{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UScreenEditSub; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses UMenu, UMusic, SDL, SysUtils, UFiles, UTime, USongs, USong, UIni, ULog, UTexture, UMenuText, UEditorLyrics, Math, gl, {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiOut, {$ENDIF} UThemes; type TScreenEditSub = class(TMenu) private AktBeat: integer; //Variable is True if no Song is loaded Error: boolean; TextNote: integer; TextSentence: integer; TextTitle: integer; TextArtist: integer; TextMp3: integer; TextBPM: integer; TextGAP: integer; TextDebug: integer; TextNStart: integer; TextNLength: integer; TextNTon: integer; TextNText: integer; CurrentNote: integer; PlaySentence: boolean; PlaySentenceMidi: boolean; PlayStopTime: real; LastClick: integer; Click: boolean; CopySrc: integer; {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiOut: TMidiOutput; {$endif} MidiStart: real; MidiStop: real; MidiTime: real; MidiPos: real; MidiLastNote: integer; TextEditMode: boolean; editText: UTF8String; //backup of current text in text-edit-mode Lyric: TEditorLyrics; procedure DivideBPM; procedure MultiplyBPM; procedure LyricsCapitalize; procedure LyricsCorrectSpaces; procedure FixTimings; procedure DivideSentence; procedure JoinSentence; procedure DivideNote; procedure DeleteNote; procedure TransposeNote(Transpose: integer); procedure ChangeWholeTone(Tone: integer); procedure MoveAllToEnd(Move: integer); procedure MoveTextToRight; procedure MarkSrc; procedure PasteText; procedure CopySentence(Src, Dst: integer); procedure CopySentences(Src, Dst, Num: integer); procedure DrawStatics; procedure DrawInfoBar(x, y, w, h: integer); //Note Name Mod function GetNoteName(Note: integer): string; public Tex_Background: TTexture; FadeOut: boolean; constructor Create; override; procedure OnShow; override; function ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; override; function ParseInputEditText(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; function Draw: boolean; override; procedure OnHide; override; end; implementation uses UGraphic, UDraw, UNote, USkins, ULanguage, UTextEncoding, UUnicodeUtils, UPath; procedure OnSaveEncodingError(Value: boolean; Data: Pointer); var SResult: TSaveSongResult; FilePath: IPath; Success: boolean; begin Success := false; if (Value) then begin CurrentSong.Encoding := encUTF8; FilePath := CurrentSong.Path.Append(CurrentSong.FileName); // create backup file FilePath.CopyFile(Path(FilePath.ToUTF8 + '.ansi.bak'), false); // store in UTF-8 encoding SResult := SaveSong(CurrentSong, Lines[0], FilePath, boolean(Data)); Success := (SResult = ssrOK); end; if (Success) then ScreenPopupInfo.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('INFO_FILE_SAVED')) else ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('ERROR_SAVE_FILE_FAILED')); end; // Method for input parsing. If false is returned, GetNextWindow // should be checked to know the next window to load; function TScreenEditSub.ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; var SDL_ModState: word; R: real; SResult: TSaveSongResult; begin Result := true; if TextEditMode then begin Result := ParseInputEditText(PressedKey, CharCode, PressedDown); end else begin SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_RCTRL + KMOD_LALT + KMOD_RALT {+ KMOD_CAPS}); if (PressedDown) then // Key Down begin // check normal keys case PressedKey of SDLK_Q: begin Result := false; Exit; end; SDLK_S: begin // Save Song SResult := SaveSong(CurrentSong, Lines[0], CurrentSong.Path.Append(CurrentSong.FileName), (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT)); if (SResult = ssrOK) then begin //ScreenPopupInfo.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('INFO_FILE_SAVED')); Text[TextDebug].Text := Language.Translate('INFO_FILE_SAVED'); end else if (SResult = ssrEncodingError) then begin ScreenPopupCheck.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('ENCODING_ERROR_ASK_FOR_UTF8'), OnSaveEncodingError, Pointer(SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT), true); end else begin ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('ERROR_SAVE_FILE_FAILED')); end; Exit; end; SDLK_R: //reload begin AudioPlayback.Stop; {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiOut.Close; MidiOut.Free; {$ENDIF} Lyric.Free; onShow; Text[TextDebug].Text := 'song reloaded'; //TODO: Language.Translate('SONG_RELOADED'); end; SDLK_D: begin // Divide lengths by 2 if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) then begin DivideBPM; Exit; end; end; SDLK_M: begin // Multiply lengths by 2 if (SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT) then begin MultiplyBPM; Exit; end; end; SDLK_C: begin // Capitalize letter at the beginning of line if SDL_ModState = 0 then LyricsCapitalize; // Correct spaces if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then LyricsCorrectSpaces; // Copy sentence if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then MarkSrc; Exit; end; SDLK_V: begin // Paste text if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin if Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote >= Lines[0].Line[CopySrc].HighNote then PasteText else Log.LogStatus('PasteText: invalid range', 'TScreenEditSub.ParseInput'); end; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin CopySentence(CopySrc, Lines[0].Current); end; end; SDLK_T: begin // Fixes timings between sentences FixTimings; Exit; end; SDLK_P: begin if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin // Play Sentence Click := true; AudioPlayback.Stop; R := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start); if R <= AudioPlayback.Length then begin AudioPlayback.Position := R; PlayStopTime := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); PlaySentence := true; AudioPlayback.Play; LastClick := -100; end; end else if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin PlaySentenceMidi := true; MidiTime := USTime.GetTime; MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start); MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); LastClick := -100; end else if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT or KMOD_LCTRL then begin PlaySentenceMidi := true; MidiTime := USTime.GetTime; MidiStart := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start); MidiStop := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); LastClick := -100; PlaySentence := true; Click := true; AudioPlayback.Stop; AudioPlayback.Position := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[0].Start)+0{-0.10}; PlayStopTime := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_)+0; AudioPlayback.Play; LastClick := -100; end; Exit; end; // Golden Note SDLK_G: begin if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].NoteType = ntGolden) then Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].NoteType := ntNormal else Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].NoteType := ntGolden; Exit; end; // Freestyle Note SDLK_F: begin if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].NoteType = ntFreestyle) then Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].NoteType := ntNormal else Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].NoteType := ntFreestyle; Exit; end; end; // check special keys case PressedKey of SDLK_ESCAPE, SDLK_BACKSPACE : begin FadeTo(@ScreenSong); end; SDLK_BACKQUOTE: begin // Increase Note Length (same as Alt + Right) Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length); if CurrentNote = Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote then Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); end; SDLK_EQUALS: begin // Increase BPM if SDL_ModState = 0 then CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM * 5) + 1) / 5; // (1/20) if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM + 4; // (1/1) if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM * 25) + 1) / 25; // (1/100) end; SDLK_MINUS: begin // Decrease BPM if SDL_ModState = 0 then CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM * 5) - 1) / 5; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM - 4; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := Round((CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM * 25) - 1) / 25; end; SDLK_4: begin if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin CopySentence(CopySrc, Lines[0].Current); CopySentence(CopySrc+1, Lines[0].Current+1); CopySentence(CopySrc+2, Lines[0].Current+2); CopySentence(CopySrc+3, Lines[0].Current+3); end; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_LALT then begin CopySentences(CopySrc, Lines[0].Current, 4); end; end; SDLK_5: begin if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin CopySentence(CopySrc, Lines[0].Current); CopySentence(CopySrc+1, Lines[0].Current+1); CopySentence(CopySrc+2, Lines[0].Current+2); CopySentence(CopySrc+3, Lines[0].Current+3); CopySentence(CopySrc+4, Lines[0].Current+4); end; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_LALT then begin CopySentences(CopySrc, Lines[0].Current, 5); end; end; SDLK_9: begin // Decrease GAP if SDL_ModState = 0 then CurrentSong.GAP := CurrentSong.GAP - 10; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then CurrentSong.GAP := CurrentSong.GAP - 1000; end; SDLK_0: begin // Increase GAP if SDL_ModState = 0 then CurrentSong.GAP := CurrentSong.GAP + 10; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then CurrentSong.GAP := CurrentSong.GAP + 1000; end; SDLK_KP_PLUS: begin // Increase tone of all notes if SDL_ModState = 0 then ChangeWholeTone(1); if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then ChangeWholeTone(12); end; SDLK_KP_MINUS: begin // Decrease tone of all notes if SDL_ModState = 0 then ChangeWholeTone(-1); if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then ChangeWholeTone(-12); end; SDLK_SLASH: begin if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin // Insert start of sentece if CurrentNote > 0 then DivideSentence; end; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin // Join next sentence with current if Lines[0].Current < Lines[0].High then JoinSentence; end; if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin // divide note DivideNote; end; end; SDLK_F4: begin // Enter Text Edit Mode editText := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text; TextEditMode := true; end; SDLK_SPACE: begin // Play Sentence PlaySentenceMidi := false; // stop midi PlaySentence := true; Click := false; AudioPlayback.Stop; AudioPlayback.Position := GetTimeFromBeat(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start); PlayStopTime := (GetTimeFromBeat( Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start + Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length)); AudioPlayback.Play; LastClick := -100; end; SDLK_RETURN: begin end; SDLK_DELETE: begin if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin // moves text to right in current sentence DeleteNote; end; end; SDLK_PERIOD: begin // moves text to right in current sentence MoveTextToRight; end; SDLK_RIGHT: begin // right if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 1; Inc(CurrentNote); if CurrentNote > Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote then CurrentNote := 0; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; Lyric.Selected := CurrentNote; end; // ctrl + right if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin if Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length > 1 then begin Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length); Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start); if CurrentNote = 0 then begin Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start); end; end; end; // shift + right if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start); if CurrentNote = 0 then begin Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start); end; if CurrentNote = Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote then Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); end; // alt + right if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT then begin Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length); if CurrentNote = Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote then Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); end; // alt + ctrl + shift + right = move all from cursor to right if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin MoveAllToEnd(1); end; end; SDLK_LEFT: begin // left if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 1; Dec(CurrentNote); if CurrentNote = -1 then CurrentNote := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; Lyric.Selected := CurrentNote; end; // ctrl + left if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start); Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length); if CurrentNote = 0 then begin Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start); end; end; // shift + left if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LSHIFT then begin Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start); // resizing sentences if CurrentNote = 0 then begin Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Start); end; if CurrentNote = Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote then Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); end; // alt + left if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT then begin if Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length > 1 then begin Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length); if CurrentNote = Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote then Dec(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].End_); end; end; // alt + ctrl + shift + right = move all from cursor to left if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LALT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_LSHIFT then begin MoveAllToEnd(-1); end; end; SDLK_DOWN: begin // skip to next sentence if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiOut.PutShort($81, Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[MidiLastNote].Tone + 60, 127); PlaySentenceMidi := false; {$ENDIF} Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 1; Inc(Lines[0].Current); CurrentNote := 0; if Lines[0].Current > Lines[0].High then Lines[0].Current := 0; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; Lyric.AddLine(Lines[0].Current); Lyric.Selected := 0; AudioPlayback.Stop; PlaySentence := false; end; // decrease tone if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin TransposeNote(-1); end; end; SDLK_UP: begin // skip to previous sentence if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiOut.PutShort($81, Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[MidiLastNote].Tone + 60, 127); PlaySentenceMidi := false; {$endif} Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 1; Dec(Lines[0].Current); CurrentNote := 0; if Lines[0].Current = -1 then Lines[0].Current := Lines[0].High; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; Lyric.AddLine(Lines[0].Current); Lyric.Selected := 0; AudioPlayback.Stop; PlaySentence := false; end; // increase tone if SDL_ModState = KMOD_LCTRL then begin TransposeNote(1); end; end; end; // case end; end; // if end; function TScreenEditSub.ParseInputEditText(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown: boolean): boolean; var SDL_ModState: word; begin // used when in Text Edit Mode Result := true; SDL_ModState := SDL_GetModState and (KMOD_LSHIFT + KMOD_RSHIFT + KMOD_LCTRL + KMOD_RCTRL + KMOD_LALT + KMOD_RALT {+ KMOD_CAPS}); if (PressedDown) then begin // check normal keys if (IsPrintableChar(CharCode)) then begin Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text + UCS4ToUTF8String(CharCode); Lyric.AddLine(Lines[0].Current); Lyric.Selected := CurrentNote; Exit; end; // check special keys case PressedKey of SDLK_ESCAPE: begin Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text := editText; Lyric.AddLine(Lines[0].Current); Lyric.Selected := CurrentNote; TextEditMode := false; end; SDLK_F4, SDLK_RETURN: begin // Exit Text Edit Mode TextEditMode := false; end; SDLK_BACKSPACE: begin