{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UAudioPlayback_Portaudio; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} uses Classes, SysUtils, UMusic; implementation uses portaudio, UAudioCore_Portaudio, UAudioPlayback_SoftMixer, ULog, UIni, UMain; type TAudioPlayback_Portaudio = class(TAudioPlayback_SoftMixer) private paStream: PPaStream; AudioCore: TAudioCore_Portaudio; Latency: double; function OpenDevice(deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex): boolean; function EnumDevices(): boolean; protected function InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override; function StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override; procedure StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); override; function FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; override; function GetLatency(): double; override; public function GetName: String; override; end; TPortaudioOutputDevice = class(TAudioOutputDevice) private PaDeviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex; end; { TAudioPlayback_Portaudio } function PortaudioAudioCallback(input: Pointer; output: Pointer; frameCount: Longword; timeInfo: PPaStreamCallbackTimeInfo; statusFlags: TPaStreamCallbackFlags; userData: Pointer): Integer; cdecl; var Engine: TAudioPlayback_Portaudio; begin Engine := TAudioPlayback_Portaudio(userData); // update latency Engine.Latency := timeInfo.outputBufferDacTime - timeInfo.currentTime; // call superclass callback Engine.AudioCallback(output, frameCount * Engine.FormatInfo.FrameSize); Result := paContinue; end; function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.GetName: String; begin Result := 'Portaudio_Playback'; end; function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice(deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex): boolean; var DeviceInfo : PPaDeviceInfo; SampleRate : double; OutParams : TPaStreamParameters; StreamInfo : PPaStreamInfo; err : TPaError; begin Result := false; DeviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex); Log.LogInfo('Audio-Output Device: ' + DeviceInfo^.name, 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice'); SampleRate := DeviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate; with OutParams do begin device := deviceIndex; channelCount := 2; sampleFormat := paInt16; suggestedLatency := DeviceInfo^.defaultLowOutputLatency; hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil; end; // check souncard and adjust sample-rate if not AudioCore.TestDevice(nil, @OutParams, SampleRate) then begin Log.LogStatus('TestDevice failed!', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice'); Exit; end; // open output stream err := Pa_OpenStream(paStream, nil, @OutParams, SampleRate, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag, @PortaudioAudioCallback, Self); if(err <> paNoError) then begin Log.LogStatus(Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice'); paStream := nil; Exit; end; // get estimated latency (will be updated with real latency in the callback) StreamInfo := Pa_GetStreamInfo(paStream); if (StreamInfo <> nil) then Latency := StreamInfo^.outputLatency else Latency := 0; FormatInfo := TAudioFormatInfo.Create( OutParams.channelCount, SampleRate, asfS16 // FIXME: is paInt16 system-dependant or -independant? ); Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.EnumDevices(): boolean; var i: integer; paApiIndex: TPaHostApiIndex; paApiInfo: PPaHostApiInfo; deviceName: string; deviceIndex: TPaDeviceIndex; deviceInfo: PPaDeviceInfo; channelCnt: integer; SC: integer; // soundcard err: TPaError; errMsg: string; paDevice: TPortaudioOutputDevice; outputParams: TPaStreamParameters; stream: PPaStream; streamInfo: PPaStreamInfo; sampleRate: double; latency: TPaTime; cbPolls: integer; cbWorks: boolean; begin Result := false; (* // choose the best available Audio-API paApiIndex := AudioCore.GetPreferredApiIndex(); if(paApiIndex = -1) then begin Log.LogError('No working Audio-API found', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.EnumDevices'); Exit; end; paApiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(paApiIndex); SC := 0; // init array-size to max. output-devices count SetLength(OutputDeviceList, paApiInfo^.deviceCount); for i:= 0 to High(OutputDeviceList) do begin // convert API-specific device-index to global index deviceIndex := Pa_HostApiDeviceIndexToDeviceIndex(paApiIndex, i); deviceInfo := Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex); channelCnt := deviceInfo^.maxOutputChannels; // current device is no output device -> skip if (channelCnt <= 0) then continue; // portaudio returns a channel-count