{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UFilesystem; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Windows, TntSysUtils, {$ENDIF} UFilename, SysUtils, Classes; type {$IFDEF MSWINDOWSe} TSytemSearchRec = TSearchRecW; {$ELSE} TSytemSearchRec = TSearchRec; {$ENDIF} TUniSearchRec = record Time: Integer; Size: Int64; Attr: Integer; Name: IPath; ExcludeAttr: Integer; //FindHandle(): THandle; end; IFileFindIterator = interface function HasNext(): Boolean; function Next(): TUniSearchRec; end; IFileSystem = interface function ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath; function FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): Integer; function DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: LongWord): Integer; function FileAge(const FileName: IPath): Integer; overload; function FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; overload; function DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; function FileExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; function FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal; function FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: Integer): Boolean; function FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; function FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: Boolean): Boolean; function ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath; function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): Boolean; function DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; function RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean; function FileFind(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer): IFileFindIterator; function FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; function FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; procedure FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec); function GetCurrentDir: IPath; function SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function CreateFileStream(const FileName: IPath; Mode: Word): THandleStream; end; var FileSystem: IFileSystem; implementation type TFileSystemImpl = class(TInterfacedObject, IFileSystem) public function ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath; function FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): Integer; function DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: LongWord): Integer; function FileAge(const FileName: IPath): Integer; overload; function FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; overload; function DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; function FileExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; function FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal; function FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: Integer): Boolean; function FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; function FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: Boolean): Boolean; function ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath; function RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): Boolean; function DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; function RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean; function FileFind(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer): IFileFindIterator; function FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; function FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; procedure FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec); function GetCurrentDir: IPath; function SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; function CreateFileStream(const FileName: IPath; Mode: Word): THandleStream; end; TFileFindIterator = class(TInterfacedObject, IFileFindIterator) private fHasNext: Boolean; fSearchRec: TSytemSearchRec; public constructor Create(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer); destructor Destroy(); override; function HasNext(): Boolean; function Next(): TUniSearchRec; end; function TFileSystemImpl.CreateFileStream(const FileName: IPath; Mode: Word): THandleStream; begin Result := TUniFileStream.Create(FileName, Mode); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileFind(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer): IFileFindIterator; begin Result := TFileFindIterator.Create(FilePattern, Attr); end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWSs} function TFileSystemImpl.ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath; begin Result := Path(WideExpandFileName(FileName.ToWideString())); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): Integer; begin Result := WideFileCreate(FileName.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideCreateDir(Dir.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: LongWord): Integer; begin Result := WideFileOpen(FileName.ToWideString(), Mode); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath): Integer; begin Result := WideFileAge(FileName.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := WideFileAge(FileName.ToWideString(), FileDateTime); end; function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideDirectoryExists(Name.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideFileExists(Name.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal; begin Result := WideFileGetAttr(FileName.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := WideFileSetAttr(FileName.ToWideString(), Attr); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideFileIsReadOnly(FileName.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := WideFileSetReadOnly(FileName.ToWideString(), ReadOnly); end; function TFileSystemImpl.ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideForceDirectories(Dir.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath; var I: integer; DirListStr: WideString; begin DirListStr := ''; for I := 0 to High(DirList) do begin if (I > 0) then DirListStr := DirListStr + PathSep; DirListStr := DirListStr + DirList[I].ToWideString(); end; Result := Path(WideFileSearch(Name.ToWideString(), DirListStr)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideRenameFile(OldName.ToWideString(), NewName.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideDeleteFile(FileName.