{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UMenuText; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses math, SysUtils, gl, SDL, TextGL, UTexture; type TText = class private SelectBool: boolean; TextString: UTF8String; TextTiles: array of UTF8String; STicks: cardinal; SelectBlink: boolean; public X: real; Y: real; Z: real; MoveX: real; // some modifier for x - position that don't affect the real Y MoveY: real; // some modifier for y - position that don't affect the real Y W: real; // text wider than W is broken // H: real; Size: real; ColR: real; ColG: real; ColB: real; Alpha: real; Int: real; Style: integer; Visible: boolean; Align: integer; // 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right // reflection Reflection: boolean; ReflectionSpacing: real; procedure SetSelect(Value: boolean); property Selected: boolean read SelectBool write SetSelect; procedure SetText(Value: UTF8String); property Text: UTF8String read TextString write SetText; procedure DeleteLastLetter; //Procedure to Delete Last Letter procedure Draw; constructor Create; overload; constructor Create(X, Y: real; const Text: UTF8String); overload; constructor Create(ParX, ParY, ParW: real; ParStyle: integer; ParSize, ParColR, ParColG, ParColB: real; ParAlign: integer; const ParText: UTF8String; ParReflection: boolean; ParReflectionSpacing: real; ParZ: real); overload; end; implementation uses UGraphic, UUnicodeUtils, StrUtils; procedure TText.SetSelect(Value: boolean); begin SelectBool := Value; // set cursor visible SelectBlink := true; STicks := SDL_GetTicks() div 550; end; procedure TText.SetText(Value: UTF8String); var NextPos: cardinal; // next pos of a space etc. LastPos: cardinal; // last pos " LastBreak: cardinal; // last break isBreak: boolean; // true if the break is not caused because the text is out of the area FirstWord: word; // is first word after break? Len: word; // length of the tiles array function GetNextPos: boolean; var T1, {T2,} T3: cardinal; begin LastPos := NextPos; // next space (if width is given) if (W > 0) then T1 := PosEx(' ', Value, LastPos + 1) else T1 := Length(Value); {// next - T2 := PosEx('-', Value, LastPos + 1);} // next break T3 := PosEx('\n', Value, LastPos + 1); if T1 = 0 then T1 := Length(Value); {if T2 = 0 then T2 := Length(Value); } if T3 = 0 then T3 := Length(Value); // get nearest pos NextPos := min(T1, T3{min(T2, T3)}); if (LastPos = cardinal(Length(Value))) then NextPos := 0; isBreak := (NextPos = T3) and (NextPos <> cardinal(Length(Value))); Result := (NextPos <> 0); end; procedure AddBreak(const From, bTo: cardinal); begin if (isBreak) or (bTo - From >= 1) then begin Inc(Len); SetLength (TextTiles, Len); TextTiles[Len-1] := Trim(Copy(Value, From, bTo - From)); if isBreak then LastBreak := bTo + 2 else LastBreak := bTo + 1; FirstWord := 0; end; end; begin // set TextString TextString := Value; // set cursor visible SelectBlink := true; STicks := SDL_GetTicks() div 550; // exit if there is no need to create tiles if (W <= 0) and (Pos('\n', Value) = 0) then begin SetLength (TextTiles, 1); TextTiles[0] := Value; Exit; end; // create tiles // reset text array SetLength (TextTiles, 0); Len := 0; // reset counter vars LastPos := 1; NextPos := 1; LastBreak := 1; FirstWord := 1; if (W > 0) then begin // set font properties SetFontStyle(Style); SetFontSize(Size); end; // go through text while (GetNextPos) do begin // break in text if isBreak then begin // look for break before the break if (glTextWidth(Copy(Value, LastBreak, NextPos - LastBreak + 1)) > W) AND (NextPos-LastPos > 1) then begin isBreak := false; // not the first word after break, so we don't have to break within a word if (FirstWord > 1) then begin // add break before actual position, because there the text fits the area AddBreak(LastBreak, LastPos); end else // first word after break break within the word begin // to do // AddBreak(LastBreak, LastBreak + 155); end; end; isBreak := true; // add break from text AddBreak(LastBreak, NextPos); end // text comes out of the text area -> createbreak else if (glTextWidth(Copy(Value, LastBreak, NextPos - LastBreak + 1)) > W) then begin // not the first word after break, so we don't have to break within a word if (FirstWord > 1) then begin // add break before actual position, because there the text fits the area AddBreak(LastBreak, LastPos); end else // first word after break -> break within the word begin // to do // AddBreak(LastBreak, LastBreak + 155); end; end; //end; Inc(FirstWord) end; // add ending AddBreak(LastBreak, Length(Value)+1); end; procedure TText.DeleteLastLetter; var Str: UCS4String; Len: integer; begin Str := UTF8ToUCS4String(TextString); Len := Length(Str); if (Len > 0) then SetLength(Str, Len-1); SetText(UCS4ToUTF8String(Str)); end; procedure TText.Draw; var X2, Y2: real; Text2: UTF8String; I: integer; Ticks: cardinal; begin if Visible and (Size > 0) then begin SetFontStyle(Style); SetFontSize(Size); SetFontItalic(false); glColor4f(ColR*Int, ColG*Int, ColB*Int, Alpha); // reflection if Reflection then SetFontReflection(true, ReflectionSpacing) else SetFontReflection(false,0); // if selected set blink... if SelectBool then begin Ticks := SDL_GetTicks() div 550; if Ticks <> STicks then begin // change visability STicks := Ticks; SelectBlink := Not SelectBlink; end; end; {if (false) then // no width set draw as one long string begin if not (SelectBool AND SelectBlink) then Text2 := Text else Text2 := Text + '|'; case Align of 0: X2 := X; 1: X2 := X - glTextWidth(Text2)/2; 2: X2 := X - glTextWidth(Text2); end; SetFontPos(X2, Y); glPrint(Text2); SetFontStyle(0); // reset to default end else begin} // now use always: // draw text as many strings Y2 := Y + MoveY; for I := 0 to High(TextTiles) do begin if (not (SelectBool and SelectBlink)) or (I <> High(TextTiles)) then Text2 := TextTiles[I] else Text2 := TextTiles[I] + '|'; case Align of 1: X2 := X + MoveX - glTextWidth(Text2)/2; { centered } 2: X2 := X + MoveX - glTextWidth(Text2); { right aligned } else X2 := X + MoveX; { left aligned (default) } end; SetFontPos(X2, Y2); SetFontZ(Z); glPrint(Text2); {if Size >= 10 then Y2 := Y2 + Size * 0.93 else} if (Style = 1) then Y2 := Y2 + Size * 0.93 else Y2 := Y2 + Size * 0.72; end; SetFontStyle(0); // reset to default //end; end; end; constructor TText.Create; begin Create(0, 0, ''); end; constructor TText.Create(X, Y: real; const Text: UTF8String); begin Create(X, Y, 0, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0, 0, Text, false, 0, 0); end; constructor TText.Create(ParX, ParY, ParW: real; ParStyle: integer; ParSize, ParColR, ParColG, ParColB: real; ParAlign: integer; const ParText: UTF8String; ParReflection: boolean; ParReflectionSpacing: real; ParZ: real); begin inherited Create; Alpha := 1; X := ParX; Y := ParY; W := ParW; Z := ParZ; Style := ParStyle; Size := ParSize; Text := ParText; ColR := ParColR; ColG := ParColG; ColB := ParColB; Int := 1; Align := ParAlign; SelectBool := false; Visible := true; Reflection := ParReflection; ReflectionSpacing := ParReflectionSpacing; end; end.