of 128 for some devices // (e.g. the "default"-device), so we have to detect those // fantasy channel counts. if (channelCnt > 8) then channelCnt := 2; paDevice := TPortaudioOutputDevice.Create(); OutputDeviceList[SC] := paDevice; // retrieve device-name deviceName := deviceInfo^.name; paDevice.Name := deviceName; paDevice.PaDeviceIndex := deviceIndex; if (deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate > 0) then sampleRate := deviceInfo^.defaultSampleRate else sampleRate := 44100; // on vista and xp the defaultLowInputLatency may be set to 0 but it works. // TODO: correct too low latencies (what is a too low latency, maybe < 10ms?) latency := deviceInfo^.defaultLowInputLatency; // setup desired output parameters // TODO: retry with input-latency set to 20ms (defaultLowOutputLatency might // not be set correctly in OSS) with outputParams do begin device := deviceIndex; channelCount := channelCnt; sampleFormat := paInt16; suggestedLatency := latency; hostApiSpecificStreamInfo := nil; end; // check if mic-callback works (might not be called on some devices) if (not TAudioCore_Portaudio.TestDevice(nil, @outputParams, sampleRate)) then begin // ignore device if callback did not work Log.LogError('Device "'+paDevice.Name+'" does not respond', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeRecord'); paDevice.Free(); continue; end; // open device for further info err := Pa_OpenStream(stream, nil, @outputParams, sampleRate, paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paNoFlag, @MicrophoneTestCallback, nil); if(err <> paNoError) then begin // unable to open device -> skip errMsg := Pa_GetErrorText(err); Log.LogError('Device error: "'+ deviceName +'" ('+ errMsg +')', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeRecord'); paDevice.Free(); continue; end; // adjust sample-rate (might be changed by portaudio) streamInfo := Pa_GetStreamInfo(stream); if (streamInfo <> nil) then begin if (sampleRate <> streamInfo^.sampleRate) then begin Log.LogStatus('Portaudio changed Samplerate from ' + FloatToStr(sampleRate) + ' to ' + FloatToStr(streamInfo^.sampleRate), 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord'); sampleRate := streamInfo^.sampleRate; end; end; // create audio-format info and resize capture-buffer array paDevice.AudioFormat := TAudioFormatInfo.Create( channelCnt, sampleRate, asfS16 ); SetLength(paDevice.CaptureChannel, paDevice.AudioFormat.Channels); Log.LogStatus('OutputDevice "'+paDevice.Name+'"@' + IntToStr(paDevice.AudioFormat.Channels)+'x'+ FloatToStr(paDevice.AudioFormat.SampleRate)+'Hz ('+ FloatTostr(outputParams.suggestedLatency)+'sec)' , 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord'); // close test-stream Pa_CloseStream(stream); Inc(SC); end; // adjust size to actual input-device count SetLength(OutputDeviceList, SC); Log.LogStatus('#Output-Devices: ' + inttostr(SC), 'Portaudio'); *) Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; var paApiIndex : TPaHostApiIndex; paApiInfo : PPaHostApiInfo; paOutDevice : TPaDeviceIndex; err: TPaError; begin Result := false; AudioCore := TAudioCore_Portaudio.GetInstance(); // initialize portaudio err := Pa_Initialize(); if(err <> paNoError) then begin Log.LogError(Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'TAudioInput_Portaudio.InitializeRecord'); Exit; end; paApiIndex := AudioCore.GetPreferredApiIndex(); if(paApiIndex = -1) then begin Log.LogError('No working Audio-API found', 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.InitializeAudioPlaybackEngine'); Exit; end; EnumDevices(); paApiInfo := Pa_GetHostApiInfo(paApiIndex); Log.LogInfo('Audio-Output API-Type: ' + paApiInfo^.name, 'TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.OpenDevice'); paOutDevice := paApiInfo^.defaultOutputDevice; if (not OpenDevice(paOutDevice)) then begin Exit; end; Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.StartAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; var err: TPaError; begin Result := false; if (paStream = nil) then Exit; err := Pa_StartStream(paStream); if(err <> paNoError) then begin Log.LogStatus('Pa_StartStream: '+Pa_GetErrorText(err), 'UAudioPlayback_Portaudio'); Exit; end; Result := true; end; procedure TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.StopAudioPlaybackEngine(); begin if (paStream <> nil) then Pa_StopStream(paStream); end; function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.FinalizeAudioPlaybackEngine(): boolean; begin Pa_Terminate(); Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.GetLatency(): double; begin Result := Latency; end; initialization MediaManager.Add(TAudioPlayback_Portaudio.Create); end.