diff options
authorBrent Yorgey <byorgey@gmail.com>2007-10-22 22:41:05 +0200
committerBrent Yorgey <byorgey@gmail.com>2007-10-22 22:41:05 +0200
commit0537e591a915f47c9227940163a16df40f14eedb (patch)
parente8928472be87183609883032a09fe01dfb3195b6 (diff)
Replace 'findIndex' with 'findTag', which more accurately describes what the function does.
I realize this is a big change, but the name 'findIndex' was confusing for me, since I expected it to return some sort of integer. What it actually does, of course, is return a workspace tag, which might be more general than an index. Of course, this change breaks several contrib modules; I'll submit a patch to make the change there as well. darcs-hash:20071022204105-bd4d7-9f5d5b8ce00c61b4830fde329f528b2d79af2fa6.gz
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 13 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/Operations.hs b/Operations.hs
index ba8d109..d4b6f3e 100644
--- a/Operations.hs
+++ b/Operations.hs
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ float :: Window -> X ()
float w = do
(sc, rr) <- floatLocation w
windows $ \ws -> W.float w rr . fromMaybe ws $ do
- i <- W.findIndex w ws
+ i <- W.findTag w ws
guard $ i `elem` map (W.tag . W.workspace) (W.screens ws)
f <- W.peek ws
sw <- W.lookupWorkspace sc ws
diff --git a/StackSet.hs b/StackSet.hs
index 221e123..1abf09a 100644
--- a/StackSet.hs
+++ b/StackSet.hs
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ module StackSet (
-- $stackOperations
peek, index, integrate, integrate', differentiate,
focusUp, focusDown, focusMaster, focusWindow,
- tagMember, renameTag, ensureTags, member, findIndex, mapWorkspace, mapLayout,
+ tagMember, renameTag, ensureTags, member, findTag, mapWorkspace, mapLayout,
-- * Modifying the stackset
-- $modifyStackset
insertUp, delete, delete', filter,
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ reverseStack (Stack t ls rs) = Stack t rs ls
focusWindow :: (Eq s, Eq a, Eq i) => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd
focusWindow w s | Just w == peek s = s
| otherwise = maybe s id $ do
- n <- findIndex w s
+ n <- findTag w s
return $ until ((Just w ==) . peek) focusUp (view n s)
-- | Get a list of all screens in the StackSet.
@@ -439,13 +439,13 @@ mapLayout f (StackSet v vs hs m) = StackSet (fScreen v) (map fScreen vs) (map fW
-- | /O(n)/. Is a window in the StackSet.
member :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> Bool
-member a s = maybe False (const True) (findIndex a s)
+member a s = maybe False (const True) (findTag a s)
-- | /O(1) on current window, O(n) in general/.
--- Return Just the workspace index of the given window, or Nothing
+-- Return Just the workspace tag of the given window, or Nothing
-- if the window is not in the StackSet.
-findIndex :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> Maybe i
-findIndex a s = listToMaybe
+findTag :: Eq a => a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> Maybe i
+findTag a s = listToMaybe
[ tag w | w <- workspaces s, has a (stack w) ]
where has _ Nothing = False
has x (Just (Stack t l r)) = x `elem` (t : l ++ r)
@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ shiftWin :: (Ord a, Eq a, Eq s, Eq i) => i -> a -> StackSet i l a s sd -> StackS
shiftWin n w s | from == Nothing = s -- not found
| n `tagMember` s && (Just n) /= from = go
| otherwise = s
- where from = findIndex w s
+ where from = findTag w s
go = on n (insertUp w) . on (fromJust from) (delete' w) $ s
curtag = tag (workspace (current s))
diff --git a/tests/Properties.hs b/tests/Properties.hs
index 77a16cb..e62172d 100644
--- a/tests/Properties.hs
+++ b/tests/Properties.hs
@@ -351,14 +351,14 @@ prop_focusWindow_local (n :: NonNegative Int) (x::T ) =
in hidden_spaces (focusWindow (s !! i) x) == hidden_spaces x
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
--- member/findIndex
+-- member/findTag
--- For all windows in the stackSet, findIndex should identify the
+-- For all windows in the stackSet, findTag should identify the
-- correct workspace
prop_findIndex (x :: T) =
- and [ tag w == fromJust (findIndex i x)
+ and [ tag w == fromJust (findTag i x)
| w <- workspace (current x) : map workspace (visible x) ++ hidden x
, t <- maybeToList (stack w)
, i <- focus t : up t ++ down t
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ prop_shift_win_indentity i w (x :: T) =
-- shiftWin leaves the current screen as it is, if neither i is the tag
-- of the current workspace nor w on the current workspace
prop_shift_win_fix_current i w (x :: T) =
- i `tagMember` x && w `member` x && i /= n && findIndex w x /= Just n
+ i `tagMember` x && w `member` x && i /= n && findTag w x /= Just n
==> (current $ x) == (current $ shiftWin i w x)
n = tag (workspace $ current x)
@@ -707,7 +707,7 @@ main = do
,("focusWindow is local", mytest prop_focusWindow_local)
,("focusWindow works" , mytest prop_focusWindow_works)
- ,("findIndex" , mytest prop_findIndex)
+ ,("findTag" , mytest prop_findIndex)
,("allWindows/member" , mytest prop_allWindowsMember)
,("insert: invariant" , mytest prop_insertUp_I)