diff options
authorAlexander Sulfrian <>2015-09-14 19:59:46 +0200
committerAlexander Sulfrian <>2015-09-14 19:59:46 +0200
commitc0b549b5775a4c026925795356ce10c6b97c6c5d (patch)
parent9734b2f51f9c94ec802820bc57fe50297a5dec77 (diff)
parent1a40e23790fe41d3048d841166e17428c7c06644 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
* origin/master: xmonad.hs: Add confirmation to logout. xmonad.hs: Do not use M5 on host "Australien" lib/Pass: Code style. lib/Confirm: Add simple confirmation with grid select. shorter xpropmatches Australien does not have a key for mod4 use our font for all prompts add M-M5-q for clean logout remove stuff for taffybar
Diffstat (limited to '')
3 files changed, 100 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Confirm.hs b/lib/Confirm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47e3388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Confirm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+module Confirm (confirm) where
+import Control.Monad
+import XMonad.Core
+import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect
+confirm :: GSConfig Bool -> String -> X() -> X()
+confirm config string action = do
+ res <- gridselect config [(string, True), ("No", False)]
+ whenJust res (\x -> when x action)
diff --git a/lib/Pass.hs b/lib/Pass.hs
index f29df27..c9b70df 100644
--- a/lib/Pass.hs
+++ b/lib/Pass.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-- |
-- Module : Pass
@@ -131,7 +130,11 @@ generatePassword passLabel = safeSpawn "pass" ["generate", "--force", passLabel,
getPasswords :: IO [String]
getPasswords = do
home <- getHomeDirectory
- files <- runProcessWithInput "find" [home ++ "/.password-store","-type", "f", "-name", "*.gpg", "-printf", "%P\n"] []
+ files <- runProcessWithInput "find" [
+ home ++ "/.password-store",
+ "-type", "f",
+ "-name", "*.gpg",
+ "-printf", "%P\n"] []
return $ map removeGpgExtension $ lines files
removeGpgExtension :: String -> String
diff --git a/xmonad.hs b/xmonad.hs
index ace84e4..54ec5a8 100644
--- a/xmonad.hs
+++ b/xmonad.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import System.IO
import System.Directory
+import System.Exit (exitWith, ExitCode(ExitSuccess))
+import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String as UTF8 (decodeString)
import Data.Ratio ((%))
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as M
@@ -53,9 +55,6 @@ import XMonad.Prompt.XMonad
import XMonad.Util.NamedScratchpad
--- taffybar
-import System.Taffybar.Hooks.PagerHints (pagerHints)
-- --replace handling
import XMonad.Util.Replace (replace)
import Control.Monad (when)
@@ -64,10 +63,14 @@ import System.Environment (getArgs)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust, isNothing, isJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
+-- for hostname handling (no windows key on "Australien")
+import Network.HostName
-- custom modules
import HistoryGrid
import EZConfig
import Pass
+import qualified Confirm
font :: String
font = "xft:Hack:size=10"
@@ -79,7 +82,10 @@ browser :: String
browser = "browser"
-modM = mod4Mask -- mod1Mask = Alt, mod2Mask = , mod3Mask= , mod4Mask = Win, mod5Mask = AltGr
+modM :: String -> KeyMask
+-- mod1Mask = Alt, mod2Mask = , mod3Mask= , mod4Mask = Win, mod5Mask = AltGrk
+modM "Australien" = mod1Mask
+modM _ = mod4Mask
myDzenUrgencyConfig = DzenUrgencyHook
{ args = ["-bg", "red", "-fg", "black", "-fn", font,
@@ -96,26 +102,27 @@ main = do
dzenStatusDir <- getAppUserDataDirectory "xmonad"
dzenStatusFile <- openFile (dzenStatusDir ++ "/dzenStatus") WriteMode
+ hostname <- getHostName
-- Do _not_ use "ewhm" here, this would add the ewhm hooks to the
-- end of your custom hooks (esp. the startup hook) and this would
-- overwrite the setWMName "LG3D" and some Java apps will not work.
