{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UAudioPlayback_Bass; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} implementation uses Classes, SysUtils, Math, UIni, UMain, UMusic, UAudioPlaybackBase, UAudioCore_Bass, ULog, sdl, bass; type PHDSP = ^HDSP; type TBassPlaybackStream = class(TAudioPlaybackStream) private Handle: HSTREAM; NeedsRewind: boolean; PausedSeek: boolean; // true if a seek was performed in pause state procedure Reset(); function IsEOF(): boolean; protected function GetLatency(): double; override; function GetLoop(): boolean; override; procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); override; function GetLength(): real; override; function GetStatus(): TStreamStatus; override; function GetVolume(): single; override; procedure SetVolume(Volume: single); override; function GetPosition: real; override; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); override; public constructor Create(); destructor Destroy(); override; function Open(SourceStream: TAudioSourceStream): boolean; override; procedure Close(); override; procedure Play(); override; procedure Pause(); override; procedure Stop(); override; procedure FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single); override; procedure AddSoundEffect(Effect: TSoundEffect); override; procedure RemoveSoundEffect(Effect: TSoundEffect); override; procedure GetFFTData(var Data: TFFTData); override; function GetPCMData(var Data: TPCMData): Cardinal; override; function GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; override; function ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer): integer; property EOF: boolean READ IsEOF; end; const MAX_VOICE_DELAY = 0.020; // 20ms type TBassVoiceStream = class(TAudioVoiceStream) private Handle: HSTREAM; public function Open(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean; override; procedure Close(); override; procedure WriteData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer); override; function ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer): integer; override; function IsEOF(): boolean; override; function IsError(): boolean; override; end; type TAudioPlayback_Bass = class(TAudioPlaybackBase) private function EnumDevices(): boolean; protected function GetLatency(): double; override; function CreatePlaybackStream(): TAudioPlaybackStream; override; public function GetName: String; override; function InitializePlayback(): boolean; override; function FinalizePlayback: boolean; override; procedure SetAppVolume(Volume: single); override; function CreateVoiceStream(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): TAudioVoiceStream; override; end; TBassOutputDevice = class(TAudioOutputDevice) private BassDeviceID: DWORD; // DeviceID used by BASS end; var BassCore: TAudioCore_Bass; { TBassPlaybackStream } function PlaybackStreamHandler(handle: HSTREAM; buffer: Pointer; length: DWORD; user: Pointer): DWORD; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} var PlaybackStream: TBassPlaybackStream; BytesRead: integer; begin PlaybackStream := TBassPlaybackStream(user); if (not assigned (PlaybackStream)) then begin Result := BASS_STREAMPROC_END; Exit; end; BytesRead := PlaybackStream.ReadData(buffer, length); // check for errors if (BytesRead < 0) then Result := BASS_STREAMPROC_END // check for EOF else if (PlaybackStream.EOF) then Result := BytesRead or BASS_STREAMPROC_END // no error/EOF else Result := BytesRead; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer): integer; var AdjustedSize: integer; RequestedSourceSize, SourceSize: integer; SkipCount: integer; SourceFormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; FrameSize: integer; PadFrame: PChar; //Info: BASS_INFO; //Latency: double; begin Result := -1; if (not assigned(SourceStream)) then Exit; // sanity check if (BufferSize = 0) then begin Result := 0; Exit; end; SourceFormatInfo := SourceStream.GetAudioFormatInfo(); FrameSize := SourceFormatInfo.FrameSize; // check how much data to fetch to be in synch AdjustedSize := Synchronize(BufferSize, SourceFormatInfo); // skip data if we are too far behind SkipCount := AdjustedSize - BufferSize; while (SkipCount > 0) do begin RequestedSourceSize := Min(SkipCount, BufferSize); SourceSize := SourceStream.ReadData(Buffer, RequestedSourceSize); // if an error or EOF occured stop skipping and handle error/EOF with the next ReadData() if (SourceSize <= 0) then break; Dec(SkipCount, SourceSize); end; // get source data (e.g. from a decoder) RequestedSourceSize := Min(AdjustedSize, BufferSize); SourceSize := SourceStream.ReadData(Buffer, RequestedSourceSize); if (SourceSize < 0) then Exit; // set preliminary result Result := SourceSize; // if we are to far ahead, fill output-buffer with last frame of source data // Note that AdjustedSize is used instead of SourceSize as the SourceSize might // be less than expected because of errors etc. if (AdjustedSize < BufferSize) then begin // use either the last frame for padding or fill with zero if (SourceSize >= FrameSize) then PadFrame := @Buffer[SourceSize-FrameSize] else PadFrame := nil; FillBufferWithFrame(@Buffer[SourceSize], BufferSize - SourceSize, PadFrame, FrameSize); Result := BufferSize; end; end; constructor TBassPlaybackStream.Create(); begin inherited; Reset(); end; destructor TBassPlaybackStream.Destroy(); begin Close(); inherited; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.Open(SourceStream: TAudioSourceStream): boolean; var FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo; FormatFlags: DWORD; begin Result := false; // close previous stream and reset state Reset(); // sanity check if stream is valid if not assigned(SourceStream) then Exit; Self.SourceStream := SourceStream; FormatInfo := SourceStream.GetAudioFormatInfo(); if (not BassCore.ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(FormatInfo.Format, FormatFlags)) then begin Log.LogError('Unhandled sample-format', 'TBassPlaybackStream.Open'); Exit; end; // create matching playback stream Handle := BASS_StreamCreate(Round(FormatInfo.SampleRate), FormatInfo.Channels, formatFlags, @PlaybackStreamHandler, Self); if (Handle = 0) then begin Log.LogError('BASS_StreamCreate failed: ' + BassCore.ErrorGetString(BASS_ErrorGetCode()), 'TBassPlaybackStream.Open'); Exit; end; Result := true; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Close(); begin // stop and free stream if (Handle <> 0) then begin Bass_StreamFree(Handle); Handle := 0; end; // Note: PerformOnClose must be called before SourceStream is invalidated PerformOnClose(); // unset source-stream SourceStream := nil; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Reset(); begin Close(); NeedsRewind := false; PausedSeek := false; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Play(); var NeedsFlush: boolean; begin if (not assigned(SourceStream)) then Exit; NeedsFlush := true; if (BASS_ChannelIsActive(Handle) = BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED) then begin // only paused (and not seeked while paused) streams are not flushed if (not PausedSeek) then NeedsFlush := false; // paused streams do not need a rewind NeedsRewind := false; end; // rewind if necessary. Cases that require no rewind are: // - stream was created and never played // - stream was paused and is resumed now // - stream was stopped and set to a new position already if (NeedsRewind) then SourceStream.Position := 0; NeedsRewind := true; PausedSeek := false; // start playing and flush buffers on rewind BASS_ChannelPlay(Handle, NeedsFlush); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.FadeIn(Time: real; TargetVolume: single); begin // start stream Play(); // start fade-in: slide from fadeStart- to fadeEnd-volume in FadeInTime BASS_ChannelSlideAttribute(Handle, BASS_ATTRIB_VOL, TargetVolume, Trunc(Time * 1000)); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Pause(); begin BASS_ChannelPause(Handle); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.Stop(); begin BASS_ChannelStop(Handle); end; function TBassPlaybackStream.IsEOF(): boolean; begin if (assigned(SourceStream)) then Result := SourceStream.EOF else Result := true; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetLatency(): double; begin // TODO: should we consider output latency for synching (needs BASS_DEVICE_LATENCY)? //if (BASS_GetInfo(Info)) then // Latency := Info.latency / 1000 //else // Latency := 0; Result := 0; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetVolume(): single; var lVolume: single; begin if (not BASS_ChannelGetAttribute(Handle, BASS_ATTRIB_VOL, lVolume)) then begin Log.LogError('BASS_ChannelGetAttribute: ' + BassCore.