{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UDisplay; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses UCommon, Math, SDL, gl, glu, SysUtils, UMenu, UPath, UMusic, UHookableEvent; type TDisplay = class private ePreDraw: THookableEvent; eDraw: THookableEvent; //fade-to-black-hack BlackScreen: boolean; FadeEnabled: boolean; // true if fading is enabled FadeFailed: boolean; // true if fading is possible (enough memory, etc.) FadeStartTime: cardinal; // time when fading starts, 0 means that the fade texture must be initialized DoneOnShow: boolean; // true if passed onShow after fading FadeTex: array[0..1] of GLuint; TexW, TexH: Cardinal; FPSCounter: cardinal; LastFPS: cardinal; NextFPSSwap: cardinal; OSD_LastError: string; { software cursor data } Cursor_X: double; Cursor_Y: double; Cursor_Pressed: boolean; Cursor_HiddenByScreen: boolean; // hides software cursor and deactivate auto fade in // used for cursor fade out when there is no movement Cursor_Visible: boolean; Cursor_LastMove: cardinal; Cursor_Fade: boolean; procedure DrawDebugInformation; { called by MoveCursor and OnMouseButton to update last move and start fade in } procedure UpdateCursorFade; public NextScreen: PMenu; CurrentScreen: PMenu; //popup data NextScreenWithCheck: Pmenu; CheckOK: boolean; // FIXME: Fade is set to 0 in UMain and other files but not used here anymore. Fade: real; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure InitFadeTextures(); procedure SaveScreenShot; function Draw: boolean; { calls ParseInput of cur or next Screen if assigned } function ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown : boolean): boolean; { sets SDL_ShowCursor depending on options set in Ini } procedure SetCursor; { called when cursor moves, positioning of software cursor } procedure MoveCursor(X, Y: double); { called when left or right mousebutton is pressed or released } procedure OnMouseButton(Pressed: boolean); { fades to specific screen (playing specified sound) } function FadeTo(Screen: PMenu; const aSound: TAudioPlaybackStream = nil): PMenu; { abort fading to the current screen, may be used in OnShow, or during fade process } procedure AbortScreenChange; { draws software cursor } procedure DrawCursor; end; var Display: TDisplay; const { constants for screen transition time in milliseconds } FADE_DURATION = 400; { constants for software cursor effects time in milliseconds } CURSOR_FADE_IN_TIME = 500; // seconds the fade in effect lasts CURSOR_FADE_OUT_TIME = 2000; // seconds the fade out effect lasts CURSOR_AUTOHIDE_TIME = 5000; // seconds until auto fade out starts if there is no mouse movement implementation uses TextGL, UCommandLine, UGraphic, UIni, UImage, ULog, UMain, UTexture, UTime, ULanguage, UPathUtils; constructor TDisplay.Create; begin inherited Create; // create events for plugins ePreDraw := THookableEvent.Create('Display.PreDraw'); eDraw := THookableEvent.Create('Display.Draw'); //popup hack CheckOK := false; NextScreen := nil; NextScreenWithCheck := nil; BlackScreen := false; // fade mod FadeStartTime := 0; FadeEnabled := (Ini.ScreenFade = 1); FadeFailed := false; DoneOnShow := false; glGenTextures(2, PGLuint(@FadeTex)); InitFadeTextures(); //Set LastError for OSD to No Error OSD_LastError := 'No Errors'; // software cursor default values Cursor_LastMove := 0; Cursor_Visible := false; Cursor_Pressed := false; Cursor_X := -1; Cursor_Y := -1; Cursor_Fade := false; Cursor_HiddenByScreen := true; end; destructor TDisplay.Destroy; begin glDeleteTextures(2, @FadeTex); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TDisplay.InitFadeTextures(); var i: integer; begin TexW := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(ScreenW div Screens)))); TexH := Round(Power(2, Ceil(Log2(ScreenH)))); for i := 0 to 1 do begin glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, FadeTex[i]); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, TexW, TexH, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nil); end; end; function TDisplay.Draw: boolean; var S: integer; FadeStateSquare: real; FadeW, FadeH: real; FadeCopyW, FadeCopyH: integer; currentTime: cardinal; glError: glEnum; begin Result := true; for S := 1 to Screens do begin ScreenAct := S; //if Screens = 1 then ScreenX := 0; //if (Screens = 2) and (S = 1) then ScreenX := -1; //if (Screens = 2) and (S = 2) then ScreenX := 1; ScreenX := 0; glViewPort((S-1) * ScreenW div Screens, 0, ScreenW div Screens, ScreenH); // popup hack // check was successful... move on if CheckOK then begin if assigned(NextScreenWithCheck) then begin NextScreen := NextScreenWithCheck; NextScreenWithCheck := nil; CheckOk := false; end else begin // on end of game fade to black before exit BlackScreen := true; end; end; if (not assigned(NextScreen)) and (not BlackScreen) then begin ePreDraw.CallHookChain(false); CurrentScreen.Draw; //popup mod if (ScreenPopupError <> nil) and ScreenPopupError.Visible then ScreenPopupError.Draw else if (ScreenPopupInfo <> nil) and ScreenPopupInfo.Visible then ScreenPopupInfo.Draw else if (ScreenPopupCheck <> nil) and ScreenPopupCheck.Visible then ScreenPopupCheck.Draw; // fade mod FadeStartTime := 0; if ((Ini.ScreenFade = 1) and (not FadeFailed)) then FadeEnabled := true else if (Ini.ScreenFade = 0) then FadeEnabled := false; eDraw.CallHookChain(false); end else begin // disable fading if initialization failed if (FadeEnabled and FadeFailed) then begin FadeEnabled := false; end; if (FadeEnabled and not FadeFailed) then begin //Create Fading texture if we're just starting if FadeStartTime = 0 then begin // draw screen that will be faded ePreDraw.CallHookChain(false); CurrentScreen.Draw; eDraw.CallHookChain(false); // clear OpenGL errors, otherwise fading might be disabled due to some // older errors in previous OpenGL calls. glGetError(); FadeCopyW := ScreenW div Screens; FadeCopyH := ScreenH; // it is possible that our fade textures are too small after a window // resize. In that case resize the fade texture to fit the requirements. if (TexW < FadeCopyW) or (TexH < FadeCopyH) then InitFadeTextures(); // copy screen to texture glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, FadeTex[S-1]); glCopyTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, (S-1) * ScreenW div Screens, 0, FadeCopyW, FadeCopyH); glError := glGetError(); if (glError <> GL_NO_ERROR) then begin FadeFailed := true; Log.LogError('Fading disabled: ' + gluErrorString(glError), 'TDisplay.Draw'); end; // blackscreen-hack if not BlackScreen and (S = 1) and not DoneOnShow then begin NextScreen.OnShow; DoneOnShow := true; end; // set fade time once on second screen (or first if screens = 1) if (Screens = 1) or (S = 2) then FadeStartTime := SDL_GetTicks; end; // end texture creation in first fading step // blackscreen-hack if not BlackScreen then begin ePreDraw.CallHookChain(false); NextScreen.Draw; // draw next screen eDraw.CallHookChain(false); end else if ScreenAct = 1 then begin glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT or GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); end; // and draw old screen over it... slowly fading out if (FadeStartTime = 0) then FadeStateSquare := 0 // for first screen if screens = 2 else FadeStateSquare := sqr((SDL_GetTicks - FadeStartTime) / FADE_DURATION); if (FadeStateSquare < 1) then begin FadeW := (ScreenW div Screens)/TexW; FadeH := ScreenH/TexH; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, FadeTex[S-1]); // TODO: check if glTexEnvi() gives any speed improvement //glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_REPLACE); glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1-FadeStateSquare); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f((0+FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeW, (0+FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeH); glVertex2f(0, RenderH); glTexCoord2f((0+FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeW, (1-FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeH); glVertex2f(0, 0); glTexCoord2f((1-FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeW, (1-FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeH); glVertex2f(RenderW, 0); glTexCoord2f((1-FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeW, (0+FadeStateSquare/2)*FadeH); glVertex2f(RenderW, RenderH); glEnd; glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); // reset to default //glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); end; end // blackscreen hack else if not BlackScreen then begin NextScreen.OnShow; end; if ((FadeStartTime + FADE_DURATION < SDL_GetTicks) or (not FadeEnabled) or FadeFailed) and ((Screens = 1) or (S = 2)) then begin // fade out complete... FadeStartTime := 0; DoneOnShow := false; CurrentScreen.onHide; CurrentScreen.ShowFinish := false; CurrentScreen := NextScreen; NextScreen := nil; if not BlackScreen then begin CurrentScreen.OnShowFinish; CurrentScreen.ShowFinish := true; end else begin Result := false; Break; end; end; end; // if // Draw OSD only on first Screen if Debug Mode is enabled if ((Ini.Debug = 1) or (Params.Debug)) and (S = 1) then DrawDebugInformation; if not BlackScreen then DrawCursor; end; // for end; { sets SDL_ShowCursor depending on options set in Ini } procedure TDisplay.SetCursor; var Cursor: Integer; begin Cursor := 0; if (CurrentScreen <> @ScreenSing) or (Cursor_HiddenByScreen) then begin // hide cursor on singscreen if (Ini.Mouse = 0) and (Ini.FullScreen = 0) then // show sdl (os) cursor in window mode even when mouse support is off Cursor := 1 else if (Ini.Mouse = 1) then // show sdl (os) cursor when hardware cursor is selected Cursor := 1; if (Ini.Mouse <> 2) then Cursor_HiddenByScreen := false; end else if (Ini.Mouse <> 2) then Cursor_HiddenByScreen := true; SDL_ShowCursor(Cursor); if (Ini.Mouse = 2) then begin if Cursor_HiddenByScreen then begin // show software cursor Cursor_HiddenByScreen := false; Cursor_Visible := false; Cursor_Fade := false; end else if (CurrentScreen = @ScreenSing) then begin // hide software cursor in singscreen Cursor_HiddenByScreen := true; Cursor_Visible := false; Cursor_Fade := false; end; end; end; { called by MoveCursor and OnMouseButton to update last move and start fade in } procedure TDisplay.UpdateCursorFade; var Ticks: cardinal; begin Ticks := SDL_GetTicks; { fade in on movement (or button press) if not first movement } if (not Cursor_Visible) and (Cursor_LastMove <> 0) then begin if Cursor_Fade then // we use a trick here to consider progress of fade out Cursor_LastMove := Ticks - round(CURSOR_FADE_IN_TIME * (1 - (Ticks - Cursor_LastMove)/CURSOR_FADE_OUT_TIME)) else Cursor_LastMove := Ticks; Cursor_Visible := true; Cursor_Fade := true; end else if not Cursor_Fade then begin Cursor_LastMove := Ticks; end; end; { called when cursor moves, positioning of software cursor } procedure TDisplay.MoveCursor(X, Y: double); begin if (Ini.Mouse = 2) and ((X <> Cursor_X) or (Y <> Cursor_Y)) then begin Cursor_X := X; Cursor_Y := Y; UpdateCursorFade; end; end; { called when left or right mousebutton is pressed or released } procedure TDisplay.OnMouseButton(Pressed: boolean); begin if (Ini.Mouse = 2) then begin Cursor_Pressed := Pressed; UpdateCursorFade; end; end; { draws software cursor } procedure TDisplay.DrawCursor; var Alpha: single; Ticks: cardinal; DrawX: double; begin if (Ini.Mouse = 2) and ((Screens = 1) or ((ScreenAct - 1) = (Round(Cursor_X+16) div RenderW))) then begin // draw software cursor Ticks := SDL_GetTicks; if (Cursor_Visible) and (Cursor_LastMove + CURSOR_AUTOHIDE_TIME <= Ticks) then begin // start fade out after 5 secs w/o activity Cursor_Visible := false; Cursor_LastMove := Ticks; Cursor_Fade := true; end; // fading if Cursor_Fade then begin if Cursor_Visible then begin // fade in if (Cursor_LastMove + CURSOR_FADE_IN_TIME <= Ticks) then Cursor_Fade := false else Alpha := sin((Ticks - Cursor_LastMove) * 0.5 * pi / CURSOR_FADE_IN_TIME) * 0.7; end else begin //fade out if (Cursor_LastMove + CURSOR_FADE_OUT_TIME <= Ticks) then Cursor_Fade := false else Alpha := cos((Ticks - Cursor_LastMove) * 0.5 * pi / CURSOR_FADE_OUT_TIME) * 0.7; end; end; // no else if here because we may turn off fade in if block if not Cursor_Fade then begin if Cursor_Visible then Alpha := 0.7 // alpha when cursor visible and not fading else Alpha := 0; // alpha when cursor is hidden end; if (Alpha > 0) and (not Cursor_HiddenByScreen) then begin DrawX := Cursor_X; if (ScreenAct = 2) then DrawX := DrawX - RenderW; glColor4f(1, 1, 1, Alpha); glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); if (Cursor_Pressed) and (Tex_Cursor_Pressed.TexNum > 0) then glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Cursor_Pressed.TexNum) else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, Tex_Cursor_Unpressed.TexNum); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glTexCoord2f(0, 0); glVertex2f(DrawX, Cursor_Y); glTexCoord2f(0, 1); glVertex2f(DrawX, Cursor_Y + 