{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UCovers; { TODO: - adjust database to new song-loading (e.g. use SongIDs) - support for deletion of outdated covers - support for update of changed covers - use paths relative to the song for removable disks support (a drive might have a different drive-name the next time it is connected, so "H:/songs/..." will not match "I:/songs/...") } interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses SDL, SQLite3, SQLiteTable3, SysUtils, Classes, UImage, UTexture, UPath; type ECoverDBException = class(Exception) end; TCover = class private ID: int64; Filename: IPath; public constructor Create(ID: int64; Filename: IPath); function GetPreviewTexture(): TTexture; function GetTexture(): TTexture; end; TThumbnailInfo = record CoverWidth: integer; // Original width of cover CoverHeight: integer; // Original height of cover PixelFormat: TImagePixelFmt; // Pixel-format of thumbnail end; TCoverDatabase = class private DB: TSQLiteDatabase; procedure InitCoverDatabase(); function CreateThumbnail(const Filename: IPath; var Info: TThumbnailInfo): PSDL_Surface; function LoadCover(CoverID: int64): TTexture; procedure DeleteCover(CoverID: int64); function FindCoverIntern(const Filename: IPath): int64; procedure Open(); function GetVersion(): integer; procedure SetVersion(Version: integer); public constructor Create(); destructor Destroy; override; function AddCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover; function FindCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover; function CoverExists(const Filename: IPath): boolean; function GetMaxCoverSize(): integer; procedure SetMaxCoverSize(Size: integer); end; TBlobWrapper = class(TCustomMemoryStream) function Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer; override; end; var Covers: TCoverDatabase; implementation uses UMain, ULog, UPlatform, UIni, Math, DateUtils; const COVERDB_FILENAME: UTF8String = 'cover.db'; COVERDB_VERSION = 01; // 0.1 COVER_TBL = 'Cover'; COVER_THUMBNAIL_TBL = 'CoverThumbnail'; COVER_IDX = 'Cover_Filename_IDX'; // Note: DateUtils.DateTimeToUnix() will throw an exception in FPC function DateTimeToUnixTime(time: TDateTime): int64; begin Result := Round((time - UnixDateDelta) * SecsPerDay); end; // Note: DateUtils.UnixToDateTime() will throw an exception in FPC function UnixTimeToDateTime(timestamp: int64): TDateTime; begin Result := timestamp / SecsPerDay + UnixDateDelta; end; { TBlobWrapper } function TBlobWrapper.Write(const Buffer; Count: Integer): Integer; begin SetPointer(Pointer(Buffer), Count); Result := Count; end; { TCover } constructor TCover.Create(ID: int64; Filename: IPath); begin Self.ID := ID; Self.Filename := Filename; end; function TCover.GetPreviewTexture(): TTexture; begin Result := Covers.LoadCover(ID); end; function TCover.GetTexture(): TTexture; begin Result := Texture.LoadTexture(Filename); end; { TCoverDatabase } constructor TCoverDatabase.Create(); begin inherited; Open(); InitCoverDatabase(); end; destructor TCoverDatabase.Destroy; begin DB.Free; inherited; end; function TCoverDatabase.GetVersion(): integer; begin Result := DB.GetTableValue('PRAGMA user_version'); end; procedure TCoverDatabase.SetVersion(Version: integer); begin DB.ExecSQL(Format('PRAGMA user_version = %d', [Version])); end; function TCoverDatabase.GetMaxCoverSize(): integer; begin Result := ITextureSizeVals[Ini.TextureSize]; end; procedure TCoverDatabase.SetMaxCoverSize(Size: integer); var I: integer; begin // search for first valid cover-size > Size for I := 0 to Length(ITextureSizeVals)-1 do begin if (Size <= ITextureSizeVals[I]) then begin Ini.TextureSize := I; Exit; end; end; // fall-back to highest size Ini.TextureSize := High(ITextureSizeVals); end; procedure TCoverDatabase.Open(); var Version: integer; Filename: IPath; begin Filename := Platform.GetGameUserPath().Append(COVERDB_FILENAME); DB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename.ToUTF8()); Version := GetVersion(); // check version, if version is too old/new, delete database file if ((Version <> 0) and (Version <> COVERDB_VERSION)) then begin Log.LogInfo('Outdated cover-database file found', 'TCoverDatabase.Open'); // close and delete outdated file DB.Free; if (not Filename.DeleteFile()) then raise ECoverDBException.Create('Could not delete ' + Filename.ToNative); // reopen DB := TSQLiteDatabase.Create(Filename.ToUTF8()); Version := 0; end; // set version number after creation if (Version = 0) then SetVersion(COVERDB_VERSION); // speed-up disk-writing. The default FULL-synchronous mode is too slow. // With this option disk-writing is approx. 