{*****************************************************************************} { } { Tnt Delphi Unicode Controls } { http://www.tntware.com/delphicontrols/unicode/ } { Version: 2.3.0 } { } { Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Troy Wolbrink (troy.wolbrink@tntware.com) } { } {*****************************************************************************} unit TntFormatStrUtils; {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi} {$ENDIF} {$INCLUDE TntCompilers.inc} interface // this unit provides functions to work with format strings uses TntSysUtils; function GetCanonicalFormatStr(const _FormatString: WideString): WideString; {$IFNDEF FPC} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function ReplaceFloatingArgumentsInFormatString(const _FormatString: WideString; const Args: array of const {$IFDEF COMPILER_7_UP}; FormatSettings: PFormatSettings{$ENDIF}): WideString; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} procedure CompareFormatStrings(FormatStr1, FormatStr2: WideString); function FormatStringsAreCompatible(FormatStr1, FormatStr2: WideString): Boolean; type EFormatSpecError = class(ETntGeneralError); implementation uses SysUtils, Math, TntClasses; resourcestring SInvalidFormatSpecifier = 'Invalid Format Specifier: %s'; SMismatchedArgumentTypes = 'Argument types for index %d do not match. (%s <> %s)'; SMismatchedArgumentCounts = 'Number of format specifiers do not match.'; type TFormatSpecifierType = (fstInteger, fstFloating, fstPointer, fstString); function GetFormatSpecifierType(const FormatSpecifier: WideString): TFormatSpecifierType; var LastChar: WideChar; begin LastChar := TntWideLastChar(FormatSpecifier); case LastChar of 'd', 'D', 'u', 'U', 'x', 'X': result := fstInteger; 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', 'n', 'N', 'm', 'M': result := fstFloating; 'p', 'P': result := fstPointer; 's', 'S': result := fstString else raise ETntInternalError.CreateFmt('Internal Error: Unexpected format type (%s)', [LastChar]); end; end; type TFormatStrParser = class(TObject) private ParsedString: TBufferedWideString; PFormatString: PWideChar; LastIndex: Integer; ExplicitCount: Integer; ImplicitCount: Integer; procedure RaiseInvalidFormatSpecifier; function ParseChar(c: WideChar): Boolean; procedure ForceParseChar(c: WideChar); function ParseDigit: Boolean; function ParseInteger: Boolean; procedure ForceParseType; function PeekDigit: Boolean; function PeekIndexSpecifier(out Index: Integer): Boolean; public constructor Create(const _FormatString: WideString); destructor Destroy; override; function ParseFormatSpecifier: Boolean; end; constructor TFormatStrParser.Create(const _FormatString: WideString); begin inherited Create; PFormatString := PWideChar(_FormatString); ExplicitCount := 0; ImplicitCount := 0; LastIndex := -1; ParsedString := TBufferedWideString.Create; end; destructor TFormatStrParser.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(ParsedString); inherited; end; procedure TFormatStrParser.RaiseInvalidFormatSpecifier; begin raise EFormatSpecError.CreateFmt(SInvalidFormatSpecifier, [ParsedString.Value + PFormatString]); end; function TFormatStrParser.ParseChar(c: WideChar): Boolean; begin result := False; if PFormatString^ = c then begin result := True; ParsedString.AddChar(c); Inc(PFormatString); end; end; procedure TFormatStrParser.ForceParseChar(c: WideChar); begin if not ParseChar(c) then RaiseInvalidFormatSpecifier; end; function TFormatStrParser.PeekDigit: Boolean; begin result := False; if (PFormatString^ <> #0) and (PFormatString^ >= '0') and (PFormatString^ <= '9') then result := True; end; function TFormatStrParser.ParseDigit: Boolean; begin result := False; if PeekDigit then begin result := True; ForceParseChar(PFormatString^); end; end; function TFormatStrParser.ParseInteger: Boolean; const MAX_INT_DIGITS = 6; var digitcount: integer; begin digitcount := 0; While ParseDigit do begin inc(digitcount); end; result := (digitcount > 0); if digitcount > MAX_INT_DIGITS then RaiseInvalidFormatSpecifier; end; procedure TFormatStrParser.ForceParseType; begin if PFormatString^ = #0 then