unit SQLiteTable3; { Simple classes for using SQLite's exec and get_table. TSQLiteDatabase wraps the calls to open and close an SQLite database. It also wraps SQLite_exec for queries that do not return a result set TSQLiteTable wraps execution of SQL query. It run query and read all returned rows to internal buffer. It allows accessing fields by name as well as index and can move through a result set forward and backwards, or randomly to any row. TSQLiteUniTable wraps execution of SQL query. It run query as TSQLiteTable, but reading just first row only! You can step to next row (until not EOF) by 'Next' method. You cannot step backwards! (So, it is called as UniDirectional result set.) It not using any internal buffering, this class is very close to Sqlite API. It allows accessing fields by name as well as index on actual row only. Very good and fast for sequentional scanning of large result sets with minimal memory footprint. Warning! Do not close TSQLiteDatabase before any TSQLiteUniTable, because query is closed on TSQLiteUniTable destructor and database connection is used during TSQLiteUniTable live! SQL parameter usage: You can add named parameter values by call set of AddParam* methods. Parameters will be used for first next SQL statement only. Parameter name must be prefixed by ':', '$' or '@' and same prefix must be used in SQL statement! Sample: table.AddParamText(':str', 'some value'); s := table.GetTableString('SELECT value FROM sometable WHERE id=:str'); Notes from Andrew Retmanski on prepared queries The changes are as follows: SQLiteTable3.pas - Added new boolean property Synchronised (this controls the SYNCHRONOUS pragma as I found that turning this OFF increased the write performance in my application) - Added new type TSQLiteQuery (this is just a simple record wrapper around the SQL string and a TSQLiteStmt pointer) - Added PrepareSQL method to prepare SQL query - returns TSQLiteQuery - Added ReleaseSQL method to release previously prepared query - Added overloaded BindSQL methods for Integer and String types - these set new values for the prepared query parameters - Added overloaded ExecSQL method to execute a prepared TSQLiteQuery Usage of the new methods should be self explanatory but the process is in essence: 1. Call PrepareSQL to return TSQLiteQuery 2. Call BindSQL for each parameter in the prepared query 3. Call ExecSQL to run the prepared query 4. Repeat steps 2 & 3 as required 5. Call ReleaseSQL to free SQLite resources One other point - the Synchronised property throws an error if used inside a transaction. Acknowledments Adapted by Tim Anderson (tim@itwriting.com) Originally created by Pablo Pissanetzky (pablo@myhtpc.net) Modified and enhanced by Lukas Gebauer Modified and enhanced by Tobias Gunkel } interface {$IFDEF FPC} {$MODE Delphi}{$H+} {$ENDIF} uses {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Windows, {$ENDIF} SQLite3, Classes, SysUtils; const dtInt = 1; dtNumeric = 2; dtStr = 3; dtBlob = 4; dtNull = 5; type ESQLiteException = class(Exception) end; TSQliteParam = class public name: string; valuetype: integer; valueinteger: int64; valuefloat: double; valuedata: string; end; THookQuery = procedure(Sender: TObject; SQL: String) of object; TSQLiteQuery = record SQL: String; Statement: TSQLiteStmt; end; TSQLiteTable = class; TSQLiteUniTable = class; TSQLiteDatabase = class private fDB: TSQLiteDB; fInTrans: boolean; fSync: boolean; fParams: TList; FOnQuery: THookQuery; procedure RaiseError(s: string; SQL: string); procedure SetParams(Stmt: TSQLiteStmt); procedure BindData(Stmt: TSQLiteStmt; const Bindings: array of const); function GetRowsChanged: integer; protected procedure SetSynchronised(Value: boolean); procedure DoQuery(value: string); public constructor Create(const FileName: string); destructor Destroy; override; function GetTable(const SQL: Ansistring): TSQLiteTable; overload; function GetTable(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): TSQLiteTable; overload; procedure ExecSQL(const SQL: Ansistring); overload; procedure ExecSQL(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const); overload; procedure ExecSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery); overload; function PrepareSQL(const SQL: Ansistring): TSQLiteQuery; procedure BindSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); overload; procedure BindSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery; const Index: Integer; const Value: String); overload; procedure ReleaseSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery); function GetUniTable(const SQL: Ansistring): TSQLiteUniTable; overload; function GetUniTable(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): TSQLiteUniTable; overload; function GetTableValue(const SQL: Ansistring): int64; overload; function