{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL: https://ultrastardx.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ultrastardx/trunk/src/menu/UMenuText.pas $ * $Id: UMenuText.pas 1485 2008-10-28 20:16:05Z tobigun $ *} unit UTextEncoding; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses SysUtils, UUnicodeUtils; type TEncoding = ( encLocale, // current locale (needs cwstring on linux) encUTF8, // UTF-8 encCP1250, // Windows-1250 Central/Eastern Europe (used by Ultrastar) encCP1252 // Windows-1252 Western Europe (used by UltraStar Deluxe < 1.1) ); const UTF8_BOM: UTF8String = #$EF#$BB#$BF; {** * Decodes Src encoded in SrcEncoding to a UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoded Dst string. * Returns true if the conversion was successful. *} function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: WideString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload; function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): WideString; overload; function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: UTF8String; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload; function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): UTF8String; overload; {** * Encodes the UTF-16 or UTF-8 encoded Src string to Dst using DstEncoding * Returns true if the conversion was successful. *} function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload; function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString; overload; function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; overload; function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString; overload; {** * If Text starts with an UTF-8 BOM, the BOM is removed and true will * be returned. *} function CheckReplaceUTF8BOM(var Text: RawByteString): boolean; {** * Parses an encoding string to its TEncoding equivalent. * Surrounding whitespace and dashes ('-') are removed, the upper-cased * resulting value is then compared with TEncodingNames. * If the encoding was not found, the result is set to the Default encoding. *} function ParseEncoding(const EncodingStr: AnsiString; Default: TEncoding): TEncoding; {** * Returns the name of an encoding. *} function EncodingName(Encoding: TEncoding): AnsiString; implementation uses StrUtils; type IEncoder = interface function GetName(): AnsiString; function Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean; function Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean; end; TEncoder = class(TInterfacedObject, IEncoder) public function GetName(): AnsiString; virtual; abstract; function Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean; virtual; abstract; function Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean; virtual; abstract; end; TSingleByteEncoder = class(TEncoder) public function Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean; override; function Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean; override; function DecodeChar(InChr: AnsiChar; out OutChr: UCS4Char): boolean; virtual; abstract; function EncodeChar(InChr: UCS4Char; out OutChr: AnsiChar): boolean; virtual; abstract; end; const ERROR_CHAR = '?'; var Encoders: array[TEncoding] of IEncoder; function TSingleByteEncoder.Encode(const InStr: UCS4String; out OutStr: RawByteString): boolean; var I: integer; begin SetLength(OutStr, LengthUCS4(InStr)); Result := true; for I := 1 to Length(OutStr) do begin if (not EncodeChar(InStr[I-1], OutStr[I])) then Result := false; end; end; function TSingleByteEncoder.Decode(const InStr: RawByteString; out OutStr: UCS4String): boolean; var I: integer; begin SetLength(OutStr, Length(InStr)+1); Result := true; for I := 1 to Length(InStr) do begin if (not DecodeChar(InStr[I], OutStr[I-1])) then Result := false; end; OutStr[High(OutStr)] := 0; end; function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: WideString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; var DstUCS4: UCS4String; begin Result := Encoders[SrcEncoding].Decode(Src, DstUCS4); Dst := UCS4StringToWideString(DstUCS4); end; function DecodeString(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): WideString; begin DecodeString(Src, Result, SrcEncoding); end; function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; out Dst: UTF8String; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; var DstUCS4: UCS4String; begin Result := Encoders[SrcEncoding].Decode(Src, DstUCS4); Dst := UCS4ToUTF8String(DstUCS4); end; function DecodeStringUTF8(const Src: RawByteString; SrcEncoding: TEncoding): UTF8String; begin DecodeStringUTF8(Src, Result, SrcEncoding); end; function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; begin Result := Encoders[DstEncoding].Encode(WideStringToUCS4String(Src), Dst); end; function EncodeString(const Src: WideString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString; begin EncodeString(Src, Result, DstEncoding); end; function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; out Dst: RawByteString; DstEncoding: TEncoding): boolean; begin Result := Encoders[DstEncoding].Encode(UTF8ToUCS4String(Src), Dst); end; function EncodeStringUTF8(const Src: UTF8String; DstEncoding: TEncoding): RawByteString; begin EncodeStringUTF8(Src, Result, DstEncoding); end; function CheckReplaceUTF8BOM(var Text: RawByteString): boolean; begin if AnsiStartsStr(UTF8_BOM, Text) then begin Text := Copy(Text, Length(UTF8_BOM)+1, Length(Text)-Length(UTF8_BOM)); Result := true; Exit; end; Result := false; end; function ParseEncoding(const EncodingStr: AnsiString; Default: TEncoding): TEncoding; var PrepStr: AnsiString; // prepared encoding string Encoding: TEncoding; begin // remove surrounding whitespace, replace dashes, to upper case PrepStr := UpperCase(AnsiReplaceStr(Trim(EncodingStr), '-', '')); for Encoding := Low(TEncoding) to High(TEncoding) do begin if (Encoders[Encoding].GetName() = PrepStr) then begin Result := Encoding; Exit; end; end; Result := Default; end; function EncodingName(Encoding: TEncoding): AnsiString; begin Result := Encoders[Encoding].GetName(); end; {$I ../encoding/Locale.inc} {$I ../encoding/UTF8.inc} {$I ../encoding/CP1250.inc} {$I ../encoding/CP1252.inc} initialization Encoders[encLocale] := TEncoderLocale.Create; Encoders[encUTF8] := TEncoderUTF8.Create; Encoders[encCP1250] := TEncoderCP1250.Create; Encoders[encCP1252] := TEncoderCP1252.Create; end.