- $ pagerHints
$ withUrgencyHook myDzenUrgencyConfig
- $ defaultConfig { modMask = modM
+ $ defaultConfig { modMask = modM hostname
, terminal = term
, borderWidth = 1
, normalBorderColor = "#545454"
, focusedBorderColor = "#A00000"
, logHook = myLogHook dzenStatusFile
, manageHook = myManageHook
- , keys = \c -> mkKeymap c $ myKeys c
- , mouseBindings = \c -> M.union (M.fromList $ myMouse c) $ mouseBindings defaultConfig c
+ , keys = \c -> mkKeymap c $ myKeys c hostname
+ , mouseBindings = \c -> M.union (M.fromList $ myMouse (modM hostname) c) $ mouseBindings defaultConfig c
, layoutHook = myLayout
, workspaces = topics
, handleEventHook = myEventHook
, startupHook = myStartupHook
--{{{ TopicSpaces
@@ -256,6 +263,11 @@ alexTheme = defaultTheme
, decoHeight = 19
+alexXPConfig :: XPConfig
+alexXPConfig = P.defaultXPConfig
+ { P.font = font
+ }
historyGridConfig = defaultGSConfig
{ gs_cellheight = 50
, gs_cellwidth = 300
@@ -273,6 +285,19 @@ topicsGridConfig = defaultGSConfig
| selected = return ("#839596", "#002b36")
| otherwise = return ("#002b36", "#839496")
+confirmConfig :: HasColorizer a => GSConfig a
+confirmConfig = defaultGSConfig
+ { gs_cellheight = 150
+ , gs_cellwidth = 300
+ , gs_cellpadding = 50
+ , gs_font = "xft:Droid Sans Mono Slashed Bold-35"
+ , gs_originFractX = (1/2)
+ , gs_originFractY = (1/3)
+ }
+confirm :: String -> X() -> X()
+confirm = Confirm.confirm confirmConfig
--{{{ Hooks
@@ -350,62 +375,47 @@ myManageHook =
xPropMatches :: [XPropMatch]
xPropMatches =
- [ ([ (xprop, any (app `op`))], pmP (W.shift target)) | (xprop, op, app, target) <- myShifts] ++
- [ ([ (xprop, any (app ==))], pmX (float)) | (xprop, app) <- myFloats]
+ [ (match, pmP $ W.shift target) | (target, match) <- shifts] ++
+ [ (match, pmX $ float) | match <- floats]
- myFloats =
- [ (wM_CLASS, "vlc")
- , (wM_CLASS, "Xmessage")
- , (wM_CLASS, "XVkbd")
- , (wM_CLASS, "Xdialog")
- , (wM_CLASS, "Pinentry")
- , (wM_CLASS, "Pinentry-gtk-2")
- , (wM_CLASS, "Tiemu")
- , (wM_CLASS, "ultrastardx")
- , (wM_CLASS, "Ediff")
- , (wM_CLASS, "xtensoftphone")
- , (wM_CLASS, "Pqiv")
- , (wM_CLASS, "XNots")
- , (wM_CLASS, "TeamViewer.exe")
- , (wM_CLASS, "AmsnWebcam")
- , (wM_NAME, "glxgears")
- , (wM_NAME, "Passphrase Required")
- , (wM_NAME, "Mark all as read")
- , (wM_NAME, "Xplanet 1.2.0")
- , (wM_NAME, "Eclipse")
- ]
- myShifts =
- [ (wM_CLASS, (==), "Opera", "web")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Chrome", "web")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Chromium-browser", "web")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Firefox-bin", "web")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Claws-mail", "mail")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Mitter", "mail")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "wanderlust", "mail")
- , (wM_NAME, (==), "newsbeuter", "mail")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Hexchat", "irc")
- -- tkabber roater
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Tkabber", "im")
- -- tkabber single messages
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "headlines", "im")
- , (wM_CLASS, isPrefixOf, "chat_##xmpp##1_zedatconferencejabberfuberlinde", "im")
- , (wM_CLASS, isPrefixOf, "chat_##xmpp##1_mailanimuxdeSyslogBot", "im")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "MPlayer", "video")
- , (wM_CLASS, (==), "Amarokapp", "music")
- ]
+ floats = [ [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["vlc", "Xmessage", "XVkbd", "Xdialog",
+ "Pinentry", "Pinentry-gtk-2", "Tiemu",
