{* UltraStar Deluxe - Karaoke Game * * UltraStar Deluxe is the legal property of its developers, whose names * are too numerous to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT * file distributed with this source distribution. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * $URL$ * $Id$ *} unit UAudioDecoder_Bass; interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$I switches.inc} implementation uses Classes, SysUtils, UMain, UMusic, UAudioCore_Bass, ULog, bass; type TBassDecodeStream = class(TAudioDecodeStream) private Handle: HSTREAM; FormatInfo : TAudioFormatInfo; Error: boolean; public constructor Create(Handle: HSTREAM); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Close(); override; function GetLength(): real; override; function GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; override; function GetPosition: real; override; procedure SetPosition(Time: real); override; function GetLoop(): boolean; override; procedure SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); override; function IsEOF(): boolean; override; function IsError(): boolean; override; function ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: integer): integer; override; end; type TAudioDecoder_Bass = class( TInterfacedObject, IAudioDecoder ) public function GetName: string; function InitializeDecoder(): boolean; function FinalizeDecoder(): boolean; function Open(const Filename: string): TAudioDecodeStream; end; var BassCore: TAudioCore_Bass; { TBassDecodeStream } constructor TBassDecodeStream.Create(Handle: HSTREAM); var ChannelInfo: BASS_CHANNELINFO; Format: TAudioSampleFormat; begin inherited Create(); Self.Handle := Handle; // setup format info if (not BASS_ChannelGetInfo(Handle, ChannelInfo)) then begin raise Exception.Create('Failed to open decode-stream'); end; BassCore.ConvertBASSFlagsToAudioFormat(ChannelInfo.flags, Format); FormatInfo := TAudioFormatInfo.Create(ChannelInfo.chans, ChannelInfo.freq, format); Error := false; end; destructor TBassDecodeStream.Destroy(); begin Close(); inherited; end; procedure TBassDecodeStream.Close(); begin if (Handle <> 0) then begin BASS_StreamFree(Handle); Handle := 0; end; PerformOnClose(); FreeAndNil(FormatInfo); Error := false; end; function TBassDecodeStream.GetAudioFormatInfo(): TAudioFormatInfo; begin Result := FormatInfo; end; function TBassDecodeStream.GetLength(): real; var bytes: QWORD; begin bytes := BASS_ChannelGetLength(Handle, BASS_POS_BYTE); Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Handle, bytes); end; function TBassDecodeStream.GetPosition: real; var bytes: QWORD; begin bytes := BASS_ChannelGetPosition(Handle, BASS_POS_BYTE); Result := BASS_ChannelBytes2Seconds(Handle, bytes); end; procedure TBassDecodeStream.SetPosition(Time: real); var bytes: QWORD; begin bytes := BASS_ChannelSeconds2Bytes(Handle, Time); BASS_ChannelSetPosition(Handle, bytes, BASS_POS_BYTE); end; function TBassDecodeStream.GetLoop(): boolean; var flags: DWORD; begin // retrieve channel flags flags := BASS_ChannelFlags(Handle, 0, 0); if (flags = DWORD(-1)) then begin Log.LogError('BASS_ChannelFlags: ' + BassCore.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassDecodeStream.GetLoop'); Result := false; Exit; end; Result := (flags and BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP) <> 0; end; procedure TBassDecodeStream.SetLoop(Enabled: boolean); var flags: DWORD; begin // set/unset loop-flag if (Enabled) then flags := BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP else flags := 0; // set new flag-bits if (BASS_ChannelFlags(Handle, flags, BASS_SAMPLE_LOOP) = DWORD(-1)) then begin Log.LogError('BASS_ChannelFlags: ' + BassCore.ErrorGetString(), 'TBassDecodeStream.SetLoop'); Exit; end; end; function TBassDecodeStream.IsEOF(): boolean; begin Result := (BASS_ChannelIsActive(Handle) = BASS_ACTIVE_STOPPED); end; function TBassDecodeStream.IsError(): boolean; begin Result := Error; end; function TBassDecodeStream.ReadData(Buffer: PChar; BufSize: integer): integer; begin Result := BASS_ChannelGetData(Handle, Buffer, BufSize); // check error state (do not handle EOF as error) if ((Result = -1) and (BASS_ErrorGetCode() <> BASS_ERROR_ENDED)) then Error := true else Error := false; end; { TAudioDecoder_Bass } function TAudioDecoder_Bass.GetName: String; begin result := 'BASS_Decoder'; end; function TAudioDecoder_Bass.InitializeDecoder(): boolean; begin BassCore := TAudioCore_Bass.GetInstance(); Result := true; end; function TAudioDecoder_Bass.FinalizeDecoder(): boolean; begin Result := true; end; function TAudioDecoder_Bass.Open(const Filename: string): TAudioDecodeStream; var Stream: HSTREAM; ChannelInfo: BASS_CHANNELINFO; FileExt: string; begin Result := nil; // check if BASS was initialized // in case the decoder is not used with BASS playback, init the NO_SOUND device if ((integer(BASS_GetDevice) = -1) and (BASS_ErrorGetCode() = BASS_ERROR_INIT)) then BASS_Init(0, 44100, 0, 0, nil); // TODO: use BASS_STREAM_PRESCAN for accurate seeking in VBR-files? // disadvantage: seeking will slow down. Stream := BASS_StreamCreateFile(False, PChar(Filename), 0, 0, BASS_STREAM_DECODE); if (Stream = 0) then begin //Log.LogError(BassCore.ErrorGetString(), 'TAudioDecoder_Bass.Open'); Exit; end; // check if BASS opened some erroneously recognized file-formats if BASS_ChannelGetInfo(Stream, channelInfo) then begin fileExt := ExtractFileExt(Filename); // BASS opens FLV-files (maybe others too) although it cannot handle them. // Setting BASS_CONFIG_VERIFY to the max. value (100000) does not help. if ((fileExt = '.flv') and (channelInfo.ctype = BASS_CTYPE_STREAM_MP1)) then begin BASS_StreamFree(Stream); Exit; end; end; Result := TBassDecodeStream.Create(Stream); end; initialization MediaManager.Add(TAudioDecoder_Bass.Create); end.