(n, scn) -> do
+ let this = W.view n ws
+ Just l = fmap fst $ M.lookup n fls
+ -- now tile the windows on this workspace
+ rs <- doLayout l (genericIndex xinesc scn) (W.index this)
+ mapM_ (\(w,rect) -> io (tileWindow d w rect)) rs
+ -- and raise the focused window if there is one.
+ whenJust (W.peek this) $ io . raiseWindow d
+ setTopFocus
+ io performGC -- really helps
-- | clearEnterEvents. Remove all window entry events from the event queue.
clearEnterEvents :: X ()
-clearEnterEvents = do
- d <- asks display
- io $ sync d False
- io $ allocaXEvent $ \p -> fix $ \again -> do
+clearEnterEvents = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ do
+ sync d False
+ allocaXEvent $ \p -> fix $ \again -> do
more <- checkMaskEvent d enterWindowMask p
when more again -- beautiful
+-- | tileWindow. Moves and resizes w such that it fits inside the given
+-- rectangle, including its border.
+tileWindow :: Display -> Window -> Rectangle -> IO ()
+tileWindow d w r = do
+ bw <- (fromIntegral . wa_border_width) `liftM` getWindowAttributes d w
+ moveResizeWindow d w (rect_x r) (rect_y r)
+ (rect_width r - bw*2) (rect_height r - bw*2)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+buttonsToGrab :: [Button]
+buttonsToGrab = [button1, button2, button3]
+-- | setButtonGrab. Tell whether or not to intercept clicks on a given window
+setButtonGrab :: Bool -> Window -> X ()
+setButtonGrab True w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab $ \b ->
+ grabButton d b anyModifier w False (buttonPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
+ grabModeAsync grabModeSync none none
+setButtonGrab False w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $ flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab $ \b ->
+ ungrabButton d b anyModifier w
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Setting keyboard focus
+-- | Set the focus to the window on top of the stack, or root
+setTopFocus :: X ()
+setTopFocus = withWorkspace $ \ws -> maybe (asks theRoot >>= setFocusX) setFocusX (W.peek ws)
+-- | Set focus explicitly to window 'w' if it is managed by us, or root.
+focus :: Window -> X ()
+focus w = withWorkspace $ \s -> do
+ if W.member w s then do modify $ \st -> st { workspace = W.focusWindow w s } -- avoid 'refresh'
+ setFocusX w
+ else whenX (isRoot w) $ setFocusX w
+-- | Call X to set the keyboard focus details.
+setFocusX :: Window -> X ()
+setFocusX w = withWorkspace $ \ws -> do
+ XConf { display = dpy , normalBorder = nbc, focusedBorder = fbc } <- ask
+ -- clear mouse button grab and border on other windows
+ (`mapM_` (M.keys . W.screens $ ws)) $ \n -> do
+ (`mapM_` (W.index (W.view n ws))) $ \otherw -> do
+ setButtonGrab True otherw
+ io $ setWindowBorder dpy otherw (color_pixel nbc)
+ withDisplay $ \d -> io $ setInputFocus d w revertToPointerRoot 0
+ setButtonGrab False w
+ io $ setWindowBorder dpy w (color_pixel fbc)
+-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- Managing layout
-- | switchLayout. Switch to another layout scheme. Switches the
-- layout of the current workspace. By convention, a window set as
@@ -84,7 +206,6 @@ switchLayout = layout (\(x, xs) -> let xs' = xs ++ [x] in (head xs', tail xs'))
sendMessage :: Message a => a -> X ()
sendMessage a = layout $ \x@(l, ls) -> maybe x (flip (,) ls) (modifyLayout l (SomeMessage a))
-- Builtin layout algorithms:
@@ -159,175 +280,22 @@ splitVerticallyBy f r = (\(a,b)->(mirrorRect a,mirrorRect b)) $ splitHorizontall
layout :: ((Layout, [Layout]) -> (Layout, [Layout])) -> X ()
layout f = do
modify $ \s ->
- let n = W.current . workspace $ s
+ let n = W.tag . W.current . workspace $ s
(Just fl) = M.lookup n $ layouts s
in s { layouts = M.insert n (f fl) (layouts s) }
--- | windows. Modify the current window list with a pure function, and refresh
-windows :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> X ()
-windows f = do
- modify $ \s -> s { workspace = f (workspace s) }
- refresh
- -- gets workspace >>= trace . show -- log state changes to stderr
--- | hide. Hide a window by moving it offscreen.
-hide :: Window -> X ()
-hide w = withDisplay $ \d -> do
- (sw,sh) <- asks dimensions
- io $ moveWindow d w (2*fromIntegral sw) (2*fromIntegral sh)
--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- Window operations
--- | setButtonGrab. Tell whether or not to intercept clicks on a given window
-buttonsToGrab :: [Button]
-buttonsToGrab = [button1, button2, button3]
-setButtonGrab :: Bool -> Window -> X ()
-setButtonGrab True w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $
- flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab $ \b ->
- grabButton d b anyModifier w False
- (buttonPressMask .|. buttonReleaseMask)
- grabModeAsync grabModeSync none none
-setButtonGrab False w = withDisplay $ \d -> io $
- flip mapM_ buttonsToGrab $ \b ->
- ungrabButton d b anyModifier w
--- | moveWindowInside. Moves and resizes w such that it fits inside the given
--- rectangle, including its border.