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideRemoveDir(Dir.ToWideString()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := WideCopyFile(Source.ToWideString(), Target.ToWideString(), FailIfExists); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; begin Result := WideFindFirst(FilePattern.ToWideString(), Attr, F); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; begin Result := WideFindNext(F); end; procedure TFileSystemImpl.FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec); begin WideFindClose(F); end; function TFileSystemImpl.GetCurrentDir: IPath; begin Result := Path(WideGetCurrentDir()); end; function TFileSystemImpl.SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := WideSetCurrentDir(Dir.ToWideString()); end; {$ELSE} // UNIX function TFileSystemImpl.ExpandFileName(const FileName: IPath): IPath; begin Result := Path(SysUtils.ExpandFileName(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)), pencSystemANSI); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileCreate(const FileName: IPath): Integer; begin Result := SysUtils.FileCreate(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryCreate(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.CreateDir(Dir.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileOpen(const FileName: IPath; Mode: LongWord): Integer; begin Result := SysUtils.FileOpen(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI), Mode); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath): Integer; begin Result := SysUtils.FileAge(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileAge(const FileName: IPath; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; var FileDate: longint; begin FileDate := SysUtils.FileAge(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); if (FileDate > -1) then FileDateTime := FileDateToDateTime(FileDate); Result := (FileDate > -1); end; function TFileSystemImpl.DirectoryExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.DirectoryExists(Name.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileExists(const Name: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.FileExists(Name.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileGetAttr(const FileName: IPath): Cardinal; begin Result := SysUtils.FileGetAttr(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetAttr(const FileName: IPath; Attr: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (SysUtils.FileSetAttr(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI), Attr) = 0); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileIsReadOnly(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.FileIsReadOnly(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileSetReadOnly(const FileName: IPath; ReadOnly: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := (SysUtils.FileSetAttr(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI), faReadOnly) = 0); end; function TFileSystemImpl.ForceDirectories(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.ForceDirectories(Dir.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FileSearch(const Name: IPath; DirList: array of IPath): IPath; var I: integer; DirListStr: AnsiString; begin DirListStr := ''; for I := 0 to High(DirList) do begin if (I > 0) then DirListStr := DirListStr + PathSep; DirListStr := DirListStr + DirList[I].ToString(pencSystemANSI); end; Result := Path(SysUtils.FileSearch(Name.ToString(pencSystemANSI), DirListStr), pencSystemANSI); end; function TFileSystemImpl.RenameFile(const OldName, NewName: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.RenameFile(OldName.ToString(pencSystemANSI), NewName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.DeleteFile(const FileName: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.DeleteFile(FileName.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.RemoveDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.RemoveDir(Dir.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; function TFileSystemImpl.CopyFile(const Source, Target: IPath; FailIfExists: Boolean): Boolean; const COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; // a good tradeoff between speed and memory consumption var SourceFile, TargetFile: TFileStream; FileCopyBuffer: array [0..COPY_BUFFER_SIZE-1] of byte; // temporary copy-buffer. NumberOfBytes: integer; // number of bytes read from SourceFile begin Result := false; SourceFile := nil; TargetFile := nil; // if overwrite is disabled return if the target file already exists if (FailIfExists and FileExists(Target)) then Exit; try try // open source and target file (might throw an exception on error) SourceFile := TFileStream.Create(Source.ToString(pencSystemANSI), fmOpenRead); TargetFile := TFileStream.Create(Target.ToString(pencSystemANSI), fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); while true do begin // read a block from the source file and check for errors or EOF NumberOfBytes := SourceFile.Read(FileCopyBuffer, SizeOf(FileCopyBuffer)); if (NumberOfBytes <= 0) then Break; // write block to target file and check if everything was written if (TargetFile.Write(FileCopyBuffer, NumberOfBytes) <> NumberOfBytes) then Exit; end; except Exit; end; finally SourceFile.Free; TargetFile.Free; end; Result := true; end; function TFileSystemImpl.FindFirst(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer; var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; begin Result := SysUtils.FindFirst(FilePattern.ToString(pencSystemANSI), Attr, F); end; function TFileSystemImpl.FindNext(var F: TSytemSearchRec): Integer; begin Result := SysUtils.FindNext(F); end; procedure TFileSystemImpl.FindClose(var F: TSytemSearchRec); begin SysUtils.FindClose(F); end; function TFileSystemImpl.GetCurrentDir: IPath; begin Result := Path(SysUtils.GetCurrentDir(), pencSystemANSI); end; function TFileSystemImpl.SetCurrentDir(const Dir: IPath): Boolean; begin Result := SysUtils.SetCurrentDir(Dir.ToString(pencSystemANSI)); end; {$ENDIF} { TFileFindIterator } constructor TFileFindIterator.Create(const FilePattern: IPath; Attr: Integer); begin inherited Create(); fHasNext := (FileSystem.FindFirst(FilePattern, Attr, fSearchRec) = 0); end; destructor TFileFindIterator.Destroy(); begin FileSystem.FindClose(fSearchRec); inherited; end; function TFileFindIterator.HasNext(): Boolean; begin Result := fHasNext; end; function TFileFindIterator.Next(): TUniSearchRec; begin if (not fHasNext) then begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(Result), 0); Exit; end; Result.Time := fSearchRec.Time; Result.Size := fSearchRec.Size; Result.Attr := fSearchRec.Attr; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result.Name := Path(fSearchRec.Name); {$ELSE} Result.Name := Path(fSearchRec.Name, pencSystemANSI); {$ENDIF} Result.ExcludeAttr := fSearchRec.ExcludeAttr; // fetch next entry fHasNext := (FileSystem.FindNext(fSearchRec) = 0); end; initialization FileSystem := TFileSystemImpl.Create; finalization FileSystem := nil; end.