RaiseInvalidFormatSpecifier; case PFormatString^ of 'd', 'u', 'x', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'n', 'm', 'p', 's', 'D', 'U', 'X', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'N', 'M', 'P', 'S': begin // do nothing end else RaiseInvalidFormatSpecifier; end; ForceParseChar(PFormatString^); end; function TFormatStrParser.PeekIndexSpecifier(out Index: Integer): Boolean; var SaveParsedString: WideString; SaveFormatString: PWideChar; begin SaveParsedString := ParsedString.Value; SaveFormatString := PFormatString; try ParsedString.Clear; Result := False; Index := -1; if ParseInteger then begin Index := StrToInt(ParsedString.Value); if ParseChar(':') then Result := True; end; finally ParsedString.Clear; ParsedString.AddString(SaveParsedString); PFormatString := SaveFormatString; end; end; function TFormatStrParser.ParseFormatSpecifier: Boolean; var ExplicitIndex: Integer; begin Result := False; // Parse entire format specifier ForceParseChar('%'); if (PFormatString^ <> #0) and (not ParseChar(' ')) and (not ParseChar('%')) then begin if PeekIndexSpecifier(ExplicitIndex) then begin Inc(ExplicitCount); LastIndex := Max(LastIndex, ExplicitIndex); end else begin Inc(ImplicitCount); Inc(LastIndex); ParsedString.AddString(IntToStr(LastIndex)); ParsedString.AddChar(':'); end; if ParseChar('*') then begin Inc(ImplicitCount); Inc(LastIndex); ParseChar(':'); end else if ParseInteger then ParseChar(':'); ParseChar('-'); if ParseChar('*') then begin Inc(ImplicitCount); Inc(LastIndex); end else ParseInteger; if ParseChar('.') then begin if not ParseChar('*') then ParseInteger; end; ForceParseType; Result := True; end; end; //----------------------------------- function GetCanonicalFormatStr(const _FormatString: WideString): WideString; var PosSpec: Integer; begin with TFormatStrParser.Create(_FormatString) do try // loop until no more '%' PosSpec := Pos('%', PFormatString); While PosSpec <> 0 do begin try // delete everything up until '%' ParsedString.AddBuffer(PFormatString, PosSpec - 1); Inc(PFormatString, PosSpec - 1); // parse format specifier ParseFormatSpecifier; finally PosSpec := Pos('%', PFormatString); end; end; if ((ExplicitCount = 0) and (ImplicitCount = 1)) {simple expression} or ((ExplicitCount > 0) and (ImplicitCount = 0)) {nothing converted} then result := _FormatString {original} else result := ParsedString.Value + PFormatString; finally Free; end; end; {$IFNDEF FPC} {$IFNDEF COMPILER_9_UP} function ReplaceFloatingArgumentsInFormatString(const _FormatString: WideString; const Args: array of const {$IFDEF COMPILER_7_UP}; FormatSettings: PFormatSettings{$ENDIF}): WideString; { This function replaces floating point format specifiers with their actual formatted values. It also adds index specifiers so that the other format specifiers don't lose their place. The reason for this is that WideFormat doesn't correctly format floating point specifiers. See QC#4254. } var Parser: TFormatStrParser; PosSpec: Integer; Output: TBufferedWideString; begin Output := TBufferedWideString.Create; try Parser := TFormatStrParser.Create(_FormatString); with Parser do try // loop until no more '%' PosSpec := Pos('%', PFormatString); While PosSpec <> 0 do begin try // delete everything up until '%' Output.AddBuffer(PFormatString, PosSpec - 1); Inc(PFormatString, PosSpec - 1); // parse format specifier ParsedString.Clear; if (not ParseFormatSpecifier) or (GetFormatSpecifierType(ParsedString.Value) <> fstFloating) then Output.AddBuffer(ParsedString.BuffPtr, MaxInt) {$IFDEF COMPILER_7_UP} else if Assigned(FormatSettings) then Output.AddString(Format{TNT-ALLOW Format}(ParsedString.Value, Args, FormatSettings^)) {$ENDIF} else Output.AddString(Format{TNT-ALLOW Format}(ParsedString.Value, Args)); finally PosSpec := Pos('%', PFormatString); end; end; Output.AddString(PFormatString); finally Free; end; Result := Output.Value; finally Output.