4 times faster but the database // might be corrupted if the OS crashes, although this is very unlikely. DB.ExecSQL('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;'); // the next line rather gives a slow-down instead of a speed-up, so we do not use it //DB.ExecSQL('PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;'); end; procedure TCoverDatabase.InitCoverDatabase(); begin DB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+COVER_TBL+'] (' + '[ID] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ' + '[Filename] TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, ' + '[Date] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' + '[Width] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' + '[Height] INTEGER NOT NULL ' + ')'); DB.ExecSQL('CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS ['+COVER_IDX+'] ON ['+COVER_TBL+'](' + '[Filename] ASC' + ')'); DB.ExecSQL('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ['+COVER_THUMBNAIL_TBL+'] (' + '[ID] INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, ' + '[Format] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' + '[Width] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' + '[Height] INTEGER NOT NULL, ' + '[Data] BLOB NULL' + ')'); end; function TCoverDatabase.FindCoverIntern(const Filename: IPath): int64; begin Result := DB.GetTableValue('SELECT [ID] FROM ['+COVER_TBL+'] ' + 'WHERE [Filename] = ?', [Filename.ToUTF8]); end; function TCoverDatabase.FindCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover; var CoverID: int64; begin Result := nil; try CoverID := FindCoverIntern(Filename); if (CoverID > 0) then Result := TCover.Create(CoverID, Filename); except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TCoverDatabase.FindCover'); end; end; function TCoverDatabase.CoverExists(const Filename: IPath): boolean; begin Result := false; try Result := (FindCoverIntern(Filename) > 0); except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TCoverDatabase.CoverExists'); end; end; function TCoverDatabase.AddCover(const Filename: IPath): TCover; var CoverID: int64; Thumbnail: PSDL_Surface; CoverData: TBlobWrapper; FileDate: TDateTime; Info: TThumbnailInfo; begin Result := nil; //if (not FileExists(Filename)) then // Exit; // TODO: replace '\' with '/' in filename FileDate := Now(); //FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(Filename)); Thumbnail := CreateThumbnail(Filename, Info); if (Thumbnail = nil) then Exit; CoverData := TBlobWrapper.Create; CoverData.Write(Thumbnail^.pixels, Thumbnail^.h * Thumbnail^.pitch); try // Note: use a transaction to speed-up file-writing. // Without data written by the first INSERT might be moved at the second INSERT. DB.BeginTransaction(); // add general cover info DB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO ['+COVER_TBL+'] ' + '([Filename], [Date], [Width], [Height]) VALUES' + '(?, ?, ?, ?)', [Filename.ToUTF8, DateTimeToUnixTime(FileDate), Info.CoverWidth, Info.CoverHeight]); // get auto-generated cover ID CoverID := DB.GetLastInsertRowID(); // add thumbnail info DB.ExecSQL('INSERT INTO ['+COVER_THUMBNAIL_TBL+'] ' + '([ID], [Format], [Width], [Height], [Data]) VALUES' + '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [CoverID, Ord(Info.PixelFormat), Thumbnail^.w, Thumbnail^.h, CoverData]); Result := TCover.Create(CoverID, Filename); except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TCoverDatabase.AddCover'); end; DB.Commit(); CoverData.Free; SDL_FreeSurface(Thumbnail); end; function TCoverDatabase.LoadCover(CoverID: int64): TTexture; var Width, Height: integer; PixelFmt: TImagePixelFmt; Data: PChar; DataSize: integer; Filename: IPath; Table: TSQLiteUniTable; begin Table := nil; try Table := DB.GetUniTable(Format( 'SELECT C.[Filename], T.[Format], T.[Width], T.[Height], T.[Data] ' + 'FROM ['+COVER_TBL+'] C ' + 'INNER JOIN ['+COVER_THUMBNAIL_TBL+'] T ' + 'USING(ID) ' + 'WHERE [ID] = %d', [CoverID])); Filename := Path(Table.FieldAsString(0)); PixelFmt := TImagePixelFmt(Table.FieldAsInteger(1)); Width := Table.FieldAsInteger(2); Height := Table.FieldAsInteger(3); Data := Table.FieldAsBlobPtr(4, DataSize); if (Data <> nil) and (PixelFmt = ipfRGB) then begin Result := Texture.CreateTexture(Data, Filename, Width, Height, 24) end else begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TTexture), 0); end; except on E: Exception do Log.LogError(E.Message, 'TCoverDatabase.LoadCover'); end; Table.Free; end; procedure TCoverDatabase.DeleteCover(CoverID: int64); begin DB.ExecSQL(Format('DELETE FROM ['+COVER_TBL+'] WHERE [ID] = %d', [CoverID])); DB.ExecSQL(Format('DELETE FROM ['+COVER_THUMBNAIL_TBL+'] WHERE [ID] = %d', [CoverID])); end; (** * Returns a pointer to an array of bytes containing the texture data in the * requested size *) function TCoverDatabase.CreateThumbnail(const Filename: IPath; var Info: TThumbnailInfo): PSDL_Surface; var //TargetAspect, SourceAspect: double; //TargetWidth, TargetHeight: integer; Thumbnail: PSDL_Surface; MaxSize: integer; begin Result := nil; MaxSize := GetMaxCoverSize(); Thumbnail := LoadImage(Filename); if (not assigned(Thumbnail)) then begin Log.LogError('Could not load cover: "'+ Filename.ToNative +'"', 'TCoverDatabase.AddCover'); Exit; end; // Convert pixel format as needed AdjustPixelFormat(Thumbnail, TEXTURE_TYPE_PLAIN); Info.CoverWidth := Thumbnail^.w; Info.CoverHeight := Thumbnail^.h; Info.PixelFormat := ipfRGB; (* TODO: keep aspect ratio TargetAspect := Width / Height; SourceAspect := TexSurface.w / TexSurface.h; // Scale texture to covers dimensions (keep aspect) if (SourceAspect >= TargetAspect) then begin TargetWidth := Width; TargetHeight := Trunc(Width / SourceAspect); end else begin TargetHeight := Height; TargetWidth := Trunc(Height * SourceAspect); end; *) // TODO: do not scale if image is smaller ScaleImage(Thumbnail, MaxSize, MaxSize); Result := Thumbnail; end; end.