UTF8Delete(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text, LengthUTF8(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text), 1); Lyric.AddLine(Lines[0].Current); Lyric.Selected := CurrentNote; end; SDLK_RIGHT: begin // right if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 1; Inc(CurrentNote); if CurrentNote > Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote then CurrentNote := 0; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; Lyric.Selected := CurrentNote; editText := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text; end; end; SDLK_LEFT: begin // left if SDL_ModState = 0 then begin Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 1; Dec(CurrentNote); if CurrentNote = -1 then CurrentNote := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; Lyric.Selected := CurrentNote; editText := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text; end; end; end; end; end; { procedure TScreenEditSub.NewBeat; begin // click for Pet := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNut do if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Pet].Start = Czas.AktBeat) then Music.PlayClick; end; } procedure TScreenEditSub.DivideBPM; var C: integer; N: integer; begin CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM / 2; for C := 0 to Lines[0].High do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Start := Lines[0].Line[C].Start div 2; Lines[0].Line[C].End_ := Lines[0].Line[C].End_ div 2; for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Start := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Start div 2; Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Length := Round(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Length / 2); end; // N end; // C end; procedure TScreenEditSub.MultiplyBPM; var C: integer; N: integer; begin CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM := CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM * 2; for C := 0 to Lines[0].High do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Start := Lines[0].Line[C].Start * 2; Lines[0].Line[C].End_ := Lines[0].Line[C].End_ * 2; for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Start := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Start * 2; Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Length := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Length * 2; end; // N end; // C end; procedure TScreenEditSub.LyricsCapitalize; var C: integer; //N: integer; // temporary S: string; begin // temporary { for C := 0 to Lines[0].High do for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNut do Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := UTF8LowerCase(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text); } for C := 0 to Lines[0].High do begin S := AnsiUpperCase(Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text, 1, 1)); S := S + Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text, 2, Length(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text)-1); Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text := S; end; // C end; procedure TScreenEditSub.LyricsCorrectSpaces; var C: integer; N: integer; begin for C := 0 to Lines[0].High do begin // correct starting spaces in the first word while Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text, 1, 1) = ' ' do Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text := Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text, 2, 100); // move spaces on the start to the end of the previous note for N := 1 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin while (Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text, 1, 1) = ' ') do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text, 2, 100); Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N-1].Text := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N-1].Text + ' '; end; end; // N // correct '-' to '- ' for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin if Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text = '-' then Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := '- '; end; // N // add space to the previous note when the current word is '- ' for N := 1 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin if Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text = '- ' then Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N-1].Text := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N-1].Text + ' '; end; // N // correct too many spaces at the end of note for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin while Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text, Length(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text)-1, 2) = ' ' do Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text, 1, Length(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text)-1); end; // N // and correct if there is no space at the end of sentence N := Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote; if Copy(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text, Length(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text), 1) <> ' ' then Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text + ' '; end; // C end; procedure TScreenEditSub.FixTimings; var C: integer; S: integer; Min: integer; Max: integer; begin for C := 1 to Lines[0].High do begin with Lines[0].Line[C-1] do begin Min := Note[HighNote].Start + Note[HighNote].Length; Max := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Start; case (Max - Min) of 0: S := Max; 1: S := Max; 2: S := Max - 1; 3: S := Max - 2; else if ((Max - Min) > 4) then S := Min + 2 else S := Max; end; // case Lines[0].Line[C].Start := S; end; // with end; // for end; procedure TScreenEditSub.DivideSentence; var C: integer; CStart: integer; CNew: integer; CLen: integer; N: integer; NStart: integer; NHigh: integer; begin // increase sentence length by 1 CLen := Length(Lines[0].Line); SetLength(Lines[0].Line, CLen + 1); Inc(Lines[0].Number); Inc(Lines[0].High); // move needed sentences to one forward. newly has the copy of divided sentence CStart := Lines[0].Current; for C := CLen-1 downto CStart do Lines[0].Line[C+1] := Lines[0].Line[C]; // clear and set new sentence CNew := CStart + 1; NStart := CurrentNote; Lines[0].Line[CNew].Start := Lines[0].Line[CStart].Note[NStart].Start; Lines[0].Line[CNew].Lyric := ''; Lines[0].Line[CNew].End_ := 0; Lines[0].Line[CNew].BaseNote := 0;//High(integer); // TODO: High (integer) will causes a memory exception later in this procedure. Weird! Lines[0].Line[CNew].HighNote := -1; SetLength(Lines[0].Line[CNew].Note, 0); // move right notes to new sentences NHigh := Lines[0].Line[CStart].HighNote; for N := NStart to NHigh do begin // increase sentence counters with Lines[0].Line[CNew] do begin Inc(HighNote); SetLength(Note, HighNote + 1); Note[HighNote] := Lines[0].Line[CStart].Note[N]; End_ := Note[HighNote].Start + Note[HighNote].Length; if Note[HighNote].Tone < BaseNote then BaseNote := Note[HighNote].Tone; end; end; // clear old notes and set sentence counters Lines[0].Line[CStart].HighNote := NStart - 1; Lines[0].Line[CStart].End_ := Lines[0].Line[CStart].Note[NStart-1].Start + Lines[0].Line[CStart].Note[NStart-1].Length; SetLength(Lines[0].Line[CStart].Note, Lines[0].Line[CStart].HighNote + 1); //recalculate BaseNote of the divided Sentence with Lines[0].Line[CStart] do begin BaseNote := High(integer); for N := 0 to HighNote do if Note[N].Tone < BaseNote then BaseNote := Note[N].Tone; end; Lines[0].Current := Lines[0].Current + 1; CurrentNote := 0; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; Lyric.AddLine(Lines[0].Current); end; procedure TScreenEditSub.JoinSentence; var C: integer; N: integer; NStart: integer; NDst: integer; begin C := Lines[0].Current; // set new sentence NStart := Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote + 1; Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote := Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote + Lines[0].Line[C+1].HighNote + 1; SetLength(Lines[0].Line[C].Note, Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote + 1); // move right notes to new sentences for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[C+1].HighNote do begin NDst := NStart + N; Lines[0].Line[C].Note[NDst] := Lines[0].Line[C+1].Note[N]; end; // increase sentence counters NDst := Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote; Lines[0].Line[C].End_ := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[NDst].Start + Lines[0].Line[C].Note[NDst].Length; // move needed sentences to one backward. for C := Lines[0].Current + 1 to Lines[0].High - 1 do Lines[0].Line[C] := Lines[0].Line[C+1]; // increase sentence length by 1 SetLength(Lines[0].Line, Length(Lines[0].Line) - 1); Dec(Lines[0].Number); Dec(Lines[0].High); end; procedure TScreenEditSub.DivideNote; var C: integer; N: integer; begin C := Lines[0].Current; with Lines[0].Line[C] do begin Inc(HighNote); SetLength(Note, HighNote + 1); // we copy all notes including selected one for N := HighNote downto CurrentNote+1 do begin Note[N] := Note[N-1]; end; // me slightly modify new note Note[CurrentNote].Length := 1; Inc(Note[CurrentNote+1].Start); Dec(Note[CurrentNote+1].Length); Note[CurrentNote+1].Text := '- '; Note[CurrentNote+1].Color := 1; end; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.DeleteNote; var C: integer; N: integer; begin C := Lines[0].Current; //Do Not delete Last Note if (Lines[0].High > 0) or (Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote > 0) then begin // we copy all notes from the next to the selected one for N := CurrentNote+1 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N-1] := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N]; end; Dec(Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote); if (Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote >= 0) then begin SetLength(Lines[0].Line[C].Note, Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote + 1); // me slightly modify new note if CurrentNote > Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote then Dec(CurrentNote); Lines[0].Line[C].