unit CollHash; (***************************************************************************** * Copyright 2003 by Matthew Greet * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. (http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php) * * See http://www.warmachine.u-net.com/delphi_collections for updates and downloads. * * $Version: v1.0.3 $ * $Revision: $ * $Log: D:\QVCS Repositories\Delphi Collections\CollHash.qbt $ * * Collection implementations based on hash tables. * * Revision by: Matthew Greet Rev date: 12/06/04 20:04:30 * Capacity property. * * Revision by: Matthew Greet Rev date: 24/10/03 16:48:16 * v1.0 branch. * * Revision 1.1 by: Matthew Greet Rev date: 06/04/03 10:40:16 * Added integer map and string map versions. * THashSet uses its own implementation, not THashMap. * DefaulMaxLoadFactor changed. * * Revision 1.0 by: Matthew Greet Rev date: 01/03/03 10:50:02 * Initial revision. * * FPC compatibility fixes by: UltraStar Deluxe Team * * $Endlog$ *****************************************************************************) {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi}{$H+} {$ENDIF} interface uses Classes, Math, Collections; const DefaultTableSize = 100; MaxLoadFactorMin = 0.01; // Minimum allowed value for MaxLoadFactor property. DefaultMaxLoadFactor = 5.0; type THashMap = class(TAbstractMap) private FArray: TListArray; FCapacity: Integer; FMaxLoadFactor: Double; FSize: Integer; FTableSize: Integer; protected function GetAssociationIterator: IMapIterator; override; procedure SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); virtual; procedure SetTableSize(Value: Integer); virtual; procedure ChangeCapacity(Value: TListArray); virtual; procedure CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); virtual; function GetHash(const Key: ICollectable): Integer; virtual; function GetKeyPosition(const Key: ICollectable): TCollectionPosition; override; procedure Rehash; procedure TrueClear; override; function TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): IAssociation; override; function TruePut(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Association: IAssociation): IAssociation; override; function TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition): IAssociation; override; public constructor Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean; NaturalKeysOnly: Boolean); override; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetAlwaysNaturalKeys: Boolean; override; function GetCapacity: Integer; override; procedure SetCapacity(Value: Integer); override; function GetNaturalKeyIID: TGUID; override; function GetSize: Integer; override; property MaxLoadFactor: Double read FMaxLoadFactor write SetMaxLoadFactor; property TableSize: Integer read FTableSize write SetTableSize; end; THashSet = class(TAbstractSet) private FArray: TListArray; FCapacity: Integer; FMaxLoadFactor: Double; FSize: Integer; FTableSize: Integer; protected procedure SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); virtual; procedure SetTableSize(Value: Integer); virtual; procedure ChangeCapacity(Value: TListArray); virtual; procedure CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); virtual; function GetHash(const Item: ICollectable): Integer; virtual; function GetPosition(const Item: ICollectable): TCollectionPosition; override; procedure Rehash; procedure TrueAdd2(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Item: ICollectable); override; procedure TrueClear; override; function TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): ICollectable; override; procedure TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition); override; public constructor Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean); override; destructor Destroy; override; class function GetAlwaysNaturalItems: Boolean; override; function GetCapacity: Integer; override; procedure SetCapacity(Value: Integer); override; function GetIterator: IIterator; override; function GetNaturalItemIID: TGUID; override; function GetSize: Integer; override; property MaxLoadFactor: Double read FMaxLoadFactor write SetMaxLoadFactor; property TableSize: Integer read FTableSize write SetTableSize; end; THashIntegerMap = class(TAbstractIntegerMap) private FArray: TListArray; FCapacity: Integer; FMaxLoadFactor: Double; FSize: Integer; FTableSize: Integer; protected function GetAssociationIterator: IIntegerMapIterator; override; procedure SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); virtual; procedure SetTableSize(Value: Integer); virtual; procedure ChangeCapacity(Value: TListArray); virtual; procedure CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); virtual; function GetHash(const Key: Integer): Integer; virtual; function GetKeyPosition(const Key: Integer): TCollectionPosition; override; procedure Rehash; procedure TrueClear; override; function TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): IIntegerAssociation; override; function TruePut(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Association: IIntegerAssociation): IIntegerAssociation; override; function TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition): IIntegerAssociation; override; public constructor Create; override; constructor Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean); override; constructor Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean; TableSize: Integer; MaxLoadFactor: Double = DefaultMaxLoadFactor); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function GetCapacity: Integer; override; procedure SetCapacity(Value: Integer); override; function GetSize: Integer; override; property MaxLoadFactor: Double read FMaxLoadFactor write SetMaxLoadFactor; property TableSize: Integer read FTableSize write SetTableSize; end; THashStringMap = class(TAbstractStringMap) private FArray: TListArray; FCapacity: Integer; FMaxLoadFactor: Double; FSize: Integer; FTableSize: Integer; protected function GetAssociationIterator: IStringMapIterator; override; procedure SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); virtual; procedure SetTableSize(Value: Integer); virtual; procedure ChangeCapacity(Value: TListArray); virtual; procedure CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); virtual; function GetHash(const Key: String): Integer; virtual; function GetKeyPosition(const Key: String): TCollectionPosition; override; procedure Rehash; procedure TrueClear; override; function TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): IStringAssociation; override; function TruePut(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Association: IStringAssociation): IStringAssociation; override; function TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition): IStringAssociation; override; public constructor Create; override; constructor Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean); override; constructor Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean; TableSize: Integer; MaxLoadFactor: Double = DefaultMaxLoadFactor); overload; virtual; destructor Destroy; override; function GetCapacity: Integer; override; procedure SetCapacity(Value: Integer); override; function GetSize: Integer; override; property MaxLoadFactor: Double read FMaxLoadFactor write SetMaxLoadFactor; property TableSize: Integer read FTableSize write SetTableSize; end; implementation const (* (sqrt(5) - 1)/2 See Introduction to Algorithms in Pascal, 1995, by Thomas W. Parsons, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc, ISBN 0-471-11600-9 *) HashFactor = 0.618033988749894848204586834365638; type THashIterator = class(TAbstractIterator) private FHashSet: THashSet; FHash: Integer; FChainIndex: Integer; protected constructor Create(HashSet: THashSet); function TrueFirst: ICollectable; override; function TrueNext: ICollectable; override; procedure TrueRemove; override; end; THashAssociationIterator = class(TAbstractAssociationIterator) private FHashMap: THashMap; FHash: Integer; FChainIndex: Integer; protected constructor Create(HashMap: THashMap); function TrueFirst: IAssociation; override; function TrueNext: IAssociation; override; procedure TrueRemove; override; end; THashIntegerIterator = class(TAbstractIntegerAssociationIterator) private FHashIntegerMap: THashIntegerMap; FHash: Integer; FChainIndex: Integer; protected constructor Create(HashIntegerMap: THashIntegerMap); function TrueFirst: IIntegerAssociation; override; function TrueNext: IIntegerAssociation; override; procedure TrueRemove; override; end; THashStringIterator = class(TAbstractStringAssociationIterator) private FHashStringMap: THashStringMap; FHash: Integer; FChainIndex: Integer; protected constructor Create(HashStringMap: THashStringMap); function TrueFirst: IStringAssociation; override; function TrueNext: IStringAssociation; override; procedure TrueRemove; override; end; THashPosition = class(TCollectionPosition) private FChain: TList; FIndex: Integer; public constructor Create(Found: Boolean; Chain: TList; Index: Integer); property Chain: TList read FChain; property Index: Integer read FIndex; end; { THashMap } constructor THashMap.Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean; NaturalKeysOnly: Boolean); var I: Integer; begin // Force use of natural keys inherited Create(NaturalItemsOnly, true); FTableSize := DefaultTableSize; FMaxLoadFactor := DefaultMaxLoadFactor; SetLength(FArray, FTableSize); for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I] := TList.Create; FCapacity := 0; FSize := 0; ChangeCapacity(FArray); end; destructor THashMap.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I].Free; FArray := nil; inherited Destroy; end; class function THashMap.GetAlwaysNaturalKeys: Boolean; begin Result := true; end; function THashMap.GetNaturalKeyIID: TGUID; begin Result := HashableIID; end; function THashMap.GetAssociationIterator: IMapIterator; begin Result := THashAssociationIterator.Create(Self); end; procedure THashMap.SetTableSize(Value: Integer); begin if (FTableSize <> Value) and (Value >= 1) then begin FTableSize := Value; Rehash; end; end; procedure THashMap.SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); begin if (FMaxLoadFactor <> Value) and (Value >= MaxLoadFactorMin) then begin FMaxLoadFactor := Value; CheckLoadFactor(false); end; end; procedure THashMap.ChangeCapacity(Value: TListArray); var Chain: TList; I, Total, ChainCapacity: Integer; begin if FCapacity mod FTableSize = 0 then ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) else ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) + 1; Total := 0; for I := Low(Value) to High(Value) do begin Chain := Value[I]; Chain.Capacity := ChainCapacity; Total := Total + Chain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashMap.CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); var LoadFactor: Double; begin LoadFactor := Capacity / TableSize; if LoadFactor > MaxLoadFactor then TableSize := Trunc(Capacity / Max(MaxLoadFactor, MaxLoadFactorMin)) else if AlwaysChangeCapacity then ChangeCapacity(FArray); end; function THashMap.GetHash(const Key: ICollectable): Integer; var Hashable: IHashable; HashCode: Cardinal; begin Key.QueryInterface(IHashable, Hashable); HashCode := Hashable.HashCode; Result := Trunc(Frac(HashCode * HashFactor) * TableSize); end; function THashMap.GetKeyPosition(const Key: ICollectable): TCollectionPosition; var Chain: TList; I: Integer; Success: Boolean; begin Chain := FArray[GetHash(Key)]; Success := false; for I := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Success := KeyComparator.Equals(Key, IAssociation(Chain[I]).GetKey); if Success then Break; end; Result := THashPosition.Create(Success, Chain, I); end; procedure THashMap.Rehash; var NewArray: TListArray; OldChain, NewChain: TList; Association: IAssociation; Total: Integer; I, J: Integer; Hash: Integer; begin // Create new chains SetLength(NewArray, TableSize); for I := Low(NewArray) to High(NewArray) do begin NewChain := TList.Create; NewArray[I] := NewChain; end; ChangeCapacity(NewArray); // Transfer from old chains to new and drop old for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin OldChain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to OldChain.Count - 1 do begin Association := IAssociation(OldChain[J]); Hash := GetHash(Association.GetKey); NewArray[Hash].Add(Pointer(Association)); end; OldChain.Free; end; FArray := NewArray; // Find actual, new capacity Total := 0; for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin NewChain := FArray[I]; Total := Total + NewChain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashMap.TrueClear; var Association: IAssociation; Chain: TList; I, J: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin Chain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Association := IAssociation(Chain[J]); Chain[J] := nil; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; Chain.Clear; end; FSize := 0; end; function THashMap.TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): IAssociation; var HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Result := IAssociation(HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index]); end; function THashMap.TruePut(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Association: IAssociation): IAssociation; var HashPosition: THashPosition; OldAssociation: IAssociation; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); if HashPosition.Found then begin OldAssociation := IAssociation(HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index]); HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index] := Pointer(Association); Result := OldAssociation; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._AddRef; OldAssociation._Release; end else begin HashPosition.Chain.Add(Pointer(Association)); Inc(FSize); Result := nil; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._AddRef; end; end; function THashMap.TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition): IAssociation; var Association: IAssociation; HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Association := IAssociation(TrueGet(Position)); HashPosition.Chain.Delete(HashPosition.Index); Dec(FSize); Result := Association; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; function THashMap.GetCapacity; begin Result := FCapacity; end; procedure THashMap.SetCapacity(Value: Integer); begin FCapacity := Value; CheckLoadFactor(true); end; function THashMap.GetSize: Integer; begin Result := FSize; end; { THashSet } constructor THashSet.Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean); var I: Integer; begin // Force use of natural items inherited Create(true); FTableSize := DefaultTableSize; FMaxLoadFactor := DefaultMaxLoadFactor; SetLength(FArray, FTableSize); for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I] := TList.Create; FSize := 0; end; destructor THashSet.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I].Free; FArray := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure THashSet.SetTableSize(Value: Integer); begin if (FTableSize <> Value) and (Value >= 1) then begin FTableSize := Value; Rehash; end; end; procedure THashSet.SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); begin if (FMaxLoadFactor <> Value) and (Value >= MaxLoadFactorMin) then begin FMaxLoadFactor := Value; CheckLoadFactor(false); end; end; procedure THashSet.ChangeCapacity(Value: TListArray); var Chain: TList; I, Total, ChainCapacity: Integer; begin if FCapacity mod FTableSize = 0 then ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) else ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) + 1; Total := 0; for I := Low(Value) to High(Value) do begin Chain := Value[I]; Chain.Capacity := ChainCapacity; Total := Total + Chain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashSet.CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); var LoadFactor: Double; begin LoadFactor := Capacity / TableSize; if LoadFactor > MaxLoadFactor then TableSize := Trunc(Capacity / Max(MaxLoadFactor, MaxLoadFactorMin)) else if AlwaysChangeCapacity then ChangeCapacity(FArray); end; function THashSet.GetHash(const Item: ICollectable): Integer; var Hashable: IHashable; HashCode: Cardinal; begin Item.QueryInterface(IHashable, Hashable); HashCode := Hashable.HashCode; Result := Trunc(Frac(HashCode * HashFactor) * TableSize); end; function THashSet.GetPosition(const Item: ICollectable): TCollectionPosition; var Chain: TList; I: Integer; Success: Boolean; begin Chain := FArray[GetHash(Item)]; Success := false; for I := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Success := Comparator.Equals(Item, ICollectable(Chain[I])); if Success then Break; end; Result := THashPosition.Create(Success, Chain, I); end; procedure THashSet.Rehash; var NewArray: TListArray; OldChain, NewChain: TList; Item: ICollectable; Total: Integer; I, J: Integer; Hash: Integer; begin // Create new chains SetLength(NewArray, TableSize); for I := Low(NewArray) to High(NewArray) do begin NewChain := TList.Create; NewArray[I] := NewChain; end; ChangeCapacity(NewArray); // Transfer from old chains to new and drop old for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin OldChain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to OldChain.Count - 1 do begin Item := ICollectable(OldChain[J]); Hash := GetHash(Item); NewArray[Hash].Add(Pointer(Item)); end; OldChain.Free; end; FArray := NewArray; // Find actual, new capacity Total := 0; for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin NewChain := FArray[I]; Total := Total + NewChain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashSet.TrueAdd2(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Item: ICollectable); var HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); HashPosition.Chain.Add(Pointer(Item)); Inc(FSize); // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Item._AddRef; end; procedure THashSet.TrueClear; var Item: ICollectable; Chain: TList; I, J: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin Chain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Item := ICollectable(Chain[J]); Chain[J] := nil; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Item._Release; end; Chain.Clear; end; FSize := 0; end; function THashSet.TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): ICollectable; var HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Result := ICollectable(HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index]); end; procedure THashSet.TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition); var Item: ICollectable; HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Item := TrueGet(Position); HashPosition.Chain.Delete(HashPosition.Index); Dec(FSize); // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Item._Release; end; class function THashSet.GetAlwaysNaturalItems: Boolean; begin Result := true; end; function THashSet.GetIterator: IIterator; begin Result := THashIterator.Create(Self); end; function THashSet.GetNaturalItemIID: TGUID; begin Result := HashableIID; end; function THashSet.GetCapacity; begin Result := FCapacity; end; procedure THashSet.SetCapacity(Value: Integer); begin FCapacity := Value; CheckLoadFactor(true); end; function THashSet.GetSize: Integer; begin Result := FSize; end; { THashIntegerMap } constructor THashIntegerMap.Create; begin Create(false, DefaultTableSize, DefaultMaxLoadFactor); end; constructor THashIntegerMap.Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean); begin Create(NaturalItemsOnly, DefaultTableSize, DefaultMaxLoadFactor); end; constructor THashIntegerMap.Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean; TableSize: Integer; MaxLoadFactor: Double = DefaultMaxLoadFactor); var I: Integer; begin inherited Create(NaturalItemsOnly); SetLength(FArray, TableSize); for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I] := TList.Create; FTableSize := TableSize; FMaxLoadFactor := MaxLoadFactor; FSize := 0; end; destructor THashIntegerMap.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I].Free; FArray := nil; inherited Destroy; end; function THashIntegerMap.GetAssociationIterator: IIntegerMapIterator; begin Result := THashIntegerIterator.Create(Self); end; procedure THashIntegerMap.SetTableSize(Value: Integer); begin if (FTableSize <> Value) and (Value >= 1) then begin FTableSize := Value; Rehash; end; end; procedure THashIntegerMap.SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); begin if (FMaxLoadFactor <> Value) and (Value >= MaxLoadFactorMin) then begin FMaxLoadFactor := Value; CheckLoadFactor(false); end; end; procedure THashIntegerMap.ChangeCapacity; var Chain: TList; I, Total, ChainCapacity: Integer; begin if FCapacity mod FTableSize = 0 then ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) else ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) + 1; Total := 0; for I := Low(Value) to High(Value) do begin Chain := Value[I]; Chain.Capacity := ChainCapacity; Total := Total + Chain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashIntegerMap.CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); var LoadFactor: Double; begin LoadFactor := Capacity / TableSize; if LoadFactor > MaxLoadFactor then TableSize := Trunc(Capacity / Max(MaxLoadFactor, MaxLoadFactorMin)) else if AlwaysChangeCapacity then ChangeCapacity(FArray); end; function THashIntegerMap.GetHash(const Key: Integer): Integer; begin Result := Trunc(Frac(Cardinal(Key) * HashFactor) * TableSize); end; function THashIntegerMap.GetKeyPosition(const Key: Integer): TCollectionPosition; var Chain: TList; I: Integer; Success: Boolean; begin Chain := FArray[GetHash(Key)]; Success := false; for I := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Success := (Key = IIntegerAssociation(Chain[I]).GetKey); if Success then Break; end; Result := THashPosition.Create(Success, Chain, I); end; procedure THashIntegerMap.Rehash; var NewArray: TListArray; OldChain, NewChain: TList; Association: IIntegerAssociation; Total: Integer; I, J: Integer; Hash: Integer; begin // Create new chains SetLength(NewArray, TableSize); for I := Low(NewArray) to High(NewArray) do begin NewChain := TList.Create; NewArray[I] := NewChain; end; ChangeCapacity(NewArray); // Transfer from old chains to new and drop old for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin OldChain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to OldChain.Count - 1 do begin Association := IIntegerAssociation(OldChain[J]); Hash := GetHash(Association.GetKey); NewArray[Hash].Add(Pointer(Association)); end; OldChain.Free; end; FArray := NewArray; // Find actual, new capacity Total := 0; for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin NewChain := FArray[I]; Total := Total + NewChain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashIntegerMap.TrueClear; var Association: IIntegerAssociation; Chain: TList; I, J: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin Chain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Association := IIntegerAssociation(Chain[J]); Chain[J] := nil; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; Chain.Clear; end; FSize := 0; end; function THashIntegerMap.TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): IIntegerAssociation; var HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Result := IIntegerAssociation(HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index]); end; function THashIntegerMap.TruePut(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Association: IIntegerAssociation): IIntegerAssociation; var HashPosition: THashPosition; OldAssociation: IIntegerAssociation; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); if HashPosition.Found then begin OldAssociation := IIntegerAssociation(HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index]); HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index] := Pointer(Association); Result := OldAssociation; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._AddRef; OldAssociation._Release; end else begin HashPosition.Chain.Add(Pointer(Association)); Inc(FSize); Result := nil; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._AddRef; end; end; function THashIntegerMap.TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition): IIntegerAssociation; var Association: IIntegerAssociation; HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Association := IIntegerAssociation(TrueGet(Position)); HashPosition.Chain.Delete(HashPosition.Index); Dec(FSize); Result := Association; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; function THashIntegerMap.GetCapacity; begin Result := FCapacity; end; procedure THashIntegerMap.SetCapacity(Value: Integer); begin FCapacity := Value; CheckLoadFactor(true); end; function THashIntegerMap.GetSize: Integer; begin Result := FSize; end; { THashStringMap } constructor THashStringMap.Create; begin Create(false, DefaultTableSize, DefaultMaxLoadFactor); end; constructor THashStringMap.Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean); begin Create(NaturalItemsOnly, DefaultTableSize, DefaultMaxLoadFactor); end; constructor THashStringMap.Create(NaturalItemsOnly: Boolean; TableSize: Integer; MaxLoadFactor: Double = DefaultMaxLoadFactor); var I: Integer; begin inherited Create(NaturalItemsOnly); SetLength(FArray, TableSize); for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I] := TList.Create; FTableSize := TableSize; FMaxLoadFactor := MaxLoadFactor; FSize := 0; end; destructor THashStringMap.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do FArray[I].Free; FArray := nil; inherited Destroy; end; function THashStringMap.GetAssociationIterator: IStringMapIterator; begin Result := THashStringIterator.Create(Self); end; procedure THashStringMap.SetTableSize(Value: Integer); begin if (FTableSize <> Value) and (Value >= 1) then begin FTableSize := Value; Rehash; end; end; procedure THashStringMap.SetMaxLoadFactor(Value: Double); begin if (FMaxLoadFactor <> Value) and (Value >= MaxLoadFactorMin) then begin FMaxLoadFactor := Value; CheckLoadFactor(false); end; end; procedure THashStringMap.ChangeCapacity; var Chain: TList; I, Total, ChainCapacity: Integer; begin if FCapacity mod FTableSize = 0 then ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) else ChainCapacity := Trunc(FCapacity / FTableSize) + 1; Total := 0; for I := Low(Value) to High(Value) do begin Chain := Value[I]; Chain.Capacity := ChainCapacity; Total := Total + Chain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashStringMap.CheckLoadFactor(AlwaysChangeCapacity: Boolean); var LoadFactor: Double; begin LoadFactor := Capacity / TableSize; if LoadFactor > MaxLoadFactor then TableSize := Trunc(Capacity / Max(MaxLoadFactor, MaxLoadFactorMin)) else if AlwaysChangeCapacity then ChangeCapacity(FArray); end; function THashStringMap.GetHash(const Key: String): Integer; var HashCode: Cardinal; I: Integer; begin HashCode := 0; for I := 1 to Length(Key) do HashCode := (HashCode shl 1) xor Ord(Key[I]); Result := Trunc(Frac(HashCode * HashFactor) * TableSize); end; function THashStringMap.GetKeyPosition(const Key: String): TCollectionPosition; var Chain: TList; I: Integer; Success: Boolean; begin Chain := FArray[GetHash(Key)]; Success := false; for I := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Success := (Key = IStringAssociation(Chain[I]).GetKey); if Success then Break; end; Result := THashPosition.Create(Success, Chain, I); end; procedure THashStringMap.Rehash; var NewArray: TListArray; OldChain, NewChain: TList; Association: IStringAssociation; Total: Integer; I, J: Integer; Hash: Integer; begin // Create new chains SetLength(NewArray, TableSize); for I := Low(NewArray) to High(NewArray) do begin NewChain := TList.Create; NewArray[I] := NewChain; end; ChangeCapacity(NewArray); // Transfer from old chains to new and drop old for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin OldChain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to OldChain.Count - 1 do begin Association := IStringAssociation(OldChain[J]); Hash := GetHash(Association.GetKey); NewArray[Hash].Add(Pointer(Association)); end; OldChain.Free; end; FArray := NewArray; // Find actual, new capacity Total := 0; for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin NewChain := FArray[I]; Total := Total + NewChain.Capacity; end; FCapacity := Total; end; procedure THashStringMap.TrueClear; var Association: IStringAssociation; Chain: TList; I, J: Integer; begin for I := Low(FArray) to High(FArray) do begin Chain := FArray[I]; for J := 0 to Chain.Count - 1 do begin Association := IStringAssociation(Chain[J]); Chain[J] := nil; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; Chain.Clear; end; FSize := 0; end; function THashStringMap.TrueGet(Position: TCollectionPosition): IStringAssociation; var HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Result := IStringAssociation(HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index]); end; function THashStringMap.TruePut(Position: TCollectionPosition; const Association: IStringAssociation): IStringAssociation; var HashPosition: THashPosition; OldAssociation: IStringAssociation; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); if HashPosition.Found then begin OldAssociation := IStringAssociation(HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index]); HashPosition.Chain.Items[HashPosition.Index] := Pointer(Association); Result := OldAssociation; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._AddRef; OldAssociation._Release; end else begin HashPosition.Chain.Add(Pointer(Association)); Inc(FSize); Result := nil; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._AddRef; end; end; function THashStringMap.TrueRemove2(Position: TCollectionPosition): IStringAssociation; var Association: IStringAssociation; HashPosition: THashPosition; begin HashPosition := THashPosition(Position); Association := IStringAssociation(TrueGet(Position)); HashPosition.Chain.Delete(HashPosition.Index); Dec(FSize); Result := Association; // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; function THashStringMap.GetCapacity; begin Result := FCapacity; end; procedure THashStringMap.SetCapacity(Value: Integer); begin FCapacity := Value; CheckLoadFactor(true); end; function THashStringMap.GetSize: Integer; begin Result := FSize; end; { THashPosition } constructor THashPosition.Create(Found: Boolean; Chain: TList; Index: Integer); begin inherited Create(Found); FChain := Chain; FIndex := Index; end; { THashIterator } constructor THashIterator.Create(HashSet: THashSet); begin inherited Create(true); FHashSet := HashSet; First; end; function THashIterator.TrueFirst: ICollectable; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin FHash := 0; FChainIndex := 0; Success := false; while FHash < FHashSet.TableSize do begin Chain := FHashSet.FArray[FHash]; Success := Chain.Count > 0; if Success then Break; Inc(FHash); end; if Success then Result := ICollectable(FHashSet.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; function THashIterator.TrueNext: ICollectable; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin Success := false; Chain := FHashSet.FArray[FHash]; repeat Inc(FChainIndex); if FChainIndex >= Chain.Count then begin Inc(FHash); FChainIndex := -1; if FHash < FHashSet.TableSize then Chain := FHashSet.FArray[FHash]; end else Success := true; until Success or (FHash >= FHashSet.TableSize); if Success then Result := ICollectable(FHashSet.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; procedure THashIterator.TrueRemove; var Item: ICollectable; begin Item := ICollectable(FHashSet.