{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit ULanguage; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses UUnicodeUtils; type TLanguageEntry = record ID: AnsiString; //**< identifier (ASCII) Text: UTF8String; //**< translation (UTF-8) end; TLanguageList = record Name: AnsiString; //**< language name (ASCII) end; TLanguageEntryArray = array of TLanguageEntry; TLanguage = class private List: array of TLanguageList; Entry: TLanguageEntryArray; //**< Entrys of Chosen Language SEntry: TLanguageEntryArray; //**< Entrys of Standard Language CEntry: TLanguageEntryArray; //**< Constant Entrys e.g. Version Implode_Glue1, Implode_Glue2: UTF8String; procedure LoadList; function FindID(const ID: AnsiString; const EntryList: TLanguageEntryArray): integer; public constructor Create; function Translate(const Text: RawByteString): UTF8String; procedure ChangeLanguage(const Language: AnsiString); procedure AddConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String); procedure ChangeConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String); function Implode(const Pieces: array of UTF8String): UTF8String; end; var Language: TLanguage; implementation uses UMain, UIni, IniFiles, Classes, SysUtils, ULog, UPath, UFilesystem, UPathUtils; {** * LoadList, set default language, set standard implode glues *} constructor TLanguage.Create; var I, J: Integer; begin inherited; LoadList; //Set Implode Glues for Backward Compatibility Implode_Glue1 := ', '; Implode_Glue2 := ' and '; if (Length(List) = 0) then //No Language Files Loaded -> Abort Loading Log.CriticalError('Could not load any Language File'); //Standard Language (If a Language File is Incomplete) //Then use English Language for I := 0 to high(List) do //Search for English Language begin //English Language Found -> Load if Uppercase(List[I].Name) = 'ENGLISH' then begin ChangeLanguage('English'); SetLength(SEntry, Length(Entry)); for J := 0 to high(Entry) do SEntry[J] := Entry[J]; SetLength(Entry, 0); Break; end; if (I = high(List)) then Log.LogError('English Languagefile missing! No standard Translation loaded'); end; //Standard Language END end; {** * Parse the Language Dir searching Translations *} procedure TLanguage.LoadList; var Iter: IFileIterator; IniInfo: TFileInfo; LangName: string; begin SetLength(List, 0); SetLength(ILanguage, 0); Iter := FileSystem.FileFind(LanguagesPath.Append('*.ini'), 0); while(Iter.HasNext) do begin IniInfo := Iter.Next; LangName := IniInfo.Name.SetExtension('').ToUTF8; SetLength(List, Length(List)+1); List[High(List)].Name := LangName; SetLength(ILanguage, Length(ILanguage)+1); ILanguage[High(ILanguage)] := LangName; end; end; {** * Load the specified LanguageFile *} procedure TLanguage.ChangeLanguage(const Language: AnsiString); var IniFile: TIniFile; E: integer; // entry S: TStringList; begin SetLength(Entry, 0); IniFile := TIniFile.Create(LanguagesPath.Append(Language + '.ini').ToNative); S := TStringList.Create; IniFile.ReadSectionValues('Text', S); SetLength(Entry, S.Count); for E := 0 to high(Entry) do begin if S.Names[E] = 'IMPLODE_GLUE1' then Implode_Glue1 := S.ValueFromIndex[E]+ ' ' else if S.Names[E] = 'IMPLODE_GLUE2' then Implode_Glue2 := ' ' + S.ValueFromIndex[E] + ' '; Entry[E].ID := S.Names[E]; Entry[E].Text := S.ValueFromIndex[E]; end; S.Free; IniFile.Free; end; {** * Find the index of ID an array of language entries. * @returns the index on success, -1 otherwise. *} function TLanguage.FindID(const ID: AnsiString; const EntryList: TLanguageEntryArray): integer; var Index: integer; begin for Index := 0 to High(EntryList) do begin if ID = EntryList[Index].ID then begin Result := Index; Exit; end; end; Result := -1; end; {** * Translate the Text. * If Text is an ID, text will be translated according to the current language * setting. If Text is not a known ID, it will be returned as is. * @param Text either an ID or an UTF-8 encoded string *} function TLanguage.Translate(const Text: RawByteString): UTF8String; var E: integer; // entry ID: AnsiString; EntryIndex: integer; begin // fallback result in case Text is not a known ID Result := Text; // normalize ID case ID := UpperCase(Text); // Check if ID exists //Const Mod EntryIndex := FindID(ID, CEntry); if (EntryIndex >= 0) then begin Result := CEntry[EntryIndex].Text; Exit; end; EntryIndex := FindID(ID, Entry); if (EntryIndex >= 0) then begin Result := Entry[EntryIndex].Text; Exit; end; //Standard Language (If a Language File is Incomplete) //Then use Standard Language EntryIndex := FindID(ID, SEntry); if (EntryIndex >= 0) then begin Result := SEntry[EntryIndex].Text; Exit; end; end; {** * Add a Constant ID that will be Translated but not Loaded from the LanguageFile *} procedure TLanguage.AddConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String); begin SetLength (CEntry, Length(CEntry) + 1); CEntry[high(CEntry)].ID := ID; CEntry[high(CEntry)].Text := Text; end; {** * Change a Constant Value by ID *} procedure TLanguage.ChangeConst(const ID: AnsiString; const Text: UTF8String); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to high(CEntry) do begin if CEntry[I].ID = ID then begin CEntry[I].Text := Text; Break; end; end; end; {** * Connect an array of strings with ' and ' or ', ' to one string *} function TLanguage.Implode(const Pieces: array of UTF8String): UTF8String; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; //Go through Pieces for I := 0 to high(Pieces) do begin //Add Value Result := Result + Pieces[I]; //Add Glue if (I < high(Pieces) - 1) then Result := Result + Implode_Glue1 else if (I < high(Pieces)) then Result := Result + Implode_Glue2; end; end; end.