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; end //Last Note of current Sentence Deleted - > Delete Sentence else begin //Move all Sentences after the current to the Left for N := C+1 to Lines[0].High do Lines[0].Line[N-1] := Lines[0].Line[N]; //Delete Last Sentence SetLength(Lines[0].Line, Lines[0].High); Lines[0].High := High(Lines[0].Line); Lines[0].Number := Length(Lines[0].Line); CurrentNote := 0; if (C > 0) then Lines[0].Current := C - 1 else Lines[0].Current := 0; Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Color := 2; end; end; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.TransposeNote(Transpose: integer); begin Inc(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Tone, Transpose); end; procedure TScreenEditSub.ChangeWholeTone(Tone: integer); var C: integer; N: integer; begin for C := 0 to Lines[0].High do begin Lines[0].Line[C].BaseNote := Lines[0].Line[C].BaseNote + Tone; for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Tone := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Tone + Tone; end; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.MoveAllToEnd(Move: integer); var C: integer; N: integer; NStart: integer; begin for C := Lines[0].Current to Lines[0].High do begin NStart := 0; if C = Lines[0].Current then NStart := CurrentNote; for N := NStart to Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote do begin Inc(Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Start, Move); // move note start if N = 0 then begin // fix beginning Inc(Lines[0].Line[C].Start, Move); end; if N = Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote then // fix ending Inc(Lines[0].Line[C].End_, Move); end; // for end; // for end; procedure TScreenEditSub.MoveTextToRight; var C: integer; N: integer; NHigh: integer; begin { C := Lines[0].Current; for N := Lines[0].Line[C].HighNut downto 1 do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N-1].Text; end; // for Lines[0].Line[C].Note[0].Text := '- '; } C := Lines[0].Current; NHigh := Lines[0].Line[C].HighNote; // last word Lines[0].Line[C].Note[NHigh].Text := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[NHigh-1].Text + Lines[0].Line[C].Note[NHigh].Text; // other words for N := NHigh - 1 downto CurrentNote + 1 do begin Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N-1].Text; end; // for Lines[0].Line[C].Note[CurrentNote].Text := '- '; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.MarkSrc; begin CopySrc := Lines[0].Current; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.PasteText; var C: integer; N: integer; begin C := Lines[0].Current; for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[CopySrc].HighNote do Lines[0].Line[C].Note[N].Text := Lines[0].Line[CopySrc].Note[N].Text; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.CopySentence(Src, Dst: integer); var N: integer; Time1: integer; Time2: integer; TD: integer; begin Time1 := Lines[0].Line[Src].Note[0].Start; Time2 := Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note[0].Start; TD := Time2-Time1; SetLength(Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note, Lines[0].Line[Src].HighNote + 1); Lines[0].Line[Dst].HighNote := Lines[0].Line[Src].HighNote; for N := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Src].HighNote do begin Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note[N].Text := Lines[0].Line[Src].Note[N].Text; Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note[N].Length := Lines[0].Line[Src].Note[N].Length; Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note[N].Tone := Lines[0].Line[Src].Note[N].Tone; Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note[N].Start := Lines[0].Line[Src].Note[N].Start + TD; end; N := Lines[0].Line[Src].HighNote; Lines[0].Line[Dst].End_ := Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note[N].Start + Lines[0].Line[Dst].Note[N].Length; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.CopySentences(Src, Dst, Num: integer); var C: integer; begin // create place for new sentences SetLength(Lines[0].Line, Lines[0].Number + Num - 1); // moves sentences next to the destination for C := Lines[0].High downto Dst + 1 do begin Lines[0].Line[C + Num - 1] := Lines[0].Line[C]; end; // prepares new sentences: sets sentence start and create first note for C := 1 to Num-1 do begin Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].Start := Lines[0].Line[Dst + C - 1].Note[0].Start + (Lines[0].Line[Src + C].Note[0].Start - Lines[0].Line[Src + C - 1].Note[0].Start); SetLength(Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].Note, 1); Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].HighNote := 0; Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].Note[0].Start := Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].Start; Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].Note[0].Length := 1; Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].End_ := Lines[0].Line[Dst + C].Start + 1; end; // increase counters Lines[0].Number := Lines[0].Number + Num - 1; Lines[0].High := Lines[0].High + Num - 1; for C := 0 to Num-1 do CopySentence(Src + C, Dst + C); end; procedure TScreenEditSub.DrawStatics; var x, y, w, h: Integer; begin //Theme: //bg glDisable(GL_BLEND); x := 0; y := 0; w := 800; h := 600; glColor4f(0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 1); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y); glEnd; // Line glColor4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1); x := 20; y := 5; w := 200; h := 40; glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y); glEnd; // Note x := 260; y := 5; w := 200; h := 40; glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y); glEnd; // some borders x := 20; y := 55; w := 760; h := 236; glColor4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y); glEnd; glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); glLineWidth(2); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f(x-1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y+h+1); glVertex2f(x-1, y+h+1); glEnd; x := 20; y := 305; w := 760; h := 