unit CollLibrary; (***************************************************************************** * Copyright 2003 by Matthew Greet * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. (http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php) * * See http://www.warmachine.u-net.com/delphi_collections for updates and downloads. * * $Version: v1.0.3 $ * $Revision: $ * $Log: D:\QVCS Repositories\Delphi Collections\CollLibrary.qbt $ * * Initial version. * * Revision by: Matthew Greet Rev date: 24/10/03 16:48:16 * v1.0 branch. * * Revision 1.0 by: Matthew Greet Rev date: 06/04/03 10:40:32 * Initial revision. * * $Endlog$ *****************************************************************************) interface uses Collections, CollArray, CollHash, CollList, CollPArray, CollWrappers; type TMiscCollectionLibrary = class public class function ClassNameToClassType(ClassName: String): TAbstractCollectionClass; class function EqualIID(const IID1, IID2: TGUID): Boolean; class function HashCode(Value: String): Integer; class procedure ShuffleArray(var ItemArray: array of ICollectable); class procedure ShuffleList(const List: IList); end; implementation { TMiscCollectionLibrary } class function TMiscCollectionLibrary.ClassNameToClassType(ClassName: String): TAbstractCollectionClass; begin if ClassName = 'TArray' then Result := TArray else if ClassName = 'THashSet' then Result := THashSet else if ClassName = 'THashMap' then Result := THashMap else if ClassName = 'THashIntegerMap' then Result := THashIntegerMap else if ClassName = 'THashStringMap' then Result := THashStringMap else if ClassName = 'TListSet' then Result := TListSet else if ClassName = 'TListMap' then Result := TListMap else if ClassName = 'TPArrayBag' then Result := TPArrayBag else if ClassName = 'TPArraySet' then Result := TPArraySet else if ClassName = 'TPArrayList' then Result := TPArrayList else if ClassName = 'TPArrayMap' then Result := TPArrayMap else Result := nil; end; class function TMiscCollectionLibrary.EqualIID(const IID1, IID2: TGUID): Boolean; begin Result := (IID1.D1 = IID2.D1) and (IID1.D2 = IID2.D2) and (IID1.D3 = IID2.D3) and (IID1.D4[0] = IID2.D4[0]) and (IID1.D4[1] = IID2.D4[1]) and (IID1.D4[2] = IID2.D4[2]) and (IID1.D4[3] = IID2.D4[3]) and (IID1.D4[4] = IID2.D4[4]) and (IID1.D4[5] = IID2.D4[5]) and (IID1.D4[6] = IID2.D4[6]) and (IID1.D4[7] = IID2.D4[7]); end; class function TMiscCollectionLibrary.HashCode(Value: String): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 1 to Length(Value) do Result := (Result shl 1) xor Ord(Value[I]); end; class procedure TMiscCollectionLibrary.ShuffleArray(var ItemArray: array of ICollectable); var Item: ICollectable; ArraySize, I, Index: Integer; begin Randomize; ArraySize := Length(ItemArray); for I := 0 to ArraySize - 1 do begin Index := (I + Random(ArraySize - 1) + 1) mod ArraySize; Item := ItemArray[I]; ItemArray[I] := ItemArray[Index]; ItemArray[Index] := Item; end; end; class procedure TMiscCollectionLibrary.ShuffleList(const List: IList); var ListSize, I: Integer; begin Randomize; ListSize := List.GetSize; for I := 0 to ListSize - 1 do begin List.Exchange(I, (I + Random(ListSize - 1) + 1) mod ListSize); end; end; end.