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.GetVolume'); Result := 0; Exit; end; Result := Round(lVolume); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.SetVolume(Volume: single); begin // clamp volume if Volume < 0 then Volume := 0; if Volume > 1.0 then Volume := 1.0; // set volume BASS_ChannelSetAttribute(Handle, BASS_ATTRIB_VOL, Volume); end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetPosition: real; var BufferPosByte: QWORD; BufferPosSec: double; begin if assigned(SourceStream) then begin BufferPosByte := BASS_ChannelGetData(Handle, nil, BASS_DATA_AVAILABLE); BufferPosSec := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Handle, BufferPosByte); // decrease the decoding position by the amount buffered (and hence not played) // in the BASS playback stream. Result := SourceStream.Position - BufferPosSec; end else begin Result := -1; end; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.SetPosition(Time: real); var ChannelState: DWORD; begin if assigned(SourceStream) then begin ChannelState := BASS_ChannelIsActive(Handle); if (ChannelState = BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED) then begin // if the stream is stopped, do not rewind when the stream is played next time NeedsRewind := false end else if (ChannelState = BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED) then begin // buffers must be flushed if in paused state but there is no // BASS_ChannelFlush() function so we have to use BASS_ChannelPlay() called in Play(). PausedSeek := true; end; // set new position SourceStream.Position := Time; end; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetLength(): real; begin if assigned(SourceStream) then Result := SourceStream.Length else Result := -1; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetStatus(): TStreamStatus; var State: DWORD; begin State := BASS_ChannelIsActive(Handle); case State of BASS_ACTIVE_PLAYING, BASS_ACTIVE_STALLED: Result := ssPlaying; BASS_ACTIVE_PAUSED: Result := ssPaused; BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED: Result := ssStopped; else begin Log.LogError('Unknown status', 'TBassPlaybackStream.GetStatus'); Result := ssStopped; end; end; end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetLoop(): boolean; begin if assigned(SourceStream) then Result := SourceStream.Loop else Result := false; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); begin if assigned(SourceStream) then SourceStream.Loop := Enabled; end; procedure DSPProcHandler(handle: HDSP; channel: DWORD; buffer: Pointer; length: DWORD; user: Pointer); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS}stdcall;{$ELSE}cdecl;{$ENDIF} var Effect: TSoundEffect; begin Effect := TSoundEffect(user); if assigned(Effect) then Effect.Callback(buffer, length); end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.AddSoundEffect(Effect: TSoundEffect); var DspHandle: HDSP; begin if assigned(Effect.engineData) then begin Log.LogError('TSoundEffect.engineData already set', 'TBassPlaybackStream.AddSoundEffect'); Exit; end; DspHandle := BASS_ChannelSetDSP(Handle, @DSPProcHandler, Effect, 0); if (DspHandle = 0) then begin Log.LogError(BassCore.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.AddSoundEffect'); Exit; end; GetMem(Effect.EngineData, SizeOf(HDSP)); PHDSP(Effect.EngineData)^ := DspHandle; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.RemoveSoundEffect(Effect: TSoundEffect); begin if not assigned(Effect.EngineData) then begin Log.LogError('TSoundEffect.engineData invalid', 'TBassPlaybackStream.RemoveSoundEffect'); Exit; end; if not BASS_ChannelRemoveDSP(Handle, PHDSP(Effect.EngineData)^) then begin Log.LogError(BassCore.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassPlaybackStream.RemoveSoundEffect'); Exit; end; FreeMem(Effect.EngineData); Effect.EngineData := nil; end; procedure TBassPlaybackStream.GetFFTData(var Data: TFFTData); begin // get FFT channel data (Mono, FFT512 -> 256 values) BASS_ChannelGetData(Handle, @Data, BASS_DATA_FFT512); end; {* * Copies interleaved PCM SInt16 stereo samples into data. * Returns the number of frames *} function TBassPlaybackStream.GetPCMData(var Data: TPCMData): Cardinal; var Info: BASS_CHANNELINFO; nBytes: DWORD; begin Result := 0; FillChar(Data, SizeOf(TPCMData), 0); // no support for non-stereo files at the moment BASS_ChannelGetInfo(Handle, Info); if (Info.chans <> 2) then Exit; nBytes := BASS_ChannelGetData(Handle, @Data, SizeOf(TPCMData)); if(nBytes <= 0) then Result := 0 else Result := nBytes div SizeOf(TPCMStereoSample); end; function