135; glColor4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y); glEnd; glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); glLineWidth(2); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f(x-1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y+h+1); glVertex2f(x-1, y+h+1); glEnd; x := 20; y := 500; w := 760; h := 40; glColor4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y); glEnd; glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); glLineWidth(2); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f(x-1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y+h+1); glVertex2f(x-1, y+h+1); glEnd; glLineWidth(1); end; procedure TScreenEditSub.DrawInfoBar(x, y, w, h: integer); var start, end_: integer; ww: integer; pos: real; br: real; line, note: integer; numLines, numNotes: integer; begin numLines := Length(Lines[0].Line); if(numLines=0) then Exit; start := Lines[0].Line[0].Start; end_ := Lines[0].Line[numLines-1].End_; ww := end_ - start; glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glLineWidth(2); glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); glVertex2f(x-1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y-1); glVertex2f(x+w+1, y+h+1); glVertex2f(x-1, y+h+1); glEnd; glColor4f(0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x, y); glVertex2f(x, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y+h); glVertex2f(x+w, y); glEnd; for line := 0 to numLines - 1 do begin if (line = Lines[0].Current) and not (PlaySentence or PlaySentenceMidi) then glColor4f(0.4, 0.4, 0, 1) else glColor4f(1, 0.6, 0, 1); start := Lines[0].Line[line].Note[0].Start; end_ := Lines[0].Line[line].Note[Lines[0].Line[line].HighNote].Start+ Lines[0].Line[line].Note[Lines[0].Line[line].HighNote].Length; pos := start/ww*w; br := (end_-start)/ww*w; glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x+pos, y); glVertex2f(x+pos, y+h); glVertex2f(x+pos+br, y+h); glVertex2f(x+pos+br, y); glEnd; { numNotes := Length(Lines[0].Line[line].Nuta); for note := 0 to numNotes - 1 do begin end; } end; if(PlaySentence or PlaySentenceMidi) then begin glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 0.5); pos := 0; br := AktBeat/ww*w; if (br>w) then br := w; end else begin glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 1); pos := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start/ww*w; br := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length/ww*w; if (br<1) then br := 1; end; glEnable(GL_BLEND); glbegin(gl_quads); glVertex2f(x+pos, y); glVertex2f(x+pos, y+h); glVertex2f(x+pos+br, y+h); glVertex2f(x+pos+br, y); glEnd; glDisable(GL_BLEND); glLineWidth(1); end; constructor TScreenEditSub.Create; begin inherited Create; SetLength(Player, 1); // line AddText(40, 11, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, 'Line:'); TextSentence := AddText(110, 11, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0'); // Note AddText(282, 11, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, 'Note:'); TextNote := AddText(360, 11, 1, 30, 0, 0, 0, '0 / 0'); // file info AddText(30, 65, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'Title:'); AddText(30, 90, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'Artist:'); AddText(30, 115, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'Mp3:'); AddText(30, 140, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'BPM:'); AddText(30, 165, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'GAP:'); TextTitle := AddText(180, 65, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'a'); TextArtist := AddText(180, 90, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'b'); TextMp3 := AddText(180, 115, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'c'); TextBPM := AddText(180, 140, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'd'); TextGAP := AddText(180, 165, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'e'); // note info AddText(30, 190, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'Start:'); AddText(30, 215, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'Duration:'); AddText(30, 240, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'Tone:'); AddText(30, 265, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'Text:'); //AddText(500, 265, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0, 'VideoGap:'); TextNStart := AddText(180, 190, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'a'); TextNLength := AddText(180, 215, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'b'); TextNTon := AddText(180, 240, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'c'); TextNText := AddText(180, 265, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'd'); //TextVideoGap := AddText(600, 265, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0, 'e'); // debug TextDebug := AddText(30, 550, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0, ''); end; procedure TScreenEditSub.OnShow; var FileExt: IPath; begin inherited; AudioPlayback.Stop; PlaySentence := false; PlaySentenceMidi := false; Log.LogStatus('Initializing', 'TEditScreen.OnShow'); Lyric := TEditorLyrics.Create; ResetSingTemp; try //Check if File is XML FileExt := CurrentSong.FileName.GetExtension; if FileExt.ToUTF8 = '.xml' then Error := not CurrentSong.LoadXMLSong() else begin // reread header with custom tags Error := not CurrentSong.Analyse(true); if not Error then Error := not CurrentSong.LoadSong; end; except Error := true; end; if