GetTableValue(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): int64; overload; function GetTableString(const SQL: Ansistring): string; overload; function GetTableString(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): string; overload; procedure GetTableStrings(const SQL: Ansistring; const Value: TStrings); procedure UpdateBlob(const SQL: Ansistring; BlobData: TStream); procedure BeginTransaction; procedure Commit; procedure Rollback; function TableExists(TableName: string): boolean; function GetLastInsertRowID: int64; function GetLastChangedRows: int64; procedure SetTimeout(Value: integer); function Version: string; procedure AddCustomCollate(name: string; xCompare: TCollateXCompare); //adds collate named SYSTEM for correct data sorting by user's locale Procedure AddSystemCollate; procedure ParamsClear; procedure AddParamInt(name: string; value: int64); procedure AddParamFloat(name: string; value: double); procedure AddParamText(name: string; value: string); procedure AddParamNull(name: string); property DB: TSQLiteDB read fDB; published property IsTransactionOpen: boolean read fInTrans; //database rows that were changed (or inserted or deleted) by the most recent SQL statement property RowsChanged : integer read getRowsChanged; property Synchronised: boolean read FSync write SetSynchronised; property OnQuery: THookQuery read FOnQuery write FOnQuery; end; TSQLiteTable = class private fResults: TList; fRowCount: cardinal; fColCount: cardinal; fCols: TStringList; fColTypes: TList; fRow: cardinal; function GetFields(I: cardinal): string; function GetEOF: boolean; function GetBOF: boolean; function GetColumns(I: integer): string; function GetFieldByName(FieldName: string): string; function GetFieldIndex(FieldName: string): integer; function GetCount: integer; function GetCountResult: integer; public constructor Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring); overload; constructor Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function FieldAsInteger(I: cardinal): int64; function FieldAsBlob(I: cardinal): TMemoryStream; function FieldAsBlobText(I: cardinal): string; function FieldIsNull(I: cardinal): boolean; function FieldAsString(I: cardinal): string; function FieldAsDouble(I: cardinal): double; function Next: boolean; function Previous: boolean; property EOF: boolean read GetEOF; property BOF: boolean read GetBOF; property Fields[I: cardinal]: string read GetFields; property FieldByName[FieldName: string]: string read GetFieldByName; property FieldIndex[FieldName: string]: integer read GetFieldIndex; property Columns[I: integer]: string read GetColumns; property ColCount: cardinal read fColCount; property RowCount: cardinal read fRowCount; property Row: cardinal read fRow; function MoveFirst: boolean; function MoveLast: boolean; function MoveTo(position: cardinal): boolean; property Count: integer read GetCount; // The property CountResult is used when you execute count(*) queries. // It returns 0 if the result set is empty or the value of the // first field as an integer. property CountResult: integer read GetCountResult; end; TSQLiteUniTable = class private fColCount: cardinal; fCols: TStringList; fRow: cardinal; fEOF: boolean; fStmt: TSQLiteStmt; fDB: TSQLiteDatabase; fSQL: string; function GetFields(I: cardinal): string; function GetColumns(I: integer): string; function GetFieldByName(FieldName: string): string; function GetFieldIndex(FieldName: string): integer; public constructor Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring); overload; constructor Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const); overload; destructor Destroy; override; function FieldAsInteger(I: cardinal): int64; function FieldAsBlob(I: cardinal): TMemoryStream; function FieldAsBlobPtr(I: cardinal; out iNumBytes: integer): Pointer; function FieldAsBlobText(I: cardinal): string; function FieldIsNull(I: cardinal): boolean; function FieldAsString(I: cardinal): string; function FieldAsDouble(I: cardinal): double; function Next: boolean; property EOF: boolean read FEOF; property Fields[I: cardinal]: string read GetFields; property FieldByName[FieldName: string]: string read GetFieldByName; property FieldIndex[FieldName: string]: integer read GetFieldIndex; property Columns[I: integer]: string read GetColumns; property ColCount: cardinal read fColCount; property Row: cardinal read fRow; end; procedure DisposePointer(ptr: pointer); cdecl; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function SystemCollate(Userdta: pointer; Buf1Len: integer; Buf1: pointer; Buf2Len: integer; Buf2: pointer): integer; cdecl; {$ENDIF} implementation procedure DisposePointer(ptr: pointer); cdecl; begin if assigned(ptr) then freemem(ptr); end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function SystemCollate(Userdta: pointer; Buf1Len: integer; Buf1: pointer; Buf2Len: integer; Buf2: pointer): integer; cdecl; begin Result := CompareStringW(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, 0, PWideChar(Buf1), Buf1Len, PWideChar(Buf2), Buf2Len) - 2; end; {$ENDIF} //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TSQLiteDatabase //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor TSQLiteDatabase.Create(const FileName: string); var Msg: PAnsiChar; iResult: integer; utf8FileName: UTF8string; begin inherited Create; fParams := TList.Create; self.fInTrans := False; Msg := nil; try utf8FileName := UTF8String(FileName); iResult := SQLite3_Open(PAnsiChar(utf8FileName), Fdb); if iResult <> SQLITE_OK then if Assigned(Fdb) then begin Msg := Sqlite3_ErrMsg(Fdb); raise ESqliteException.CreateFmt('Failed to open database "%s" : %s', [FileName, Msg]); end else raise ESqliteException.CreateFmt('Failed to open database "%s" : unknown error', [FileName]); //set a few configs //L.G. Do not call it here. Because busy handler is not setted here, // any share violation causing exception! // self.ExecSQL('PRAGMA SYNCHRONOUS=NORMAL;'); // self.ExecSQL('PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;'); finally if Assigned(Msg) then SQLite3_Free(Msg); end; end; //.............................................................................. destructor TSQLiteDatabase.Destroy; begin if self.fInTrans then self.Rollback; //assume rollback if Assigned(fDB) then SQLite3_Close(fDB); ParamsClear; fParams.Free; inherited; end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetLastInsertRowID: int64; begin Result := Sqlite3_LastInsertRowID(self.fDB); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetLastChangedRows: int64; begin Result := SQLite3_TotalChanges(self.fDB); end; //.............................................................................. procedure TSQLiteDatabase.RaiseError(s: string; SQL: string); //look up last error and raise an exception with an appropriate message var Msg: PAnsiChar; ret : integer; begin Msg := nil; ret := sqlite3_errcode(self.fDB); if ret <> SQLITE_OK then Msg := sqlite3_errmsg(self.fDB); if Msg <> nil then raise ESqliteException.CreateFmt(s +'.'#13'Error [%d]: %s.'#13'"%s": %s', [ret, SQLiteErrorStr(ret),SQL, Msg]) else raise ESqliteException.CreateFmt(s, [SQL, 'No message']); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.SetSynchronised(Value: boolean); begin if Value <> fSync then begin if Value then ExecSQL('PRAGMA synchronous = ON;') else ExecSQL('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;'); fSync := Value; end; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.BindData(Stmt: TSQLiteStmt; const Bindings: array of const); var BlobMemStream: TCustomMemoryStream; BlobStdStream: TStream; DataPtr: Pointer; DataSize: integer; AnsiStr: AnsiString; AnsiStrPtr: PAnsiString; I: integer; begin for I := 0 to High(Bindings) do begin case Bindings[I].VType of vtString, vtAnsiString, vtPChar, vtWideString, vtPWideChar, vtChar, vtWideChar: begin case Bindings[I].VType of vtString: begin // ShortString AnsiStr := Bindings[I].VString^; DataPtr := PAnsiChar(AnsiStr); DataSize := Length(AnsiStr)+1; end; vtPChar: begin DataPtr := Bindings[I].VPChar; DataSize := -1; end; vtAnsiString: begin AnsiStrPtr := PAnsiString(@Bindings[I].VAnsiString); DataPtr := PAnsiChar(AnsiStrPtr^); DataSize := Length(AnsiStrPtr^)+1; end; vtPWideChar: begin AnsiStr := UTF8Encode(WideString(Bindings[I].VPWideChar)); DataPtr := PAnsiChar(AnsiStr); DataSize := -1; end; vtWideString: begin AnsiStr := UTF8Encode(PWideString(@Bindings[I].VWideString)^); DataPtr := PAnsiChar(AnsiStr); DataSize := -1; end; vtChar: begin AnsiStr := AnsiString(Bindings[I].VChar); DataPtr := PAnsiChar(AnsiStr); DataSize := 2; end; vtWideChar: begin AnsiStr := UTF8Encode(WideString(Bindings[I].VWideChar)); DataPtr := PAnsiChar(AnsiStr); DataSize := -1; end; else raise ESqliteException.Create('Unknown string-type'); end; if (sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, I+1, DataPtr, DataSize, SQLITE_STATIC) <> SQLITE_OK) then RaiseError('Could not bind text', 'BindData'); end; vtInteger: if (sqlite3_bind_int(Stmt, I+1, Bindings[I].VInteger) <> SQLITE_OK) then RaiseError('Could not bind integer', 'BindData'); vtInt64: if (sqlite3_bind_int64(Stmt, I+1, Bindings[I].VInt64^) <> SQLITE_OK) then RaiseError('Could not bind int64', 'BindData'); vtExtended: if (sqlite3_bind_double(Stmt, I+1, Bindings[I].VExtended^) <> SQLITE_OK) then RaiseError('Could not bind extended', 'BindData'); vtBoolean: if (sqlite3_bind_int(Stmt, I+1, Integer(Bindings[I].VBoolean)) <> SQLITE_OK) then RaiseError('Could not bind boolean', 'BindData'); vtPointer: begin if (Bindings[I].VPointer = nil) then begin if (sqlite3_bind_null(Stmt, I+1) <> SQLITE_OK) then