//---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Include file to determine which compiler is currently being used to build the project/component. // This file uses ideas from Brad Stowers DFS.inc file (www.delphifreestuff.com). // // Portions created by Mike Lischke are Copyright // (C) 1999-2002 Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke. All Rights Reserved. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following symbols are defined: // // COMPILER_1 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 1.x is the compiler. // COMPILER_1_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 1.x or higher is the compiler. // COMPILER_2 : Kylix/Delphi 2.x or BCB 1.x is the compiler. // COMPILER_2_UP : Kylix/Delphi 2.x or higher, or BCB 1.x or higher is the compiler. // COMPILER_3 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 3.x is the compiler. // COMPILER_3_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 3.x or higher is the compiler. // COMPILER_4 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 4.x is the compiler. // COMPILER_4_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 4.x or higher is the compiler. // COMPILER_5 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 5.x is the compiler. // COMPILER_5_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 5.x or higher is the compiler. // COMPILER_6 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 6.x is the compiler. // COMPILER_6_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 6.x or higher is the compiler. // COMPILER_7 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 7.x is the compiler. // COMPILER_7_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 7.x or higher is the compiler. // // Only defined if Windows is the target: // CPPB : Any version of BCB is being used. // CPPB_1 : BCB v1.x is being used. // CPPB_3 : BCB v3.x is being used. // CPPB_3_UP : BCB v3.x or higher is being used. // CPPB_4 : BCB v4.x is being used. // CPPB_4_UP : BCB v4.x or higher is being used. // CPPB_5 : BCB v5.x is being used. // CPPB_5_UP : BCB v5.x or higher is being used. // CPPB_6 : BCB v6.x is being used. // CPPB_6_UP : BCB v6.x or higher is being used. // // Only defined if Windows is the target: // DELPHI : Any version of Delphi is being used. // DELPHI_1 : Delphi v1.x is being used. // DELPHI_2 : Delphi v2.x is being used. // DELPHI_2_UP : Delphi v2.x or higher is being used. // DELPHI_3 : Delphi v3.x is being used. // DELPHI_3_UP : Delphi v3.x or higher is being used. // DELPHI_4 : Delphi v4.x is being used. // DELPHI_4_UP : Delphi v4.x or higher is being used. // DELPHI_5 : Delphi v5.x is being used. // DELPHI_5_UP : Delphi v5.x or higher is being used. // DELPHI_6 : Delphi v6.x is being used. // DELPHI_6_UP : Delphi v6.x or higher is being used. // DELPHI_7 : Delphi v7.x is being used. // DELPHI_7_UP : Delphi v7.x or higher is being used. // // Only defined if Linux is the target: // KYLIX : Any version of Kylix is being used. // KYLIX_1 : Kylix 1.x is being used. // KYLIX_1_UP : Kylix 1.x or higher is being used. // KYLIX_2 : Kylix 2.x is being used. // KYLIX_2_UP : Kylix 2.x or higher is being used. // KYLIX_3 : Kylix 3.x is being used. // KYLIX_3_UP : Kylix 3.x or higher is being used. // // Only defined if Linux is the target: // QT_CLX : Trolltech's QT library is being used. //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {$ifdef Win32} {$ifdef VER180} {$define COMPILER_10} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_10} {$endif} {$ifdef VER170} {$define COMPILER_9} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_9} {$endif} {$ifdef VER150} {$define COMPILER_7} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_7} {$endif} {$ifdef VER140} {$define COMPILER_6} {$ifdef BCB} {$define CPPB} {$define CPPB_6} {$else} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_6} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef VER130} {$define COMPILER_5} {$ifdef BCB} {$define CPPB} {$define CPPB_5} {$else} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_5} {$endif} {$endif} {$ifdef VER125} {$define COMPILER_4} {$define CPPB} {$define CPPB_4} {$endif} {$ifdef VER120} {$define COMPILER_4} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_4} {$endif} {$ifdef VER110} {$define COMPILER_3} {$define CPPB} {$define CPPB_3} {$endif} {$ifdef VER100} {$define COMPILER_3} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_3} {$endif} {$ifdef VER93} {$define COMPILER_2} // C++ Builder v1 compiler is really v2 {$define CPPB} {$define CPPB_1} {$endif} {$ifdef VER90} {$define COMPILER_2} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_2} {$endif} {$ifdef VER80} {$define COMPILER_1} {$define DELPHI} {$define DELPHI_1} {$endif} {$ifdef FPC} {.