32); glTexCoord2f(1, 1); glVertex2f(DrawX + 32, Cursor_Y + 32); glTexCoord2f(1, 0); glVertex2f(DrawX + 32, Cursor_Y); glEnd; glDisable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); end; end; end; function TDisplay.ParseInput(PressedKey: cardinal; CharCode: UCS4Char; PressedDown : boolean): boolean; begin if (assigned(NextScreen)) then Result := NextScreen^.ParseInput(PressedKey, CharCode, PressedDown) else if (assigned(CurrentScreen)) then Result := CurrentScreen^.ParseInput(PressedKey, CharCode, PressedDown) else Result := True; end; { abort fading to the next screen, may be used in OnShow, or during fade process } procedure TDisplay.AbortScreenChange; var Temp: PMenu; begin // this is some kind of "hack" it is based on the // code that is used to change the screens in TDisplay.Draw // we should rewrite this whole behaviour, as it is not well // structured and not well extendable. Also we should offer // a possibility to change screens to plugins // change this code when restructuring is done if (assigned(NextScreen)) then begin // we have to swap the screens Temp := CurrentScreen; CurrentScreen := NextScreen; NextScreen := Temp; // and call the OnShow procedure of the previous screen // because it was already called by default fade procedure NextScreen.OnShow; end; end; { fades to specific screen (playing specified sound) returns old screen } function TDisplay.FadeTo(Screen: PMenu; const aSound: TAudioPlaybackStream = nil): PMenu; begin Result := CurrentScreen; if (Result <> nil) then begin if (aSound <> nil) then Result.FadeTo(Screen, aSound) else Result.FadeTo(Screen); end; end; procedure TDisplay.SaveScreenShot; var Num: integer; FileName: IPath; Prefix: UTF8String; ScreenData: PChar; Surface: PSDL_Surface; Success: boolean; Align: integer; RowSize: integer; begin // Exit if Screenshot-path does not exist or read-only if (ScreenshotsPath.IsUnset) then Exit; for Num := 1 to 9999 do begin // fill prefix to 4 digits with leading '0', e.g. '0001' Prefix := Format('screenshot%.4d', [Num]); FileName := ScreenshotsPath.Append(Prefix + '.png'); if not FileName.Exists() then break; end; // we must take the row-alignment (4byte by default) into account glGetIntegerv(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, @Align); // calc aligned row-size RowSize := ((ScreenW*3 + (Align-1)) div Align) * Align; GetMem(ScreenData, RowSize * ScreenH); glReadPixels(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ScreenData); // on big endian machines (powerpc) this may need to be changed to // Needs to be tests. KaMiSchi Sept 2008 // in this case one may have to add " glext, " to the list of used units // glReadPixels(0, 0, ScreenW, ScreenH, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ScreenData); Surface := SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom( ScreenData, ScreenW, ScreenH, 24, RowSize, $0000FF, $00FF00, $FF0000, 0); // Success := WriteJPGImage(FileName, Surface, 95); // Success := WriteBMPImage(FileName, Surface); Success := WritePNGImage(FileName, Surface); if Success then ScreenPopupInfo.ShowPopup(Format(Language.Translate('SCREENSHOT_SAVED'), [FileName.GetName.ToUTF8()])) else ScreenPopupError.ShowPopup(Language.Translate('SCREENSHOT_FAILED')); SDL_FreeSurface(Surface); FreeMem(ScreenData); end; //------------ // DrawDebugInformation - procedure draw fps and some other informations on screen //------------ procedure TDisplay.DrawDebugInformation; var Ticks: cardinal; begin // Some White Background for information glEnable(GL_BLEND); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 0.5); glBegin(GL_QUADS); glVertex2f(690, 44); glVertex2f(690, 0); glVertex2f(800, 0); glVertex2f(800, 44); glEnd; glDisable(GL_BLEND); // set font specs SetFontStyle(ftNormal); SetFontSize(21); SetFontItalic(false); glColor4f(0, 0, 0, 1); // calculate fps Ticks := SDL_GetTicks(); if (Ticks >= NextFPSSwap) then begin LastFPS := FPSCounter * 4; FPSCounter := 0; NextFPSSwap := Ticks + 250; end; Inc(FPSCounter); // draw text // fps SetFontPos(695, 0); glPrint ('FPS: ' + InttoStr(LastFPS)); // rspeed SetFontPos(695, 13); glPrint ('RSpeed: ' + InttoStr(Round(1000 * TimeMid))); // lasterror SetFontPos(695, 26); glColor4f(1, 0, 0, 1); glPrint (OSD_LastError); glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1); end; end.