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} procedure GetFormatArgs(const _FormatString: WideString; FormatArgs: TTntStrings); var PosSpec: Integer; begin with TFormatStrParser.Create(_FormatString) do try FormatArgs.Clear; // loop until no more '%' PosSpec := Pos('%', PFormatString); While PosSpec <> 0 do begin try // delete everything up until '%' Inc(PFormatString, PosSpec - 1); // add format specifier to list ParsedString.Clear; if ParseFormatSpecifier then FormatArgs.Add(ParsedString.Value); finally PosSpec := Pos('%', PFormatString); end; end; finally Free; end; end; function GetExplicitIndex(const FormatSpecifier: WideString): Integer; var IndexStr: WideString; PosColon: Integer; begin result := -1; PosColon := Pos(':', FormatSpecifier); if PosColon <> 0 then begin IndexStr := Copy(FormatSpecifier, 2, PosColon - 2); result := StrToInt(IndexStr); end; end; function GetMaxIndex(FormatArgs: TTntStrings): Integer; var i: integer; RunningIndex: Integer; ExplicitIndex: Integer; begin result := -1; RunningIndex := -1; for i := 0 to FormatArgs.Count - 1 do begin ExplicitIndex := GetExplicitIndex(FormatArgs[i]); if ExplicitIndex <> -1 then RunningIndex := ExplicitIndex else inc(RunningIndex); result := Max(result, RunningIndex); end; end; function FormatSpecToObject(SpecType: TFormatSpecifierType): TObject; begin {$IFNDEF FPC} Result := TObject(SpecType); {$ELSE} Result := Pointer(SpecType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure UpdateTypeList(FormatArgs, TypeList: TTntStrings); var i: integer; f: WideString; SpecType: TFormatSpecifierType; ExplicitIndex: Integer; MaxIndex: Integer; RunningIndex: Integer; begin // set count of TypeList to accomodate maximum index MaxIndex := GetMaxIndex(FormatArgs); TypeList.Clear; for i := 0 to MaxIndex do TypeList.Add(''); // for each arg... RunningIndex := -1; for i := 0 to FormatArgs.Count - 1 do begin f := FormatArgs[i]; ExplicitIndex := GetExplicitIndex(f); SpecType := GetFormatSpecifierType(f); // determine running arg index if ExplicitIndex <> -1 then RunningIndex := ExplicitIndex else inc(RunningIndex); if TypeList[RunningIndex] <> '' then begin // already exists in list, check for compatibility if TypeList.Objects[RunningIndex] <> FormatSpecToObject(SpecType) then raise EFormatSpecError.CreateFmt(SMismatchedArgumentTypes, [RunningIndex, TypeList[RunningIndex], f]); end else begin // not in list so update it TypeList[RunningIndex] := f; TypeList.Objects[RunningIndex] := FormatSpecToObject(SpecType); end; end; end; procedure CompareFormatStrings(FormatStr1, FormatStr2: WideString); var ArgList1: TTntStringList; ArgList2: TTntStringList; TypeList1: TTntStringList; TypeList2: TTntStringList; i: integer; begin ArgList1 := nil; ArgList2 := nil; TypeList1 := nil; TypeList2 := nil; try ArgList1 := TTntStringList.Create; ArgList2 := TTntStringList.Create; TypeList1 := TTntStringList.Create; TypeList2 := TTntStringList.Create; GetFormatArgs(FormatStr1, ArgList1); UpdateTypeList(ArgList1, TypeList1); GetFormatArgs(FormatStr2, ArgList2); UpdateTypeList(ArgList2, TypeList2); if TypeList1.Count <> TypeList2.Count then raise EFormatSpecError.Create(SMismatchedArgumentCounts + CRLF + CRLF + '> ' + FormatStr1 + CRLF + '> ' + FormatStr2); for i := 0 to TypeList1.Count - 1 do begin if TypeList1.Objects[i] <> TypeList2.Objects[i] then begin raise EFormatSpecError.CreateFmt(SMismatchedArgumentTypes, [i, TypeList1[i], TypeList2[i]]); end; end; finally ArgList1.Free; ArgList2.Free; TypeList1.Free; TypeList2.Free; end; end; function FormatStringsAreCompatible(FormatStr1, FormatStr2: WideString): Boolean; var ArgList1: TTntStringList; ArgList2: TTntStringList; TypeList1: TTntStringList; TypeList2: TTntStringList; i: integer; begin ArgList1 := nil; ArgList2 := nil; TypeList1 := nil; TypeList2 := nil; try ArgList1 := TTntStringList.Create; ArgList2 := TTntStringList.Create; TypeList1 := TTntStringList.Create; TypeList2 := TTntStringList.Create; GetFormatArgs(FormatStr1, ArgList1); UpdateTypeList(ArgList1, TypeList1); GetFormatArgs(FormatStr2, ArgList2); UpdateTypeList(ArgList2, TypeList2); Result := (TypeList1.Count = TypeList2.Count); if Result then begin for i := 0 to TypeList1.Count - 1 do begin if TypeList1.Objects[i] <> TypeList2.Objects[i] then begin Result := False; break; end; end; end; finally ArgList1.Free; ArgList2.Free; TypeList1.Free; TypeList2.Free; end; end; end.