-moveWindowInside :: Display -> Window -> Rectangle -> IO ()
-moveWindowInside d w r = do
- bw <- (fromIntegral . wa_border_width) `liftM` getWindowAttributes d w
- moveResizeWindow d w (rect_x r) (rect_y r)
- (rect_width r - bw*2)
- (rect_height r - bw*2)
--- | manage. Add a new window to be managed in the current workspace. Bring it into focus.
--- If the window is already under management, it is just raised.
-manage :: Window -> X ()
-manage w = do
- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ do
- selectInput d w $ structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
- mapWindow d w
- setWindowBorderWidth d w borderWidth
- windows $ W.push w
--- | unmanage. A window no longer exists, remove it from the window
--- list, on whatever workspace it is.
-unmanage :: Window -> X ()
-unmanage w = do
- windows $ W.delete w
- withServerX $ do
- setTopFocus
- withDisplay $ \d -> io (sync d False)
- -- TODO, everything operates on the current display, so wrap it up.
--- | Grab the X server (lock it) from the X monad
-withServerX :: X () -> X ()
-withServerX f = withDisplay $ \dpy -> do
- io $ grabServer dpy
- f
- io $ ungrabServer dpy
-safeFocus :: Window -> X ()
-safeFocus w = do ws <- gets workspace
- if W.member w ws
- then setFocus w
- else do b <- isRoot w
- when b setTopFocus
--- | Explicitly set the keyboard focus to the given window
-setFocus :: Window -> X ()
-setFocus w = do
- ws <- gets workspace
- XConf { display = dpy , normalBorder = nbc, focusedBorder = fbc } <- ask
- -- clear mouse button grab and border on other windows
- flip mapM_ (W.visibleWorkspaces ws) $ \n -> do
- flip mapM_ (fromMaybe [] $ W.index n ws) $ \otherw -> do
- setButtonGrab True otherw
- io $ setWindowBorder dpy otherw (color_pixel nbc)
- withDisplay $ \d -> io $ setInputFocus d w revertToPointerRoot 0
- setButtonGrab False w
- io $ setWindowBorder dpy w (color_pixel fbc)
- -- This does not use 'windows' intentionally. 'windows' calls refresh,
- -- which means infinite loops.
- modify $ \s -> s { workspace = W.raiseFocus w (workspace s) }
--- | Set the focus to the window on top of the stack, or root
-setTopFocus :: X ()
-setTopFocus = do
- ws <- gets workspace
- case W.peek ws of
- Just new -> setFocus new
- Nothing -> asks theRoot >>= setFocus
--- | raise. focus to window at offset 'n' in list.
--- The currently focused window is always the head of the list
-raise :: Ordering -> X ()
-raise = windows . W.rotate
--- | promote. Move the currently focused window into the master frame
-promote :: X ()
-promote = windows W.promote
--- | Kill the currently focused client
-kill :: X ()
-kill = withDisplay $ \d -> do
- ws <- gets workspace
- whenJust (W.peek ws) $ \w -> do
- protocols <- io $ getWMProtocols d w
- XConf {wmdelete = wmdelt, wmprotocols = wmprot} <- ask
- if wmdelt `elem` protocols
- then io $ allocaXEvent $ \ev -> do
- setEventType ev clientMessage
- setClientMessageEvent ev w wmprot 32 wmdelt 0
- sendEvent d w False noEventMask ev
- else io (killClient d w) >> return ()
--- | tag. Move a window to a new workspace, 0 indexed.
-tag :: WorkspaceId -> X ()
-tag n = do
- ws <- gets workspace
- let m = W.current ws -- :: WorkspaceId
- when (n /= m) $
- whenJust (W.peek ws) $ \w -> do
- hide w
- windows $ W.shift n
--- | view. Change the current workspace to workspace at offset n (0 indexed).
-view :: WorkspaceId -> X ()
-view n = do
- ws <- gets workspace
- let m = W.current ws
- windows $ W.view n
- ws' <- gets workspace
- -- If the old workspace isn't visible anymore, we have to hide the windows
- -- in case we're switching to an empty workspace.
- when (m `notElem` W.visibleWorkspaces ws') $ maybe (return ()) (mapM_ hide) $ W.index m ws
- clearEnterEvents
- setTopFocus
+-- Utilities
--- | 'screenWorkspace sc' returns the workspace number viewed by 'sc'.
+-- | Return workspace visible on screen 'sc', or 0.
screenWorkspace :: ScreenId -> X WorkspaceId
-screenWorkspace sc = fmap (fromMaybe 0 . W.workspace sc) (gets workspace)
+screenWorkspace sc = withWorkspace $ return . fromMaybe 0 . W.lookupWorkspace sc
+-- | Apply an X operation to the currently focused window, if there is one.
+withFocused :: (Window -> X ()) -> X ()
+withFocused f = withWorkspace $ \w -> whenJust (W.peek w) f
-- | True if window is under management by us
isClient :: Window -> X Bool
-isClient w = liftM (W.member w) (gets workspace)
--- | Restart xmonad by exec()'ing self. This doesn't save state and xmonad has
--- to be in PATH for this to work.
-restart :: IO ()
-restart = do
- prog <- getProgName
- prog_path <- findExecutable prog
- case prog_path of
- Nothing -> return () -- silently fail
- Just p -> do args <- getArgs
- executeFile p True args Nothing
+isClient w = withWorkspace $ return . W.member w