$define DELPHI} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_2} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_3} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$define DELPHI_3_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_4} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$define DELPHI_3_UP} {$define DELPHI_4_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_5} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$define DELPHI_3_UP} {$define DELPHI_4_UP} {$define DELPHI_5_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_6} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$define DELPHI_3_UP} {$define DELPHI_4_UP} {$define DELPHI_5_UP} {$define DELPHI_6_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_7} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$define DELPHI_3_UP} {$define DELPHI_4_UP} {$define DELPHI_5_UP} {$define DELPHI_6_UP} {$define DELPHI_7_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_9} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$define DELPHI_3_UP} {$define DELPHI_4_UP} {$define DELPHI_5_UP} {$define DELPHI_6_UP} {$define DELPHI_7_UP} {$define DELPHI_9_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef DELPHI_10} {$define DELPHI_2_UP} {$define DELPHI_3_UP} {$define DELPHI_4_UP} {$define DELPHI_5_UP} {$define DELPHI_6_UP} {$define DELPHI_7_UP} {$define DELPHI_9_UP} {$define DELPHI_10_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef CPPB_3} {$define CPPB_3_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef CPPB_4} {$define CPPB_3_UP} {$define CPPB_4_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef CPPB_5} {$define CPPB_3_UP} {$define CPPB_4_UP} {$define CPPB_5_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef CPPB_6} {$define CPPB_3_UP} {$define CPPB_4_UP} {$define CPPB_5_UP} {$define CPPB_6_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef CPPB_3_UP} // C++ Builder requires this if you use Delphi components in run-time packages. {$ObjExportAll On} {$endif} {$else (not Windows)} // Linux is the target {$define QT_CLX} {$define KYLIX} {$define KYLIX_1} {$define KYLIX_1_UP} {$ifdef VER150} {$define COMPILER_7} {$define KYLIX_3} {$endif} {$ifdef VER140} {$define COMPILER_6} {$define KYLIX_2} {$endif} {$ifdef KYLIX_2} {$define KYLIX_2_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef KYLIX_3} {$define KYLIX_2_UP} {$define KYLIX_3_UP} {$endif} {$endif} // Compiler defines common to all platforms. {$ifdef COMPILER_1} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_2} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_3} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$define COMPILER_3_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_4} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$define COMPILER_3_UP} {$define COMPILER_4_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_5} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$define COMPILER_3_UP} {$define COMPILER_4_UP} {$define COMPILER_5_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_6} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$define COMPILER_3_UP} {$define COMPILER_4_UP} {$define COMPILER_5_UP} {$define COMPILER_6_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_7} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$define COMPILER_3_UP} {$define COMPILER_4_UP} {$define COMPILER_5_UP} {$define COMPILER_6_UP} {$define COMPILER_7_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_9} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$define COMPILER_3_UP} {$define COMPILER_4_UP} {$define COMPILER_5_UP} {$define COMPILER_6_UP} {$define COMPILER_7_UP} {$define COMPILER_9_UP} {$endif} {$ifdef COMPILER_10} {$define COMPILER_1_UP} {$define COMPILER_2_UP} {$define COMPILER_3_UP} {$define COMPILER_4_UP} {$define COMPILER_5_UP} {$define COMPILER_6_UP} {$define COMPILER_7_UP} {$define COMPILER_9_UP} {$define COMPILER_10_UP} {$endif} //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {$ALIGN ON} {$BOOLEVAL OFF} {$ifdef COMPILER_7_UP} {$define THEME_7_UP} { Allows experimental theme support on pre-Delphi 7. } {$endif} {$IFDEF COMPILER_6_UP} {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} { We are going to use Win32 specific symbols! } {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF COMPILER_7_UP} {$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE UNSAFE_WARNINGS_OFF} {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF UNSAFE_WARNINGS_OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CODE OFF} { We are not going to be "safe"! } {$WARN UNSAFE_TYPE OFF} {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FPC} {$HINTS OFF} {$ENDIF} {$IFNDEF FPC} // Delphi system function overrides might (not tested) cause problems on // CPUs with code protection (NX-bit). So disable by default. {.$DEFINE USE_SYSTEM_OVERRIDES} {$ENDIF}