{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit TextGL; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses gl, glext, SDL, UTexture, UFont, Classes, ULog; type PGLFont = ^TGLFont; TGLFont = record Font: TScalableFont; X, Y, Z: real; end; var Fonts: array of TGLFont; ActFont: integer; procedure BuildFont; // build our bitmap font procedure KillFont; // delete the font function glTextWidth(const text: UTF8String): real; // returns text width procedure glPrint(const text: UTF8String); // custom GL "Print" routine procedure ResetFont(); // reset font settings of active font procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); // sets X and Y procedure SetFontZ(Z: real); // sets Z procedure SetFontSize(Size: real); procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); // sets active font style (normal, bold, etc) procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); // sets italic type letter (works for all fonts) procedure SetFontReflection(Enable:boolean;Spacing: real); // enables/disables text reflection implementation uses UTextEncoding, SysUtils, IniFiles, UCommon, UMain, UPathUtils; function FindFontFile(FontIni: TCustomIniFile; Font: string): string; var Filename: string; begin Filename := FontIni.ReadString(Font, 'File', ''); Result := FontPath + Filename; // if path does not exist, try as an absolute path if (not FileExists(Result)) then Result := Filename; end; procedure BuildFont; var FontIni: TMemIniFile; FontFile: string; begin ActFont := 0; SetLength(Fonts, 4); FontIni := TMemIniFile.Create(FontPath + 'fonts.ini'); try // Normal FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Normal'); Fonts[0].Font := TFTScalableFont.Create(FontFile, 64); //Fonts[0].Font.GlyphSpacing := 1.4; //Fonts[0].Font.Aspect := 1.2; // Bold FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Bold'); Fonts[1].Font := TFTScalableFont.Create(FontFile, 64); // Outline1 FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Outline1'); Fonts[2].Font := TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(FontFile, 64, 0.06); //TFTScalableOutlineFont(Fonts[2].Font).SetOutlineColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3); // Outline2 FontFile := FindFontFile(FontIni, 'Outline2'); Fonts[3].Font := TFTScalableOutlineFont.Create(FontFile, 64, 0.08); except on E: Exception do Log.LogCritical(E.Message, 'BuildFont'); end; // close ini-file FontIni.Free; end; // Deletes the font procedure KillFont; begin // delete all characters //glDeleteLists(..., 256); end; function glTextWidth(const text: UTF8String): real; var Bounds: TBoundsDbl; begin Bounds := Fonts[ActFont].Font.BBox(Text, true); Result := Bounds.Right - Bounds.Left; end; // Custom GL "Print" Routine procedure glPrint(const Text: UTF8String); var GLFont: PGLFont; begin // if there is no text do nothing if (Text = '') then Exit; GLFont := @Fonts[ActFont]; glPushMatrix(); // set font position glTranslatef(GLFont.X, GLFont.Y + GLFont.Font.Ascender, GLFont.Z); // draw string GLFont.Font.Print(Text); glPopMatrix(); end; procedure ResetFont(); begin SetFontPos(0, 0); SetFontZ(0); SetFontItalic(False); SetFontReflection(False, 0); end; procedure SetFontPos(X, Y: real); begin Fonts[ActFont].X := X; Fonts[ActFont].Y := Y; end; procedure SetFontZ(Z: real); begin Fonts[ActFont].Z := Z; end; procedure SetFontSize(Size: real); begin Fonts[ActFont].Font.Height := Size; end; procedure SetFontStyle(Style: integer); begin ActFont := Style; end; procedure SetFontItalic(Enable: boolean); begin if (Enable) then Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style + [Italic] else Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style - [Italic] end; procedure SetFontReflection(Enable: boolean; Spacing: real); begin if (Enable) then Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style + [Reflect] else Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style := Fonts[ActFont].Font.Style - [Reflect]; Fonts[ActFont].Font.ReflectionSpacing := Spacing - Fonts[ActFont].Font.Descender; end; end.