Error then begin //Error Loading Song -> Go back to Song Screen and Show some Error Message FadeTo(@ScreenSong); ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup (Language.Translate('ERROR_CORRUPT_SONG')); Exit; end else begin {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiOut := TMidiOutput.Create(nil); if Ini.Debug = 1 then MidiOut.ProductName := 'Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth'; // for my kxproject without midi table MidiOut.Open; {$ENDIF} Text[TextTitle].Text := CurrentSong.Title; Text[TextArtist].Text := CurrentSong.Artist; Text[TextMp3].Text := CurrentSong.Mp3.ToUTF8; Lines[0].Current := 0; CurrentNote := 0; Lines[0].Line[0].Note[0].Color := 2; AudioPlayback.Open(CurrentSong.Path.Append(CurrentSong.Mp3)); //Set Down Music Volume for Better hearability of Midi Sounds //Music.SetVolume(0.4); Lyric.Clear; Lyric.X := 400; Lyric.Y := 500; Lyric.Align := atCenter; Lyric.Size := 42; Lyric.ColR := 0; Lyric.ColG := 0; Lyric.ColB := 0; Lyric.ColSR := Skin_FontHighlightR; Lyric.ColSG := Skin_FontHighlightG; Lyric.ColSB := Skin_FontHighlightB; Lyric.AddLine(0); Lyric.Selected := 0; NotesH := 7; NotesW := 4; end; // Interaction := 0; TextEditMode := false; end; function TScreenEditSub.Draw: boolean; var Pet: integer; begin glClearColor(1,1,1,1); // midi music if PlaySentenceMidi then begin {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiPos := USTime.GetTime - MidiTime + MidiStart; // stop the music if (MidiPos > MidiStop) then begin MidiOut.PutShort($81, Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[MidiLastNote].Tone + 60, 127); PlaySentenceMidi := false; end; {$ENDIF} // click AktBeat := Floor(GetMidBeat(MidiPos - CurrentSong.GAP / 1000)); Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat); if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin for Pet := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote do if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin LastClick := AktBeat; {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} if Pet > 0 then MidiOut.PutShort($81, Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Pet-1].Tone + 60, 127); MidiOut.PutShort($91, Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Pet].Tone + 60, 127); MidiLastNote := Pet; {$ENDIF} end; end; end; // if PlaySentenceMidi // mp3 music if PlaySentence then begin // stop the music if (AudioPlayback.Position > PlayStopTime) then begin AudioPlayback.Stop; PlaySentence := false; end; // click if (Click) and (PlaySentence) then begin // AktBeat := Floor(CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM * (Music.Position - CurrentSong.GAP / 1000) / 60); AktBeat := Floor(GetMidBeat(AudioPlayback.Position - CurrentSong.GAP / 1000)); Text[TextDebug].Text := IntToStr(AktBeat); if AktBeat <> LastClick then begin for Pet := 0 to Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote do if (Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[Pet].Start = AktBeat) then begin AudioPlayback.PlaySound( SoundLib.Click ); LastClick := AktBeat; end; end; end; // click end; // if PlaySentence Text[TextSentence].Text := IntToStr(Lines[0].Current + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Lines[0].Number); Text[TextNote].Text := IntToStr(CurrentNote + 1) + ' / ' + IntToStr(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].HighNote + 1); // Song info Text[TextBPM].Text := FloatToStr(CurrentSong.BPM[0].BPM / 4); Text[TextGAP].Text := FloatToStr(CurrentSong.GAP); //Error reading Variables when no Song is loaded if not Error then begin // Note info Text[TextNStart].Text := IntToStr(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Start); Text[TextNLength].Text := IntToStr(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Length); Text[TextNTon].Text := IntToStr(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Tone) + ' ( ' + GetNoteName(Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Tone) + ' )'; Text[TextNText].Text := Lines[0].Line[Lines[0].Current].Note[CurrentNote].Text; end; // Text Edit Mode if TextEditMode then Text[TextNText].Text := Text[TextNText].Text + '|'; // draw static menu DrawStatics; DrawInfoBar(20, 460, 760, 20); //inherited Draw; DrawFG; // draw notes SingDrawNoteLines(20, 305, 780, 15); //Error Drawing when no Song is loaded if not Error then begin SingDrawBeatDelimeters(40, 305, 760, 0); EditDrawLine(40, 410, 760, 0, 15); end; // draw text Lyric.Draw; Result := true; end; procedure TScreenEditSub.OnHide; begin {$IFDEF UseMIDIPort} MidiOut.Close; MidiOut.Free; {$ENDIF} Lyric.Free; //Music.SetVolume(1.0); end; function TScreenEditSub.GetNoteName(Note: integer): string; var N1, N2: integer; begin if (Note > 0) then begin N1 := Note mod 12; N2 := Note div 12; end else begin N1 := (Note + (-Trunc(Note/12)+1)*12) mod 12; N2 := -1; end; case N1 of 0: Result := 'c'; 1: Result := 'c#'; 2: Result := 'd'; 3: Result := 'd#'; 4: Result := 'e'; 5: Result := 'f'; 6: Result := 'f#'; 7: Result := 'g'; 8: Result := 'g#'; 9: Result := 'a'; 10: Result := 'b'; 11: Result := 'h'; end; case N2 of 0: Result := UpperCase(Result); //Normal Uppercase Note, 1: Normal lowercase Note 2: Result := Result + ''''; //One Striped 3: Result := Result + ''''''; //Two Striped 4: Result := Result + ''''''''; //etc. 5: Result := Result + ''''''''''; 6: Result := Result + ''''''''''''; 7: Result := Result + ''''''''''''''; end; end; end.