+ "ultrastardx", "Ediff", "xtensoftphone",
+ "Pqiv", "XNots", "TeamViewer.exe",
+ "AmsnWebcam"])]
+ , [(wM_NAME, anyOf ["glxgears", "Passphrase Required",
+ "Mark all as read", "Xplanet 1.2.0",
+ "Eclipse"])]
+ ]
+ shifts = [ ("web", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["Opera", "Chrome", "Google-chrome", "Chromium-browser",
+ "Firefox-bin"])])
+ , ("mail", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["Claws-mail", "Evolution", "Mitter", "wanderlust"])])
+ , ("mail", [(wM_NAME, anyOf ["newsbeuter"])])
+ , ("irc", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["Hexchat"])])
+ , ("im", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["TKabber", "headlines", "Vacuum"])])
+ -- tkabber single messages
+ , ("im", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf' isPrefixOf ["chat_##xmpp##1_zedatconferencejabberfuberlinde",
+ "chat_##xmpp##1_mailanimuxdeSyslogBot"])])
+ , ("code", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["emacs"])])
+ , ("video", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["MPlayer"])])
+ , ("music", [(wM_CLASS, anyOf ["Amarokapp"])])
+ ]
+ anyOf' op valids tests = any (\test -> any (\valid -> op valid test) valids) tests
+ anyOf = anyOf' (==)
--{{{ Keys
-myKeys c =
+myKeys c hostname =
-- this line is critical to reload config - DON'T REMOVE
[ ("M-q", broadcastMessage ReleaseResources >> restart "xmonad" True)
+ , (shutdownKey, confirm "Logout?" $ io (exitWith ExitSuccess))
, ("M-S-<Return>", spawn term)
, ("M-<Return>", openLastHistoryGrid historyGridConfig 30)
@@ -429,8 +439,8 @@ myKeys c =
, ("M-S-j", windows W.swapDown)
, ("M-S-k", windows W.swapUp)
- , ("M-m", selectWorkspace P.defaultXPConfig)
- , ("M-S-m", withWorkspace P.defaultXPConfig (windows . W.shift))
+ , ("M-m", selectWorkspace alexXPConfig)
+ , ("M-S-m", withWorkspace alexXPConfig (windows . W.shift))
, ("M-S-<Backspace>", removeWorkspace)
, ("M-h", sendMessage Shrink)
@@ -458,15 +468,15 @@ myKeys c =
, ("M-^", focusUrgent)
- , ("M-p", myShellPrompt P.defaultXPConfig)
- , ("M-e", launchApp P.defaultXPConfig "emacsclient" >> (windows (W.greedyView "5:code")))
+ , ("M-p", myShellPrompt alexXPConfig)
+ , ("M-e", launchApp alexXPConfig "emacsclient" >> (windows (W.greedyView "5:code")))
- , ("M-o M-k", passPrompt P.defaultXPConfig)
- , ("M-o M-S-k", passGeneratePrompt P.defaultXPConfig)
- , ("M-o M-m", manPrompt P.defaultXPConfig)
- , ("M-o M-b", safePrompt browser P.defaultXPConfig)
- , ("M-o M-s", sshPrompt P.defaultXPConfig)
- , ("M-o M-x", xmonadPrompt P.defaultXPConfig)
+ , ("M-o M-k", passPrompt alexXPConfig)
+ , ("M-o M-S-k", passGeneratePrompt alexXPConfig)
+ , ("M-o M-m", manPrompt alexXPConfig)
+ , ("M-o M-b", safePrompt browser alexXPConfig)
+ , ("M-o M-s", sshPrompt alexXPConfig)
+ , ("M-o M-x", xmonadPrompt alexXPConfig)
, ("M-+", sendMessage Mag.MagnifyMore)
, ("M-S-+", sendMessage Mag.MagnifyLess)
@@ -492,16 +502,19 @@ myKeys c =
| (a, m) <- [(switchNthLastFocused topicsConfig,""), (shiftNthLastFocused, "S-")]
, (i, k) <- zip [1..] "123456789"
+ where
+ shutdownKey = case hostname of
+ "Australien" -> "M-S-q"
+ _ -> "M-M5-q"
-myMouse c =
- [ ((modM, button1),
+myMouse modm c =
+ [ ((modm, button1),
(\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w >> snapMagicMove (Just 50) (Just 50) w))
- , ((modM .|. shiftMask, button1),
+ , ((modm .|. shiftMask, button1),
(\w -> focus w >> mouseMoveWindow w >> snapMagicMouseResize 0.8 (Just 50) (Just 50) w))
- , ((modM, button3),
+ , ((modm, button3),
(\w -> focus w >> Flex.mouseWindow Flex.resize w))