; ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ; UltraStar Deluxe Installer - Language file: English ; ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ LangString abort_install ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Are you sure to abort Installation?" LangString abort_uninstall ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Are you sure to abort UnInstallation?" LangString oninit_running ${LANG_ENGLISH} "The installer is already running." LangString oninit_installagain ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Are you sure you want to install it again?" LangString oninit_alreadyinstalled ${LANG_ENGLISH} "is already installed" LangString oninit_closeusdx ${LANG_ENGLISH} "cannot be uninstalled while its running! Do you want to close it?" LangString oninit_updateusdx ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Do you want to update the installation from:" LangString update_connect ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Establish internet connection and check for new version" LangString button_next ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Next >" LangString button_close ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Close" LangString update_information ${LANG_ENGLISH} "You can check if a new version of 'UltraStar Deluxe' is available. Thereto an internet connection will be established. If a new version is found, it can be installed afterwards." LangString update_check_older ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Your version $R0 is outdated. The new version $1 of UltraStar Deluxe is available. Do you want to update?" LangString update_check_equal ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Your currently installed version $R0 is up-to-date. No update needed." LangString update_check_newer ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Your installed version $R0 is newer than the $\n$\rcurrent release version $1 of UltraStar Deluxe. No update needed." LangString update_check_failed ${LANG_ENGLISH} "The check for a new version failed. Do you want to visit website to check manually ?" ; Welcome Page: LangString page_welcome_title_update ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Update Wizard" LangString page_welcome_txt_update ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This wizard will guide you through the Update process of UltraStar Deluxe. UltraStar Deluxe is a free open source Karaoke game, which can be compared with Singstar.$\n$\r$\n$\rThe UltraStar Deluxe Team wishes you fun.$\n$\rProject website: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org$\n$\rSupport Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org" LangString page_welcome_title ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Welcome to the UltraStar Deluxe Setup Wizard" LangString page_welcome_txt ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This wizard will guide you through the Installation of UltraStar Deluxe. UltraStar Deluxe is a free open source Karaoke game, which can be compared with Singstar.$\n$\r$\n$\rThe UltraStar Deluxe Team wishes you fun.$\n$\rProject website: http://www.ultrastardeluxe.org$\n$\rSupport Forum: http://forum.ultrastardeluxe.org" ; Components Page: LangString page_components_info ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Hover the component to get details" ; Custom Page LangString page_settings_fullscreen ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Fullscreen Mode" LangString page_settings_subtitle ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Specify your favorite settings for UltraStar Deluxe." ; Finish Page: LangString page_finish_txt ${LANG_ENGLISH} "UltraStar Deluxe was installed successfully on you system.$\n$\r$\n$\rVisit out project website to get latest news and updates." LangString page_finish_linktxt ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Project website" LangString page_finish_desktop ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create Desktop Shortcut?" ; Start Menu and Shortcuts LangString sm_shortcut ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Play UltraStar Deluxe" LangString sm_uninstall ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Uninstall" LangString sm_website ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Website" LangString sm_license ${LANG_ENGLISH} "License" LangString sm_readme ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Readme" LangString sm_documentation ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Documentation" LangString sc_play ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Play" LangString sc_desktop ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Create Desktop Shortcut?" ; Sections and SectionGroups LangString name_section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Main components" LangString name_section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Optional songs" LangString name_s2_sub1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Jonathan Coulton" LangString name_section3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "Optional themes" LangString DESC_Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "These are the basic files needed by UltraStar Deluxe" LangString DESC_Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "You can choose which songs should be installed." LangString DESC_Section2_sub1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "You can choose which Jonathan Coulton Songs (CC by-nc 3.0) should be installed." LangString DESC_Section3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "You can choose which optional themes should be installed." LangString DESC_g2Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Dead Smiling Pirates - I 18' (CC by-nc-nd 2.5)." LangString DESC_g2Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Joshua Morin - On The Run' (CC by-sa 2.5)." LangString DESC_g2Section3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Pornophonique - Space Invaders' (CC by-nc-nd 2.0)." LangString DESC_g2Section4 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Steven Dunston - Northern Star' (CC by-nc-sa 2.5)." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Monkey Shines'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'I Crush Everything'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Not About You'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section4 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Mr. Fancy Pants'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section5 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Big Bad World One'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section6 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Flickr'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section7 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'My Beige Bear'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section8 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'The Future Soon'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section9 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Ikea'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section10 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Furry Old Lobster'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section11 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Code Monkey'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section12 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'I�m Your Moon'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section13 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'First Of May'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section14 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Dance, Soterios Johnson, Dance'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section15 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'A Talk With George'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section16 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Creepy Doll'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section17 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'That Spells DNA'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section18 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'When You Go'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section19 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Better'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section20 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Shop Vac'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section21 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'I Feel Fantastic'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section22 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Re: Your Brains'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section23 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Skullcrusher Mountain'." LangString DESC_s2_sub1_Section24 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the song 'Chiron Beta Prime'." LangString DESC_g3Section1 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the optional theme 'Orange' by Skar" LangString DESC_g3Section2 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the optional theme 'Streetlight' by Skar" LangString DESC_g3Section3 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the optional theme 'Vistar' by Skar" LangString DESC_g3Section4 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the optional theme 'BlueSensation v5' by Charis" LangString DESC_g3Section5 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the optional theme 'WiiStar' by MasterPhW" LangString DESC_g3Section6 ${LANG_ENGLISH} "This will install the optional theme 'iStar' by MezzoX"