#include "projectM-cwrapper.h" #define PM_CLASS(pm) ((projectM*)pm) #if (PROJECTM_VERSION_INT > 1000000) #define PM_PCM(pm) (PM_CLASS(pm)->pcm()) #else #define PM_PCM(pm) (PM_CLASS(pm)->pcm) #endif #if (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ < 6 ) // library (which is the case if the fpc pascal compiler is used). // Otherwise compilation fails with "undefined reference to __dso_handle" // resolved with gcc 4.6.* void *__dso_handle = 0; #endif projectM_ptr projectM_create1(char* config_file) { return projectM_ptr(new projectM(config_file)); } #if (PROJECTM_VERSION_INT < 1000000) projectM_ptr projectM_create2(int gx, int gy, int fps, int texsize, int width, int height, char* preset_url, char* title_fonturl, char* title_menuurl) { return projectM_ptr(new projectM(gx, gy, fps, texsize, width, height, preset_url, title_fonturl, title_menuurl));} #endif void projectM_resetGL(projectM_ptr pm, int width, int height) { PM_CLASS(pm)->projectM_resetGL(width, height); } void projectM_setTitle(projectM_ptr pm, char* title) { PM_CLASS(pm)->projectM_setTitle(title); } void projectM_renderFrame(projectM_ptr pm) { PM_CLASS(pm)->renderFrame(); } unsigned projectM_initRenderToTexture(projectM_ptr pm) { return PM_CLASS(pm)->initRenderToTexture(); } void projectM_key_handler(projectM_ptr pm, projectMEvent event, projectMKeycode keycode, projectMModifier modifier) { PM_CLASS(pm)->key_handler(event, keycode, modifier); } void projectM_free(projectM_ptr pm) { delete PM_CLASS(pm); } void PCM_addPCMfloat(projectM_ptr pm, float *PCMdata, int samples) { PM_PCM(pm)->addPCMfloat(PCMdata, samples); } void PCM_addPCM16(projectM_ptr pm, short pcm_data[2][512]) { PM_PCM(pm)->addPCM16(pcm_data); } void PCM_addPCM16Data(projectM_ptr pm, const short* pcm_data, short samples) { PM_PCM(pm)->addPCM16Data(pcm_data, samples); } void PCM_addPCM8(projectM_ptr pm, unsigned char pcm_data[2][1024]) { PM_PCM(pm)->addPCM8(pcm_data); } void PCM_addPCM8_512(projectM_ptr pm, const unsigned char pcm_data[2][512]) { PM_PCM(pm)->addPCM8_512(pcm_data); } #define COPY_FIELD(c_ptr, s, fld) (c_ptr->fld = s.fld) #if (PROJECTM_VERSION_INT > 1000000) void projectM_settings(projectM_ptr pm, Settings* settings) { const projectM::Settings& pmSettings = PM_CLASS(pm)->settings(); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, meshX); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, meshY); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, fps); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, textureSize); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, windowWidth); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, windowHeight); settings->presetURL = pmSettings.presetURL.c_str(); settings->titleFontURL = pmSettings.titleFontURL.c_str(); settings->menuFontURL = pmSettings.menuFontURL.c_str(); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, smoothPresetDuration); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, presetDuration); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, beatSensitivity); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, aspectCorrection); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, easterEgg); COPY_FIELD(settings, pmSettings, shuffleEnabled); } #endif