TBassPlaybackStream.GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; begin if assigned(SourceStream) then Result := SourceStream.GetAudioFormatInfo() else Result := nil; end; { TBassVoiceStream } function TBassVoiceStream.Open(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): boolean; var Flags: DWORD; begin Result := false; Close(); if (not inherited Open(ChannelMap, FormatInfo)) then Exit; // get channel flags BassCore.ConvertAudioFormatToBASSFlags(FormatInfo.Format, Flags); (* // distribute the mics equally to both speakers if ((ChannelMap and CHANNELMAP_LEFT) <> 0) then Flags := Flags or BASS_SPEAKER_FRONTLEFT; if ((ChannelMap and CHANNELMAP_RIGHT) <> 0) then Flags := Flags or BASS_SPEAKER_FRONTRIGHT; *) // create the channel Handle := BASS_StreamCreate(Round(FormatInfo.SampleRate), 1, Flags, STREAMPROC_PUSH, nil); // start the channel BASS_ChannelPlay(Handle, true); Result := true; end; procedure TBassVoiceStream.Close(); begin if (Handle <> 0) then begin BASS_ChannelStop(Handle); BASS_StreamFree(Handle); end; inherited Close(); end; procedure TBassVoiceStream.WriteData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer); var QueueSize: DWORD; begin if ((Handle <> 0) and (BufferSize > 0)) then begin // query the queue size (normally 0) QueueSize := BASS_StreamPutData(Handle, nil, 0); // flush the buffer if the delay would be too high if (QueueSize > MAX_VOICE_DELAY * FormatInfo.BytesPerSec) then BASS_ChannelPlay(Handle, true); // send new data to playback buffer BASS_StreamPutData(Handle, Buffer, BufferSize); end; end; // Note: we do not need the read-function for the BASS implementation function TBassVoiceStream.ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufferSize: integer): integer; begin Result := -1; end; function TBassVoiceStream.IsEOF(): boolean; begin Result := false; end; function TBassVoiceStream.IsError(): boolean; begin Result := false; end; { TAudioPlayback_Bass } function TAudioPlayback_Bass.GetName: String; begin Result := 'BASS_Playback'; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.EnumDevices(): boolean; var BassDeviceID: DWORD; DeviceIndex: integer; Device: TBassOutputDevice; DeviceInfo: BASS_DEVICEINFO; begin Result := true; ClearOutputDeviceList(); // skip "no sound"-device (ID = 0) BassDeviceID := 1; while (true) do begin // check for device if (not BASS_GetDeviceInfo(BassDeviceID, DeviceInfo)) then Break; // set device info Device := TBassOutputDevice.Create(); Device.Name := DeviceInfo.name; Device.BassDeviceID := BassDeviceID; // add device to list SetLength(OutputDeviceList, BassDeviceID); OutputDeviceList[BassDeviceID-1] := Device; Inc(BassDeviceID); end; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.InitializePlayback(): boolean; begin result := false; BassCore := TAudioCore_Bass.GetInstance(); EnumDevices(); //Log.BenchmarkStart(4); //Log.LogStatus('Initializing Playback Subsystem', 'Music Initialize'); // TODO: use BASS_DEVICE_LATENCY to determine the latency if not BASS_Init(-1, 44100, 0, 0, nil) then begin Log.LogError('Could not initialize BASS', 'TAudioPlayback_Bass.InitializePlayback'); Exit; end; //Log.BenchmarkEnd(4); Log.LogBenchmark('--> Bass Init', 4); // config playing buffer //BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_UPDATEPERIOD, 10); //BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_BUFFER, 100); result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.FinalizePlayback(): boolean; begin Close; BASS_Free; inherited FinalizePlayback(); Result := true; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.CreatePlaybackStream(): TAudioPlaybackStream; begin Result := TBassPlaybackStream.Create(); end; procedure TAudioPlayback_Bass.SetAppVolume(Volume: single); begin // set volume for this application (ranges from 0..10000 since BASS 2.4) BASS_SetConfig(BASS_CONFIG_GVOL_STREAM, Round(Volume*10000)); end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.CreateVoiceStream(ChannelMap: integer; FormatInfo: TAudioFormatInfo): TAudioVoiceStream; var VoiceStream: TAudioVoiceStream; begin Result := nil; VoiceStream := TBassVoiceStream.Create(); if (not VoiceStream.Open(ChannelMap, FormatInfo)) then begin VoiceStream.Free; Exit; end; Result := VoiceStream; end; function TAudioPlayback_Bass.GetLatency(): double; begin Result := 0; end; initialization MediaManager.Add(TAudioPlayback_Bass.Create); end.