RaiseError('Could not bind null', 'BindData'); end else raise ESqliteException.Create('Unhandled pointer (<> nil)'); end; vtObject: begin if (Bindings[I].VObject is TCustomMemoryStream) then begin BlobMemStream := TCustomMemoryStream(Bindings[I].VObject); if (sqlite3_bind_blob(Stmt, I+1, @PAnsiChar(BlobMemStream.Memory)[BlobMemStream.Position], BlobMemStream.Size-BlobMemStream.Position, SQLITE_STATIC) <> SQLITE_OK) then begin RaiseError('Could not bind BLOB', 'BindData'); end; end else if (Bindings[I].VObject is TStream) then begin BlobStdStream := TStream(Bindings[I].VObject); DataSize := BlobStdStream.Size; GetMem(DataPtr, DataSize); if (DataPtr = nil) then raise ESqliteException.Create('Error getting memory to save blob'); BlobStdStream.Position := 0; BlobStdStream.Read(DataPtr^, DataSize); if (sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, I+1, DataPtr, DataSize, @DisposePointer) <> SQLITE_OK) then RaiseError('Could not bind BLOB', 'BindData'); end else raise ESqliteException.Create('Unhandled object-type in binding'); end else begin raise ESqliteException.Create('Unhandled binding'); end; end; end; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.ExecSQL(const SQL: Ansistring); begin ExecSQL(SQL, []); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.ExecSQL(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const); var Stmt: TSQLiteStmt; NextSQLStatement: PAnsiChar; iStepResult: integer; begin try if Sqlite3_Prepare_v2(self.fDB, PAnsiChar(SQL), -1, Stmt, NextSQLStatement) <> SQLITE_OK then RaiseError('Error executing SQL', SQL); if (Stmt = nil) then RaiseError('Could not prepare SQL statement', SQL); DoQuery(SQL); SetParams(Stmt); BindData(Stmt, Bindings); iStepResult := Sqlite3_step(Stmt); if (iStepResult <> SQLITE_DONE) then begin SQLite3_reset(stmt); RaiseError('Error executing SQL statement', SQL); end; finally if Assigned(Stmt) then Sqlite3_Finalize(stmt); end; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.ExecSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery); var iStepResult: integer; begin if Assigned(Query.Statement) then begin iStepResult := Sqlite3_step(Query.Statement); if (iStepResult <> SQLITE_DONE) then begin SQLite3_reset(Query.Statement); RaiseError('Error executing prepared SQL statement', Query.SQL); end; Sqlite3_Reset(Query.Statement); end; end; function TSQLiteDatabase.PrepareSQL(const SQL: Ansistring): TSQLiteQuery; var Stmt: TSQLiteStmt; NextSQLStatement: PAnsiChar; begin Result.SQL := SQL; Result.Statement := nil; if Sqlite3_Prepare(self.fDB, PAnsiChar(SQL), -1, Stmt, NextSQLStatement) <> SQLITE_OK then RaiseError('Error executing SQL', SQL) else Result.Statement := Stmt; if (Result.Statement = nil) then RaiseError('Could not prepare SQL statement', SQL); DoQuery(SQL); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.BindSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery; const Index: Integer; const Value: Integer); begin if Assigned(Query.Statement) then sqlite3_Bind_Int(Query.Statement, Index, Value) else RaiseError('Could not bind integer to prepared SQL statement', Query.SQL); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.BindSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery; const Index: Integer; const Value: String); begin if Assigned(Query.Statement) then Sqlite3_Bind_Text(Query.Statement, Index, PAnsiChar(Value), Length(Value), Pointer(SQLITE_STATIC)) else RaiseError('Could not bind string to prepared SQL statement', Query.SQL); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.ReleaseSQL(Query: TSQLiteQuery); begin if Assigned(Query.Statement) then begin Sqlite3_Finalize(Query.Statement); Query.Statement := nil; end else RaiseError('Could not release prepared SQL statement', Query.SQL); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.UpdateBlob(const SQL: Ansistring; BlobData: TStream); var iSize: integer; ptr: pointer; Stmt: TSQLiteStmt; Msg: PAnsiChar; NextSQLStatement: PAnsiChar; iStepResult: integer; iBindResult: integer; begin //expects SQL of the form 'UPDATE MYTABLE SET MYFIELD = ? WHERE MYKEY = 1' if pos('?', SQL) = 0 then RaiseError('SQL must include a ? parameter', SQL); Msg := nil; try if Sqlite3_Prepare_v2(self.fDB, PAnsiChar(SQL), -1, Stmt, NextSQLStatement) <> SQLITE_OK then RaiseError('Could not prepare SQL statement', SQL); if (Stmt = nil) then RaiseError('Could not prepare SQL statement', SQL); DoQuery(SQL); //now bind the blob data iSize := BlobData.size; GetMem(ptr, iSize); if (ptr = nil) then raise ESqliteException.CreateFmt('Error getting memory to save blob', [SQL, 'Error']); BlobData.position := 0; BlobData.Read(ptr^, iSize); iBindResult := SQLite3_Bind_Blob(stmt, 1, ptr, iSize, @DisposePointer); if iBindResult <> SQLITE_OK then RaiseError('Error binding blob to database', SQL); iStepResult := Sqlite3_step(Stmt); if (iStepResult <> SQLITE_DONE) then begin SQLite3_reset(stmt); RaiseError('Error executing SQL statement', SQL); end; finally if Assigned(Stmt) then Sqlite3_Finalize(stmt); if Assigned(Msg) then SQLite3_Free(Msg); end; end; //.............................................................................. function TSQLiteDatabase.GetTable(const SQL: Ansistring): TSQLiteTable; begin Result := TSQLiteTable.Create(Self, SQL); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetTable(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): TSQLiteTable; begin Result := TSQLiteTable.Create(Self, SQL, Bindings); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetUniTable(const SQL: Ansistring): TSQLiteUniTable; begin Result := TSQLiteUniTable.Create(Self, SQL); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetUniTable(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): TSQLiteUniTable; begin Result := TSQLiteUniTable.Create(Self, SQL, Bindings); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetTableValue(const SQL: Ansistring): int64; begin Result := GetTableValue(SQL, []); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetTableValue(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): int64; var Table: TSQLiteUniTable; begin Result := 0; Table := self.GetUniTable(SQL, Bindings); try if not Table.EOF then Result := Table.FieldAsInteger(0); finally Table.Free; end; end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetTableString(const SQL: Ansistring): String; begin Result := GetTableString(SQL, []); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.GetTableString(const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const): String; var Table: TSQLiteUniTable; begin Result := ''; Table := self.GetUniTable(SQL, Bindings); try if not Table.EOF then Result := Table.FieldAsString(0); finally Table.Free; end; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.GetTableStrings(const SQL: Ansistring; const Value: TStrings); var Table: TSQLiteUniTable; begin Value.Clear; Table := self.GetUniTable(SQL); try while not table.EOF do begin Value.Add(Table.FieldAsString(0)); table.Next; end; finally Table.Free; end; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.BeginTransaction; begin if not self.fInTrans then begin self.ExecSQL('BEGIN TRANSACTION'); self.fInTrans := True; end else raise ESqliteException.Create('Transaction already open'); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.Commit; begin self.ExecSQL('COMMIT'); self.fInTrans := False; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.Rollback; begin self.ExecSQL('ROLLBACK'); self.fInTrans := False; end; function TSQLiteDatabase.TableExists(TableName: string): boolean; var sql: string; ds: TSqliteTable; begin //returns true if table exists in the database sql := 'select [sql] from sqlite_master where [type] = ''table'' and lower(name) = ''' + lowercase(TableName) + ''' '; ds := self.GetTable(sql); try Result := (ds.Count > 0); finally ds.Free; end; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.SetTimeout(Value: integer); begin SQLite3_BusyTimeout(self.fDB, Value); end; function TSQLiteDatabase.Version: string; begin Result := SQLite3_Version; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.AddCustomCollate(name: string; xCompare: TCollateXCompare); begin sqlite3_create_collation(fdb, PAnsiChar(name), SQLITE_UTF8, nil, xCompare); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.AddSystemCollate; begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} sqlite3_create_collation(fdb, 'SYSTEM', SQLITE_UTF16LE, nil, @SystemCollate); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.ParamsClear; var n: integer; begin for n := fParams.Count - 1 downto 0 do TSQliteParam(fparams[n]).free; fParams.Clear; end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.AddParamInt(name: string; value: int64); var par: TSQliteParam; begin par := TSQliteParam.Create; par.name := name; par.valuetype := SQLITE_INTEGER; par.valueinteger := value; fParams.Add(par); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.AddParamFloat(name: string; value: double); var par: TSQliteParam; begin par := TSQliteParam.Create; par.name := name; par.valuetype := SQLITE_FLOAT; par.valuefloat := value; fParams.Add(par); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.AddParamText(name: string; value: string); var par: TSQliteParam; begin par := TSQliteParam.Create; par.name := name; par.valuetype := SQLITE_TEXT; par.valuedata := value; fParams.Add(par); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.AddParamNull(name: string); var par: TSQliteParam; begin par := TSQliteParam.Create; par.name := name; par.valuetype := SQLITE_NULL; fParams.Add(par); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.SetParams(Stmt: TSQLiteStmt); var n: integer; i: integer; par: TSQliteParam; begin try for n := 0 to fParams.Count - 1 do begin par := TSQliteParam(fParams[n]); i := sqlite3_bind_parameter_index(Stmt, PAnsiChar(par.name)); if i > 0 then begin case par.valuetype of SQLITE_INTEGER: sqlite3_bind_int64(Stmt, i, par.valueinteger); SQLITE_FLOAT: sqlite3_bind_double(Stmt, i, par.valuefloat); SQLITE_TEXT: sqlite3_bind_text(Stmt, i, PAnsiChar(par.valuedata), length(par.valuedata), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); SQLITE_NULL: sqlite3_bind_null(Stmt, i); end; end; end; finally ParamsClear; end; end; //database rows that were changed (or inserted or deleted) by the most recent SQL statement function TSQLiteDatabase.GetRowsChanged: integer; begin Result := SQLite3_Changes(self.fDB); end; procedure TSQLiteDatabase.DoQuery(value: string); begin if assigned(OnQuery) then OnQuery(Self, Value); end; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // TSQLiteTable //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor TSQLiteTable.Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring); begin Create(DB, SQL, []); end; constructor TSQLiteTable.Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const); var Stmt: TSQLiteStmt; NextSQLStatement: PAnsiChar; iStepResult: integer; ptr: pointer; iNumBytes: integer; thisBlobValue: TMemoryStream; thisStringValue: pstring; thisDoubleValue: pDouble; thisIntValue: pInt64; thisColType: pInteger; i: integer; DeclaredColType: PAnsiChar; ActualColType: integer; ptrValue: PAnsiChar; begin inherited create; try self.fRowCount := 0; self.fColCount := 0; //if there are several SQL statements in SQL, NextSQLStatment points to the //beginning of the next one. Prepare only prepares the first SQL statement. if Sqlite3_Prepare_v2(DB.fDB, PAnsiChar(SQL), -1, Stmt, NextSQLStatement) <> SQLITE_OK then DB.RaiseError('Error executing SQL', SQL); if (Stmt = nil) then DB.RaiseError('Could not prepare SQL statement', SQL); DB.DoQuery(SQL); DB.SetParams(Stmt); DB.BindData(Stmt, Bindings); iStepResult := Sqlite3_step(Stmt); while (iStepResult <> SQLITE_DONE) do begin case iStepResult of SQLITE_ROW: begin Inc(fRowCount); if (fRowCount = 1) then begin //get data types fCols := TStringList.Create; fColTypes := TList.Create; fColCount := SQLite3_ColumnCount(stmt); for i := 0 to Pred(fColCount) do fCols.Add(AnsiUpperCase(Sqlite3_ColumnName(stmt, i))); for i := 0 to Pred(fColCount) do begin new(thisColType); DeclaredColType := Sqlite3_ColumnDeclType(stmt, i); if DeclaredColType = nil then thisColType^ := Sqlite3_ColumnType(stmt, i) //use the actual column type instead //seems to be needed for last_insert_rowid else if (DeclaredColType = 'INTEGER') or (DeclaredColType = 'BOOLEAN') then thisColType^ := dtInt else if (DeclaredColType = 'NUMERIC') or (DeclaredColType = 'FLOAT') or (DeclaredColType = 'DOUBLE') or (DeclaredColType = 'REAL') then thisColType^ := dtNumeric else if DeclaredColType = 'BLOB' then thisColType^ := dtBlob else thisColType^ := dtStr; fColTypes.Add(thiscoltype); end; fResults := TList.Create; end; //get column values for i := 0 to Pred(ColCount) do begin ActualColType := Sqlite3_ColumnType(stmt, i); if (ActualColType = SQLITE_NULL) then fResults.Add(nil) else if pInteger(fColTypes[i])^ = dtInt then begin new(thisintvalue); thisintvalue^ := Sqlite3_ColumnInt64(stmt, i); fResults.Add(thisintvalue); end else if pInteger(fColTypes[i])^ = dtNumeric then begin new(thisdoublevalue); thisdoublevalue^ := Sqlite3_ColumnDouble(stmt, i); fResults.Add(thisdoublevalue); end else if pInteger(fColTypes[i])^ = dtBlob then begin iNumBytes := Sqlite3_ColumnBytes(stmt, i); if iNumBytes = 0 then thisblobvalue := nil else begin thisblobvalue := TMemoryStream.Create; thisblobvalue.position := 0; ptr := Sqlite3_ColumnBlob(stmt, i); thisblobvalue.writebuffer(ptr^, iNumBytes); end; fResults.Add(thisblobvalue); end else begin new(thisstringvalue); ptrValue := Sqlite3_ColumnText(stmt, i); setstring(thisstringvalue^, ptrvalue, strlen(ptrvalue)); fResults.Add(thisstringvalue); end; end; end; SQLITE_BUSY: raise ESqliteException.CreateFmt('Could not prepare SQL statement', [SQL, 'SQLite is Busy']); else begin SQLite3_reset(stmt); DB.RaiseError('Could not retrieve data', SQL); end; end; iStepResult := Sqlite3_step(Stmt); end; fRow := 0; finally if Assigned(Stmt) then Sqlite3_Finalize(stmt); end; end; //.............................................................................. destructor TSQLiteTable.Destroy; var i: cardinal; iColNo: integer; begin if Assigned(fResults) then begin for i := 0 to fResults.Count - 1 do begin //check for blob type iColNo := (i mod fColCount); case pInteger(self.fColTypes[iColNo])^ of dtBlob: TMemoryStream(fResults[i]).Free; dtStr: if fResults[i] <> nil then begin setstring(string(fResults[i]^), nil, 