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]); FHashSet.FArray[FHash].Delete(FChainIndex); Dec(FChainIndex); Dec(FHashSet.FSize); // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Item._Release; end; { THashAssociationIterator } constructor THashAssociationIterator.Create(HashMap: THashMap); begin inherited Create(true); FHashMap := HashMap; First; end; function THashAssociationIterator.TrueFirst: IAssociation; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin FHash := 0; FChainIndex := 0; Success := false; while FHash < FHashMap.TableSize do begin Chain := FHashMap.FArray[FHash]; Success := Chain.Count > 0; if Success then Break; Inc(FHash); end; if Success then Result := IAssociation(FHashMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; function THashAssociationIterator.TrueNext: IAssociation; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin Success := false; Chain := FHashMap.FArray[FHash]; repeat Inc(FChainIndex); if FChainIndex >= Chain.Count then begin Inc(FHash); FChainIndex := -1; if FHash < FHashMap.TableSize then Chain := FHashMap.FArray[FHash]; end else Success := true; until Success or (FHash >= FHashMap.TableSize); if Success then Result := IAssociation(FHashMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; procedure THashAssociationIterator.TrueRemove; var Association: IAssociation; begin Association := IAssociation(FHashMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]); FHashMap.FArray[FHash].Delete(FChainIndex); Dec(FChainIndex); Dec(FHashMap.FSize); // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; { THashIntegerIterator } constructor THashIntegerIterator.Create(HashIntegerMap: THashIntegerMap); begin inherited Create(true); FHashIntegerMap := HashIntegerMap; First; end; function THashIntegerIterator.TrueFirst: IIntegerAssociation; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin FHash := 0; FChainIndex := 0; Success := false; while FHash < FHashIntegerMap.TableSize do begin Chain := FHashIntegerMap.FArray[FHash]; Success := Chain.Count > 0; if Success then Break; Inc(FHash); end; if Success then Result := IIntegerAssociation(FHashIntegerMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; function THashIntegerIterator.TrueNext: IIntegerAssociation; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin Success := false; Chain := FHashIntegerMap.FArray[FHash]; repeat Inc(FChainIndex); if FChainIndex >= Chain.Count then begin Inc(FHash); FChainIndex := -1; if FHash < FHashIntegerMap.TableSize then Chain := FHashIntegerMap.FArray[FHash]; end else Success := true; until Success or (FHash >= FHashIntegerMap.TableSize); if Success then Result := IIntegerAssociation(FHashIntegerMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; procedure THashIntegerIterator.TrueRemove; var Association: IIntegerAssociation; begin Association := IIntegerAssociation(FHashIntegerMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]); FHashIntegerMap.FArray[FHash].Delete(FChainIndex); Dec(FChainIndex); Dec(FHashIntegerMap.FSize); // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; { THashStringIterator } constructor THashStringIterator.Create(HashStringMap: THashStringMap); begin inherited Create(true); FHashStringMap := HashStringMap; First; end; function THashStringIterator.TrueFirst: IStringAssociation; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin FHash := 0; FChainIndex := 0; Success := false; while FHash < FHashStringMap.TableSize do begin Chain := FHashStringMap.FArray[FHash]; Success := Chain.Count > 0; if Success then Break; Inc(FHash); end; if Success then Result := IStringAssociation(FHashStringMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; function THashStringIterator.TrueNext: IStringAssociation; var Chain: TList; Success: Boolean; begin Success := false; Chain := FHashStringMap.FArray[FHash]; repeat Inc(FChainIndex); if FChainIndex >= Chain.Count then begin Inc(FHash); FChainIndex := -1; if FHash < FHashStringMap.TableSize then Chain := FHashStringMap.FArray[FHash]; end else Success := true; until Success or (FHash >= FHashStringMap.TableSize); if Success then Result := IStringAssociation(FHashStringMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]) else Result := nil; end; procedure THashStringIterator.TrueRemove; var Association: IStringAssociation; begin Association := IStringAssociation(FHashStringMap.FArray[FHash].Items[FChainIndex]); FHashStringMap.FArray[FHash].Delete(FChainIndex); Dec(FChainIndex); Dec(FHashStringMap.FSize); // Storing interface reference as a pointer does not update reference // count automatically, so this must be done manually Association._Release; end; end.