0); dispose(fResults[i]); end; else dispose(fResults[i]); end; end; fResults.Free; end; if Assigned(fCols) then fCols.Free; if Assigned(fColTypes) then for i := 0 to fColTypes.Count - 1 do dispose(fColTypes[i]); fColTypes.Free; inherited; end; //.............................................................................. function TSQLiteTable.GetColumns(I: integer): string; begin Result := fCols[I]; end; //.............................................................................. function TSQLiteTable.GetCountResult: integer; begin if not EOF then Result := StrToInt(Fields[0]) else Result := 0; end; function TSQLiteTable.GetCount: integer; begin Result := FRowCount; end; //.............................................................................. function TSQLiteTable.GetEOF: boolean; begin Result := fRow >= fRowCount; end; function TSQLiteTable.GetBOF: boolean; begin Result := fRow <= 0; end; //.............................................................................. function TSQLiteTable.GetFieldByName(FieldName: string): string; begin Result := GetFields(self.GetFieldIndex(FieldName)); end; function TSQLiteTable.GetFieldIndex(FieldName: string): integer; begin if (fCols = nil) then begin raise ESqliteException.Create('Field ' + fieldname + ' Not found. Empty dataset'); exit; end; if (fCols.count = 0) then begin raise ESqliteException.Create('Field ' + fieldname + ' Not found. Empty dataset'); exit; end; Result := fCols.IndexOf(AnsiUpperCase(FieldName)); if (result < 0) then begin raise ESqliteException.Create('Field not found in dataset: ' + fieldname) end; end; //.............................................................................. function TSQLiteTable.GetFields(I: cardinal): string; var thisvalue: pstring; thistype: integer; begin Result := ''; if EOF then raise ESqliteException.Create('Table is at End of File'); //integer types are not stored in the resultset //as strings, so they should be retrieved using the type-specific //methods thistype := pInteger(self.fColTypes[I])^; case thistype of dtStr: begin thisvalue := self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I]; if (thisvalue <> nil) then Result := thisvalue^ else Result := ''; end; dtInt: Result := IntToStr(self.FieldAsInteger(I)); dtNumeric: Result := FloatToStr(self.FieldAsDouble(I)); dtBlob: Result := self.FieldAsBlobText(I); else Result := ''; end; end; function TSqliteTable.FieldAsBlob(I: cardinal): TMemoryStream; begin if EOF then raise ESqliteException.Create('Table is at End of File'); if (self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I] = nil) then Result := nil else if pInteger(self.fColTypes[I])^ = dtBlob then Result := TMemoryStream(self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I]) else raise ESqliteException.Create('Not a Blob field'); end; function TSqliteTable.FieldAsBlobText(I: cardinal): string; var MemStream: TMemoryStream; Buffer: PAnsiChar; begin Result := ''; MemStream := self.FieldAsBlob(I); if MemStream <> nil then if MemStream.Size > 0 then begin MemStream.position := 0; {$IFDEF UNICODE} Buffer := AnsiStralloc(MemStream.Size + 1); {$ELSE} Buffer := Stralloc(MemStream.Size + 1); {$ENDIF} MemStream.readbuffer(Buffer[0], MemStream.Size); (Buffer + MemStream.Size)^ := chr(0); SetString(Result, Buffer, MemStream.size); strdispose(Buffer); end; //do not free the TMemoryStream here; it is freed when //TSqliteTable is destroyed end; function TSqliteTable.FieldAsInteger(I: cardinal): int64; begin if EOF then raise ESqliteException.Create('Table is at End of File'); if (self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I] = nil) then Result := 0 else if pInteger(self.fColTypes[I])^ = dtInt then Result := pInt64(self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I])^ else if pInteger(self.fColTypes[I])^ = dtNumeric then Result := trunc(strtofloat(pString(self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I])^)) else raise ESqliteException.Create('Not an integer or numeric field'); end; function TSqliteTable.FieldAsDouble(I: cardinal): double; begin if EOF then raise ESqliteException.Create('Table is at End of File'); if (self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I] = nil) then Result := 0 else if pInteger(self.fColTypes[I])^ = dtInt then Result := pInt64(self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I])^ else if pInteger(self.fColTypes[I])^ = dtNumeric then Result := pDouble(self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I])^ else raise ESqliteException.Create('Not an integer or numeric field'); end; function TSqliteTable.FieldAsString(I: cardinal): string; begin if EOF then raise ESqliteException.Create('Table is at End of File'); if (self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I] = nil) then Result := '' else Result := self.GetFields(I); end; function TSqliteTable.FieldIsNull(I: cardinal): boolean; var thisvalue: pointer; begin if EOF then raise ESqliteException.Create('Table is at End of File'); thisvalue := self.fResults[(self.frow * self.fColCount) + I]; Result := (thisvalue = nil); end; //.............................................................................. function TSQLiteTable.Next: boolean; begin Result := False; if not EOF then begin Inc(fRow); Result := True; end; end; function TSQLiteTable.Previous: boolean; begin Result := False; if not BOF then begin Dec(fRow); Result := True; end; end; function TSQLiteTable.MoveFirst: boolean; begin Result := False; if self.fRowCount > 0 then begin fRow := 0; Result := True; end; end; function TSQLiteTable.MoveLast: boolean; begin Result := False; if self.fRowCount > 0 then begin fRow := fRowCount - 1; Result := True; end; end; function TSQLiteTable.MoveTo(position: cardinal): boolean; begin Result := False; if (self.fRowCount > 0) and (self.fRowCount > position) then begin fRow := position; Result := True; end; end; { TSQLiteUniTable } constructor TSQLiteUniTable.Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring); begin Create(DB, SQL, []); end; constructor TSQLiteUniTable.Create(DB: TSQLiteDatabase; const SQL: Ansistring; const Bindings: array of const); var NextSQLStatement: PAnsiChar; i: integer; begin inherited create; self.fDB := db; self.fEOF := false; self.fRow := 0; self.fColCount := 0; self.fSQL := SQL; if Sqlite3_Prepare_v2(DB.fDB, PAnsiChar(SQL), -1, fStmt, NextSQLStatement) <> SQLITE_OK then DB.RaiseError('Error executing SQL', SQL); if (fStmt = nil) then DB.RaiseError('Could not prepare SQL statement', SQL); DB.DoQuery(SQL); DB.SetParams(fStmt); DB.BindData(fStmt, Bindings); //get data types fCols := TStringList.Create; fColCount := SQLite3_ColumnCount(fstmt); for i := 0 to Pred(fColCount) do fCols.Add(AnsiUpperCase(Sqlite3_ColumnName(fstmt, i))); Next; end; destructor TSQLiteUniTable.Destroy; begin if Assigned(fStmt) then Sqlite3_Finalize(fstmt); if Assigned(fCols) then fCols.Free; inherited; end; function TSQLiteUniTable.FieldAsBlob(I: cardinal): TMemoryStream; var iNumBytes: integer; ptr: pointer; begin Result := TMemoryStream.Create; iNumBytes := Sqlite3_ColumnBytes(fstmt, i); if iNumBytes > 0 then begin ptr := Sqlite3_ColumnBlob(fstmt, i); Result.writebuffer(ptr^, iNumBytes); Result.Position := 0; end; end; function TSQLiteUniTable.FieldAsBlobPtr(I: cardinal; out iNumBytes: integer): Pointer; begin iNumBytes := Sqlite3_ColumnBytes(fstmt, i); Result := Sqlite3_ColumnBlob(fstmt, i); end; function TSQLiteUniTable.FieldAsBlobText(I: cardinal): string; var MemStream: TMemoryStream; Buffer: PAnsiChar; begin Result := ''; MemStream := self.FieldAsBlob(I); if MemStream <> nil then try if MemStream.Size > 0 then begin MemStream.position := 0; {$IFDEF UNICODE} Buffer := AnsiStralloc(MemStream.Size + 1); {$ELSE} Buffer := Stralloc(MemStream.Size + 1); {$ENDIF} MemStream.readbuffer(Buffer[0], MemStream.Size); (Buffer + MemStream.Size)^ := chr(0); SetString(Result, Buffer, MemStream.size); strdispose(Buffer); end; finally MemStream.Free; end; end; function TSQLiteUniTable.FieldAsDouble(I: cardinal): double; begin Result := Sqlite3_ColumnDouble(fstmt, i); end; function TSQLiteUniTable.FieldAsInteger(I: cardinal): int64; begin Result := Sqlite3_ColumnInt64(fstmt, i); end; function TSQLiteUniTable.FieldAsString(I: cardinal): string; begin Result := self.GetFields(I); end; function TSQLiteUniTable.FieldIsNull(I: cardinal): boolean; begin Result := Sqlite3_ColumnText(fstmt, i) = nil; end; function TSQLiteUniTable.GetColumns(I: integer): string; begin Result := fCols[I]; end; function TSQLiteUniTable.GetFieldByName(FieldName: string): string; begin Result := GetFields(self.GetFieldIndex(FieldName)); end; function TSQLiteUniTable.GetFieldIndex(FieldName: string): integer; begin if (fCols = nil) then begin raise ESqliteException.Create('Field ' + fieldname + ' Not found. Empty dataset'); exit; end; if (fCols.count = 0) then begin raise ESqliteException.Create('Field ' + fieldname + ' Not found. Empty dataset'); exit; end; Result := fCols.IndexOf(AnsiUpperCase(FieldName)); if (result < 0) then begin raise ESqliteException.Create('Field not found in dataset: ' + fieldname) end; end; function TSQLiteUniTable.GetFields(I: cardinal): string; begin Result := Sqlite3_ColumnText(fstmt, i); end; function TSQLiteUniTable.Next: boolean; var iStepResult: integer; begin fEOF := true; iStepResult := Sqlite3_step(fStmt); case iStepResult of SQLITE_ROW: begin fEOF := false; inc(fRow); end; SQLITE_DONE: // we are on the end of dataset // return EOF=true only ; else begin SQLite3_reset(fStmt); fDB.RaiseError('Could not retrieve data', fSQL); end; end; Result := not fEOF; end; end.